+ + + + a ++ + + + i + + ++ XV CANARY ISLANDS WINTER SCHOOL OF ASTROPI{YSTCS Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife t7 -28 I Xr I 2003 "Puyloud und Mission Definition in Spuce Sciences" \ t t '.ó, 1,"'* t XV Conory lslorrds Winler School ol Aslrophysics I NMGSGEtreM $'; a, t 3 I IrF ? .fi., V MICHAEL Poster advertising the XV Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics. THIERRY APPOURCHAUX The IAC has organizedils XV Canary lslands Winter School of Astrophysics, from the 17th to the 28rh of November, at the Conference Centre in Puerto de la JosÉ MtctJEL RoDníeuez Cruz (Tenerife), with the support of the Canary lslands Government, the Spanish ESPINOSA Ministry for Science and Technology, the European Solar Magnetometry Network (ESMN) and the European Space Agency (ESA), and with the collaboration of the lsland Governmenl of Tenerife and Puerto de la Cruz Town Council. This yea/s Winter School lectures are to be given by ten experts in space Vis¡t our missions. There are 75 participants from 19 countries that are currently preparing, web page t@c or have recently completed their doctoral thesis in a subject related to the theme of this School. The school will include visits to the lnstituto de Astrofísica de h ttp ://ww. ¡ ac. e {gab¡ n e te/¡ac no t¡c ¡ a dd ¡g ¡ ta I 1 . htn Canarias in La Laguna and to the Teide Observatory (Tenerife). \#o rh@ 2 Special 2003 Special 2003 3 CONTENTS DIRECTOR'S WELCOME page 3 pages 20 & 21 PTO|. FRANCISCO SÁNCHEZ Director's Welcome THE CONQUER OF SPACE: (Director of the IAC) FRANCTSCO SÁNCHEZ (rAC) a questioned success? pages 22 & 23 Our knowledge of the Universe is based on information that, coming from outside pages 4 & 7 MERCY OF CIRCUMSTANCES XVCANARYISLANDS ATTHE our planet, we are capable of obtaining and interpreting. For this reason, School of Space Astronomy pages 24 & 25 WINTERSCHOOL astronomical will continue to be the key in the 21"t VALENTTN MARTTNEZ PTLLET (rAC) FORACLEANORBIT observation century. Even OFASTROPHYSICS though the Eafth's atmosphere is a limitation, it is starting to be surmountable by and Mission ANTONTO APARTCTO (ULU rAC) pages 26 & 27 "Payload going it. Definition in Space FRANCISCO SÁruCUrZ lOirectorof the IAC) EARTHANDSPACE: outside of Earlh and Space are, therefore, complementary;they involve Sciences" movies sets astrophysicists more in "space.'The lnstituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (lAC) pages I & 9 is an example of it, and it is logical that some of our Canary lslands Winter School "Measurement of Electromagnetic Fields pages 28 & 29 of Astrophysrbs- like this one, the fifteenth- would be dedicated to the planning of ORGANIZING and Particles in Space" Lecturers at the "Canary lslands Winter missions and their payloads. COMMITTEE: space John E. Beckman A dance of Particles School of Astrophysics" Ramón García López ANDRÉ BALOGH Other events On January of this year, the Commission of European Communities published a Francisco Sánchez (The Blackett Laboratory, lmperial Publications green book about European space politics. ln it, the need to maintain a high transfer College, United Kingdom) of knowledge and information between the different generations of scientists and SECRETARIAT: pages 30 & 31 engineers was emphasized, since these are long-term projects. ln spite of the Lourdes González pages 10 & 11 Snapshots increase in the productivity of the space industry, a grow¡ng ageing of the Nieves Villoslada "Planetary Observations and Landers" population of Space experts has been noticed. Grazing the Planets Francisco Sánchez ANGIOLETTA CORADINI (CNR-lASF, ltaly) This edition of the CanaryWinter School of Astrophysrbswill help the participants to deepen their knowledge in spec¡fic fields of space Astrophysics, creating a pages 12 & 13 platform of communication between young scientists and experts in space "Basic steps in designing a space mission techniques. and making a proposal" From theory to reality... Moreover, just as in past years, the IAC does not want the relat¡onship with the ÁlvRno crMÉNEZ participants to end at the conclusion of this edition. For this reason, we encourage OTHER COURSES (RSSD.ESA-ESTEC, The Netherlands) you to stay in touch with us through the email ln AND LECTURES: address [email protected]. addition, you will page: always find updated information at our web http://www.iac.es. OUR THANKS TO "X ray and Gamma pages 14 & 15 instrumentation" "EUV and UV lmaging and Spectroscopy rho To conclude, I would like to thank the professors and the students for their - The Island Government XAVIER BARCONS from Space" participation, as wellas the entities that, with their help and sponsorship have (Cabildo) of Tenerife (lnst¡tuto de Física de The ultraviolet Universe made the lslands Winter School of Astrophysi6s" possible for one more - Puerto de la Cruz Town Cantabria (CSIC-UC), Spain) "Canary RICHARD HARRISON INSTITUTO DE ASTROFISICA DE CANARIAS year. Council (Rutheford Appleton Laboratory, United - The Canary lslands "Spacecraft and ground Director: Francisco Sánchez Government segment" Kingdom) Head of the Director's Support Unit: Luis A. - Spanish Ministry for Science GERHARD SCHWEHM and Technology (ESA-ESTEC, pages 16 & 17 Marlínez Sáez Publications Carmen del Puerto . ESMN The Netherlands) "Design lssues for Space Science Officer: Text, Format and Editing: Cannen del Puerto, - ESA Missions" Bibiana Bonmatí Ranero 'Visible l¡ght telescopes and High Design ),Karin English Text: Karin Ranero instruments for space YVES LANGEVIN observations" Mailing List and Distribution: Ana M. Quevedo Wh¿t uriU you flnd i¡r this Special Issue? (Université Paris-Sud, France) MICHAEL PERRYMAN Original Design: Gotzon Cañada (ESA-ESTEC, Poster Design: Ramón Castro (SMM/IAC) The Netherlands) pages 18 & 19 Electronic Edition: Inés Bonel Tbis speci¿l issue of IAC Noticiac is dedic¿ted to THIERRY APPOURCHAUX, "Space I nf rared Astronomy" Drawings: Golzon Cañada the XI/ Winter School and (ESA-ESTEC, Heirs to the Hubble Group Photographs: Miguel Briganti (SMM/IAC) cont4ins reports of interviews vrith some of The Netherlands) MARK McCAUGHREAN Image Processing: Gotzon Cañada the i¡rvited leéturers (Ir¿g€s 8-19), JOSÉ MIGUEL RODRíGUEZ (Astrophysikalisches lnstitut Potsdam, Deprisito Legalz TF-3 35/87 previous issues, ESPINOSA (|AC-GTC, Spain) [SBN:. 0213/893X as i¡r SOME FIGURES: Germany) as well as their individu¿l a.nswers to a set of common questions N. Lecturers: 10 on various topics Gages 2o,-27). N. Students: 75 tr\¡rther infom¿tion on this arxd previous Winter Schools N. Countries: 19 is also inaluded. N. Applications: 137 The reproduction of any text or f¡gure contained ¡n this bulletin ¡s.permitted, cit¡ng /4C Notlclas of the lnstituto de ' Á"úáiGi"" oá Canarias" and its aulhor' rh@ rh@ 4 Special 2003 Special 2003 5 until now, which appears in Figure 1) Express mission, similar to the Mars School of Space Astronomy includes a series of missions with a launch mission but without a surface probe. Mars expecled before 2013. The XV Winter Express will reach the red planet this School focuses on the needs of future Christmas. Venus Express will be missions and useful payloads included in launched in 2005, making the most of its VALN\TTÍN TWARTÍWSZ PTLLET, AAilONTO APARTCTO E FRANCTS& SÁNGTEZ) this programme. The ESA's scientific respective planetary window. @ga'tzas d tlexvámy tsla* n¡a frml d@Vae) programme covers a great majority of the space sciences (only second to NASA's, ln this group, we must include the Rosetta The Earth's atmosphere, which allows for margin for error. The environment in space, sharing many common points with it). Using mission, which should have been the existence of life on our planet, and the an almost perfect vacuum, is not this programme as a starting point for the launched in January but, for one of the day-night cycles, which regulate it, are the necessarily harmful, but it entails different school we hope: different difficulties related to space main limitations that astronomers technology than the one used commonly missions mentioned at the beginning, has encounter when studying the Universe. on Earth. The great majority of materials 1.- To cover all aspects of astronomy as a been postponed and will be launched to a Our atmosphere distorts the luminous wave that astronomical instruments in classic space science. new destination at the start of 2004. fronts of the objects that we study and, even observatories are made of, experience 2.- f o offer a perspective of the future worse, in some cases prevents these losses (outgassing) that would because the school will focus on the topics Group V: lt will include Bepi-Colombo, waves from reaching our ground-based contaminate the instruments when in a that the European and international cornestone mission which will head toward telescopes because it absorbs them. vacuum, requiring a careful selection of community will put its effort on in the next Mercury, and the Solar Orbiter that, as its Moreover, the duration of night (or day!) these materials. This vacuum does not few years. name implies, will orbit the Sun with imposes limits on the amount of allow the thermal control of the instruments 3.- To provide a reference frame for the perihelion at Mercury and aphelion at Ve- astronomical observing time, thus limiting to be carried out by convection, like Earth- reach of a school as general as this one. nus. The launches of these missions are the accuracy of our measurements. There is based ones; thus, the heat dissipated by expected between 2012-2013. The only one way to completely evade these the instruments must be eliminated by The ESA's scientific programme is divided propulsion technology needed to arrive harmf ul conditions f or astronomical radiating it to deep space. into three sections: Astrophysics, the Solar that close to the Sun (electric propulsion), in investigation: going to outer space.
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