Canyon Echoes VOLUME 20, ISSUE 8 AUGUST 2015 Philanthropy Sew-In IMPORTANT DATES Our August meeting will tribute. Here is what will be board, and sewing ma- be a working one preparing happening. We will be iron- chine...not all those items, Aug. 10 Board Meeting quilts for Wounded Warri- ing fabric, cutting out strips, just what you think you Aug. 17 General Meeting - Philanthropy Sew In ors, our philanthropy for making kits, and sew- would like to do. I look for- this coming year. Judging ing. The quilts will be an ward to seeing you and hav- Sep. 14 Board Meeting Sep. 21 Martha Nordstrand from last year's get togeth- easy version of the Split ing a chance to talk informal- - Lecture & Trunk Show Sep. 22 & 23 Workshops er, so much gets done so Rail. Here is what you can ly with you. quickly. I encourage as bring: an iron, ironing Oct. 12 Board Meeting Oct. 19 Tracey Brookshier many as can come and con- board, cutters, cutting Marty, Co-President - Lecture & Trunk Show Oct. 17 & 18 Workshops Nov. 9 Board Meeting Nov. 6 Canyon Challenge & Annual Potluck Dec. No Meeting I N S I D E TH I S 7pm-9pm ISSUE: Monday, August 17th Membership 2 Philanthropy Sew-In Garage Sale 2 Kennel Comforters 3 Bring your machine, Veterans Quilts 4 mats, cutters, rulers, and a snack to share New Members 4 Garage Sale Moments 5, 8, 9 Upcoming Programs 6 Board Openings 7 Quilting Trivia 10 Quilting Events 10 Canyon Challenge 12 Board and Officers 13 CANYON QUILTERS MEETING INFO: Canyon Quilters meets the third Monday of each month (except December) at the Al Bahr Shrine Center, Treasurer’s Report 13 5440 Kearny Mesa Rd. (just North of Clairemont Mesa Blvd., behind the Hampton Inn). Doors open at 6:30 pm - Meeting starts at 7:00 pm. Canyon Quilters of San Diego, P.O. Box 927103, San Diego, CA 92192-7103 1 VOLUME 20, ISSUE 8 Canyon Echoes AUGUST 2015 Canyon Garage Sale The Canyon Garage Sale the final total was a rous- ther! We hope all had ion creations. She got the was a great success and ing $927.90. Thanks to fun and found some great “biggest buyer” ten per- the Canyon Storage table all who sold and all who bargains. The award for cent discount at the Gar- of donations made came and bought. Of Top Shopper goes to age table. Expect to see $253.65. Everyone who course no one managed Marty Ornish who man- some of the best of unsold had a table turned in their to sell all of their items, aged to fill the proverbial donated items in the Op- donation to the Canyon but no shop sells all of its “three bags full” with portunity Baskets and at fundraising endeavor, and goods in one day ei- great bargains on crochet future Canyon meet- and embroi- ings. Thanks to everyone, dery and old cutter quilts Carrie Reichert—storage for her award manager winning fash- Opportunity Baskets Membership October - UFO Society THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO November - Open HAS PAID THEIR DUES. We appreciate your support. HAVEN’T RENEWED YET? Sadly, your membership has expired. PLEASE PAY YOUR DUES SOON. We need you so we can continue being the best guild in town. 2 Canyon Echoes VOLUME 20, ISSUE 8 AUGUST 2015 Kennel Comforters Saturday of the month, are off on summer break. They Remember, if you want to join will return in October and us on a Friday and/or Saturday again help us in making ani- at the beginning of each month, mal beds. We enjoy working come sew in the Community with them and always miss Room (sewing machines and them during the summer. materials always available) at Our July production count for the North County Animal Shel- beds was: 88 round beds (no ter, 2481 Palomar Airport Road, mat beds for July, that will be Carlsbad (across from Palomar Greetings from the volunteers in August). On Saturday, Au- Airport and next to Lowe's of Kennel Comforters and the gust 15, Kennel Comforters Home Center). We start at homeless animals whom we will be participating in Camp 9:30am and end about 3-4pm. have all helped. Despite the Pendleton's annual base shel- Thank you Canyon for your con- humidity, warm days, and occa- ter adoption event for dogs tinued support and donations. sional thunder and lightning and cats. (For additional infor- storms, and welcomed rain, July mation, please contact: Teresa Merilyne Hickman was another beautiful summer Setter at: (760) 436-7779 month in San Diego. Kennel [email protected]). [email protected] Comforters was again busy sewing beds for shelter animals on July 10 -11. During the summer months, the UCSD service fraternity stu- dents who assist us on the first Featured Artist Suzanne Gegna Art Quilt Exhibit August 1-31, 2015 La Mesa Public Library, 8074 Allison Ave. La Mesa CA 91942 (619) 469-2151 3 Canyon Echoes VOLUME 20, ISSUE 8 AUGUST 2015 Veterans Quilts Having delivered 100 quilts we were greeted by so special quilt. It gives me to the Chula Vista Veter- many thankful Veterans as goose bumps just to think ans Home this year, I am we pushed the basket of of how pleased he was. considering taking the next quilts down the halls. One batch of quilts to the Veteran was so pleased to Many thanks to you all for Wounded Warriors when tell us that he had one our all you do to make this a I have enough to deliver. quilts. He wanted to show successful and rewarding When my seven year old us his personal one. He is job for me. nephew, Jaxon and I took so proud and grateful to the quilts down to Chula have it. He took Jaxon and Sincerely, Vista for the Fourth of July I too his room to see his Marilyn Millikan Who will win a FREE CANYON WORKSHOP in the drawing at the August meeting? WELCOME NEW MEMBERS It could be YOU, if you paid your dues by July 1. We were too busy shopping at the July meeting to do it then. Suzanne Gegna Roberta Johnson Carol McDonald-Gibson Kim Misegades Sydney Shaw Anita Smith Carol Wood Longarm Quilting Services Memory T-Shirt Quilts Coleen’s Custom Quilts Quilted Colleen Craven 619-665-2265 Creations [email protected] www.colleenscreations.com 4 Canyon Echoes VOLUME 20, ISSUE 8 AUGUST 2015 Garage Sale Moments Brenda Gunn Cindy Blankenship Cristie Maguire C A N Y O N ECHOES CAMPY MOMENT Don’t Forget Bring your sewing machines, mats, cutters and a snack to share to our Philanthropy Sew-In August 17th at 7pm 5 Canyon Echoes VOLUME 20, ISSUE 8 AUGUST 2015 Upcoming Programs September - Martha Nordstrand Workshops: Tuesday, September 22nd: “Applique the Martha Way” Wednesday, September 23rd: ”Embellishing Your Applique Quilt” October - Tracey Brookshier Workshops: Saturday, October 17th: “Bento Box” Sunday, October 18th: “Japanese Jigsaw” Canyon Echoes Advertising Rates, in USD Size - Approx. (Width” X Height”) /Mo. /6 mo /Yr Advertise with Business Card (3 1/2” X 2 1/4”) 5 24 48 or (1 1/2” X 4 3/4”) us and reach 1/4 Page (3 1/2” X 4 3/4”) 8 44 80 or (7 1/2” X 2 1/4”) hundreds of 1/2 Page (7 1/2” X 4 3/4”) 16 88 160 or (3 1/2” X 10”) quilters Full Page (7 1/2” X 10”) 32 176 320 6 Canyon Echoes VOLUME 20, ISSUE 8 AUGUST 2015 Canyon Board and Chairperson Openings Canyon Quilt Guild is in need We also have two Chairper- community. These are great ways of a Secretary for our Board of son positions open. They are the to show your support and help Directors. Our Board Director of Advertis- Canyon’s mission. of Directors meets ing who helps sell ads We hope you will monthly at 6pm on the in the Canyon Echoes consider donating second Monday of Newsletter and our We rely on your time and help fill every month at Pink Publicity Director who volunteers these open seats. Daisy Studio, 7969 helps promote Canyon to carry out Remember, we are a Engineer Road #112, Quilt Guild to other our mission volunteer organization San Diego, CA 92111. businesses and organi- and rely on our mem- Meetings are typically zations in hopes of bers to carry out the less than two hours increasing membership, duties of our guild. Please contact long . If you would like promote classes, in- Marty Gigler or Cindy Blankenship to assist your guild and have the crease attendance in classes, and if you are interested in any of these free time we could use your help. sharing Canyon’s vision with the positions. “What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is Canyon’s Volunteer Spotlight immortal.” ― Albert Pike Mary Cooper Mary has spent many hours serving as librarian for Can- yon Quilt Guild. Unfortu- nately Mary is no longer able to continue with this and is passing the position on to Mary Kodis. Please think of good thoughts and wishes for Mary’s mother. Canyon is a Friendly Guild “Let’s welcome new members & guests (red dot on name badges). Ask them about their quilting inter- ests, and show them around the room to meet peo- ple and see our committee tables.” 7 VOLUME 20, ISSUE 8 Canyon Echoes AUGUST 2015 Garage Sale Moments Jeanne & Wendy Carrie Reichert Cynthia Lyons-Dailard Marilyn Millikan & Rhoda Keegan Roberta Johnson Karen Crossland Sylvia Corbin 2015 Exhibition Schedule July 18 – October 4 Collectors’ Showcase Shaping Space, Kate Stiassni Sally Parrish & Balboa Park Arches, Linda Anderson, Karen Cunagin, Jennye Pate, Kerry Embrey Carolyn Thelma Jane LaFazio, Peggy Martin, Nelda McComb Audrey Noonan, Sylvia Corbin Hearne Johannesen At the Beach Visions Members’ Challenge October 17 – January 3, 2016 Interpretations: Celebrating 30 Years Excavating for Meaning, Viviana Lombrozo Hearing the Quiet: Walking the Creeks, Linda Colsh Curves Visions Members’ Challenge 2015 Online Exhibitions Karen Cunagin Sue Maloney & Pam Kay July 1 – September 30 Annemarie Sprinkle Red Hot 8 Canyon Echoes VOLUME 20, ISSUE 8 AUGUST 2015 GarageInside Story Headline Sale Moments Wendy Knight Michaelanne Gephart Andrea Bacal Susan McGovern Jeffree Itrich Kay Laboda The 34th Annual It’s not too late to REGISTER FOR CLASSES “A Walk in the Park” Lisa Bongean September 9-12 At the San Diego Convention Center, Hall A Preview Night - Friday Sep.
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