Boctor of L^^Iloiopttv M PERSIAN

Boctor of L^^Iloiopttv M PERSIAN

THE SOOAL CONOmONS OF IRAN DURING THE FIRST HALF OF 20TH CENTURY A.D. AS REFLEQEO IN THE NOVELS OF MOHD. HE3AZI ABSTRACT THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE AU6ARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY, ALIGARH FOR THE KHkKD OF THE DEGREE OF Boctor of l^^iloiopttv m PERSIAN BY MD. EHTESHAMUODIN Under th« Supervision of 9 DR. AZARMI DUKHT SAFAVI (Professor) DEPARTMENT OF PERSIAN ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH ONDIA) 2a05 The purpose of the present thesis, is to attempt an indepth study of the novels of Mohd. Hejazi, one of the most popular and enlightened novelists of the 20'^ century Iran, in the light of the social conditions that prevailed in his country during the first halfofthe 20'*'century. The study is focussed on how these social conditions have been understood, interpreted, elaborated and commented upon by Mohd. Hejazi through his stories, plots, characters and different events occurring in the lives of his protagonists. This study is also aimed at understanding and assessing this most renowned Iranian novelist of the 20 century, in the background of the socio-political scenario and the cultural ambience that prevailed in Iran during his times. It can be safely said that literature and poetry while being products of their times, also leave their impact on these conditions. It is a mutual give and take between the society and the writer, and in order to understand his writings, one must also try to understand the society in which these have been produced. This is the reason that the present work not only deals with the novels but also focuses and makes an attempt to understand and describe the social pattern of his times and how it affected Modem Persian Prose. To serve as a back drop to Hejazi's novels, a brief study of the genres of Modem Persian Prose have also been attempted. All available important prose works of his period are taken into account and critically evaluated. The thesis consists of four chapters, the fifth chapter being the Conclusion. First chapter deals with the social and political conditions of Iran in the early part of the 20* century. It describes how, during that time, winds of change have taken Iran into their grip and how the Iranian people have responded to them. This chapter attempts to provide an outline of these conditions and how they were responsible for the changes that took place in the prose and poetry of Iran. Second chapter describes how Modem Persian Prose came into existence in Iran. It defines and analyses the changes that took place in the style, language and thoughts, preparing the field for the introduction of new prose and poetry. It also gives a brief account of the new literary genres in prose, highlighting their chief characteristics. It also lays stress on a new kind of social awareness obtainable in the novels and short stories of this period. The third chapter deals at length with the development of novel writing in Iran with special reference to those novelists and their works that were Hejazi's contemporaries. Fourth chapter is focussed on Mohd. Hejazi, his life and works, and is an attempt to critically evaluate Hejazi's novels as a reflection of the social conditions of Iran during the first half of the 20^*^ century. Following novels, their plots, characters and their social contents have been discussed in detail: 1. Zeba 2. Huma 3. Sarashk 4. Parichehr 5. Parwane The fifth and the last chapter is the Conclusion. It tries to sum up Hejazi's role as a social writer in the light of his novels. A detailed bibliography, in alphabetical order, is appended at the end. -f^> '^j -flic . ^^ u»| olf .ViU iliA *r*^<> ^ n '^: ; •• T6428 Prof. Azarmi Dukht Safam Aligarh Muslim University CHAIRMAN Aligarh - 202002 (UP) India DEPARTMENT OF PERSIAN Tel 2700937 Ext 1541 (0) 0571-2720624 (R) This is to certify that Mr. Md. Ehteshamuddin has done his research work under my supervision. The thesis entitled The Social Conditions of Iran During the First Half of 20'*" Century A.D. as Refelected in the Novels of Mohd. Hejazi, is his original work and is suitable for submission for the award of Ph.D degree in Persian. Jjl^i (Prof. Azarmi Dukht Safavi) Chairman '1 •••tM • ^t4i% ^ • • I <v • • rii riA ^titX Jt^-\ Jir jC't^f/'^^'f-^^ W-^li^c"^ Oriented icCiyfiJi^/^^ijJlf/ut^^j £/U/i^w^(Jr'L?^^L^U>^^tV'Vl./U-2ljXlZl(/lA (Focal Point) >e^*^ j?'-^ tvi^'^ i<!l/'9 lr^/l:^'->'c;L> i>^U'^^ 6^ >->^ ^^ • • (J^ (^ f' f^t^ Uvf>-(Zl (i/4. ^il l^^ 9>*L^ 41^ J;l^ l/l/w^j (/I cl(y/-l>f if^vii Ll^ J'U ^c^;^(/U Jr^^^ii-Uy(/^JA ITL^ jie^(yi^ilJ>^Zl>^l^^/:i^(l-(y/A/(/iyVy.y(/*^V^»^(/0 d'/'v^'k^t^ei^t'lTuivtirU^i^yvLv^JfylL/I^c^/v ~ A*/ •• X /L\^yOij}:{S^tr'^))ii^O)j:J^h\^^^jii/^J\^J\^^J'LiLy^{S^^^J\J^ r D L • A • • • • ^.=^1 wet jPivci^ji; u^./Li^^c^-^/ijx^^ S\^^^J^ ^iiJ>::^ii c<:v^->t<; J^P'i^^/vjii ^^>^ij c^j^.jCi^ifiiyi i^'jt l,U(j:::c/7/^i;Uv^j(i->^iy:c^;Lr (CoupDeEtat) bVl/l^^c^C/? * • y;iy^i;u>yJ>fJ::^^/c?--^(J^^'^^'(Jt<'-kn^ ir Colony (jl^li'vrfe^ljC^lylyi^^fjJtili/^^i^^fJ^U^Ul^l^lvi^^l (^ (j:^ J.U^y7 £ U^lJl^:,! j^>V Lbvj;y f<^L^i((^b^^ (ijJ>(/*w:^U(/c^lyli«c.U>5lJlUlcJ(Zlcil^Uv^A(^J>^^>«-^J^^ ^;iyiJby^J^yyJu^J^.i^Uy/Jiii)(i7yCrj(^77'' ir :J^l>^Elwell Sutton The policy dictated by Reza Khan was infact strongly nationalist and opposed to any form of foreign intervention. l(i -t^(J'l^(j:!:w^(Ai'y'L'y^uri7i(Ljy^iJLpiiC^^i)^ i^(/vc/?J^/LJi^c^y'(/ci'y'yl-^y(iyy.yyj<(f/i>y^£j'^^ -(JliLL^(i^cJ(yl6yci'i-L/ivj:!fHr^7iJL(/2>>-' -/wi^^y (/(/i/^^ yj^ (/i/ui^y(/j^>^i jy ii,y t^/iy I ^ yv>^J^-u:''>^63XLr^cr2^/(^/^i?L^ Ji>^yJ>cfJ^lc^cr^^!/'J4 11 • • lA ri rr rr r•)i^ L jy|f/^4)->*(/>lJ>>f ^^^ rr jy^l6b^JUU^yi^(j:JcJlyl/l>T.^l^^l^(-;iJt>^c.Uj(yl^Uj^f't7^ ra * n r^ rA bJ • * r* l>l;:r j.>4i,-l?/ir^ J^Z (i>c<: c.>u. (/y|^-^b^^^ ri "The mark of his style is apparent in the official correspondence of Nasiruddin Shah's reign, in the works of the writers of the time, and even in the travel diaries of the king '|A "His style was influenced more by European authors than by the classical prose stylist of persia; argumentation was its essential trait, and this appealed to the younger generation as a new literary phenomenon".^ rK >.«U>i^ )>i^:>abt Ji>ij:! f-i/V)^V>l> Dy^(/Oi(/Jl^^ ^^ J>^vii j^u^Li^oi^ uSi>*(9Jirir (^L^y>*(^^ LtO:ji L^c<< 1. u/( [^>a'^j( (ATJ^U Jk^"-:^ c:iifr 6u^ f-fV ra ri^^«>c<iy.L/bi>b/;;^t^jiiy^(/>V-'lJ^U>"t^^ -jj^yB4;Vi£f(/c:jU(^^u^ib^L-v^^(-^^(j:;y;>B>^^ • »• •• ri rL rA J^/* t/^ l^^.-iJ b ^^HfU^ l^(/^ rq r- ** ^''^>f2£'vJi>b'jij£^U(/i^Ujt:o)^:>((jj>c^yj(yLbU3;^ il ,^lyvj( Jit L'>(/'>^'/6v^ l>^L/^^t Ji^'^-*'J'^'l/U'(/^^ ri J\}^i Short story cT^U c^u/fllr/i:^l:>t/' \J>h j>\^A\:}^J^/j?^.::>^^SjiMJ>,/ Nouvelle >c^L^b Single Effect {Sj^\i^\:^J^\i\:j>\Cy^y'^d>^\j:^^^^^\^2j^ -r rr •d^ IJUL^J rr rr /UCL^V^IV^J^^ ^i>V'(J^ U-^c3^'^ C^'/'-'^^ u^' t ^iJii ^J l^^ijp-^jiijiy ^}^J^i J \J>^^jy^^ \ji n (Id'/'O^L^ U^t/f t/(/t:iL^ jlU^X l^^^'ii^^^ r^ rA • • • • • • rq f\^^M^J.\^uL)^. : Jit -r <i» (^(J^-^'^ a'^-j'c^f'^L^UL/)^ (XuTi^^/^jy l^^evU^ • • « ( • ar • • ^r "Chubak can not be considered a mere imitator, his work is far too original. He has a firm sense of what story should be. Indeed if he wrote more, he has it in him to become one of the best short story writer in Modem Persian." ip -Jdi^ij/f', P^^ ifj^ ^y!^X u.itviijiAi yt/^^f r J:Z ^r "Chubak avails himself of the language of the people. However, we are apt to find exaggeration : For instance when he allows people to speak a vulger language which in reality they would never use." ^ ^ii f^u/irTZ: (j^,( Jij;(/^//Jlyl^byt J^^(/^ JL^^^ (51 :><riJTJiJf "Among the younger generation of persian writers Jalal Al-e-Ahmad deserves to be singled out for his versality markedly individual style and deep conviction that sum through all his works." 1} j\S^j:j''<^^\y\i^Jj^^^c^^\^(^K^J^J^j:^i\[5j^f\ ^jj.yj. dA \^JJi, IT • 09 rr J'J^iJ "Among the new generation of writer, Buzurg Alvi has been outstanding ability in adapting 1* European techniques of story telling while at the same time creating works of art still strikingly Persian", ly • • * -C^9va^^>7yC>j>-i>jkt'UU(/>^^>i^i(j:l:c;UZlcJL^^^ ra ': j>^/5( V-jX ir ir ir :u;i c^Ab L/^L-L c/iybj c^T JL.^I 0%, c^y^tifi/" 1^ .vc^ffjii^dl/iJ^^-^'J/^Jt^c^;vj> BI^C/A^t dt/ c/Ju^yLc^}l:iiJAiJL^r/\iif'hjf^S\J^^ (i^tvjT J^t^jt;^ J';/' ii>^ J*^^ ^i (i;uc<^v(i;(v 11 ^ •» I** • 1^ (>t;J^J^i^>6:y2lu^0J(/y7i((/iv^j?Lri^j^ a^(jf'i;^'lr.i^UB7bi''c:/^u>/c.7(;i4^Jy(/^^ i^U^>c^jljiUXj(c3iy)c/^(j:!c^7^iJy(/c/^^^ 1A fj^cT^^U^ J^^^U^ (j>:^y^t^U Ji/^il c/uUi^ycK- ^iy^fj^i:/^ • * I :L^2£fj^^tifUL/0yc/vT(/l^(/^l/yc^ 19 (j^i/vii (/J^U ^^ j/( Jyt/-i>f i>tc (j:! cJi^ z.» U^-t^L^ Jf !?l^ Training Institute 4^w^>''i/c:^^'^l<!'^^^'^(/(J'V''-^^' -^ f(i//^Ojj ^;w^l:>ii <i/^h\: L c/l^ JL^ J.U jt oy^^J^'C \j}/j'\ r^ j>^ ^r • • 1.

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