2016-2017 ASB Budget Summary 2016‐17 2014‐15 2014‐15 2015‐16 2015‐16 Proposed $ 000's Budget Actual Budget Estimated Budget Beginning Fund Balance 1,235 1,287 1,235 1,321 1,450 Revenue 100 General Student Body 3,233 2,258 3,233 1,773 4,285 200 Athletics 920 680 920 478 771 300 Classes 388 191 388 135 424 400 Clubs 1,110 762 1,110 661 1,216 600 Private Moneys 160 68 160 30 149 Total Revenue 5,811 3,959 5,810 3,077 6,845 Expenditures 100 General Student Body 3,012 1,738 3,012 1,471 4,111 200 Athletics 1,094 1,129 1,094 680 942 300 Classes 381 169 381 155 378 400 Clubs 1,130 823 1,130 615 1,234 600 Private Moneys 160 66 160 26 157 Total Expenditures 5,777 3,925 5,776 2,947 6,822 Ending Fund Balance 1,269 1,321 1,269 1,451 1,473 5/27/2016 Bellevue School District Associated Student Body Fund Budget 2016-17 School: ELEMENTARY & CONTINGENCY ASB Associated Student Body Beginning Ending Org Key Fund Activities Account Revenue Interactivity Disbursements Account Number Balance Amount Transfers Amount Balance GENERAL STUDENT BODY 100 General Student Body 29,000 20,000 20,000 29,000 199 Contingency 361,253 361,253 1000 SUBTOTAL - GENERAL STUDENT BODY $ 390,253 $ 20,000 $ - $ 20,000 $ 390,253 ATHLETICS 2000 SUBTOTAL - ATHLETICS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - CLUBS 467 Robotics Club 1,000 80,000 80,000 1,000 4000 SUBTOTAL - CLUBS $ 1,000 $ 80,000 $ - $ 80,000 $ 1,000 PRIVATE MONIES 610 Charitable (List Projects) 620 Scholarship 6000 SUBTOTAL - PRIVATE MONIES $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - GRAND TOTAL $ 391,253 $ 100,000 $ - $ 100,000 $ 391,253 Bellevue School District Associated Student Body Fund Budget 2016-17 School: HIGHLAND MIDDLE SCHOOL ASB Associated Student Body Beginning Ending Org Key Fund Activities Account Revenue Interactivity Disbursements Account Number Balance Amount Transfers Amount Balance GENERAL STUDENT BODY 100 General Student Body 2,316 9,000 (1,000) 6,000 4,316 106 Agenda Costs 107 Annual/Yearbook 6,250 8,000 6,200 8,050 111 Socials & Dances 1,000 500 500 143 Honor Level / Stnd of Qtr 147 Leadership 194 1,000 1,000 194 165 Sport Activities 1,000 1,000 169 Student Newspaper 171 Student Store - Sales of Goods 305 7,000 5,000 2,305 172 Student Store - Operations 178 WEB 6th Grade Orientation 450 450 199 Contingency 1000 SUBTOTAL - GENERAL STUDENT BODY $ 9,065 $ 26,450 $ - $ 20,150 $ 15,365 ATHLETICS 205 Banquets and Awards 2000 SUBTOTAL - ATHLETICS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - CLUBS 461 Peace Club 466 Satellite Club 2,082 2,000 2,000 2,082 467 Robotics Club 455 1,500 1,500 455 499 Club Contingency 4000 SUBTOTAL - CLUBS $ 2,537 $ 3,500 $ - $ 3,500 $ 2,537 PRIVATE MONIES 610 Charitable (List Projects) 620 Scholarship 6000 SUBTOTAL - PRIVATE MONIES $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - GRAND TOTAL $ 11,601 $ 29,950 $ - $ 23,650 $ 17,901 Bellevue School District Associated Student Body Fund Budget 2016-17 School: TYEE MIDDLE SCHOOL ASB Associated Student Body Beginning Ending Org Key Fund Activities Account Revenue Interactivity Disbursements Account Number Balance Amount Transfers Amount Balance GENERAL STUDENT BODY 100 General Student Body 20,000 12,000 (17,884) 7,000 7,116 106 Agenda Costs 5,500 5,500 107 Annual/Yearbook 20,000 (3,000) 17,000 108 ASB Membership 9,000 (9,000) 109 ASB Assemblies 2,000 2,000 110 Student Travel - Abroad Trips 256,000 256,000 111 Socials & Dances 1,500 1,500 112 Student Travel - Domestic 70,000 70,000 115 Band 10,000 10,000 147 Leadership 8,000 8,000 149 Math Competition 150 Music 17,000 17,000 NEW Jazz I and Jazz 2 7,400 500 7,900 153 Non-Sport Activities 155 Orchestra 12,650 12,650 157 Outdoor Education 91,805 5,729 97,534 160 Recognition 1,450 1,450 163 Special Projects 165 Sport Activities 1,195 1,195 178 WEB 6th Grade Orientation 2,050 2,050 199 Contingency 1000 SUBTOTAL - GENERAL STUDENT BODY $ 20,000 $ 505,855 $ (1,960) $ 516,779 $ 7,116 ATHLETICS 205 Banquets and Awards 2000 SUBTOTAL - ATHLETICS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - CLUBS 402 Art Club 150 150 408 Board Game Club 200 30 230 412 Chinese Culture Club 120 120 415 Dance Club 50 50 433 GSA Club 100 100 444 Korean Culture Club 50 50 446 Japanese Club 300 100 400 460 PBIS Rewards 600 600 466 Satellite Club 13,000 13,000 467 Robotics Club 13,000 13,000 470 Science Rocketry Club 471 Science Olympiad 350 350 473 Spirit Club 495 WEB 760 760 499 Club Contingency 4000 SUBTOTAL - CLUBS $ - $ 26,850 $ 1,960 $ 28,810 $ - PRIVATE MONIES 610 Charitable (List Projects) 10,000 10,000 620 Scholarship 6000 SUBTOTAL - PRIVATE MONIES $ - $ 10,000 $ - $ 10,000 $ - GRAND TOTAL $ 20,000 $ 542,705 $ - $ 555,589 $ 7,116 Bellevue School District Associated Student Body Fund Budget 2016-17 School: CHINOOK MIDDLE SCHOOL ASB Associated Student Body Beginning Ending Org Key Fund Activities Account Revenue Interactivity Disbursements Account Number Balance Amount Transfers Amount Balance GENERAL STUDENT BODY 100 General Student Body 10,000 11,500 2,750 24,250 106 Agenda Costs 8,000 8,000 107 Annual/Yearbook 30,000 (15,000) 15,000 110 Student Travel - Abroad Trips 40,000 250,000 290,000 111 Socials & Dances 1,500 (1,000) 500 112 Student Travel - Domestic 115 Band 7,000 7,000 117 Band Trip 123 Choir 2,000 2,000 133 Drama I 1,000 2,000 500 2,500 147 Leadership 500 500 155 Orchestra 20,000 20,000 165 Sport Activities 5,000 5,000 171 Student Store - Sales of Goods 2,000 (2,000) 172 Student Store - Operations 178 WEB 6th Grade Orientation 1,000 1,000 199 Contingency 1000 SUBTOTAL - GENERAL STUDENT BODY $ 51,000 $ 326,000 $ (750) $ 349,500 $ 26,750 ATHLETICS 205 Banquets and Awards 2000 SUBTOTAL - ATHLETICS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - CLUBS 438 Honor Society 500 2,000 2,000 500 454 Math Club 250 250 467 Robotics Club 500 500 499 Club Contingency 4000 SUBTOTAL - CLUBS $ 500 $ 2,000 $ 750 $ 2,750 $ 500 PRIVATE MONIES 610 Charitable (List Projects) Heifer Project 600 600 NW Harvest Coin Drive 1,500 1,500 620 Scholarship 500 500 1,000 6000 SUBTOTAL - PRIVATE MONIES $ 1,100 $ 2,000 $ - $ 3,100 $ - GRAND TOTAL $ 52,600 $ 330,000 $ - $ 355,350 $ 27,250 Bellevue School District Associated Student Body Fund Budget 2016-17 School: TILLICUM MIDDLE SCHOOL ASB Associated Student Body Beginning Ending Org Key Fund Activities Account Revenue Interactivity Disbursements Account Number Balance Amount Transfers Amount Balance GENERAL STUDENT BODY 100 General Student Body 14,600 28,500 13,000 30,100 106 Agenda Costs 1,066 3,000 3,066 1,000 107 Annual/Yearbook 24,371 20,000 4,000 40,371 108 ASB Membership 109 ASB Assemblies 849 300 549 110 Student Travel - Abroad Trips 111 Socials & Dances 1,000 3,000 1,000 3,000 112 Student Travel - Domestic 115 Band 1,000 800 200 117 Band Trip 1,500 500 1,000 123 Choir 1,000 1,000 147 Leadership 2,500 100 100 2,500 153 Non-Sport Activities 1,000 1,000 155 Orchestra 157 Outdoor Education 1,000 23,250 24,000 250 160 Recognition 100 100 163 Special Projects 1,000 1,000 165 Sport Activities 1,000 1,000 171 Student Store - Sales of Goods 1,000 1,000 178 WEB 6th Grade Orientation 1,000 300 700 199 Contingency 1,000 1,000 1000 SUBTOTAL - GENERAL STUDENT BODY $ 53,486 $ 79,350 $ - $ 48,066 $ 84,770 ATHLETICS 205 Banquets and Awards 250 200 50 2000 SUBTOTAL - ATHLETICS $ 250 $ - $ - $ 200 $ 50 CLUBS 438 Honor Society 2,500 2,500 460 Peer Mediation 300 180 120 466 Satellite Club 1,100 1,000 100 NEW Science Club 300 200 100 495 WEB 100 50 50 499 Club Contingency 1,000 1,000 4000 SUBTOTAL - CLUBS $ 5,300 $ - $ - $ 1,430 $ 3,870 PRIVATE MONIES 610 Charitable (List Projects) Textile Drive, Pennies for Patients Pet Food Drive, Student/Staff BB Tournament 7,000 7,000 620 Scholarship 6000 SUBTOTAL - PRIVATE MONIES $ - $ 7,000 $ - $ 7,000 $ - GRAND TOTAL $ 59,036 $ 86,350 $ - $ 56,696 $ 88,690 Bellevue School District Associated Student Body Fund Budget 2016-17 School: ODLE MIDDLE SCHOOL ASB Associated Student Body Beginning Ending Org Key Fund Activities Account Revenue Interactivity Disbursements Account Number Balance Amount Transfers Amount Balance GENERAL STUDENT BODY 100 General Student Body 25,000 45,000 (6,000) 24,000 40,000 106 Agenda Costs 5,000 6,000 5,000 6,000 107 Annual/Yearbook 8,000 10,000 10,000 8,000 115 Band 2,500 1,000 1,500 117 Band Trip 225 3,000 2,500 725 123 Choir 480 480 133 Drama I 1,000 1,000 155 Orchestra 2,500 25,000 21,000 6,500 157 Outdoor Education 90,000 85,000 5,000 160 Recognition 700 500 200 178 WEB 6th Grade Orientation 650 650 199 Contingency 1000 SUBTOTAL - GENERAL STUDENT BODY $ 38,555 $ 180,500 $ - $ 149,000 $ 70,055 ATHLETICS 205 Banquets and Awards 2000 SUBTOTAL - ATHLETICS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - CLUBS 432 Future Problem Solvers 3,000 30,000 31,000 2,000 470 Science Rocketry Club 3,000 25,000 20,000 8,000 499 Club Contingency 4000 SUBTOTAL - CLUBS $ 6,000 $ 55,000 $ - $ 51,000 $ 10,000 PRIVATE MONIES 610 Charitable (List Projects) 620 Scholarship 6000 SUBTOTAL - PRIVATE MONIES $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - GRAND TOTAL $ 44,555 $ 235,500 $ - $ 200,000 $ 80,055 Bellevue School District Associated Student Body Fund Budget 2016-17 School: BIG PICTURE SCHOOL ASB Associated Student Body Beginning Ending Org Key Fund Activities Account Revenue Interactivity Disbursements Account Number Balance Amount Transfers Amount Balance GENERAL STUDENT BODY 100 General Student Body 10,000 7,000 (5,200) 2,400 9,400 107 Annual/Yearbook 10,000 10,000 109 ASB/Assemblies 500 500 111 Socials 5,000 1,250 5,000 1,250 147 Leadership 750 750 160 Recognition 250 250 163 Special Projects 1,250 1,250 199 Contingency 1,000 1,000 1000 SUBTOTAL - GENERAL STUDENT BODY $ 10,000 $ 23,000 $ (1,200) $ 21,150 $ 10,650 ATHLETICS 201 Athletics 2000 SUBTOTAL - ATHLETICS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - CLASSES 317 Class of 2017 20,000 250 20,250 318 Class
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