FEIS Appendix K Comments & Responses

FEIS Appendix K Comments & Responses

United States Deoartment of Comments and Responses- Agriculture Appendix K Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Forest Service southern Region Revised Land and Resource Management Plan National Forests & Grasslands in Texas 1996 How to Use Appendix K To determine who made a specific comment - for instance the comment from Letter 1409 on page 108 of this appendix. Use the first list, List of Commenters by Letter Number. To locate comments by the writer’s name - Use the second list, Alphabetical List of Commenters, to find the writer’s name, letter number and issue codes assigned to that letter. Use the Table of Contents to find the page number of the issue code. Then scan that topic group for the letter number. EISAPPENDIX K Table of Contents Introduction ................................... i List of Commenters by Letter Number ....................... iii Alphabetical List of Commenters ....................... xvit C0mment.s and Responses by Issues l3iodivcrsit,y .... ............................ I Vegrtat,ion Manipiila,tiori ........................... 1‘) Syci;iI Marragcrncnt Aroa .......... ............... 1’) OfT.l.oad Velricles .............. ............... (iI Rdcor,kadrd ~Vi)odpi~krrManagerncrrl .... ............... XO lni,tyyatcd Pest hlanagernrd ......... ............... 91 R.o;ds a,nd Trails .............. ............... 1110 (:orriniiitiity Sta.hi1it.y ........... ...............li2 \ViliIlilr arid l:ishcrics ............................ 1 ’,7 I~i~ciwtim................................. 1111 I~PIOII~CPSitstainability ........................... 1.X hlix of C:i)ods ;rrid St~ri~tci~s.......................... li3 Pki trr~ing/l’li~~~/I:IS............................ 1 i!, Mittrmls .................................. 102 1,il~IldS ................................... 1’): PI ilri S 1,artdards arid G I iidt.1 i tit’s ........................ 1 OT 131s A ppendiccs .............................. 207 I’la it A ppcit dices .............................. 2 18 Othr:1 Colllnlenls .............................. Letters from FederaI/State Agencies and Elected Officials ........... .,,.,.<I INTRODUCTION This appendix presents comrnents ~ froin the: public, privalr industry. arid governments - thal. a.1~3 related to the Forest,’s draft versions {if the Rrvisrd Plan ai111 Errviranrric.iita1 Irnpacl St,aterllcril,. The Draft Environmenta.1 Inipart St,aterricrit for tlie Revised Land a,nd ILesoiirce Mariagcrnerit Plaii (DEIS) and the draft Revised Land a,iid Resource Maria,geinerit Plan (Ilra,ft R.evised Plan) were filed with the Environmental Protection .4gency during Sepl.cmher 1994. I’rihlir riotifica,tiori of tha availability of the DEIS a.nd Pla,ri was rria,cl<,during t,lic sa,inr’ wcck a,nd t,liroiigli ina,ss intdia; Irgal notices, and personal contacis. Based on tlicw rio1,ificatiims. tlir public was irivit,erl tu roiriincnt~oii these docunirnls t,liroiigh Decerribcr 15; l!l!M. The Council oii Erivironmental Qiia,lit,y ((IEQ) regulatioris for irriplcmerLtiiig the National Erivirriri- merihl Policy Art of 1969 (NEPA) a,rc located in 40 CFR 1500-1508.2H. Sertiim 1503.4 proviilcs tha,t “All substantive comrncnls rcceivd on t,hc rlra,ft statvriicnt (or siitriiiiarics thereof where l,lii, respunse has lieen exceptiorially vdiiiniirous). sliiirild lit> ;i,tt,aclitd to t.lir tirial statriiient ...“ We used a, variety of methods in hririging these d~icumrrit~slo t lie attriitiorr of interested Iiersorih. The nicthods included distrihnl.ion 01 prihlished dociimr:rit,s~nmw releases, piiblir rricetiugs., opeii honses, and roritacts with organizations, cooptmlors, lora,l govcrnrneiit, bodies: a,rid Forest Servi(.r erriployces. Table 11-1 in Apprridix ‘-1 coiitains ;I, list (if tlic. piihlic ineetiiigs aiid open Iioii. diiriiig tlrc revision effort. Two Iiundred copies of the DElS, DEIS Siirriimry, DEIS Map Parhgc. 1)FX lippendix I), arid the Ihalt, l’lan were rriailed to key organizat,ioiis, ageni.im. aud individuals. An additional :300 copies of the DEIS Siiinrnary wcw rriailcd tu individuals. (’opies of 3.11 doriirncnls were avail;hle at, the Ihrcst Supervisor’s Ofire. H:a,ngrr I)ist,rirl Ofiices, aiid I,ht, libra,rics listed in the talilcs on t,lir, following pgc. The deadline for cornments oil these draft ~lociirricnt,~was I)ecernbrr 15, 1994. The Siipc!rvisor.s Office received 1,836 letters postnmrked liy this date. Lettrrs posbriiarked after the dea,dlinr wrrii reviewed, but riot forrrially acknowledgcd or iricluded in thc l?ElS. A11 Iet,trrs of romniciit to 1,111: DEIS arid Dmft Ileviscd Plan arr ava.ilahle for review at tlii, Siiptmkiir’s Office, Liifkin. Trxas. The lett,ers were logged int,o an ORACLE data, base and tlicn sriit to a (~orrirricntAnalysis Team Tlie Comment Analysis Tea.rn read the lrlters ill their rrit,irety. The differrnt cornrncvts wcrv assigned ari issue code. After a11 coirirncnt,s in a letter wrr(* a.ssigned issiie codes, tlic coniirient WAS entered into tlie data, base. They \vew then lorwa,rderl to I he’ a,pproyria.tr Planiring IIIT inriribcrs for response. In hrt 11, letters sigiied by rqxcseiitativrs of Slate or I.‘rileraI Agencies or elected (ifficials an: reproduced. The reproduction of tlicse lett,ers is iri coniplimre with rcqiiirerrients of NEPA [3% IJSC 4321 (note)], section 102. Tlic Art reqiiircs that .‘copies of... tlic rorniiients and views of the appropriate Federal, State, arid loml ageiicies, wtiii.li a,re authorized to devrlop mil cnfurcr. eiivirorirnental standards, shall he. made a,vailable to the Pr~sidcnt,tlir Connril or1 Eriviroiinieriti Quality, and to the public..,'^. EIS-APPENDIX K I The Forest Service Environmental Policy and Procedures Handbook (FSH 1909.15), Section 24.1, number 3, provides that “As a minimum, include in an appendix of a final EIS copies of all comments received on the draft EIS from Federal, State, and local agencies and elected officials”. Comments from these letters are included wjth all other comments In Part I1 LIBRARIES WITH COPIES OF DOCUMENTS - LOCATION LIBRARY NAME Alvord Alvord Public Library Austin National Arcbives/Records Admnistration, Lyndon B Johnson Library & Museum University of Texas Libraries Beaumont Lamar University, Mary & Jon Gray Library Bonham Bonham Public Library Carthage Panola Junior College, M P Barker Library Chico Chico Public Library Cleveland Austin Memorial Library College Station Texas A&M University, Sterling C Evans Library Texas Forest Service Library, Texas A&M University Conroe Montgomery County Library Crockett Crockett Publlc Library Dallas Dallas Public Library Southern Methodist University, Central Umversity Libraries Decatur Decatur Public Library Denton Denton Public Library Diboll T L L Temple Memorial Library Hemphill J R Huffman Public Library Honey Grove Honey Grove Public Library Houston Houston Public Library Rice University, Fondren Library University of Houston, M D Anderson Memorial Library Huntsville Sam Houston State University, Newton Gresham Library Huntsville Public Library Jasper Jasper Public Library Ladonia Ladonia Public Library Lufitn Angelina College Library Kurth Memorial Library Montgomery West Branch Libraiy Nacogdoches Nacogdoches Public Library Stephen F Austin State University Library Pineland Arthur Temple Sr Memorial Library Prairie View Prairie View A&M University, W R Banks Library The Woodlands South Regional Library WllllS Willis Public Library Woodville Allan Shivers Library EIS-APPENDIX K 11 LIST OF COMMENTERS BY LETTER NUMBER 1 meRamirez 61 F Nowell Jones 2 Darvel T Davis III 62 Marks J. Bder 3 S Alan Skmner, PhD 63 R. G- Markeloff 4 Hope Salmon 64 W PBeal 5 Mary Jo Stew,USFW ‘S 65 Christme Jackson 6 Dr GeorgeH Steed 66 Noragene Hackney 7 Helen Memtn& 67 John S. J& 8 Marilyn Crane 68 Nancy S. Rohhm 9 R BmcePer~y 69 Bay W Halhnon 10 Connie B. Alexander 70 Shawn Toole 11 ELeshth McCarty 71 Peter 0 &der 12 A K Stokky 72 Dmna Vandd 13 Keren S Stoley 73 J. W SiRord 14 George W Goloby, Jr. 74 Joe c ’puett 15 CynthaA Preh” 75 Brent & Jan Helm 16 Theresa J. Wyatt 76 Janet Vale-, Ph D 17 Lorpa 0. Felton 77 Ceceha M Donaldson 18 Winnie Burlrett 78 Leland W K Chung 19 Margaret H Jon- 79 Donald L Punnton 20 &chard Her” 80 Ronald J Diver 21 CIeriesa Kay Bauer 81 Pat Talley 22 Dave Elhsor 82 Pa& Easton 23 Sarah Duck Loudermin 83 Rephael Sher 24 Marmn Chatlea 84 G. K. Sprinkle 25 Robert L Gdaww, Jr 85 Lawrence Branam 26 Mrs. R. B Wdh” 86 Martha Branam 27 James W Hatchett 87 E M. T O’Nan 28 Laura A. Smgleton 88 Marion Holt 29 Dorotb 0 Stigler 89 Orethen Mucller 30 JdaM Cosgrove 90 Mrs Roger Montgomery 31 Joan Brummett 91 DianeL Statham 32 Robert H Lever 92 ClaraF Gregory 33 Ellen Mayou 93 M E Gillette 34 Sandra D. McClain 94 Ken Womadc 35 h*C soea 95 Job W. Hall 111 36 Laura Hefner 96 Gwen W Robberson 37 Esther M. Baker 97 Mrs. Jessie Mae Hawthorne 38 Kay Bell 98 Evelyn Eridreon 39 Robert B. Mahley 6s Sam Catter 40 Keith Kingdon 100 WtlhsmT Snypes 41 BrisnW Hefner 101 Mans Chamberim 42 Curtis F. Cole loa Ann Kle- 43 DaleF Hoagland 103 S Lee Stone 44 Paul Woodcock 104 Constance Matuslak 45 JohoR Reece 105 Joan C Coviei 46 Sam W Armstrong log WchselB Pfeil 47 JamesA Null 107 LtUian Jean Holt 48 Taylor Mayon 108 Marilyn Lasof 49 Marilyn E. Hdett 109 I. Geo ? 50 Ken MeClam 110 Martin Giesbd 51 Rick Hawthome 111 Tho-C hddl 52 Dusty Roberts 112 MarkL Hogge 53 Ju&thE Rexer 113 VeronicaA Hogge 54 Marla R Borg 114 Tom Kemper 55 Allen & Jane Thomas 115 Peter D Yannet 56 MarthaS Lamer 116 Mary Ella Whrtworth 57 John Chr& 117 ILd; Cook 58 CamlE Lee 118 JemeaM Lemon 59 Jerome A Moore 119 T Davis 60 Debbie Lavd 120 Claudm Huhbard EISAPPENDIX K - COMMENTERS BY LETTER NUMBER ui 121 Dolores McNiel 188 Roberts McCauley 122 Irene Larter 189 Carolyn Crmm 123 D A Comn 190 Cerlos D Speck Jr 124 Pages Wlhams 191 Fted A Hurd Jr 125 Dews Krheger 192 Catherme Mdhoum 126 Cheryl Schutt 193 JmD Stolrer 127 Wdham P Moore, M D 194 Wdham E Muckleroy 128 Jemes Rayhum 195 Mark Elwonger 129 Ruth Chck 196 Rex L Bavousett 130 Msna R Balingtt 197 John0 Roschke 131 TheronR Norrts 198 MarkA Ae~ndowm~ 132 JeffreyB Hohe 1@9 Jesse H Buels 133 LbynL Lmh 2w George Avery 134 RdeD Dillard 201 SarahL shaw 135 Helen E.

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