l708 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 15 By Mr. GUYER: A bill (H. R. 16236) granting a pension to PETITIONS, ETC. Nettie B. Protzman ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid Also, a bill (H. R. 16237) granting a pension to Julia on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: Duncan; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 8223. By Mr. ABERNETHY: Petition of Zeno Hallowell, city Also, a bill (H. R. 16238) granting an increase of pension to manager of Goldsboro, N. C., in favor of the Newton bill; to the Elizabeth Teel ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. By Mr. HARE: A bill (H. R. 16239) for the relief of J. W. 8224. AlsCY., petition of Mary Michaux, director of Girl Nix; to the Committee on Claims. Scouts, of Goldsboro, N. C., in favor of the Newton bill; to the By 1\Ir. HOPE: A bill (H. R. 16240) granting a pension to Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Orlenia Millsap; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 8225. Also, petition of Mrs. Henry Well, of Goldsboro, N. C., Also, a bill (H. R. 16241) granting an increase of pension to in favor of the Newton bill; to the Committee on Interstate Brother Buis ; to the Committee on Pensions. and Foreign Commerce. By Mr. WILLIAM E. HULL: A bill (H. R. 16242) to author­ 8226. AlsQ, petition of P. C. Jordan, sanitary inspector of ize the appointment of Sergt. Henry Lateur, retired, United Goldsboro, N. C., in favor of the Newton bill; to the Committee States Army, to master sergeant, retired, United States Army; on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. to the Committee on Military Affairs. 8227. By Mr. EVANS of California: Petition signed by P. G. By Mr. JOHNSON of Illinois: A bill (H. R. 16243) granting a Pedersen and 39 others, in support of the restrictive immigra­ pension to Cynthia A. Emmons ; to the Committee on Invalid tion legislation known as the Box bill ; to the Committee on Pensions. Immigration and Naturalization. By Mr. KING: A bill (H. R. 16244) granting an increase of 8228. By Mr. GARBER: Petition of Federal Motion Picture pension to John G. Jackson; to the Committee on Invalid Council' in America (Inc.) urging support of House bills 13686 Pensions. and 10761 ; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ 13y Mr. CRAIL: A bill (H. R. 16245) granting a pension to merce. Emanuel Kline ; to the Committee on Pensions. 8229. Also, petition of United Restaurant Owners' Associa­ By Mr. KURTZ: A bill (H. R. 16246) granting a pension to tion, New York City, protesting against certain methods of Susanna Brubaker ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. cigarette interests in advertising their products on the air ; to By Mr. LEATHERWOOD: A bill (H. R. 16247) for the relief the Committee on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries. ' of the widow and minor children of Raymond C. Hanford ; to 8230. Also, petition of the Tennessee Association. of Drainage the Committee on World War Veterans' Legislation. Districts, urging support of Senate bill 4689, providing relief By Mr. LEAVITT (by departmental request): A bill (H. R. for the drainage districts of the country by granting them long 16248) for the relief of the Osage Tribe of Indians, and for time loans without interest; to the Committee on Irrigation other purposes; to the Committee on Indian Affairs. and Reclamation. By Mr. LINTHICUM: A bill (H. R. 16249) for the relief of 8231. By 1\Ir. KVALE: Petition of Capt. D. H. Gilchrist and estate of John Klopheim (Clopein); to the Committee on War officers, Olivia, Minn., urging increased appropriations to pro­ Claims. vide adequately for caretakers and camps of instruction, By 1\lr. MAJOR of lliinois: A bill (H. R. 16250) granting an National Guard; to the Committee on Appropriations. increase of pension to Mary N. Henry; to the Committee on 8232. Also, petition of B. R. Lewis, Montevideo, Minn., m·g­ Invalid Pensions. · ing adequate appropriations for caretakers and camps of in­ By Mr. MOONEY: A bill (H. R. 16251) granting a pension struction for National Guard units; to the Committee on to Mfircus W. Moore; to the Committee on Pensions. Appropriations. By Mr. NELSON of Wisconsin: A bill (H. R. 16252) grant­ 8233. Also, petition of Auxiliary to William Ericlll;on Post, No. ing a pension to Mollie Everson; to the Committee on Invalid 186, American Legion, Olivia, Minn., urging enactment of the Pensions. cruiser bill, so called, in advance of consideration of the peace By Mrs. NORTON: A bill (H. R. 16253) granting an increase treaty and favorable action thereon ~ to the Committee on Naval of pension to Mary E. Lewis; to the Committee on Invalid Affairs. Pensions. 8234. Also, petition of Capt. L.A. Hancock and officers, Apple.: By Mr. O'CONNELL: A bill (H. R. 16254) granting an in­ ton, Minn., urging amendment to . War Department appro­ crease of pension to John Hutcheson; to the Committee on priation bill adequately providing for caretakers and National Pensions. Guard camps of instruction ; to the Committee on Appropria­ By Mr. PARKS: A bill (H. R. 16255) granting an annuity to tions. Rose Wallace; to the Committee on the Civil Service. 8235. Also, petition of Capt. Otto I. Ronningen and other By Mr. ROBINSON of Iowa: A bill (H. R. 16256) granting a citizens of Madison, 1\Iinn., urging amendment to War Depart­ pension to Marguaret Dolson ; to the Committee on Pensions. ment appropriation bill ·to provide for caretakers and camps By Mr. SNELL: A bill (H. R. 16257) granting an inc1·ease of of instruction for National Guard ; to the Committee on Appro­ pension to Fannie Maclain; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ priations. sions. 8236. By Mr: O'CONNELL: Petition of Chamber of Com­ By Mr. SPEAKS: A bill (H. R. 16258) for the relief of merce of the State of New York, favoring that Governors Homer D. Neimeister; to the Committee on Military Affairs. Island should be maintained as a military post; to the Commit­ By Mr. STEVENSON : A bill (H. R. 16259) granting an in­ tee on Military Affairs. crease of pension to Belle McCaw Alston; to the Committee on Pensions. By Mr. TARVER: A bill (H. R. 16260) granting a pension to SENATE Tbomas Waters; to the Committee on Pensions. TuEsDAY, January 15, 19~9 Also, a bill (H. R. 16261) granting a pension to Minnie Yearout; to the Committee on Pensions. (Legislative day of M01t-day, JantUary 11,., 1929) By Mr. VINSON of Kentucky: A bill (H. R. 16262) granting The Senate met in open e~ecutive session at 12 o'clock a pension to James Deaton; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ meridian, on the expiration of the recess. sions. Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a Also, a bill (H. R. 16263) granting a pension to John Hens­ quorum. ley ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. Also, a bill (H. R. 16264) granting a pension to Jacob S. The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Senators Flinchum ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. answered to their names: Also, a bill (H. R. 16265) granting a pension to Joseph Little; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Ashurst Copeland Gould Larrazclo BArkled Couzens Greene McKellar By Mr. VINCENT of Michigan: A bill (H. R. 16266) for the Bayar Curtis Hale McMaster relief of Frank P. Church; to the Committee on Olaims. Bingham Dale Harris McNary Black Deneen Harrison Mayfield By Mr. WELCH of California: A bill (H. R. 16267) grant­ Blaine Dill Hastings Metcalf ing a pension to Harriet I. Van Camp; to the Committee on Blease Edwards Hawes Moses Pensions. Borah Fess Hayden Neely Bratton Fletcher Hefiin Norbeck By Mr. WHITE of Colorado: A bill (H. R. 16268) granting Brookhart Frazier Johnson Norris a pension to Josephine M. Buck; to the Committee on Broussard Ge<>rge Jones Nye Pensions. · Bruce Gerry Kendrick Oddie By Mr. WINGO: A bill (H. R. 16269) granting a pension to Burton Gillett .Keyes Overman . Capper Glass Kinf. Phipps Mary E. Rebsamen ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Caraway Glenn La ol!ette Pine 1929 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 1709 Ransdell ~hipstead Swanson Walsh, Mass. of M~nnesota, favoring the prompt ratification of the so-called Reed, Mo. Shortridge Thomas,ldaho Walsh, Mont. Reed, Pa. Simmons Thomas, Okla. Warren Kell(}gg multilateral trel!tY for the renunciation of war, which Robinson, Ind. Smoot Trammell Waterman were ordered to lie on the table. Sackett Steck Tydings Wheeler Mr. THOMAS of Idaho presented petitions of women's clubs Schall Steiwer Vandenberg Sheppard Stephens Wagner and other organizations submitted by Mrs. F. A. Pettinger, of Mr. GERRY. I wish to announce that the senior Senator from Boise, Idaho, representing a membership of over 9,000 citizens South Carolina [Mr. SMITH] is detained from the Senate owing of Idaho, praying for the prompt ratification of the so-called to illness in his family. Kellogg multilateral treaty for the renunciation of war, which Mr. NORRIS. I desire to announce that the junior Senator were ordered to lie on the table. from Nebraska [l\lr. HowELL] is detained from the Senate on Mr. TYDINGS presented numerous resoluti(}ns adopted by women's clubs and civic organizations in the State of Maryland, account of illness. praying for the prompt ratification of the so-called Kellogg Mr. McKELLAR. My colleague [Mr. TYSON] is detained on multilateral treaty for the renunciati(}n of war, which were account of illness.
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