249 long term plan 2012-22 Policies The following policies set out basic principles and associated guidelines that Council will follow to direct and limit actions, in pursuit of its long term goal of sustainable development and providing for Community well-being now and into the future. policies 250 Significance Policy PURPOSE • The costs (financial and non-financial). The Invercargill City Council endeavours to be open • Implications on Council’s capacity to undertake its in its decision making, having taken into account the activities. views of its communities. The Policy on Significance • Section 97 (certain decisions to be taken only details: if provided for in the Long Term Plan), Local • The Invercargill City Council’s general approach Government Act 2002. to determining the significance of proposals The following financial thresholds are identified as and decisions in relation to issues, assets or significant: other matters that have not been included in the • Increase greater than 2% to general or targeted Annual Plan and/or Long Term Plan consultation rates for an activity. processes. • Unbudgeted expenditure of $5 million. • The thresholds and criteria to be used in • Unbudgeted annual operating cost increases in determining the extent of significance. excess of $500,000. • The Invercargill City Council's procedures for making decisions. The Invercargill City Council will use the following criteria to determine the level of significance where a • The strategic assets of the Invercargill City proposal or decision meets the significance threshold Council. test: If a proposal or decision is determined by this policy • Whether the decision flows logically and to be significant, the Council will engage and consult consequentially from a decision already with the Community before making a final decision. incorporated into the Long Term Plan or Annual Plan. The closer the linkage, the lesser the significance. GENERAL APPROACH • Impact on Council’s capacity to undertake its The Invercargill City Council will use the following activity. The greater the impact on Council’s general approach to identify the significance of any capacity to function, the more significance it has. proposal and decisions in relation to issues, assets or The degree to which the decision can be reversed. other matters by its likely impact on: • The more irreversible the effects of a decision, the • The well-being of the Community and Community more significance it has. Outcomes. • Consistency with matters already consulted • Those who will be directly and indirectly affected. on. Where there is consistency with decisions • The Community’s financial responsibilities. where there has been consultation, the lesser the significance. THRESHOLDS AND CRITERIA • Practicality matters. Consideration of the cost of consultation, urgency of the matter and The Invercargill City Council will assess the commercial/compassionate considerations. significance threshold of a proposal or decision by having regard to: • Precautionary approach. The greater the level of uncertainty, the more significance it has. • The communities which may be particularly affected and their response options. 251 long term plan 2012-22 PROCEDURE the report will also include a statement addressing the appropriate decision making and consultation The Invercargill City Council (or the relevant procedures under the Local Government Act. committee) will consider the staff report with respect to proposals and decisions in relation to issues, assets or other matters that have not been included in the STRATEGIC ASSETS Annual Plan and/or Long Term Plan consultation Council considers the following assets to be strategic processes. The report will include an assessment of (Section 90, Local Government Act 2002), and whether the proposal, issue, decision or other matter therefore significant in ensuring Council’s capacity is significant. Where the report concludes that the to contribute towards Community Outcomes and the threshold and criteria tests have been triggered, well-being of the Community: Strategic Assets Civic Theatre Complex Electricity Invercargill Limited Invercargill Airport Limited (55% Council ownership) Invercargill City Holdings Limited Invercargill Public Library and Archive – buildings and collections Invercargill Waste Transfer Station Parks and Reserves Public Toilets Roading Network and connected infrastructure Sewerage Networks and treatment plants Splash Palace policies Stormwater Networks in Invercargill and Bluff Stormwater system in Otatara Water Treatment, Storage and Supply Networks Where a strategic asset has many components, An amendment to the Long Term Plan will be required decisions can be made on individual components to transfer the ownership or control of a strategic within the whole without it being regarded as asset to or from Council, unless explicitly provided for significant. Section 97 of the Local Government Act within the document. 2002 will only apply to any decision being made on a strategic asset as a whole or a major part thereof. 252 Maori Capacity DEVELOPMENT OF MAORI CAPACITY TO CONTRIBUTE TO DECISION-MAKING PROCESSES The Invercargill City Council acknowledges support. Te Ao Marama Incorporated provides the importance of tikanga Måori and values its for positive consultation, clarification on matters relationship with both tangata whenua (Ngåi Tahu) of significance to Iwi and identifies appropriate and ngå matawaka (other Måori who are not Ngåi persons for consultation. An atmosphere of trust Tahu living within Murihiku/Southland). and openness is the cornerstone of the relationship which was formed at the signing of the Charter of The four councils of Southland: Environment Understanding. Southland (Southland Regional Council), Southland District Council, Gore District Council and Invercargill Council staff undertake consultation and discussion City Council are required under the Local Government with Måori through Te Kaupapa Taiao Manager on Act 2002 to foster Måori capacity to contribute to a regular basis as a way of recognising the spirit of and participate in local government decision making open partnership inherent in Te Tiriti o Waitangi (the processes. Treaty of Waitangi). This relationship is supported and fostered through The Natural Resource and Environmental Iwi regular participation in Te Roopu Taiao meetings Management Plan 2008 (Te Tangi a Tauira – The Cry by Councillors, nga runanga representatives and of the People) has been developed by Ngåi Tahu ki matawaka representatives. Murihiku with active involvement from all councils. This Plan is an important document which helps the The relationship that each Council has with Ngåi Tahu councils to develop an understanding of issues of ki Murihiku continues to grow in strength. This has importance to Ngåi Tahu and acts as the primary been assisted by the establishment of a Charter of reference for Local Government governance and its Understanding between Te Ao Marama Incorporated interaction with Måori in the Community. (representing nga runanga) and the councils. This relationship allows Te Ao Marama Incorporated to The Invercargill City Council remains committed form the tomokanga (gateway) for consultation to ensuring that opportunities are promoted and between Måori and the councils. offered for Måori to build capacity and to actively engage across the range of Council’s decision-making Councils provide resources such as the provision of processes. technical advice, expertise, information and financial 253 long term plan 2012-22 Development Contributions It is Council’s policy not to charge Development Contributions (Local Government Act) or Financial Contributions (Resource Management Act). It is Council’s intention to continue to investigate a Development Contributions Policy. This will include an assessment of what areas in the Invercargill City District should be subject to contributions. Further public consultation will be undertaken prior to any development contributions being required and a policy being adopted by Council. policies 254 Revenue and Financing Policy Introduction The Revenue and Financing Policy states Council’s Invercargill City Council’s Funding Policy is to treat policies on the funding of its operating and capital both operating and capital expenditure in the same expenditure and the sources of those funds. way. That is to say, the extent to which the provision of a service by the Council is a public or private The Local Government Act 2002 requires Council good, will largely determine the extent to which to manage its finances prudently and in a manner rates or fees and charges fund capital expenditure. which promotes the current and future well-being For example, the revenue funding policy for the of the Community. Council must ensure that each Library Activity is 90% public good; 10% private year’s projected operating revenues are set at a level benefit. Funding the capital expenditure would be sufficient to meet the year’s projected operating proportioned the same way, ie 90% by rates and 10% expenses. by fees and charges. General Principles PERIOD OF BENEFIT In considering the sources of its funding, Three periods of benefit have been identified: consideration was given to the following in relation to each activity. 1. Short term • The Community Outcome to which it primarily · Activities which have an immediate, short contributes. term benefit/impact (1-5 years) on a client or • The distribution of benefits between the organisation. Community as
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