The Decision of the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 18, 2014 on the basis of the contest choice for the vacant posts of judges of local courts, announced July 17, 2014 is given a recommendation to appoint: for the post of judges of the regional and equivalent courts (6): Rakhmetova Gulzhanat Rahmetovna as a judge of the court of Astana city; Salia Vyacheslav Vasilyevich as a judge of the court of Astana city; Kerimova Khalimat Kaysarovna as a judge of Almaty city court; Diyarov Zhaydarbek Mustahimovich as a judge of Atyrau regional court; Manakaeva Kymbat Saulovna as a judge of East Kazakhstan regional court; Yegorova Jeanne Mihajlovna as a judge of Karaganda regional court; for the post of judges of the district and equivalent courts (155):Kasymova Maya Tolegenovna as a judge of Almaty district court of Astana city; Alina Aizhan Nurlanovna as a judge of Almaty district court of Astana city; Aytkazina Ayman Tleugabylovna as a judge of Almaty district court of Astana city; Amanzholov Nurbek Abdymanapovich as a judge of Almaty district court of Astana city; Hopabaev Daniar Ziyadinovich as a judge of Almaty district court of Astana city; Shualkanova Nazgul Kasimovna as a judge of Esil district court of Astana city; Eldeeva Bakit Serikovna as a judge of Esil district court of Astana city; Zholamanova Zaure Gabdessalyamovna as a judge of Esil district court of Astana city; Koshanov Ubaidullakh Kayrlovich as a judge of the district court number 2 of Almaty district of Astana city; Kulbaeva Aizhan Adilovna as a judge of the district court number 2 of Almaty district of Astana city; Bekish Sai Seymbaykyzy as a judge of Specialized Inter-district Economic court of Astana city; Bertybaeva Svetlana Tleugobylovna as a judge of Specialized Inter-district Economic court of Astana city; Irgalieva Aisha Gaydarovna as a judge of Specialized Inter-district Economic court of Astana city; Karimova Anar Karimovna as a judge of Specialized Inter-district Economic court of Astana city; Kabidoldina Saule Seitbekovna as a judge of Specialized Inter-district Economic court of Astana city; Imankulov Kairat Sergazyevich as a judge of Almaly district court of Almaty city; Ospanova Elvira Chaymardanovna as a judge of Bostandyk district court of Almaty city; Kalzhigitov Berwick Esenovich as a judge of Bostandyk district court of Almaty city; Salikov Tursynhan Toktarbaevich as a judge of Medeu district court of Almaty city; Dauletova Botagoz Dauletkyzy as a of Medeu district court of Almaty city; Akbaev Eric Berikovich as a judge of Medeu district court of Almaty city; Dogalova Ajgerim Beshenovna as a judge of Almaly district court number 2 of Almaty city; Ospanova Gulnaz Satybaldievna as a judge of Almaly district court number 2 of Almaty city; Kadyrov Alinasyr Habievich as a judge of Almaly district court number 2 of Almaty city; Dzhalbyrova Saule Satybaldievna as a judge of Almaly district court number 2 of Almaty city; Abekova Indira Muratovna as a judge of the district court number 2 Auezov district of Almaty city; Zhumabaeva Altnay Sembaevna as a judge of the district court number 2 Auezov district of Almaty city; Imanserikova Gulzhan Tanyrbergenovna as a judge of the district court number 2 Auezov district of Almaty city; Myrhalykov Abat Dzhumahanovich as a judge of the district court number 2 Zhetysu district of Almaty city; Esbergenova Sholpan Erlanovna as a judge of Specialized Inter-district administrative court of Almaty city; Karymbaev Dauren Melsovich as a judge of Specialized Inter-district administrative court of Almaty city; Mukatov Ashat Tolendinovich as a judge of Specialized Inter-district Economic court of Almaty city; Malibekove Saule Kalizhanovna as a judge of Turksib district court of Almaty city; Turebekov Sayat Polatovich as a judge of Zerendy district court of Akmola region; Utesheva Saltanat Kanatovna as a judge of Kokshetau city court of Akmola region; Bekbaulenova Jeanne Baynazarovna as a judge of Kokshetau city court of Akmola region; Tuleyev Serik Turlybekovich as a judge of Specialized administrative court of Kokshetau city, Akmola region; Bekkozhina Ajgul Kanatovna as a judge of Specialized Inter-district Economic court of Akmola region; Shaimergenov Kairat Kairzhanovich as a judge of Specialized Inter-district Economic court of Akmola region; Zhunusova Ainash Abroshovna as a judge of Specialized Inter-district Economic court of Akmola region; Canapia Nazgul Tleuleskyzy as a judge of the court of Aktobe city, Aktobe region; Zhugunisova Mirash Pameshevna as a judge of the court of Aktobe city, Aktobe region; Raimkulova Ajgul Atashbekovna as a judge of the court of Aktobe city, Aktobe region; Sultanova Zheniskul Araphanovna as a judge of Aktobe city, Aktobe region; Karzhanova Ajgul Bazzhigitovna as a judge of Aktobe city, Aktobe region; Ordabayeva Samal Toktasynovna as a judge of Aktobe city, Aktobe region; Bakytzshan Erlan Sagyntayuly as a judge of the court number 2 of Aktobe city, Aktobe region; Izbasarova Gulmira Kuatzhanovna as a judge of Specialized Inter-district Economic court of Aktobe region; Zhubatova Janar Suyubaevna as a judge of Specialized Inter-district Economic court of Aktobe region; Zhumashkina Sayagul Tauekelevna as a judge of Hromtau district court of Aktobe region; Babalykov Ghani Khamzaevich as a judge of Zhambyl district court of Almaty region; Ustenova Aizhan Omargazievna as a judge of Ili district court of Almaty region; Tarapova Dariga Dauletkyzy as a judge of Ili district court of Almaty region; Nesipbekkyzy Gulzira as a judge of Ili district court of Almaty region; Koshkinova Ainagul Aytbaevna as a judge of Kapshagai city court of Almaty region; Belgibaeva Laura Sergozhaevna as a judge of Karasai district court of Almaty region; Hasenova Asem Erkasynovna as a judge of Karasai district court of Almaty region; Bayrbekova Gulzipa Abdulakimovna as a judge of Karasai Specialized Inter- district administrative court of Almaty region; Asubaeva Elmira Omarovna as a judge of Panfilov district court of Almaty region; Mynzhanova Arailym Budenovna as a judge of Specialized Inter-district criminal court in Almaty region; Zhanuzakova Ajgul Mauletovna as a judge of Specialized Inter-district criminal court in Almaty region; Ibragimova Janar Muhadievna as a judge of Specialized Inter-district Economic court of Almaty region; Kelemseytov Erkebulan Yermekovich as a judge of Talgar district court of Almaty region; Tasharova Gulnaz Serikzhanovna as a judge of Taldycorgan city court of Almaty region; Turganova Gulnaz Dyusenbaevna as a judge of Atyrau city court of Atyrau region; Doschanova Elmira Maratovna as a judge of Atyrau Municipal Court of Atyrau region; Typylovu Zuhra Koblanovnu as a judge of Atyrau city court of Atyrau region; Mutieva Gulzhiyan Zhumabayevna as a judge of the court number 2 Atyrau city, Atyrau region; Izmagambetova Boldyk Hayredenovna as a judge of Makat district court of Atyrau region; Ubigaliev Yergali Abilkasimovich as a judge of Specialized Inter-district Economic court of Atyrau region; Bekbauova Nazim Sembekovna as a judge of Specialized Inter-district Economic court of Atyrau region; Naukenova Damilya Aytmuhambetkyzy as a judge Borodulikha district court of East Kazakhstan region; Raimbekov Kurmangaif Agzamovich as a judge Borodulikha district court of East Kazakhstan region; Samenbetov Kalibek Zaykenovich as a judge of the Military court Ust- Kamenogorsk garrison of East Kazakhstan region; Rauyasova Elmira Zaynelovna as a judge of Kurchatov city court of East Kazakhstan region; Sagidoldina Nurgul Omirbekkyzy as a judge of the district court number 2 Tarbagatay region of East Kazakhstan region; Uydanov Bulat Sayfutdinovich as a judge of Ridder city court of East Kazakhstan region; Tleudinova Gulnur Ertargynovna as a judge of Ridder city court of East Kazakhstan region; Abdigalymova Ajgul Serikbaevna as a judge of Specialized administrative court of Semei city of East Kazakhstan region; Smagulova Asel Altaevna as a judge of Specialized Inter-district Economic court of East Kazakhstan region; Seylgazinova Aliya Shormanovna as a judge of Specialized Inter-district Economic court of East Kazakhstan region; Usenova Aizhan Eleubekovna as a judge of Ust-Kamenogorsk city court of East Kazakhstan region; Akymbekov Yerzhan Serikovich as a judge of Ust-Kamenogorsk city court of East Kazakhstan region; Abishev Ruslan Manarbekovich as a judge of Ust-Kamenogorsk city court of East Kazakhstan region; Amanzholova Dinara Aytchzhanovna as a judge of Ust-Kamenogorsk city court of East Kazakhstan region; Baiterekov Alibek Zhumadildaevich as a judge of Kordai district court of Zhambyl region; Yasarova Rukia Kartkulovna as a judge of Specialized Inter-district Economic court of Zhambyl region; Azhakaeva Gulnara Kanatbekovna as a judge of Specialized Inter-district Economic court of Zhambyl region; Orazymbetov Berwick Perdehanovich as a judge of Specialized Inter-district Economic court of Zhambyl region; Sarsenbieva Bakit Sagatovna as a judge of Specialized Inter-district Economic court of Zhambyl region; Umarova Nigora Rahmatulaevna as a judge of Taraz city court of Zhambyl region; Usenbaeva Aynur Ermekovna as a judge of Taraz city court of Zhambyl region; Baykulova Gulfairuz Mamanbaevna as a judge of Taraz city court of Zhambyl region; Aligazieva Baktygul Serikovna as a judge of Specialized Inter-district Economic court of West Kazakhstan region; Nazarov Armand Tlektesovich as a judge of the court number 2 Uralsk city of West Kazakhstan region; Kusainov Serik Kuanyshevich
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