1950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 2069 NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD EXTENSION OF REMARKS the world. Within the Middle East lies Paul L. Styles, of Alabama, to be a member Mr. PRICE asked and was given per­ the bridgehead to three continents. To­ of the National Labor Relations Board for day; the Middle East finds itself caught the term expiring December 16, 1954. mission to extend his remarks in the REC­ ORD and include an editorial appearing physically in the middle of the ideological PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE in the morning Post. war between the east and west and if a PROMOTIONS IN THE REGULAR CORPS Mr. LANE asked and was given per­ shooting war comes, the importance of Senior surgeon (equivalent to the Army rank mission to extend his remarks in the REC­ the Middle East to the United States is of lieutenant colonel) ORD in three instances; to include in one immeasurably increased. Daniel J. Daley an address delivered by Commander No military authority claims we could Surgeons (equivalent to the Army rank of Henry Selvitella, of the Italian-Ameri­ hold Europe against an onslaught of the major) can World War Veterans; in one, the Red army, Since Russia has the atomic Richard H. Linn Wayland J. Hayes, Jr. legislative program of tne same organi­ bomb, it would be unsound indeed for us David D. LeGrand Clarke W. Mangun, Jr. zation; and in one, an address he deliv­ to count on bases in England. Seni or dental surgeon (equivalent to the ered before the Lithuanian Citizens Club Until our Air Force is developed with Army rank of lieutenant colonel) of Lawrence, Mass. sufficient range to base in America, to Donald J. Gala.gan Mr. PATTEN asked and was given per­ win the battle of the air over Russia the United States will need overseas bases. Sanitary engineers (equivalent to the Army mission to extend his remarks in the rank of major) RECORD and include a resolution adopted The Middle East offers bases which could by the American Legion. be held by our Ground and Naval Forces O. John Schmidt Joseph A. Boyer and from which we could win the initial Kenneth C. Lauster Ross W. Buck Mr. QUINN asked and was given per­ mission to extend his remarks in the round in the battle of the air against the Pharmacist (equivalent to the Army rank of Red air forces. major) RECORD and include a letter to the Sec­ retary of State regarding Robert A. Voge­ It is my view that Egypt is as far Joseph P. Crisalli ler, Jr. north and east as we could· hold bases Senior nurse officer (equivalent to the Army Mr. GORSKI asked and was given per­ with reasonable assurance. Doubtless rank of lieutenant colonel) mission to extend his remarks in the Russia realizes this fact and one of her L. Dorothy Carroll RECORD. initial moves in the event of war would Senior assistant nurse officer (equivalent to Mr. SMITH of Wisconsin asked and be to occupy Egypt by an air-borne Red the Army rank of captain) was given permission to extend his re­ army. Realizing her plight, Egypt is Norma Russell marks in the RECORD and include a reso­ desperate for defensive military equip­ UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGES lution and certain miscellaneous ex­ ment. It iS' vital to the United States George W. Whitehurst, to be United States cerpts. in the event of war that the Red air­ district judge for the northern and southern Mr. DOLLIVER asked and was given borne army not be permitted to deny districts of Florida. permission to extend his remarks in the us bases in Egypt. I am reliably ad­ Frank A. Hooper, to be United States dis­ RECORD and include a resolution adopted vised that Great Britain, sensing the trict judge for the northern district of by the Republicans of Wright County, strategic value of Egypt, is willing to give Georgia, Iowa. Egypt considerable defensive military equipment which she obtained from us PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE through lend-lease. By the terms of Mrs. BOLTON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, lend-lease, however, England must secure HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I ask unanimous consent to address the our permission before releasing this de­ House for 1 minute, to revise and extend fensive military equipment. I am reli­ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1950 my remarks, and include a letter. ably advised further that a desperate The SPEAKER. Is there objection to attempt is being · made by a pressure The House met at 12 o'clock noon. the request of the· gentlewoman from group in the United States to prevent The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Bras­ Ohio? this essential military equipment being kamp, D. D., offered the fallowing prayer: There was no objection. given to Egypt. This pressure group has O Thou God of all goodness, we are [Mrs. BOLTON of Ohio addressed the hired a former secretary to the Presi­ again uniting our souls in the fellowship House. Her remarks appear in the Ap­ dent, Mr. Clark Clifford, to intervene with of prayer, seeking together those needed pendix.] the President and his initial fee is re­ blessings which none can ever find or en­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS puted to be $30,000. Doubtless he wilt joy alone. receive much more if he is successful in Mr. BEALL asked and was given per­ blocking the proposal. We pray that daily our lives may be mission to extend his remarks in the brought under the spell and sway of the I submit to my colleagues in Congres:.; RECORD and include an editorial from the . and to the American people that it ii:; Master's spirit in order that they may be Hagerstown Herald. transfarmed into His own glorious like­ to the interest of the United States that Mrs. ST. GEORGE asked and was given we grant permission to Great Britain to ness. permission to extend her remarks in the Grant that in our problems and tasks extend this military assistance to Egypt. RECORD and include an editorial from the It would be to our interest also to see we may have the interpreting and guid­ Middletown Times-Herald, a daily news­ ing light of His Spirit. tha~ Egypt is provided essential military paper in her district. equipment for _a small defensive force, May it be the supreme desire of our Mr. MEYER asked and was given per­ capable of meetmg an air-borne invasion hearts to do Thy will for in the doing of mission to extend his remarks in the of the Red army. There is no evidence Thy will is our peace. RECORD and include an editorial. that Egypt would use this equipment of­ To Thy name we ascribe the praise. Mr. HAGEN asked and was given per­ fensively. She has accepted the verdict Amen. mission to extend his remarks in the of the United Nations in the Middle East The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ RECORD in two instances and include ex­ and is living up to the verdict in spirit terday was read and approved. traneous matter. and in fact. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT ·MILITAJ;?.Y ASSISTANCE TO EGYPT If war comes it could b2 that the denial of Egyptian bases to the Red forces and· A message in writing from the Presi­ l\fr. VAN ZANDT. Mr. Speaker, I ask the making of these bases available to us dent of the United States was commu­ unanimous consent to address the House might be the difference between def eat nicated to the House by Mr. Miller, one for 1 minute and to revise and extend my and victory. We cannot afford to let of his secretaries, who also informed the remarks. Egypt go by default and I urge the Presi· House that on the. following date the The SPEAKER. Is there objection to dent of the United States to authorize President approved and signed a bill of the request of the gentleman from military assistance to this friendly, free­ the House of the fallowing title: Pennsylvania? dom-loving country-Egypt. There was no objection. On February 14, 1950: SURPLUS POTATOES FOR FOOD H . R. 587. An act for the relief of the estate Mr. VAN ZANDT. Mr. Speaker, from of Dick Walook, Alfred L. Woods, arid Edward the beginning of history the Middle Mr. HESELTON. Mr. Speaker, I ask Kimokteak. East has been the most strategic area in :unanimous consent to address the House 2070 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE FEBRUARY 21 - f-Or 1 minute and to revise and extend New Jersey: James _S. King, State agency for surplus commodities (potatoes) supervisor, commodity di~tribution, de­ in the town of Greenfield. my remarks. It is understood that there will be no The SPEAKER. Is there objection to partment of economic development, di­ expense connected with the procuring of - the request of the g-entleman from Mas­ vision of commerce and municipal aid, these potatoes at the source, and it will not sachusetts? 520 East State Street, Trenton, N. J. be necessary to sign any contract govern­ There was no objection. New York: Distribution in New York ing this distribution, and the source will be Mr. HESELTON. Mr. Speaker, I am is handled through each of the county in the immediate vicinity of the town of delighted to report that I was informed departments of public welfare. Each · Greenfield, such as Deerfield, Sunderland, or about a half hour ago that the Green­ county has its own set-up. State pro­ Whately. This is in accordance with my conversation over the phone with Repre­ field authorities have received authoriza­ vides no distribution agency at a central sentative JOHN HESELTON and his under­ tion from the Massachusetts Department point.
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