University of Antananarivo Faculty of Arts and Humanities Pluringual and Intercultural Studies Department of Anglophone Studies CHILD MARRIAGE AND GIRLS IN THE IHOSY REGION: AN ANALYSIS OF GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE Presented by: RADESA André Hugues Diallo th Date of defense: Wednesday 14 August 2019 Mémoire de Master II Academic Year: 2018-2019 Under the Supervision of Dr. Zoly Rakotoniera DEDICATION To those working on behalf of children‟s gender issues particularly gender-based violence. i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank the FIFAHO Association in Ihosy and its entire staff for sharing valuable information regarding gender-based violence. I am also grateful to the lecturers at the English Department for their kind guidance particularly Dr. Casey Woodling, serving as a co-supervisor for this work. I deeply give thanks my family and friends for their admirable support. I am most grateful to my close friend, confidant, and wife Ravelotsoanirina Nathalie Irène for her moral support through the years. I am additionally grateful to interviewees and communities within the districts of Ihosy in the research sites for their contribution to the current research. I additionally wish to give thanks to different people who shared their knowledge, perspectives, and experiences with me. Particular thanks go to Dr. Zoly Rakotoniera who serves as a supervisor for her support and participation in the process of guiding me in the right path of this study and her insightful comments and experience as a passionate advocate of gender studies. ii ABBREVIATIONS ACRWC African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women CSB Centre de Santé de Base (Basic Community Health Centre) CEG College d‟Enseignement General (Middle School) CISCO Scholar districts (Circonscription Scolaire) CEPAV Cellules de Prise en Charge des Adolescentes Victimes (Cells for the Care of Adolescent Victims) CRC Convention on the Rights of the Child DHS Demographic and Health Survey GBV Gender-Based Violence MINJUS Ministry of Justice NGO Non Governmental Organization PNC Prenatal Consultation PISSCA Projets Innovant des Sociétés Civiles à Madagascar (Innovative Civil Society Projects in Madagascar) UNCRC United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child UNFPA The United Nations Population Fund UNDP United Nations Development Programme USAID The United States Agency for International Development UNICEF United Nations Children‟s Fund UN United Nations FIFAHO Fikambanana Fampandrosoana an‟i Horombe (Association for the Development of Horombe region) FGD Focus Group Discussion FAO Food and Agricultural Organization iii List of Tables Table 1. Key informants at FIFAHO Association‟s Headquarter in Ihosy .............................. 15 Table 2. Key informants for FGDs in the rural commune of Ankily ....................................... 16 Table 3. Key informants for in-depth Interviews in the rural commune of Ankily ................. 16 Table 4. Key informants in the Urban commune of Ihosy ....................................................... 16 Table 5. Percentage of early pregnancy among teenage girls under 18 years old in 8 communes in the Districts of Ihosy during the school year 2016 – 2017 according to PNCs (Prenatal Consultations) ........................................................................................................... 32 Table 6. Percentage of first PNCs among girls under 18 years old in the Ihorombe region in 2016 (January-December) ........................................................................................................ 33 Table 7. High prevalence of pregnancies and childbirths among Bara teenage girls .............. 54 Table 8. Public Institutions involved in the elimination of child marriage .............................. 70 List of Picture Picture 1 Map showing the delimitation of the Bara territory ................................................. 13 Picture 2. Sensitizing campaign of teenage middle school students in Ihosy by FIFAHO ...... 66 iv ABSTRACT According to UNFPA‟s surveys in 2012, the United Nations Population Fund, Madagascar is among the African countries that have the highest rates of female child marriage in the world with 49 percent of women aged 20 to 24 married before their 18th birthday and 447, 000 Malagasy women aged 20 to 24 were victims of this harmful practice in 2010. This dissertation aims at studying the particularities of child marriage as a form of gender-based violence in the Bara region in the southern part of the Island. Thus, this study focuses mainly on the analysis of background and manifestations of this social issue in its cultural, social, and economic aspects. It shows the current state of gender-based violence among the Bara ethnic group as a community practice rooted in social norms. For this reason, we have focused our research on deep investigations of norms and stereotypes set up by the society as a driver of child marriage in order to suggest general policy recommendations to eliminate this practice. To do this, we decided to make an analysis that is meant to explore child marriage as result of gender inequality and gender-based violence. As a result, we will use feminist theories to better understand the nature of gender inequalities observed in child marriage. Through these methods and theories we explain how Bara teenage girls aged „‟13-17‟‟years old are forced to child marriage, become victims of gender-based violence, experience early pregnancy, and face low school attendance. Our results provide evidence that the practice of child marriage is harmful to Bara teenage girls given that not only it is proved as a form of gender-based violence, but it also violates their basic rights to have a better future and to enter marriage consentingly. Keywords: child marriage, practice, gender-based violence, norms, theory 1 RESUME D‟après une étude menée par l‟UNFPA, Fonds des Nations Unies pour la Population en 2012, la grande île figure parmi les pays Africains recensés ayant un haut taux de prévalence de 49 pourcent du mariage des enfants parmi les femmes âgées de 20 à 24 ans mariées avant l‟âge de 18 ans. Cela s‟ajoute au nombre de 444, 000 femmes Malgache âgées 20 à 24 ans victimes de cette pratique néfaste en 2010. Ce mémoire a pour objectif d‟étudier les particularités du mariage des enfants comme étant une forme de violence fondée sur le sexe chez l‟ethnie Bara dans la partie sud de la grande ile. Ainsi, cette étude se concentre sur une analyse du fond et des manifestations de ce fléau social tout en étudiant ses aspects culturels et socio-économiques. Il essayera de montrer l‟état actuel de la violence fondée sur le sexe parmi la communauté Bara comme étant une pratique collective encrée sur des normes de la société. En effet, nous avons focalisé notre recherche par des investigations de ces normes et stéréotypes mis en place par la société comme étant des facteurs majeures favorisant le mariage d‟enfant afin de proposer des stratégies adéquats pour éradiquer ce fléau. En entrant sur le vif du sujet, nous avons décidé de faire une analyse qui est censée d‟explorer le mariage des enfants comme étant une forme d‟inégalité de genre et violence fondée sur le sexe. En conséquence, nous emploierons des théories féministes pour mieux cerner les problèmes d‟inégalités de genre observées chez le mariage des enfants. Par ces méthodes et théories, nous avons expliqué comment les adolescentes de la région Bara âgées de 13 à 17 ans sont devenues victimes de la violence fondée sur le sexe, font face à la grossesse précoce, et l‟abandon scolaire précoce. Nos résultats fournissent des preuves que la pratique du mariage des enfants est préjudiciable pour les adolescentes Bara non seulement il est prouvé comme étant une forme de violence basée sur le sexe mais aussi il est considéré comme une atteinte à leurs droits fondamentaux en ce qui concerne leur avenir afin qu‟elles puissent se marier à des personnes qu‟elles souhaitent fonder une famille en toute sécurité et sans contrainte. Mots clés : mariage des enfants, pratique, violence fondée sur le genre, normes, théories 2 FINTINA Isan‟ireo firenena Afrikanina manana ny taha ambony amin‟ny fampanambadian- jaza ny firenena Malagasy araka ny fanadihadiana nataon‟ny UNFPA tamin‟ny taona 2012. Izany taha izany dia 49 isan-jato hita tamin‟ireo vehivavy 20 ka hatramin‟ny 24 taona nanambady mialohan‟ ny 18 taona. Iharan‟ity fomba mandratra ity ireo vehivavy miisa 444, 000 20 ka hatramin‟ny 24 taona nanambady mialohan‟ ny 18 taona ny taona 2010. Ity asa fikarohana ity dia mikendry ny handinika manokana ny fampanambadian- jaza tsy ampy taona amin‟ny maha herisetra mifototra amin‟ny maha lahy sy maha vavy azy. Noho izany, dia miompana indrindra amin‟ny fandalinana lalina ireo singa fototra mahatonga ny fampanambadian-jaza hahazo vahana sy ny fivelaran‟izany any amin‟ny faritra Bara any amin‟ny tapany atsimon‟ny nosy iny ity asa fikarohana ity. Notrandrahina tao anatin‟izany ireo zava-misy ankehitriny ara-kolontsaina, sosialy sy toekarena mety hisy hifandraisany amin‟ity endrika fampanambadiana ity. Izany dia natao mba handalinana ny herisetra mifototra amin‟ny maha lahy sy maha vavy sy ireo lamina napetrakin‟ny fiarahamonina. Noezahina naroso ihany koa ireo vahaolana mahomby entina hiadiana amin‟ity olana ara-tsosialy lehibe ity. Nisafidy ny hampiasa ny haitsikera féministes ity asa fikarohana ity mba ahafahana mandalina ireo olana fototra momba tsy fitoviana hita eo
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