SOCIALISM WILL BE Socialist Appeal TROTSKY’S MONUMENT Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International VOL. IV— No. 35. NEW YORK. N. Y, SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1940 26.7 F IV E (5) CENTS JACKSON ‘CONFESSION’ SHOWS GPU HAND IN TROTSKY MURDER In Honor Of Leon Trotsky Follows Familiar Pattern O f The Moscow Trials Letter Found On Assassin Sounds Like A Page Out O f The Moscow Trial Record Stalin's GPU has written its own signature under the crime of the assassination of Leon Trotsky. From the person of "Frank Jackson", the assassin, Mexican police took a document purporting to be a "confession" prepared in advance of the fatal assault on Trotsky. As always, the crude agents of Stalin's terror gang had over-reached themselves. They designed Jackson's "confession" to cover up their tracks. Instead it becomes documentary evidence which convicts Sta­ lin of the crime beyond any possibility of doubt. Similar blunders glared again and again out of the record of the universally discredited Moscow trials of 1936,1937, and 1938. The planting of the Jdckson "confession" tops them all. With the ^"confessions" in the Moscow trials, Staliif Trotsky's Body convicted himself of the murders of the men sheviks to victory in the Oclobef revolution? With the "confession" of Jackson, Stalin Refused Entry brands himself the murderer of Trotsky. This colossal blunder, like those that 100,000 Workers pockmarked the Moscow trials, was inevitable. and Peasants The GPU was compelled by Stalin’s needs to embody in any Trotsky, the warrior of the workers' re­ Honor Body statement by the murderer additional “ verification” of the charg­ es made against Trotsky in the Moscow trials. The universal re­ M E X IC O C IT Y , A u g u st 27 — volution, as commander of the Red jection of the “ confessions” and other Moscow T rial “ docu­ Leon Trotsky’s body became Army in 1918-1922. ments” , by which Stalin sought to justify his murder of the men ashes this afternoon in the cre­ who made the revolution with Lenin, was the beginning of the matory of the government-owned end of Stalin. 1 Ience at every point since then, Stalin has sought Panteon cemetery, in the pres­ to bolster the verdicts of the Moscow trials with additional “ con­ TROTSKY MEMORIAL ence of Natalia, Albert Goldman fessions" and “ evidence” . and Trotsky’s secretaries. Hence the contents, the style, the very phrasing of Jack*’ MEETINGS THIS WEEK Cremation took place after all Memorial meetings in honor of Leon Trotsky were held dur­ hope was given up today that The full text of the assassin’s confession is published on ing the last week in New York City. Newark (New Jersey), Bos­ Secretary of State Cordell Hull page 3 o f th is issue. ton, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Reports of these meetings would change his previous deci­ will appear in next week’s APPEAL. sion and permit the body to be Below we list the time and place of several memorial meetings son’s “ confession” follows a certain pattern, easily recognized brought to New York for a mass which w ill be held during the coming week. Other announcements by those who possess even a slight acquaintance with the GPU’s, fu n e ra l. of memorial meetings will be published next week. methods in the Moscow trials. After the State Department’s DETROIT MEMORIAL MEETING refusal was published, Albert A POLICE MIND WROTE IT Wednesday, Sept. 4 Doty H all Goldman on Sunday sent the fol­ A police mentality dictated this "confession” . Possessed of lowing telegram to Secretary consummate skill in the preparation of its numerous attempts ta 8 P. M. 8647 Woodward Ave. Detroit H u ll: murder Trotsky, in the planning of the most minute details o£ Speaker: JULES GELLER, “ If press report your refusal to permit bringing Trotsky’s a murder, this police mentality is hopelessly limited when it Secretary Michigan District, S. IV. P. Great throngs did honor to body to United States is true comes to ideological questions. Motion picture film of Trotsky in Mexico the remains of Leon Trotsky I consider action without au­ in Mexico City last week. Re­ Hence the GPU agents who wrote the confession could think Hear a recording of a speech by Trotsky thority in law and highly ar­ presentatives of the Mexican bitrary. If you fear burial in of nothing except to follow slavishly the pattern already laid Government joined with those CHICAGO MEMORIAL MEETING United States I state that pur­ down by the GPU in Moscow in the Moscow trials. Where they of Mexican workers’ organiza­ pose of bringing body is to Friday, August 30 Midland Hotel tions in the final tributes. Top added to that pattern (as we shall see below) they added only hold memorial meeting in New photo shows Albert Goldman, items already elaborated previously by the Stalinist press. 8 P. M. 172 W. Adams St., Chicago York to honor memory of great Trotsky’s attorney, delivering Let us now go over the “ confession” point by point and we Speaker: M A X G ELDM AN, historic figure and to protest the funeral oration. With him his murder by Stalin’s GPU. shall see how stupid a fabrication it is. Minneapolis labor leader, just released after serving is Adolfo Zamora, editor of the Body will be brought back to 1. It w ill be remembered that practically all of the "defen­ sentence at Sandstone Federal Prison as a leader of Marxist review Clave. Middle Mexico for burial in only coun­ the famous WPA strike. photo; Mexican workers mount dants” and GPU agents in the Moscow trials claimed to have try in the world granting Trot­ guard at the bier. Lower left; been originally admirers of Trotsky. A ll of them claimed to have sky political asylum in his last ALLENTOWN MEMORIAL MEETING Part of the crowd that demon­ years thus living up to liberal become disillusioned when they found out that Trotsky was al­ stratively came out for the Sunday, September 1 Labor Temple Hall tradition. Ask that you recon­ legedly motivated only by personal hatred of Stalin. A ll of them funeral service. 2:30 P. M. Allentown, Pa. sider refusal and grant per­ were supposed to have been asked by Trotsky to go to Russia mission immediately to bring and murder Stalin. All of them supposedly found out that Trot­ body or ashes.” sky was in league with some government hostile to the Soviet CLEVELAND MEMORIAL MEETING Chilean Workers But Washington remained ada­ Union. Friday, September 6 Hotel Allerlon Denounce Stalin mant in its refusal to permit Trotsky’s body even temporary HITLER NO LONGER NAMED 8 P. M. Cleveland, Ohio As the Murderer presence in the United States. Speaker: D A V ID STEVENS, The following cable appear­ Unofficially it was indicated that Jackson repeats the formula. The slight variations he intro­ District Secretary S. IT. P. ed in the New Y o rk Tim es, there would not even be a reply duces are precisely those necessitated by the change in Stalin’s A ug ust 23. Motion Picture Film of Trotsky to Goldman’s telegram, the State foreign policy since the Moscow Trials. At that time Stalin was; SANTIAGO, Chile, August Phonograph Record of Trotsky Speech Department standing on its pre­ for “ collective security” against H itler; therefore the “ confes­ 22 — Leon T ro ts k y ’s death vious statement of refusal, made caused a stir here today in a sions” then had the defendants in league with Hitler. Now, how­ TOLEDO MEMORLAL MEETING in answer to a query from the section of the masses where American consulate in Mexico ever. H itler is Stalin’s partner; hence it is no longer the Hitler; he had many supporters. Mem­ Thursday, Sept. 5 Secor Hotel c ity . government with which Trotsky is supposed to be in league blit bers of the Revolutionary The great “democracy” , like instead “ a great nation and a certain foreign parliamentary com­ 8 P. M. Toledo, Ohio Workers party and the Inter­ all the other imperialist pow­ mittee an obvious reference to the United States government Speaker: A R T PREIS national Workers party parad­ ers, had refused Trotsky a and the Dies Committee. ed the streets last night visit­ place of asylum in his lifetime. YOUNGSTOWN MEMORLAL MEETING ing newspaper offices and And it refused him even a 2. Jackson’s reference to Trotsky’s alleged proposal that he Central Auditorium voicing protests. day’s grace in death. The spec­ go to Russia to organize the murder of Stalin is practically i Sunday, September 8 A committee composed of tacle of the streets of New leaders repudiated Joseph word for word repetition of the statement made by almost every 225 W. Boardman St. York filled with mourners for Stalin’s methods throughout defendant in the Moscow Trials. 2 :3 0 P. M. the man who symbolized world Youngstown, Ohio the world, asserting his agents revolution was one which the The John Dewey Commission which investigated those trials Recording of Trotsky’s Speech were responsible for the crime (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on page 3) Motion Pictures of Trotsky in Mexico 2 SOCIALIST APPEAL AUGUST 31, 1940 MPLS. UNIONS DEMAND MILITARY Trotsky’s Body ORKERS' SELLING Cremated, U. S. TRAINING CONTROLLED BY WORKERS Refused Entry (Continued from Page 1) MINNEAPOLIS, Minn—A demand for mili­ to see any measurable difference between the [gQRUM THE ipJPPEAL capitalist class would permit Maloney amendment and the Burke-Wadsworth tary training under the control of the trade under no circumstances.
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