NOTE FROM MANAGING DIRECTOR BETTER PERFORMANCE /%6ѵёюҝѸϯѸவ፨ꞿ FROM LBS THIS YEAR! Ә࣋ख़۱টԂЅнܳחWe are welcoming the year 2017 with joy in our All these awards have incentivised and ϢЙкӍႄϡКєꟀࣾϱϦᬲЉ ࡏപ۰ຟ heart! motivated us to bring LBS to a greater level ϡёꞿ ֈૹૹӘᗌЩྫҳҙܥࣸϵϡԌ of excellence and to develop even more ࢙ЎꟀӊഄϽԐೀޮࡏപҹ ਢϡࣂэꟀڋThe year 2016 has been a rather successful outstanding projects for our customers. цӊަТओࣖ䩛/%6䩜Ꟁ৮ ٪үᆒЅКꞭϹϭ ࡏപԂܳֈϡҎޮןӸ܍Ӕϣ ܽۋyear for LBS Bina Group, our sales revenue have Besides garnering various awards in 2016, ϥᓓϩюҝϡϣёꟀϢЙю ꞭґϨӎё ֊ꟀϢڎreached the targeted RM1.2 billion. We could LBS Bina in March also opened a new chapter ϻ ᏽਘแϡએତ۵ࡣꞭғҝ ϯૹ߮Ԯ Ϫү௹ЀຊՏюЋӜܘꟀϹϥϤ ҩԓ֎قϡݒٷnot have reached this target – especially during in the history of Zhuhai International Racing Ьϩ۱೯ԚԮ ү௹уܧнϨҫٿԿࠎ ኟઈ՜ꟀضԆϥϨاthe time when the market was experiencing a Circuit. Witnessed by Chief Minister of Malacca НЍӦѴϡꟀ downturn – without the support of people YAB Datuk Wira Ir. Hj. Idris bin Hj. Idris Haron ꞭӑЋޮϱڎࡣꟀϢҀϻЫҙ ࣂׁӑϡѸઽܸܽޣϡЗꞭЍ whose interests were closely linked to ours. I and Governor of Guangdong Province Zhu փЀЀޝۄࣴꟀϹѐϥਘϪዅϡϣёꞭ ՝ਓܳֈૹ࠲Ѐ am very happy that we were able to reach our Xiaodan and other dignitaries, LBS launched ᆼఌрߏഒкԷןtarget; the year 2016 indeed was a year to be the Malacca Cultural and Trade Centre in ӘꟀϢ ږ࡚ࡈׁϣհϣբۯexcited about. Zhuhai. The launch of this project has further Ϩইϡ൛к߶֬ԴϯҎϡࢇ ࠲ؾॹꟀ strengthened friendly province-state relations. ЎꟀШё ֊Ϣ֏СϦϣϭԡ ଯꞭ ቅօՑപҐױBy the grace of my parents and amid the ۳ϡ ۗᅇ᜴Ɬӊ blessings and felicitations showered by kith and In November of the same year, I was invited ёꟀϢຊՏϽрϨТяԉЀϼӎ /%6%,1$ϣׯϥსॳؾ҄ϡҫҨ Ɬӆओࣖцॳӟؾ҄ϡջٷقϢϡЉЯ䦭 ݒܐkin, I celebrated a memorable 60th birthday to be a honorary advisor to the World Chinese ӧনꞭӾԉꟀ᫃ ܉фןՋӸۄҫ ᕘꟀН৫ᵦۡϢЙܞاЅнޮۥin October last year. On that day, I invited Economic Summit which promotes greater ަТؖឆ䦮Ї everybody to come and join me in merriment economic cooperation and closer ties between ϽٍࢸࣉᡥЎԜܴԐೀꟀ ԑЅннখॳӟԿ =,& ϡЗ and in celebrating my entering into the golden various nations. As the Chairman of the ;ꟀϢЙϨϽޮ3$48$׳ॸѴԿჇؠѯҠϣ֧ϱඑꟀкц ݫꞭи years. That night, Ambassador Extraordinary Malaysia-Guangdong Chamber of Commerce ϹϭԡЍНਯϡઓ݉яԤܾԳ؈ һϼಏ๛ॳᝏ҅҄ЅЃϻϦॉϽ and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic Investment Promotion Association, I strongly Ϣ ϡၙҨꟀԚҞؚϥϣϭયϯϡقӛϩ߲үᐢזof China to Malaysia, His Excellency Huang urge local entrepreneurs to consider using фҀ൛Ꟁॸ ݢꟀНкഷਖӾсϪҥԫޮϱכ ꞿنHuikang officially launched my new book business operations to actively coordinate with фԜϨࡾϢϡϪᕘКঋ entitled “ަТؖឆ”. I presented a copy of the the One-Belt-One-Road strategy. ՝ਓӵՓԓ֎ꞭަТओࣖӎწ ϡݮڗҀҞꞬϩଜфૺٺ Ꟁࡏଐܞbook to all the attended guests to show the ࣲϪЛꟂٚҌϳ ۟قల ֏ꟀўϢЙНк҂ϻиϯޝуܽꟀ॓ڊsignificance I attached to my 60th birthday and LBS Bina has always been a strong supporter of ॅꞭॎѼѴ ࢙䦡䦡/%6ϨخϧזױꞭϨ܍ߒꟀԔђϵϢ ڎto show my gratitude; more importantly, the various racing sports. The Group’s enthusiasm ጸᓐꟀϪখԮ ਢꟀڋbook was a token of my sincerest thanks to all for motor sports can be traced to the time ЙݔЎКϱꟀѓІѝКЅϡϣө ёԗࣂэѸЄϡؘࠡ ѸϽϡҙꞿז෩Ўϱϡ تthose people who have supported me and is when we took part in the upgrading and ႾꟀӸϼྥᅓӪ࡛ё presently helping me. management of the China Zhuhai International ܪ༬ꟀЁНкݩࡾϢЙөϥۙ Circuit. Recently, we saw the great potential пؗϡ䦭߬ࡅ䦮 6%/ ۥՁЃϭ֜Ɬ ༊ࢴϹӆ The ancients said, “At the age of 50, you will in the Malaysian leg of the P1 AquaX Jet Ski ёᑂꟀϧЀуѴϢЙϡ࣮҅҄ٻ realise that while man proposes, God disposes. Competition; we believe it is an excellent ϡЄ༚ЄࠡꞭињꟀѐױёϣ҉ꟀަТओࣖШёЇ ۵ϥғ܊At the age of 60, you have learned to accept platform for preparing locals to take part in Ԃ к߶ӆओࣖϡݒٷӛϩࢴنНꟂ Ҁڶthings around you and everything you hear international competitions. ԅЏϦЄϭ؋࣮ ꟀᕘК௫ࢇϽрϨЉϡϣёٷق ߯ޝۄabout is agreeable.” In these technologically ֊ีԅ ,$,5 нখࡔत Ꟁϯؾᢹ֢ꞿٶ؋ ѦꟂрஆڹ advanced times when daily we are inundated We in the LBS Bina Group strongly believe ࠛсݘ؋࣮ۏwith information and human relations have and feel that trustworthiness, efficiency and ֊ีԅլ ڂbecome complex, it behoves us to remain responsibility are the elements that have made ֊ีԅ$33$ਓѿࠛсݘ؋ ྫটѦ calm and use our discretion and the wisdom us an excellent enterprise so far and these ֊ีԅ%5$1'/$85($7(ё ओࣖᔇѨүԑ accumulated through countless generations of attributes will continue to drive us forward. ֏и٣ߚԘन؋ our ancestors to clearly differentiate between Here I would like to guarantee and affirm, in ԅֈ۫ਓݘ؋䩛ޮϱ՝ี֊ what is true and what is false, and between 2017 LBS Bina Group will develop more exciting what is right and what is wrong. projects, and in greater numbers. Together let ਓ䩜 ؋ظus march towards the next bigger and higher ֊ีԅ$3($ਓѿఌؘ ڿIn 2016, as in the past, LBS Bina Group was summit of excellence! ֊ีԅ,3523(57<&20Ϫ ࡺ؋ת :recognised with a number of awards Reading the biannual “Journey” published by March: International Alternative Investment LBS Bina Group, you will be amazed by the ӛϩ؋࣮ЁࢫಿбϢЙө /%6 հ • ݑэуۺꟀЋכReview (IAIR) Award variety and number of our activities. Lastly I ϻѸҙϡһ • March: StarProperty.my Award sincerely thank all the readers and supporters ѸЄᅤօϡ࣮۵ꞭङϦԅϽ • April: APPA Asia Pacific Property Awards of this Group. It is my fervent hope that 2017 ؋Ꟁ/%6ϨШё֊ЇЋнখ • June: The BrandLaureate Most Valuable will be a good year for your family and may 䦡ϨϢнޮאॳӟԿэ೪ϦЉࢢ Brand Award luck be with you always. • August: South East Asia Property Award (Malaysia) Tan Sri Lim Hock San • August: APEA Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Group Managing Director Award • December: iProperty.com People’s Choice Award 2 | JOURNEY VOL 12 JAN - JUN 2017 JOURNEY VOL 12 JAN - JUN 2017 | 3 SALES & PROPERTY DIRECTORY CONTENT HQ MITC SDN BHD ML GLOBAL BERHAD PLAZA SERI SETIA, LEVEL 1-4 NO.L3-22 PLAZA SERI SETIA H-G, SUNWAY PJ@51A NO.1 JALAN SS9/2 NO.1 JALAN SS9/2 JALAN SS9A/19, SEKSYEN 51A 47300 PETALING JAYA 47300 PETALING JAYA 47300 PETALING JAYA PROPERTY NEWS & EVENTS SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA 8 BSP21: MARKING ITS MARK IN BSP 34 BRANDLAUREATE BESTBRANDS T +60 3 7877 7333 F +60 3 7877 7111 T +60 3 7877 7333 F +60 3 7861 8077 T +60 3 7874 5888 F +60 3 7874 5889 ʹͲͳͷǧʹͲͳ 12 BSP VILLAGE: A STELLAR LBS RECOGNISED AS MOST VALUABLE CREDIT ADMINISTRATION IPOH CAMERON HIGHLANDS INVESTMENT IN GOOD PROGRESS BRAND AWARD NO. L3A-21, PLAZA SERI SETIA NO.17 MEDAN IPOH 1A B-G-10 & B-G-12, BLOCK B 35 SOUTH EAST ASIA PROPERTY AWARDS NO.1 JALAN SS9/2 MEDAN IPOH BISTARI JALAN ROYAL LILY 1, TAMAN ROYAL LILY ͳ͵ ǣʹǧ SHOP OFFICE OPEN FOR 2016 LBS BAGS TWO RECOGNITIONS 47300 PETALING JAYA 31400 IPOH 39000 TANAH RATA, CAMERON HIGHLANDS REGISTRATION SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA PERAK DARUL RIDZUAN, MALAYSIA PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR, MALAYSIA 36 ASIA PACIFIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP T +603 7861 6000 F +603 7861 6001/6002 T +60 5 255 8820 F +60 5 545 5111 T +60 5 491 5017 F +60 5 491 5022 14 SKYVILLA YOUR CASTLE IN THE SKY AWARDS 2016 PROPERTY WELCOME TO THE HIGH LIFE ǧ WIRA JOEY LIM HOCK GUAN BATU PAHAT 16 COMING SOON NO.22 JALAN KUNDANG D’ ISLAND CLUBHOUSE 37 IPROPERTY.COM PEOPLE CHOICE TAMAN BUKIT PASIR AWARD 2016 18 LANGIT & LAKE : MODERN, LBS CLINCHES BEST WATERFRONT 83000 BATU PAHAT AFFORDABLE LAKESIDE RESIDENCE DEVELOPMENT AWARD FOR D’ JOHOR DARUL TAKZIM, MALAYSIA WITH PEACE OF MIND ISLAND RESIDENCE T +60 7 438 8688 F +60 7 438 8233 20 ALAM AWANA: LIMITED EDITION 38 INTERVIEWS ͳ͵ǧǧ FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION 40 LBS NEWS SALES OFFICES 21 COMING SOON Ͷʹ ǧͳ D’ ISLAND RESIDENCE BANDAR SAUJANA PUTRA MIDHILLS, GENTING PERMAI BUKIT JALIL PROJECT ǧ APPRECIATION NO.3 JALAN TIMUR 9 NO.2 & 6 JALAN SPU 1 LOT 15360, MUKIM BENTONG 22 DESIRAN BAYU: A LIVING TRADITION D’ ISLAND RESIDENCE BANDAR SAUJANA PUTRA DAERAH BENTONG FOR THE MALAY COMMUNITY 44 SELANGOR STATE BUILDING A 47130 PUCHONG 42610 JENJAROM, KUALA LANGAT PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR BETTER ALAM PERDANA WITH LBS SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA MALAYSIA 24 CAMERON CENTRUM: THE BIGGEST AND WORLDWIDE MIXED DEVELOPMENT WITH THE T 1700 81 8998 T 1700 81 8998 T 1700 81 8998 LARGEST COMMERCIAL OFFERINGS IN 45 LBS TO INJECT CONSTRUCTION CAMERON HIGHLANDS ARM INTO ML GLOBAL BRINCHANG SQUARE KUANTAN B3-31-G, BRINCHANG SQUARE B16 JALAN GAMBUT 1 26 VINES 2 : HIGHLAND COUNTRY LIVING 46 CONSIDER OBOR FRAMEWORK IN THE ENGLISH INSPIRED LIFESTYLE BUSINESS STRATEGIES, JALAN BESAR BRINCHANG 25000 KUANTAN SAYS MGCIP PRESIDENT 39100 CAMERON HIGHLANDS PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR, 28 POPULAR DEMAND FOR HOMESTAYS PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR, MALAYSIA MALAYSIA AT SOMERSQUARE & BARRINGTON 48 LBS’ 6TH MEDIA APPRECIATION T +60 5 491 5018 F +60 5 491 5020 T +60 9 513 8500 SQUARE NIGHT TO THANK MEDIA FRIENDS HP +6012 206 7334 / 012 209 7334 29 SINARAN MAHKOTA : GREAT 50 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY +6012 217 1334 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY IN VIBRANT LOCATION 52 TAN SRI LIM HOCK SAN CELEBRATES HIS 60TH DIAMOND JOURNEY WITH LBS IS A BI-ANNUALLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED BY 30 MIDHILLS AT GENTING BIRTHDAY ǧ 54 LBS’ DIRECTORS’ COMMITMENTS IN ALL ASPECTS Artist’s Impression 60 ASIAN LE MANS SERIES 2016/2017 WWW.LBS.COM.MY LIFESTYLE 64 VICTOR’S COLUMN: MOVE TOWARD FEEDBACK & INQUIRY [email protected] DIGITAL AUTOMATION PRINTED BY KUAN PRESS SDN BHD 66 THE 12 ANIMAL SIGNS NO. 9 JALAN SR3/7, TAMAN SERDANG RAYA SECTION 3 43300 SERI KEMBANGAN, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA FOR 2017 PQ1780/2059 DESIGNED BY WONDE CREATIVE WWW.WONDECREATIVE.COM LBS FIRST QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER HOME WAS INTRODUCED IN 2011, BUT EVOLVED INTO QUARTERLY MAGAZINE FORMAT JOURNEY WITH LBS IN 2013.
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