![ミルスペース 120620------[What’S New in Virtual Library?]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ミルスペース 120620- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [What’s New in Virtual Library?] McGrawHill AW&ST Aviation Week 120615nasa_KSC_SpaceportNews_8pages.pdf, Cover.jpg 120604&11AWST_Contents.pdf, Cover.jpg milsatmagazine 120521AWST_Contents.pdf, Cover.jpg milsatmagazine_12June_Contents.pdf, Cover.jpg NASA KSC SpaceportNews [What’s New in Real Library?] [謝辞] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - June 18 – 2012 www.sorae.jp/ 米空軍極秘 X-37B の 2 号機、バンデンバーグ空軍基地に着陸 本時間 21 時 48 分)にバンデンバーグ空軍基地の滑走路に着陸した。 「バンデンバーグ・チームは今日の着陸に備え、1 年間準備を行いまし た。私は今回のミッションを成功させたチームを非常誇りに思っていま す」X-37B の 2 号機着陸後、第 30 スペースウィングのニナ・アルマグロ (Nina Armagno)大佐はこのように述べた。X-37B 2 号機は 2011 年 3 月打上げ、軌道上で 468 日間飛行し、地球の周りを 7000 回以上周 回したが、その目的や役割については明かにされておらず、米空軍は 「実験を行うため」と発表。X-37B は宇宙空間から無人で帰還できる Image credit: U.S. Air Force photo 宇宙船。長さ約 9m、翼幅約 4.5m、重さ約 5000kg で、スペースシャト 米空軍は 6 月 16 日、軌道上で極秘に試験を続けていた X-37B 軌道 ル(オービタ)と比較すると、大きさは 4 分の 1 程度。 試験 2 号機(OTV-2)をカリフォルニア州バンデンバーグ空軍基地に着 陸させた。発表によると、指令を受けた X-37B2 号機は軌道から離脱 し、大気圏再突入した後、米太平洋夏時間 6 月 16 日 5 時 48 分(日 ■X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle lands at Vandenberg http://www.vandenberg.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123306242 http://www.sorae.jp/031101/4653.html - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sun, Jun 17 8:40 AM ET (1240 GMT) X-37B はバンデンバーグ基地に着陸 X-37B lands at Vandenberg its launch in early March of 2011 on an Atlas 5 rocket from Florida. The Air Force has not disclosed the nature of the X-37B's mission other than that it performs "risk reduction, experimentation and concept of operations development" for reusable launch vehicle technologies. This is the second X-37B An experimental robotic spaceplane completed a 15-month to fly in space. The first X-37B spent 224 days in space in 2010 mission on Saturday with a landing at Vandenberg Air Force and is being prepared for another launch this fall. Base in California. The X-37B OTV-2 landed successfully on the main runway at Vandenberg at 5:48 am PDT (8:48 am EDT, 1248 GMT) Saturday. The vehicle had been in space 469 days, since Related Links: ◆ Lompoc (Calif.) Record article http://www.lompocrecord.com/news/local/military/vandenberg/happy-homecoming-for-mini-shuttle/article_7ed1220a-b83d-11e1-9747-0019bb2963f4.html ◆ Spaceflight Now article http://www.spaceflightnow.com/atlas/av026/landing/ ◆ SPACE.com article http://www.space.com/16110-secret-x37b-space-plane-landing.html ◆ Reuters article http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/06/16/us-space-military-shuttle-idUSBRE85F0EW20120616 1 ◆ US Air Force press release http://www.vandenberg.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123306242 http://www.spacetoday.net/Summary/5649 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - June 16, 2012 boeing.mediaroom.com/ ボーイング X-37B OTV 2 号機は初飛行を成功裏に終了 2nd Boeing-built X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle Successfully Completes 1st Flight 469-day mission tested capabilities of reusable unmanned vehicle VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif., June 16, 2012 -- of returning to Earth and being reused. The innovative X-37B Boeing [NYSE: BA] today announced the successful de-orbit and combines the best of an aircraft and a spacecraft into an landing of the second X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle (OTV) for the affordable, responsive unmanned vehicle. The X-37B program is U.S. Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office. The X-37B landed at demonstrating a reliable, reusable unmanned space test platform Vandenberg Air Force Base at 5:48 a.m. Pacific time today, for the Air Force. Its objectives include space experimentation, concluding a 469-day experimental test mission. It was launched risk reduction, and concept-of-operations development for from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla., on March 5, 2011. reusable space vehicle technologies that could become key “We congratulate the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office and the enablers for future space missions. Boeing's commitment to this 30th Space Wing at Vandenberg Air Force Base on this second space-based unmanned vehicle spans a decade and includes successful mission,” said Paul Rusnock, Boeing vice president of support to the Air Force Research Lab's X-40 program, NASA's Government Space Systems. “With OTV-1, we proved that X-37 program, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects unmanned space vehicles can be sent into orbit and safely Agency's X-37 Approach & Landing Test Vehicle program. A unit recovered. With OTV-2, we tested the vehicle design even of The Boeing Company, Boeing Defense, Space & Security is further by extending the 220-day mission duration of the first one of the world's largest defense, space and security vehicle, and testing additional capabilities. We look forward to the businesses specializing in innovative and capabilities-driven second launch of OTV-1 later this year and the opportunity to customer solutions, and the world's largest and most versatile demonstrate that the X-37B is an affordable space vehicle that manufacturer of military aircraft. Headquartered in St. Louis, can be repeatedly reused.” OTV-1 was the United States’ first Boeing Defense, Space & Security is a $32 billion business with unmanned vehicle to return from space and land on its own. 61,000 employees worldwide. Follow us on Twitter: Previously, the space shuttle was the only space vehicle capable @BoeingDefense. # # # Contact: Diana Ball Boeing Space & Intelligence Systems Office: 562-797-4303 Mobile: 714-319-1014 [email protected] 2 http://boeing.mediaroom.com/index.php?s=43&item=2293 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12:13 PM on Jun 16, 2012 www.aviationweek.com/ Guy Norris 訳 http://aviation-space-business.blogspot.jp/ X-37B2 号機が 469 日の軌道上飛行を完了し帰還 Second X-37B completes classified space mission 本日早朝に米空軍の X-37B 軌道実験機の 2 号機(OTV-2)がヴァン の設計での軌道飛行 設定 270 日間が改良されたことが実証された。 デンバーグ空軍基地(カリフォーニア州)に着陸し、軌道上飛行 469 日 3. 打上げ前に米空軍からは今回のミッションは「OTV-1 による軌道上 の記録を樹立した。これは 1 号機 OTV-1 の飛行期間の二倍以上。 飛行能力実証結果の上に、さらにテストを実施、技術要因を微調整 1. 今回のミッション詳細は秘密扱いで、OTV の一回目の飛行と同じ。 する」としていたが、テスト内容、軌道上で何をしたのかは秘密扱いだ。 同機の写真はまもなく公表されるとみられるが、空軍はボーイング 4. 専門家から長期間ミッションとなって加圧タイヤなどに影響が出るの X-37B が「軌道上実験』を完了したとだけ発表する秘密徹底ぶりで、 ではないかと懸念が出ていた。OTV-1 ではタイヤの一つが着陸時には 短い声明文で同機の「帰還能力」により空軍は新技術のテストを低リ パンクしていたようで、より長期間飛行となるミッションではガス抜けが起 スクで実施できるとしている。 こっても当然と見られていた。ボーイング、空軍双方から同機の着陸時 2. X- 37B は全長 29 フィートで小さい主翼つき。ヴァンデンバーグ基地 の状況については何も言及がない。■ への着陸は 6 月 16 日午前 5 時 48 分(太平洋標準時)で、15 ヶ月に 及ぶミッションが完了。アトラス 5 でケイプカナベラル空軍基地(フロリダ 州)より 2011 年 3 月 5 日に打上げた。今回の長期間飛行により当初 - - - - - - - - -原文 - - - - - - - - - - 12:13 PM on Jun 16, 2012 www.aviationweek.com/ Guy Norris X-37B 2 号機は、秘密宇宙ミッションを完了 Second X-37B completes classified space mission The U.S. Air Force’s second X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle to test new technologies without the same risk commitment (OTV-2) landed successfully at Vandenberg AFB, Calif., early faced by other programs.” The 29-ft long, small winged vehicle this morning after a record 469 days in space - more than double touched down at Vandenberg on June 16 at 5:48 a.m. Pacific, the time clocked up by the flight of the first vehicle, OTV-1. marking the end of a 15-month mission that began with its Details of the mission remain secret, just as they were with the launch on an Atlas 5 from Florida's Cape Canaveral Air Force first OTV flight. Photos of the vehicle are expected to be Station on March 5, 2011. The extended flight of OTV-2 also released soon, however, presumably indicating the X-37B landed demonstrated upgrades and adaptations to the 15-ft wing span in reasonable condition. The Air Force, meanwhile, remains spacecraft which was originally designed to stay aloft for 270 secretive about the mission saying only the Boeing-built X-37B days. conducted “on-orbit experiments.” In a short statement it says the vehicle provides “return capability” that allows the Air Force 3 OTV-2 launches on March 5, 2011 (Guy Norris) Prior to its launch, the Air Force said the mission would “build upon the OTV-1 on-orbit demonstration, validate and replicate initial testing and fine tune the technical parameters of the vehicle tests. OTV prior to launch (USAF) ” However, all other pertinent details of the testing, and what would be performed on-orbit, remain classified. Vehicle specialists were concerned that, with this extended mission, features such as the pressurized tires could be compromised. One of the tires of the first OTV-1 was seen to be flat on landing, and there were worries that out-gassing could have been taking place over the course of the extended second flight. No word yet from Boeing or the armed service on what the exact condition of the vehicle was like on landing, so watch this space. http://www.aviationweek.com/Blogs.aspx?plckBlogId=Blog:27ec4a53-dcc8-42d0-bd3a-01329aef79a7&plckPostId=Blog%3A27ec4a53-dcc8-42d0-bd3a-01329aef79a7Post%3A4f372217-d0b7-4eff-84a7-d2732b4d7393 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6/16/2012 www.vandenberg.af.mil/news/ X-37B OTV 軌道上テスト・ビークルがバンデンバーグに着陸 X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle lands at Vandenberg 6/16/2012 - VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- The execute this landing operation safely and successfully." The X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle (OTV), the Air Force's unmanned, X-37B is the newest and most advanced re-entry spacecraft. reusable space plane, landed at Vandenberg Air Force Base at Managed by the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, the X-37B 5:48 a.m. (PDT) June 16. OTV-2, which launched from Cape program performs
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