Block Level Statistic

Block Level Statistic

GOVERNMEl^r OF KERALA block level statistic MALAPPURAM DISTRICT DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS TRIVANDRUM 1986 BLOCK LEVEL STATISTICS MALAPURAM DISTRICT DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS &. STATISTICS AUGUST, 1986 N IE P A DC D05199 Sub. N:rn' ';;. 1 Systems Unit, N.iti ' ■ .re of FducatiofliJ Pi (i trtiriisfTation 17-V (-^TajiZ.NewDel hi-iioaa,^ Date........................^ . k l U PREFACE The department of economics and statistics is now engaged in building uj) block-level data for each district to facilitate tiecentralised planning. “Blocik level statistics” of Malappuram district was prepared by oiBcers and sita IT of the district oflice of economics and statistics M alappuram under the guidance of the deputy director. Ft is hoped that this report will be of C(msiderable use to the planners for Ibrmulation of schemcs and for evaluation of scheme implemented in blocks. Suggestions for improvement are most welcoime. I'rivandrum, N . G e o r g e J o h n , 28-8-J 986. Director o f Economics and Statistics. 37/3855/MC. C:C)N TEN TS S e c t i o n I — P o p u i .a t i o n Talble I . l iilocks, Patichayats and Waitts 3J» 1.2 G eneral I’opulation pai licnlai'.s of blocks 1981 1.3 CJencral Population particulars of PaiichayaLs 1981 >>■ 1.4 (iencral Population particiilais of'SCl/STs in blocks 1.5 Workers and Jion-workers in blocks 1981 1.6 Workers aud i\ou-workcvsmpandiayats 19BI 33 1.7 Workers and non-workers {8C.) in panchayats 1981 1.8 Workers and non-workers (ST) in panclmyats 1981 S e o t io n 2— A g r ic u l t u i^e I'a b le 2.1 Rainfall in selected centres 1982 > J 2.2 No. ofplots and area under tlry land and wet land 9!) 2.3 Laud utilisation pattern J.» 2.4 A rea uniler iinpovtaiit crops 5 » 2 .5 livestock popidation 1982 S e c it io n 3— E iju c a t io n 'I'ab le 3.1 Schools for general education (1983-84) >5 3 .2 Students in general ethication (1983-84) 5 > 3.3 SC/ST Students in school education (1983-84) 5i5 3 .4 Social & cultural institutions 1984 S e c t io n 4—M iscellaneous T a b le 4,1 Housing conditions 1980 ?)5 ^■.2 liiduslrial iniits & banks (1983-84) »5 <. 3 Industry-wise classification ofSSl Units (1983-84) 4 .4 Outmii^ratirtn for empioymeni 1980 4 5 .Medical institutions (1983-84) 4.6 Inii astructiire lacilities MALAI’PURAM DISTRICT Population 1981 2402701 A rea Scj. km. 3548 D ensity ol p o p u ­ lation (persons per S(\. km .) 677 No. of Taluks 4 So. of Blocks 14 ^o.of Municipalities 4 No. of Pancliayats 95 No. of W ards 1U12 S E C T IO N 1 POPULATION S7. jYo.. Name o f Block No. o f panchayals No. of wards (1) (2) (3) (4) 1. Andathode 5 47 2. K ondotty 11 98 3. Kuttippurani 6 53 4. \felappuram 7 66 5. M atijeri 5 53 6. M aukatla 9 83 7. N ilam bur 8 74 8. Perunthalinanna 8 71 9. Ponnani 4 40 10. 'llia n u r 7 77 11. rifu r ,'3 51 12. I’iruraiigadi 5 53 13. V engara 7 68 14. W andoor 8 78 Sul) Total 95 912 ^ [iJNHCIPALlTIES Malappurain 24 M anjeri 28 Poniiaiii 24 T iru r 24 Suh T otal 100 l o t a l 95 1012 37/3855/MC. Litracy rair. i Mo. jVame o f Block Area in J\'o. o f Home-Population Sex ratio Density -Total Sq. km holds Male Female (1) ;2) (3) (5) (6) ('/ (8) (10) 1. Andatljode 90.59 17275 110870 1104 1224 65.0 54.6 59.5 2. Kondotty 303.76 35692 225470 1006 742 69.3 56.8 63.0 3. Kuttipuram 162.43 19930 I3I236 1080 806 62.6 52.9 57.5 4. Malappuraui 174.29 22233 145132 1043 833) 67.1 57.7 62.3 5. Manjeri 182.65 17671 112460 1019 616’ 66.7 55.6 61.1 (5. Alankada 239.73 29506 190024 1055 793' 67.8 59.0 63.3 7. Nilambur 863.24 30618 175808 1014 204 67.8 58.2 63.0 8. Perunthalmanna 266.20 25709 162770 1060 611 66.1 57.1 61.5 9. Ponnani 99.50 17212 108580 1092 1091 67.6 57.1 62.1 10. T hanur 11G.78 2G672 190465 1068 631 61.0 49.8 55.2 11. T irur 102.69 20033 141409 1093 1377 62.2 52.7 57.3 12. Thirurangadi 105.87 22243 155198 1081 1466 66.2 53.2 59.5 13. Vengara 159.95 26761 183872 1074 1150 64.5 52.7 58.4 14. Wandoor 565.96 31615 191633 1025 339 65.8 54.9 60.3 S u t T o tii 3433.64 343170 222492- 1054 648 65.8 55.2 60.3 M unicipalities 1. M alappurara 33.60 6364 39786 1004 1184 74.4 65.6 70.0 2. Manjei'i 53.06 8507 53959 1004 1017 73.1 65.4 69.2 3. Ponnani 9.32 5672 43226 1061 4638 53.4 44.1 46.3 4. Tirur 16.59 5860 40803 1040 2459 68.1 59.4 63.6 Total 112.57 26403 \ m i A 1026 1579 67.5 57.7 62.5 Source: Census of India 1981. TABLE 1.3—GENERAL POPULATION PARTICULARS OF PANGH.AYATS 1981 Population Sl.J\fo. Name o f PmwliayatjBlock Area in jVo. o f house­ Literacy rate Sq. km. holds Total male Female (1) (2) (3) (4) (5 ) (6) (7) 1. Alamcode 20.53 3526 21687 10303 11384 60.0 2. Marancherry 20.47 3657 23954 11373 12581 62.2 3. Naimamukku 19.36 3526 21258 10)107 11151 62.9 4. Ptrumpadappu 15.02 3259 22066 10)435 11631 56.3 5. \^cIiyancode 15.21 3307 21905 1 OH-71 11434 .56.1 A n d a t h o d e 90.59 17275 110870 52->689 .58181 59.5 1. Gheecode 46.72 5310 32181 16i027 16)54 48.4 2. Chelambra 15.81 3090 19492 9686 9808 67.5 3. Clierukavu 16.87 2958 19217 9646 9571 66.3 4. Kizhuperamba 14.99 1889 11342 5691 5651 68.0 5. Kondotli 10.85 2594 17646 8814 8832 61.8 6. Kuzlii manna 23.66 2817 18328 9041 9287 .59.0 7. Pallikhal 25.85 3406 22830 11386 II444 58.4 8. Pullikkal 27.95 3302 21983 KJ991 10992 62.5 J. Urangactiri 76.09 3720 21371 1U560 10811 60.9 10. Vaznakkad 23.78 3625 22345 11039 11306 66.7 11. Vazhayur 21.19 2981 18735 9498 9237 70.1 K o n d o t t i 303.76 35692 225470 112379 113091 63.0 1. Athovanad 26.77 3197 22194 10448 11746 51.4 2. Edayoor 30.63 2669 17482 8415 9067 54.1 3. Irirafailiyam 24.06 2896 18627 B893 8734 62.5 4. Kotiipparathi 21,90 3388 22919 11228 1169! 62.9 5. Kuttippuram 31.31 4487 29024 1.3991 15033 58.6 6. M arakara 27.70 3293 20990 10095 10895 55.0 K itttippuram 162.43 19930 131236 63070 68166 57.5 1. Anakkayara 4.5.22 4425 27656 13782 13874 66.7 2. Koctakkal 20.43 3925 26580 12885 13695 62.4 3. M arayur 24.57 2943 13719 9118 9601 62.4 4. Nediyiruppu 20.28 2621 17494 8670 8824 63.3 5. Pookkottur 20.63 3154 20007 9847 10160 61.1 6. Ponmala 21.60 2697 18455 8994 9461 60.1 7. U ragam 21.56 2468 16221 7732 84£9 57.4 M a l a p p c jr a m 174.29 22233 I45I32 71028 74104 62.3 1. Arecode 12.21 2867 18504 9132 9372 61.7 2. Edavanna 49.14 3852 246)2 12233 12379 61.5 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) ;6) (7) 3. ?Cavanoor 31.30 3002 19244 9635 9609 58.7 4. Pulpatta 30.11 3495 21950 10767 111183 60.6 5. Trikkalangode 51.89 4455 28150 13917 14233 62.4 M a n j e r i 182.65 17671 112460 5,5(i84 56776 61,1 1. Angadipiiram 36.75 5182 32849 lf3092 16757 66.7 2. K odur 18.42 3314 22614 11002 11612 66.6 3. Koottilangadi 20.92 2992 19598 9773 9825 67.8 4. Kiirux'a 35.79 3699 26402 1 1758 12844 52.7 5. M ankada 31.33 3096 19042 !9249 9793 65.6 6. Makkara paramba 11.18 1642 10797 .j 217 5580 64.1 7. Moorkanad 30.55 3081 19(i82 f9570 JQ112 57.7 8. Pulamanliiole 32.10 3781 23601 1J403 12198 62.2 9. Puzhakkottiri 22.69 2719 17239 8397 8848 61.5 M a n k a d a 239.73 29506 190024 92461 97563 63.3 1. Amarambalaxn 140.15 3799 21303 10546 10757 60.4 2. Chaliyar 124.28 6838 37558 18980 18578 62.8 3. Ch'ingathara 199.69 1642 9212 4548 4644 69.0 4. Edakkora 65.30 3785 21480 lfJ656 10824 63.0 5. Moothedam 48.56 2308 13697 6753 6944 59.7 6 . Karalai 135.00 2655 15644 . 7738 7906 58.2 7. Nilambur 36.26 4778 28819 14i43 14C7fi g9.9 8. V'azhikadavoo 114.00 4813 28095 13918 14177 60.2 N i l a m b u r 863.24 30618 175808 87282 88526 63.0 1.

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