Appendices Appendix 1: Type Numbers of Naval Radar Sets, Operational or Designed, 1935-45 Derek Howse IFF - Identification Friend or AI - Air interception Foe ASV - Air to surface vessel INT - Interrogator BCN -Beacon LA -Low angle CCA - Carrier Controlled Ap- Rg. - In the ranging mode proach (Types 279 and 281) FD - Fighter direction Rx -Receiver GA -Gunnery fire control, Sw. -sweeps aircraft, high angle (or TI - Target indication combined low angle Tx - Transmitter and high angle) WA - Warning of aircraft GB -Gunnery fire control, WC - Warning (combined air- barrage craft and surface) GC -Gunnery fire control, Wg. - In the warning mode close range, high angle (Types 279 and 281) GS -Gunnery fire control, WS - Warning of surface surface (i.e, low angle) craft HA - High angle ~ - Variable around this Ht-fndr - Height-finder frequency In the numbering of Naval radar sets, the first, second and third major modifications to the basic set were indicated by the suffixes M, P and Q respectively, ego Type 286P. The suffix B indicated adaptation to single-mast working. Information not available is generally marked with a dash. 353 W 01 Type Classificntion Wavelength Freq. Power To sea ,j:>. number nominal (MHz) (kW) (abandoned) Description 79 WA 705m 39-42 70 1938 Long range air warning for large ships. See 279. 79B WA 705m 39-42 70 1941 Single-masted version of 79 (originally 79M). 91 Jammer 50cm-3m 90-600 1G-25wl 1941 Jamming of German metric and decimetric radar. Initially sine- wave modulation, ultimately noise. 241 !NT 105m 214 - 1941 For use with 281 & IFF Mk 2N. 242 Int 105m 182 or 179 1 1943 For use with WS and WC sets and IFF Mk 3. 242M INT 105m 182 or 179 2-10 1943 Ditto 243 INT 105m 179 or 171 1 1943 For use with 281 & IFF Mk 3. 244 !NT 105m - - 1943 For use with US Type SL & IFF Mk 3. 245 INT 105m - - 1944 For FD ships. 251/M/P BCN 105m 176 or 177 7 1942 Modified RAF transponder coded to give ships' identity. 252 IFF 105m 38-52 & - 1942 IFF Mk 2 in ships. 195-220 253/P IFF 105m Sw.157-187 10 1943 IFF Mk 3 in ships. Sweeps freque ncy. 253S IFF 105m Sw.157-187 10 1943 253 when fitted ashore. 255 BCN 105m 214 - 1944 Marker buoy for use only with 291. 256 BCN 105m 214 - 1944 Shore radar beacon for use only with 291. 257 CCA 3cm - - 1945? Carrier controlled approach (BABS). 258 BCN 105m 179/182 - 1943 Mk 3 shore radar beacon responding to 242. 259 BCN 105m - - 1944 Mk 3 beacon for carriers responding to AI Mk 10. 261 WS 50cm - - (1941) Based on 282. 261W WS 3cm - - (1942) Early 3cm development, leading to 267W. 262 GC 3cm :::::9650 20 1945 STAAG, CRBFD 263 GB 3cm - - (1945) Auto-barrage for main or secondary armament, replacing 283. 267W/MW/PW WS/WC 3cm & :::::9670 15-25 1945 Submarines. Hybrid WS/WC with common display. 105m & 214 &100 268 WS 3cm 9400 - 1945 For coastal forces, replacing 291U. 269 GS 3cm 10000 - (1943) Modified 3-em AI set for coasta l forces gunnery. 271/M/P WS lOon ~ 3000 5-10 1941 Small ships. 271Q WS I Dem ~ 3000 70 1943 Small ships. 272/M/P WS IDem ~ 3000 5-10 1941 Small cruisers, carriers, sloops, etc. 273/M/P WS IDem ~ 3000 5-10 1941 Large ships. 273Q WS lOon ~ 3000 70 1943 Large ships. 274 GS IDem ~ 3300 400 1944 Main armament directors, replacing 284. 275 GA lOon 3530 400 1945 HA directors (HA/LA directors in destroyers), replacing 285. 276 WS IDem 3000 500 1944 Small ships, replacing 271/2. 277/P/Q WS IDem 3,000 500 1944 Replaced 271/2/3.Could measure approximate elevation. 2775 WS/lowair lOon 3000 500 1943 277 permanent shore installation for surface and low air. 277f WS/lowair l Oon 3000 500 1943 Trailer-mounted 277. 'Monrads', 279 WA 75m 39-42 Wg.70 1940 Long-range air warning for large ships. Type 79 with gunnery Rg.60 ranging. 280 WA/GA 3.6m 82 25 1940 Based on Army GL1. In Carlisle and Bank-elass ships only. 281 WA 35m 86-94 Wg.6OO 1940 Long-range air warning for large ships. Rg.1,000 281B WA 35m 86-94 600 1943 Single-masted version of 281. 281BM/BP/BQ WA 35 m 86-94 350 1945 Continuous rotation. 282 GC 50cm ~ 6OO 15 1941 Porn-porn directors, etc. 282Ml/M2/M3 GC 50cm ~ 600 60 or 80 1942 Increased power. 282M4 GC 50cm ~600 60 or 80 1942 Beam-switching. 282Q GC 50cm ~ 600 150 - Beam-switching and increased power. 283/M GB 50cm ~ 600 150 1943 Auto-barrage for main or secondary arma ments. 284/M/P GS 50cm ~600 As 282 1940 Main arma ment directors. 285/M/P/Q GA 50cm ~ 600 As 282 1940 HA directors (HA/LA directors in destroyers). 286M/P WC 15m 214 7 1940 Small ships. 286M fixed aerial, 286P revolving aerial 286PQ WC 15m 214 100 1943 Small ships. Higher power. 286U WC 15m 214 7 1941 Coastal forces. 286W WC 15m 214 7 1941 Submarines. 287 Minewatch 50cm ~ 600 15 1941 284 adapted for minewatching ashore. w 288(1) GC 50cm ~ 600 15 (1941 ) 284 adapted for Armed Merchant Cru isers. U1 U1 w Type Classijication Wavelength Freq. Power To sea 01 number nominal (MHz) (kW) (abandoned) Description 0\ 288(2) GC 5Dem ::l:: 600 15 - 284 adapted for training ashore. 289 GA 7Dem ::l::430 - 1940 Dutch . Fitted in Isaac Sweers and Heemskerck only. 290 WC 15m 214 100 1941 Small ships, replacing 286 but abandoned in favour of 291. 291/M WC 15m 214 100 1941 Small ships, replacing 286/290. 291U WC 15m 214 100 1943 Coastal forces. 291W WC 15m 214 100 1943 Submarines. 293/M WC/TI IDem 3000 500 1944 Destroyers and above . Replaced 271/2/3. 294 WC/FD IDem 3000 - (1944) Combined plan-display and heightfinding, replacing 277. 295 WC/FD 10cm 3000 - (1944) Higher-powered 294. 650 Jammer ::l:: 6m ::l:: 5O ID-20w 1944 Jamming of air-launched Fx.1400and Hs.293 anti-ship guided weapons. Sine-wave modulation. 651 Jammer ~ 6m ~ 5O 2 x lkw 1944 As Type 650 but capable of handling multi- missile attack. CW modulation. 930 GS/splash IDem 3000 7 1945 Splash-spotting; Naval version of Army CA No.1, Mk5 ('William'). 931 GS/splash 1.25cm ~ 24000 - 1945 Splash-spotting, Canadian. 940/1 INT 15m 209 1 1944 G-band interrogator with 281BP/BQ. 951 BeN - - - - Marker beacon for use with IDem WS and WC sets. 952 BeN Rx 3cm Rx ~9400 - 1945 Portable combined ops. navigational. Triggered by X-band, Tx 15m Tx 182 response on Type 242. 960 WA 304m ::l:: 88 450 1946 Long-range air warning for large ships, replacing 281/79/279. 961 CCA 3cm ~ 93 20 -- Carrier controlled approach. Modified ASV II. 970 WS IDcm ::l:: 3300 - 1943 Combined operations. Modified RAF H2S II. 971/M WS 3cm ::l:: 9320 - 1945 As 970 but based on H2S III. 972 WS 3em ~ 93 75 - 1946 Surveying. 980 WC/FD IDem 3000 500 (1949) Fighter direction plan display, repla cing 294/5. 981 Ht-fndr 1Oem 3000 500 (1949) Fighter direction heightfinder, repla cing 294/5. 990 WC IDem 3000 - (1944) Low cover, to go with 960, 294/5. 992 TI IDem 3000 - 1959 Target indication, replacing 293. American sets fitted in British ships SA WA 105m -- 1943 Captain and Colony-class frigates. SG WS IDem ~3195 - 1943 Escort carriers, Indom itable, Victorious. SJ WS IDem - - 1945 Submarines Tiptoe and Trump. SK WA 105m - - 1943 Escort carriers. SL WS lOem - - 1943 'Captain' and 'Colony' class frigates . SM-l FD 10.7cm ~2800 - 1944 Carriers Indomitable, Ocean; FD ships Boxer, Palomares. SO WS lOem - - 1944 Coastal forces. 50 WS 12em -- 1945 Big ships' portable 'after-action' set. Naval Airborne Radar ASV Mk.II ASV 105m 176 - 1940 Standard RAF version. ASVMk.IIN ASV 105m 214 7-22 1941 Naval version of ASV II. Swordfish, Walrus, Albacore, Barracuda ASVMk.XI ASV 3em - 35-50 1943 Swordfish III, Barracuda III. ASB ASV 105m 214 - 1944 US copy of ASV lIN. Avenger. ASH ASV/AI 3cm ~9375 35 1944 US ANIAPS-4. Avenger, Firefly. Barracuda V. AI Mk.IV AI 105m - 10 1944 Fulmar. AlA AI 3em - - 1945 US AN I APS-6. Hellcat. Principal source: Admiralty, CB 4497, SimpleGuide to Naval Radar (1949) . ~ 1 Depending upon frequency. '.J Appendix 2: Tabulations of Radar System Data, 1935-45 R.A. Laws INTRODUCTION The tables in this appendix have been compiled to present, in a detailed but compact form, technical descriptions of the principal radar systems developed for the Royal Navy from 1935 to 1945and used during the war. Each table includes a short history of the development of the set or system and a broad indication of the ships fitted with it; its primary characteristics, from which its performance may be assessed; its associated IFF interrogators; followed by expanded technical details, its interface with its operators and the ship's armament, and its power supplies. Notation Variants of a set or system are indicated by suffixes as follows: X- Experimental model Y- Prototype model Z- Production model B - Single mast working (79/279 and 281 with common T/R) M - First major modification P - Second major modification Q - Third major modification R - With an accurate ranging panel S- Adapted for use in shore-stations U- Adapted for fitting in coastal craft W- Adapted for fitting in submarines The solidus (/) was not used in the designation of a set.
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