Felix Perez Carnacho Governor Kaleo Scott Moylan Liartenm2tGovmor -. The Honorable Mark Forbes Speaker bfinrr' Hcnte Ocho Nu LihesZ(iturccn(;u8lzart 155 Hessler Street __.._ ~ _ . HagBtfia, Guam 96910 Print Name: Uear Mr. Speaker: ''ra~~srnittedl~erewith is Bill No. 207(EC), "AN ACT TO ADD A NEW $2103.1 TO CHAPTER 2 OF TT'I'TLE 5 OF THE GUAM CODE ANNOTATED; TO AMEND $6207 OF ARTlCLE 2, CHAPTER 6 OF TITLE 4 OF THE GUAM CODE ANNOTATED; AND TO ADD A NEW $6207.1 TO ARTICIE 2, CHAPTER 6 OF TITLE 4 OF THE GUAM CODE ANNOTATED, RELATIVE 'TO THE APPOINTMENT AND REMOVAL OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES WITHIN THE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR OF GUAM, THE LJEUTENANT GOVERNOR OF GUAM, THE GUAM STATE CLEARINGHOIJSE, AND ALL OTHER OFFICES THAT MAY BE ESTABLISHED AND PLACED UNDER THE PURVIEW OR DIRECTION OF 'THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR OF GUAM," now designated as Public Law 28-145. FELIX P. CAMACHO I ~I{i/gi~'Itihrn(;uShctn Governor of Guam Attachment: a copy of the overridden bill is attached cc: The Honorable Eddic Baza Calvo Ssnatar and Legislative Secretary Senator EflurliT J 1. B. Cnivo SECRETARY 01: TIiE LEGISLA1WRE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RECEIpT Print Name & Initial MINA' BENTE OCHO NA LIHESLATURAN GUAHAN TWENTY-EIGHTH GUAM LEGISLATURE 155 Hessler Place, HagPtfia, Guam 96910 August 16, The Honorable Felix P. Camacho I Magarlahen Guiihan Ufisinan I Maga'lahi Hagiitfia, Guam 96910 Dear Maga'lahi Camacho: Transmitted herewith are Bill Nos. 207(EC) & 309(EC) whch were overridden by I MinarBente Ocho Na Liheslatumn Guihan on August 15, 2006, notwithstanding your veto. Sincerely, EDWARD J.B. CALVO Senator and Secretary of the Legislature Enclosures (2) -- Director 472-3409 Fax: 472-35 10 Chief Fiscal Officer 472-3484 Personnel 472-3520 Protocol 472-3499 Archives 472-3465 Clerk of Legislature 472-3464 I MINA'BENTE OCHO NA LIHESLATURAN GUAHAN 2006 (SECOND) Regular Session CERTIFICATION OF PASSAGE OF AN ACT TO Ihli4GA'LAHEN G~.I&IAN This is to certify that Bill No. 207 (EC), "AN ACT TO ADD A NEW 92103.1 TO CHAPTER 2 OF TITLE 5 OF THE GUAM CODE ANNOTATED; TO AMEND 96207 OF ARTICLE 2, CHAPTER 6 OF TITLE 4 OF THE GUAM CODE ANNOTATED; AND TO ADD A NEW 96207.1 TO ARTICLE 2, CHAPTER 6 OF TITLE 4 OF THE GUAM CODE ANNOTATED, RELATIVE TO THE APPOINTMENT AND REMOVAL OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES WITHIN THE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR OF GUAM, THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR OF GUAM, THE GUAM STATE CLEARINGHOUSE, AND ALL OTHER OFFICES THAT MAY BE ESTABLISHED AND PLACED UNDER THE PURVIEW OR DIRECTION OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR OF GUAM," returned without approval of I Maga'lahen Gudlzan, was reconsidered by I Liheslaturan Guihan and after such consideration, did agree, on the 15&day of August, 2006, to pass syd bill notwithstanding the veto of I Maga'lahen GuBhan by a vote o Speaker 2Attested: Senator and Legislative Secretary This Act was received by I Maga'lahen Gudhan this & day of August, 2006, at ~@clock Xsgstant Staff Officer Maga'lahi's Office Public Law No. 28-145 MINA BENTE OCHO NA LIHESLATURAN GUAHAN 2005 (FIRST) Regular Session Bill No. 207 (EC) As amended. Introduced by: R. J. Respicio F. B. Aguon, Jr. J. M.S. Brown Edward J.B. Calvo B. J.F. Cruz Mike Cruz Mark Forbes L. F. Kasperbauer R. Klitzkie J. A. Lujan A. B. Palacios, Sr. Ray Tenorio A. R. Unpingco J. T. Won Pat AN ACT TO ADD A NEW $2103.1 TO CHAPTER 2 OF TITLE 5 OF THE GUAM CODE ANNOTATED; TO AMEND $6207 OF ARTICLE 2, CHAPTER 6 OF TITLE 4 OF THE GUAM CODE ANNOTATED; AND TO ADD A NEW $6207.1 TO ARTICLE 2, CHAPTER 6 OF TITLE 4 OF THE GUAM CODE ANNOTATED, RELATIVE TO THE APPOINTMENT AND REMOVAL OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES WITHIN THE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR OF GUAM, THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR OF GUAM, THE GUAM STATE CLEARINGHOUSE, AND ALL OTHER OFFICES THAT MAY BE ESTABLISHED AND PLACED UNDER THE PURVIEW OR DIRECTION OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR OF GUAM. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF GUAM: Section 1. Legislative Findings and Intent. I Liheslaturan Gudhan finds that $2103 of Chapter 2 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated provides for a separate budget for the Office of the Lieutenant Governor. This law, enacted in Fiscal Year 1977, states in part that ...."this is to ensure the effective discharge of the responsibilities and duties of the Office of the Lieutenant Governor as an office separate from that of the Governor pursuant to Section 6 of the Organic Act of Guam." It is the intent of I Liheslaturan Guhhan to provide I Segundo Nu Maga 'lahen Gudhan appointment and removal powers pursuant to statute and the Organic Act of Guam. Section 2. A new 52103.1 is hereby added to Chapter 2 of Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotated to read as follows: "521 03.1. Lieutenant Governor's Appointment Powers. The Lieutenant Governor of Guam shall have exclusive authority to appoint and remove officers and employees withn the Office of the Lieutenant Governor, the Guam State Clearinghouse, and all other offices that may be established and placed under the purview or direction of the Lieutenant Governor of Guam." Section 3. 56207 of Article 2, Chapter 6 of Title 4 of the Guam Code Annotated is hereby amended to read as follows: "56207. Positions in the Governor's Office. The Governor is authorized to establish such positions as may be necessary for the operation of the Office of the Governor including off-island offices and Government House; provided, however, that no person shall be appointed to fill such a position in the absence of an appropriation to 1 pay the salary set for such position. The Governor shall set the salaries 2 for positions for which salaries are not set by law." 3 Section 4. A new 56207.1 is hereby added to Article 2, Chapter 6 of Title 4 4 of the Guam Code Annotated to read as follows: 5 "56207.1. Positions in the Lieutenant Governor's Office. 6 The Lieutenant Governor is authorized to establish such positions as 7 may be necessary for the operation of the Office of the Lieutenant 8 Governor, the Guam State Clearinghouse, and other offices that are 9 established and placed under the purview or direction of the 10 Lieutenant Governor of Guam; provided, however, that no person 11 shall be appointed to fill such a position in the absence of an 12 appropriation to pay the salary set for that position. The Lieutenant 13 Governor shall set the salaries for positions for which salaries are not 14 set by law." 1 MINA' BENTE OCHO NA LlHESLATURAN GUAHAN 2006 (SECOND) Regular Session Date: /%$sdb VOTING SHEET ill No. -7 (&z) Resolution No. Question: NOT OUT YEAS NAYS VOTING! DURING ABSENT NAME ABSTAINED ROLL CALL AGUON, Frank B., Jr. ?/'/ /' BROWN, Joanne M.S. CALVO, Edward J.B. /' CRUZ, Benjamin J.F, V~ CRUZ, Michael (Dr.) v' FORBES, Mark v KASPERBAUER, Lawrence F. L-" KLITZKIE, Robert L/ LUJAN, Jesse A. L/" PALACIOS, Adolpho B. t, TENORIO, Ra UNPINGCO, Antonio R. WON PAT, Judith T. TOTAL CERTIFIED TRUE AND CORRECT: * 3 Passes = No vote Clerk of the Legislature EA = Excused Absence 1 Mina' Bente Ocho Na Liheslaturan Guahan The 28m Guam Legislature 155 Hesler Place Hagatna, Guam 96910 Office (671) 472-3407 Fax (671) 472-3510 Speaker Mark Forbes Speaker Mark Forbes I Mina' Bente Ocho Na Liheslaturan Guahan 155 Hesler Place Hagatna, Guam 96910 The Committee on General & Omnibus Matters to which Bill No. 207 was referred, wishes to report its findings and recommendations TO DO PASS BILL No. 207 (EC): cbRelativeTo The Appointment And Removal Authority Of Officers And Employees Within The Office Of The Governor Of Guam, The Lieutenant Governor Of Guam, The Guam State Clearing House, And All Other Offices That May Be Established And Placed Under The Purview Or Direction Of The Lieutenant Governor Of Guam By Adding A New $2 103.5 To Chapter 2 Of Title 5 Of The Guam Code Annotated, Amending $6207 Of Article 2, Chapter 6 Of Title 4 Of The Guam Code Annotated And Adding A New $6207.5 To Article 2, Chapter 6 Of Title 4 Of The Guam Code Annotated. Transmitted herewith for your consideration and action is our committee report on the above subject matter. The voting record is as follows: / NOTTOPASS 3 TO REPORT OUT ONLY ABSTAIN INACTIVE FILE Copies of the Committee Report and Yu'os ma'ase for your attention to this matter. '5 Attachments MEMORANDUM TO: Committee M bers FROM: Chainnp- SUBJECT: Committee Report- BILL No. 207 (EC): "Relative To The Appointment And Removal Authority Of Officers And Employees Within The Office Of The Governor Of Guam, The Lieutenant Governor Of Guam, The Guam State Clearing House, And All Other Offices That May Be Established And Placed Under The Purview Or Direction Of The Lieutenant Governor Of Guam By Adding A New $2103.5 To Chapter 2 Of Title 5 Of The Guam Code Annotated, Amending $6207 Of Micle 2, Chapter 6 Of Title 4 Of The Guam Code Annotated And Adding A New 56207.5 To Micle 2, Chapter 6 Of Title 4 Of The Guam Code Annotated. Transmitted herewith for your information and action is the report on Bill No. 207 (EC) from the Committee on General and Omnibus Matters. This memorandum is accompanied by the following: 1. Committee Voting Sheet 2. Committee Report 3. BILL No. 207 (EC) 4. Public Hearing Sign-In Sheet 5.
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