Index of Ancient Passages Cited

Index of Ancient Passages Cited

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-78273-9 - The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare, Volume 1: Greece, the Hellenistic World and the Rise of Rome Edited by Philip Sabin, Hans van Wees and Michael Whitby Index More information INDEX OF ANCIENT PASSAGES CITED Aelian (1) 2.167–70: 298 Tact. 2.169: 144n164 3.1–3: 214n121 3.94: 267 3.4: 214n121 3.100: 267 11.2–5: 208n95 3.109: 286n44 12: 329 3.109–10: 99n41 14.6: 211n108 Aeschylus 18.3: 221n155 Pers. Aelian (2) 392–5: 233–4 VH 409–20: 233n185 3.26: 86n6 419–21: 236 6.12: 358 Sept. 941–3: 26n11 12.17: 480n72 Agathias Aeneas Tacticus Pref. 4–13: 57 Pref. 2: 173 Alcaeus 1: 375n21 fr. 428a LP: 293n68 2: 375n21 Ammianus Marcellinus 2.2: 177 16.12.37: 210n104 2.5–6: 177 18.8.4–14: 60 2.6: 246 18.9.2: 61 4.8–11: 246n220 19.8.5: 61 5: 375n21 24.7.4: 61 7.1: 172 25.3.21–3: 59 10: 375n21 Anaximenes 10.25–6: 245–6 FGrH 72 F 4: 330 11: 375n21 Andocides 11.3–6: 244 2.11: 256n29 12.2–13.4: 142 Androtion 14: 375n21 FGrH 324 16.5–8: 170 F 44: 283n25 16.15: 153 F 58: 99, 99n40 17: 375n21 Anthologia Palatina 18: 375n21 6.131: 345 18.21: 166 14.73: 287n48 22: 375n21 Antiphanes 26.7: 176 2: 135 28.6: 245 5.20: 181n54 33–4: 179 Apollonius Rhodius 40: 459 Argon. 1.540–4: 40.4: 246 227 40.5: 246 Appian Aeschines B Civ. 2.71: 267, 269 3.11: 491n105 2.115–16: 99n40, 99n41 5.246: 37 2.147–51: 298 5.528: 37 603 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-78273-9 - The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare, Volume 1: Greece, the Hellenistic World and the Rise of Rome Edited by Philip Sabin, Hans van Wees and Michael Whitby Index More information 604 index of ancient passages cited Appian (cont.) Vesp. Hann. 22: 355 656–60: 263n62 Hisp. 1085: 211 13: 385 1117–21: 297n77 32: 460 1118–19: 296n75 81: 385 Aristotle 96: 459 Eth. Eud. 1227a: 162 Ill. 8: 493 Eth. Nic. Italica 8.1: 316 3.8.7–9: 143 Mac. 19: 387 1116b: 500n9, 502n17 Mith. 30: 491n105 1134b: 283n25 Pun. [Oec.] 3: 387 2.1.4–6 (1345b–1346a): 476n60 13: 387 2.1345b: 479, 479n68 16: 453n174 Pol. 18: 389 1255a6–7: 283n27 75: 496 1256b23–6: 255 93: 44 1264a20–3: 274n4 94: 491n105 1264a33–6: 274 120: 389 1264b34–7: 274 Sicelica 1: 319 1266b38–9: 288n53, 289n58 Syr. 1267a14: 289n58 11.35: 412 1267b31–4: 274 22: 446 1268a16–b4: 274 24: 443 1269a34–6: 274n3 27: 443n164 1269a37–b12: 274n4 32: 343 1274a13–15: 296–7 31–5: 420–1 1289b30–2: 295 66: 324n44 1295a23–6: 295 Archilochus 1295b2–4: 295 fr. 5 West: 293n68 1296a20: 295 fr. 21–2 West: 285n37 1297a29–35: 278–9 fr. 92–8 West: 285n37 1297b1–2: 297 fr. 102 West: 285n37 1297b2–13: 278–9, 298 Aristophanes 1297b16–24: 296 Ach. 1297b16–28: 295 65–7: 96 1297b19–20: 205 162–3: 296, 297n77 1303b2: 202 496–555: 67 1304a22–4: 297n77 545: 262 1311b–1312a: 480n72 546–55: 154 1319a20–4: 279n17 1022–6: 172 1321a10–14: 295 1074: 294n69 1327a40–b11: 298 1103–11: 294n69 1327b8–11: 139 Eq. 1329a40–b39: 274 595–610: 266n79 1330a26–9: 274 784–5: 296n75 1331a31–b14: 274n4 815: 257n31 1337b: 502n18 924: 270n102 1338b: 134, 503n21 1070–1: 268n91 1338b25–39: 273n1 1366–8: 296n75 Rh. Lys. 492, 520: 42 1390b–1391a: 505n32 Pax 1395a: 171 603–14: 67 1412a: 171 1172–8: 294n69 fr. 94 Rose: 505 Ran. fr. 498 Rose: 327 1071–6: 296 fr. 576 Rose: 285n41 1074: 233 fr. 597 Rose: 100 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-78273-9 - The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare, Volume 1: Greece, the Hellenistic World and the Rise of Rome Edited by Philip Sabin, Hans van Wees and Michael Whitby Index More information index of ancient passages cited 605 [Aristotle] 5.18: 416 Ath. Pol. 5.25.2: 37, 37n41 7.3–8.1: 298 5.28.3: 59 7.26.2: 298 5.85: 361 8.5: 89n16 6.10: 48 15.2: 120 6.22–6: 78 22.7: 254n20 6.27.6: 333 23.5: 103 7.8.3: 37 27.2: 265n71 7.9.6: 463 27.3–4: 276n9 7.11.4: 37 33.2: 277n10 7.15.5–6: 319n32 36.2.:277n10 7.23.3–4: 333 42.3: 500 7.24.4: 333 43.1: 271n103 14–15: 414 49.1: 266n74 15–16: 423 61.2: 131n109 Tact. Arrian 11.1–2: 218 Anab. 11.1–4: 208n95 1.6.8: 454 12.3–4: 211n108 1.7.10: 457 12.4: 206 1.13–14: 406 12.10: 211n108 1.13–16: 62 16.3: 331 1.14: 403 16.6: 331 1.14.7: 63 16.6–9: 221n155 1.15.5–8: 329 16.13: 210n107, 211 1.15–16: 407, 423, 432 Asclepiodotus 1.16: 409, 415, 424 Tact. 1.16.1: 329 1.2: 339 1.16.5: 461–462n3 1.3: 345 1.17: 416 1.4: 192n26 1.18.1.: 331 3.5–6: 207 1.83ff.: 370 3.6: 207n86 2.6–11: 64 4: 426 2.10: 403 4.1–3: 208n95 2.11: 432 5.1: 337 2.18–24: 450 5.2: 211n108 2.19: 443 7: 422 2.21.1: 454 7.3: 221n155 2.21.8: 444 Asconius 2.22.3–5: 445 Com. 68c: 489n103 2.22.5: 440 Athenaeus 2.27.2: 448 5.196a–203e: 471n35 3.10.2: 189n14 5.209b: 478n66 3.10–11: 406 13.561f.: 144n165 3.11: 431 13.602a: 144n165 3.14: 418, 432 521d: 286n46 3.15: 408 781d: 204 3.16: 416 Augustine of Hippo 3.16.11: 333 De civ. D. 4.4: 249 3.18.5.:331 4.2–3: 450 Caesar 4.4.6: 329 B Afr. 4.19.5: 480n72 24: 491n105 4.24.8–9: 376 48: 356n123 4.28–30: 448–9 55: 356n123 5.14–18: 417 59: 356n123 5.15: 419 B Alex. 5.17–18: 420n80 1: 491n105 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-78273-9 - The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare, Volume 1: Greece, the Hellenistic World and the Rise of Rome Edited by Philip Sabin, Hans van Wees and Michael Whitby Index More information 606 index of ancient passages cited Caesar (cont.) De Viris Illustribus 9: 491n105 37.5: 478n66 34: 356n123 Demosthenes 39–40: 356 1.19: 271n103 49: 491n105 1.19–20: 271n111 51: 491n105 2.24: 271n110 B Civ. 2.27: 271n110 2.66: 491n105 2.28: 269 3.5: 491n105 2.31: 271n110 3.43: 491n105 3.10–13: 271n111 3.88–95: 62 3.20: 271n110 3.92: 209 3.31: 271n111 B Gall. 4.7: 271n110 1.16: 491n105 4.16–29: 258–9 2.16–28: 62 4.21: 141–2 4.33: 417 4.24: 267n81 5.38–40: 62 4.27: 142n153 6.4.4–5: 491n105 4.28: 266n74 7.68–89: 77 4.34: 361 7.72–4: 77 4.43–6: 142 Callixinus 5.25: 125 ap. Ath. 5.196a–203e: 471n35 [7.14–15]: 269n98 Cassiodorus 7.47.4: 178 Chron. 2.130: 494n113 8.9: 269–70 Cassius Dio 8.11: 146n170 56.20–2: 76 8.20.77: 269n96 fr. 41: 319 8.21: 268 Certamen Homeri et Hesiodi 8.21–3: 271 13: 299n83 8.21–9: 269n96 Cicero 8.24–5: 269–70 Att. 6.1.14: 356n123 8.26: 268 Fam. 5.12.5: 57 8.28: 269–70 Font. 13: 491n105 9.47–52: 146, Leg. 2.60: 514n75 191 Leg. Man. 6: 486n90 9.56–66: 463 Mur. 19–30: 486n90 9.58: 463 Off. 10.31: 267 1.38: 486n90 10.34: 269n97 1.74–8: 486n90 11.5–6: 267 1.121: 486n90 [12.3]: 269n96 Rep. 5.7.9: 486n90 15.17: 288n53 Verr. 2.3.15: 478n66 17.28: 256n29 ap. Strabo 17.1.13: 471n34 18.195: 161 Critias 18.230: 161 DK 88 F 34: 151 18.234: 267–8 Curtius Rufus, Q. 18.235: 146n170 3.1.19–20: 361 19.7–8: 96 3.11.27: 416 19.84: 257–8, 258n38 3.26ff.: 370 19.126: 96 4.4.17: 396n53, 460 19.131: 96 4.6.29: 59 19.291: 271n111 4.13.3–9: 189n14 20.77: 261n53, 5.2.3: 333 283n29 7.3: 78 21.103: 35n36 8.2.1–3: 376 21.167: 270n99 8.12.16: 464n11 22.8: 125 10.2.24: 463 22.42–5: 271n110 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-78273-9 - The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare, Volume 1: Greece, the Hellenistic World and the Rise of Rome Edited by Philip Sabin, Hans van Wees and Michael Whitby Index More information index of ancient passages cited 607 22.44–5: 271n110 13.42.2–3: 269n94 22.50: 271 13.44.3: 172 22.53: 271 13.47.6–7: 272 22.55: 131n110 13.56: 246n219 23.139: 142 13.64.4: 272 23.148: 127n78 13.69.5: 269n94 24.11–14: 255–6, 13.78.1: 230n180 269 13.88.5: 376 24.167: 131n110 13.88.7: 376 [42.25]: 271 13.100–2: 176 [49.12]: 271n103 13.104.8: 244 [49.16]: 271n103 13.106.8: 283n29 [49.49]: 268n87 14.16.5: 489n99 50: 71 14.17.4–6: 287n50 50.6: 150 14.18.1: 287n50 [50.8]: 271, 271n103 14.41.1–6: 256n30 [50.8–9]: 271 14.41.3: 358 [50.10]: 271n103 14.42.1: 451 [50.15]: 271 14.42.2: 358 [50.17–21]: 270n99 14.44.7: 358 [50.22]: 162 14.79.2: 153 50.51: 131n109 14.84.5: 267n80 [50.53]: 268n87 14.94.4: 176 [50.59–61]: 271 14.102.2: 283n25 [51.13–14]: 254 14.111.4: 283n25 [53.6–11]: 181n54 15.14.4: 283n30 54.3–4: 78 15.28.3–4: 103 [58.53–6]: 269 15.32.5: 120 [59.4]: 271n103 15.34.3–35.2: 269n96 [59.4–6]: 271n111 15.44: 326 Exordia 41.2: 271 15.44.2–4: 221n149 Philippic 3.49–50: 447 15.44.3: 150n10 Dinarchus 15.46.4–6: 167 1.69: 271 15.47.7: 269n96 Diodorus Siculus 15.48.4: 158n22 3.54.5: 378n32 15.81.2: 145n167 8.27.2: 173–4 15.82–7: 223n166 10.108.5–7: 388 15.85.1: 204 11.4.2: 278n13 15.85.4–5: 133 11.4.5: 278n13 15.87.2: 212n111 11.18.6–19.3: 233n185 15.93.4: 175 11.20.2: 378n32 15.95.3: 269n96 11.33: 183 16.3.1: 392n48 11.39–40: 257n31 16.3.1–2: 329n7 11.47.1–2: 284n34 16.3.4: 463 11.49.1–2: 285n35 16.4.3: 325 11.65.2–5: 153 16.8.2: 451 11.76.2: 144n164 16.8.2–3: 450 11.78.4: 261 16.8.6: 462n5 12.9.1–10.1: 286n46 16.22.1–2: 267n81 12.10–11.: 285n38 16.24.2: 328n5 12.26: 238n197 16.24.3–25.2: 283n30 12.28: 265n68 16.25.1: 328n5 12.75.7: 145 16.25.2: 173 12.79.6–7: 145 16.34: 269n96 12.80.2–3: 145 16.34.5: 448 13.40.6: 269n94 16.44.6: 358 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-78273-9 - The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare, Volume 1: Greece, the Hellenistic World and the Rise of Rome Edited by Philip Sabin, Hans van Wees and Michael Whitby Index More information 608 index of ancient passages cited Diodorus Siculus (cont.) 19.15.6: 387 16.53.2: 463 19.18.1: 393 16.57.2: 283n30 19.25: 481n76 16.57.2–3: 269n96 19.25.2: 386 16.67.1–2: 378 19.26: 481n76 16.69.1: 317 19.26.9–27.1: 501 16.74: 450 19.27–8: 464 16.74.4: 452 19.30: 420 16.75.2: 452 19.30.5–6: 501n14 16.77.4: 378n32 19.31: 414, 423 16.79.1: 378 19.36.1: 388 16.80.4: 344 19.37.3:

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