.... 'J* TODAY: DONO'AS 'IN'AACE AGAINST TIME FOR RWANDA * CHARISMATIC,PRIEST IN SEXUAL HEALING SAGA * 5 NS1.S0 (GST Inc.) Wedn~sday August 031994 Namibia reserves extradition rights ension hi!!h CAPE TOWN: The Namibian Government re­ . served its right to apply for the, extradition of suspects involved in crimes, including those, im­ plicated in the slaying of Swapo activist Anton Lubowski, Namibian Justice Minister Ngarikutuke ..... Tjiriange said yesterday. Speaking after meeting his South African coun­ terpart Dullah Omar, Tjiriange said the two parties had left the option open either to negotiate an extradition treaty, or use the "Commonwealth over oevoet Schemes Relating To The Rendition Of Fugitive Offenders". Both South Africa and Namibia are members of the Commonwealth . • TYAPPA NAMUTEWA AND TOM MlNNEY bers of the SA-led units, Questioned on the possible extradition of people after Cabinet agreed they CABINET yesterday slammed the official implicated in the Lubowski killing, Omar said could return to Namibia. opposition, the DTA, for helping former South Africa had an Extradition Act and the Com­ Some were due to be monwealth Schemes also provided for the extradi­ members of the notorious Koevoet unit and homeless from last Sun­ the SWA TF "to gain forced entry into Na­ tion of suspects in crimes committed in foreign day, July 31 , after being countries now and in the past, and thus extradition mibia". demobilised from the was theoretically possible. While Cabinet said the spokesperson Alois security forces and then Extradition applications would be considered group would have to re­ Gende.Ataround 14h30 driven off a disused mine when they arose. turn to the border post at they drove round the cont. on page 2 cont. on page 2 Ariamsvlei,accordingto buildings of the desert ',... _ __-=-=-..!_~ __L_... _____ ___..!_:::._ ___ __;_;_- unconfirmed reports border post and started their convoy is believed heading for Windhoek. to be heading for However, the convoy Windhoek and further was stopped at a north. Apparently the Namibian Police road­ 93-strong group said block, ' south of they could not go back to Keetrnanshoop, on Mon­ the border because of day night. transport problems. DTA administrative Yesterday afteroon secretary Nico Smit said they appeared in the the police organised Magistrates Court at overnight accommoda­ Keetmanshoop charged tion at Keetmanshoop. with illegal entry in Na­ Smitsaid former fight­ MRS MICHAEL JACKS ON ••• Los Angeles, mibia. ers' aim to was to return fENSPORT USA - Pop superstar Michael Jackson and Elvis The case was post­ to their homes in north­ , Presley's daughter Lisa Marie (pictured above) poned to September 10 ern and easter Namibia. have announced that they are marrind, for trial. Yesterday DTAPresi­ PADDED confirming rumours that made headlines around The families arrived dent Mishake Muyongo the world last month. "My married name is Mrs in a convoy of 23 vehi­ confirmed four DTA WINTER JACKETS Lisa Marie Presley-Jackson. My marriage took cles at the border post at MPs had addressed the place in a private ceremony outside the United 06h30 on Monday. Im­ returnees before they States weeks ago," said a statement released by migration officials, ap­ came across the border. Mrs Jackson. Jackson, 35, and the 26-year-old parently refused to proc­ Earlier it was reported Presley were married 11 weeks ago, according ess them and accept their that the Ministry of to a statement issued by Michael Jackson's forms. Home Affairs was company MJJ Productions. Photo: Reuters via Five DTA MPs met processing the papers of Nampa them, including defence some 500 former me m- LUMB ERJ ACK SH IRTS Malawi President visits today ~t. S~\Vt.' ONLY THE NEW President of Malawi, Bakili Others in the party will be Lieutenant General \.~ ~ 'U. '!.\.1\. ~to 'I. t"\ '!. 50 'Muluzi, is to visit Namibia for a six-hour OB Binauli, the President's personal doctor Dr C . 74 official visit today. It will be President Kahumbe, chief of protocol MN Hanjahanja and ~~\\1t~~ other staff as well as journalists. Muluzi's first visit since his United Demo­ Much of Malawi's economy is still controlled FISHERMEN'S cratic Front's mid-May victory in the first by former "life" dictator Hastings Kamuzu Banda LONG SLEEVE democratic elections held in that country. who used his years in power to build vast business SHIRT The visit will consist mainly of official wel- empires. He also built close alliances with South . comes and farewells at the Windhoek Interna­ Africa. BLANKET tional Airport and private face-to-face talks be­ President Muluzi has said he wants to encour­ JACK ET S 00 tween President Sam Nujoma and his visitor at age more development and investment in his 61 State House. They are also scheduled to speak to country and to build reconciliation after years 00 media this afternoon. when political debate was stifled and Banda's 58 According to a press release from Namibia's opponents imprisoned. Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday, with Presi­ Since May he has already met President Nu joma dent Muluzi will come the ministers of External at an Organisation of African Unity summit in Affairs ECI Bwanali and of Labour and Man­ power Development G Kanyanya. cont. on page 2 J .. 2 Wednesday Aug'y'~03 1994 THENAMIBIAN ... - -.' ; .. Malawi President here today Controversy embroils women's party From page 1 also likely to be keen to be part of a new politi- . Tunis and at a heads of cal and security forum • GRAHAM HOPWOOD she had genuinely regi~­ ing her life was at stake. document which showed tered the men for jobs at She said she had con- that Nawafep has any state meeting in Maputo. which may be organ- THE NEW women's political party, the Schlip and Good tacted Police District paid members. Malawi was not a ised as part of the South- Nawafep, became involved in a new contro­ ·Hope Mine which she Commissioner Egbert Yesterday Latvio said mem~rofthe Frontline em African Develop: versy yesterday after a crowd ofjob-seekers said is due to start before Shikerete to arrange a the party had notyetreg- States grouping but is ment Community. cIaimed they had been duped into giving their the end ofthe year. Latvio 24-hour guard for her- istered with the Directo­ , . names as party members. added that she is a direc­ self and her house. She rate of Elections to take tor of the mine project, also claimed she had part in the forthcoming More than 20 job­ claimed Latvio had never but said it is totally ~pa~ identified several state elections becaus~ she seekers arrived at th~ reported back to them rate from the women's. securi~y men standing had not yet · raised the office of party organiser on the mine project. party. - . outside the building with necessaiyN$l 0000. She Hileni Latvio, which is When the job-seekers She went on to allege the job-seekers. " said the party had so far in the same building as heard reports that Latvio . that the people gathered Confusion '" also . managed to obtain N$7 Swapo in Goethe Street, was starting up her own outside the building had reigned yesterday over 000. yesterday morning. party they feared that the threatened her life and th~ number of members Director of Elections, PRESTIGE DEVEWPERS The group's spokes­ names were being ~sed were claiming she was Latvio has enrolled for Gerhard Totemeyer, man, Magongo to show that the party "trying to remove her party. On Monday .confirmed yesterday that YOUR NATIONAL DEVELOPERS Absalom, said he and had some members. Nujoma". she told The Namibian Nawafep had contacted CHEAP NEW HOUSES the others regularly came Latvio, who was However, Absalom ' thepartyhad5000mem- him about registering for to Swapo's office toreg­ guarded by. a Police of­ claimed the group had bers. However, she told the elections but had not Our company once again offers you an ister for work ficer yesterday, alleged , no quarrel with Latvio' s NBC radio she had 50 yet supplied a list of 500 .Lir, easy chance to own a house at opportunites. the job-seekers had been party but merely wanted 000 members. Yesterday members. He also said He added that Latvio, politically instigated by to ensure that their she explained the dis- that the party only unrepeatable prices organiser of the Namibia Swapo leaders to harass names were not being crepancy by saying the needed to pay N$5 ()()() EXTENSION 12 KHOMASDAL W oinen Action for 'her and jeopardise misused. Hesaid the job­ party had mobilised 50 to register for the ballot. That is where our Sunbird Development Equality Party Nawafep's future. seekers would wait out­ 000 supporters By late afternoon yes­ will.soon take shape, and that is where (Nawafep), had regis­ She vehemently de­ side tht! building until country wide and had terday the group of job­ tered some of the people nied she had used the Latvio gave them an ex­ details of 5 ()()() mem- seekers had left the you can buy a new house at a price that for a mine project with names of those gathered planation and returned bers for the purposes of Swapo building but will never be offered again. the hope of getting them outside the Swapo build­ their registration forms. registering for the elec- · Latvio was still holed up Rush to our offices at Prestige Park in jobs. ing as members of her Meanwhile Latvio re­ tions. However, she in her office waiting for . Khomasdhl to fmd out more about this However, Absalom party. Latvio maintained mained in her office say- could not produce any a police escort home.
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