UpdateEAB ✩ GisdateGisdateˆ An organ of the Esperanto Association of Britain Organo de Esperanto-Asocio de Britio No. 22, July–September 2003 ★ N-ro 22, julio–septembro 2003 ISSN [on request] International Communication without Discrimination ✰ Human Rights in Practice Internacia Komunikado sen Diskriminacio ✰ Homaj Rajtoj en la Praktiko ‘A Different World is Possible’ Esperanto at the 3rd World Social Forum The 3rd World Social Forum took place in Porto Alegro, Brazil, from 23 to 28 January. It is the most important meeting of world civil society. Under the slogan ‘A Different World is Possible’ – which could also be read in Esperanto on the most popular T-shirt there – 100,000 participants took part in 1,700 highly diverse meetings to discuss and criticise alternatives to the unjust and destructive world order created by the world market process, in the search for globalisation of human rights, democracy and equality. n this movement for a million. Leaflets were also to provide information to all Idifferent type of world – a handed out during the march, who showed an interest. A few movement that is extraordinar- and some indefatigable Esper- of them were interviewed by ily diverse and multifaceted – antists stood at important the mass media. the Esperanto movement’s meeting-points during the day striving for world-scale lan- Sessions on Esperanto guage democracy naturally has Three sessions were organised a rightful place with great • La venonta Monda within the official programme potential. Socia Forumo okazos en under the auspices of the The important responsibil- Mumbau, Barato (Hinda ity of presenting our proposed Unio), en januaro 2005. solution at this World Forum • De la 12-a gˆ is la 15-a de “Perhaps we was taken on by a small but novembro 2003 okazos enthusiastic band of local Eu˘ ropa Socia Forumo will never find Esperantists. There was no en la Pariza regiono. Oni a public more participation by the Brazilian provos proponi Esperanton national association, but there kiel pontolingvon al cˆiuj, ready to were four other Esperantists kiuj ne scipovas unu el la taking part: from France, kvin oficialaj lingvoj (la understand Argentina, Chile, and from angla, franca, germana, Rio-de-Janeiro. hispana, itala, kaj la man- our ideas” gesta). Cˆ iaj kunlaborantoj Esperanto flag in millions bezonataj. Pliaj informoj Universal Esperanto Associa- During the opening mass march de: S-ro Emilo Mas, 47 rue tion, with talks on Esperanto around forty of us walked de l’espéranto, FR-47190 in Portuguese by César together carrying banners, flags Galapian, Francio. Tel. 00 Dorneles and others, and in and green overshirts, which 33 (0)5 53 87 84 58; rete: English by Paulo Izaías Ereno. produced one of the first re- [email protected]. The third session concerned sults: the appearance of the • Se vi deziras aligˆi al linguistic human rights and Esperanto flag in a photo of the Socia Forumo Esperanto genocide against Indians march on the cover of the (SFE), sendu mesagˆ on al (J.A. Vergara), during which Brazilian daily O Globo, which <socia-forumo-esperanto- the Esperanto movement’s has a print-run of several [email protected]>. favourable attitude to language Gˆ isdate • 1 REDAKTORA NOTO ecology was underlined. There Manifesto to give away in as was also a successful presenta- many ethnic languages as Vi trovos tion of Esperanto with dancing, possible to coincide with the singing and a sketch at the ideas of the Forum, etc. n cˆi tiu numero vi trovos children’s Forum. Future Social Forums will Eenkondukan raporton pri be World (India, 2005), and la 3-a Monda Socia Forumo. ˆ ‘Cultural diversity’ regional (e.g. Europe, near Guste kadre de tiaj progres- José Vergara attended the Paris in November 2003). See emaj movadoj por alternativaj special series of lectures on further information, contacts, vivmanieroj ni kredeble povos ‘How to Guarantee Cultural etc. in the box on page 1. trovi novajn adeptojn kaj ˆ and Language Diversity?’ We should plough our aliancanojn. Cu vi estas ano Despite the shared disquiet Esperanto furrow in unison de tiu au˘ simila organizajˆo, cˆe about cultural homogeneity with all those who want to kiu vi povos agi kiel kontakt- resulting from the policies of construct a new world. ❏ perulo? Kelkaj membroj letere the powers that be, the only (Translated and adapted from opposition to a role by Espe- komunikis siajn opiniojn al the Esperanto original by José Gˆ isdate pri la situacio de niaj ranto in this field is due to Antonio Vergara (Chile) in prejudice and misunderstand- periodajˆoj, sed bonvolu atenti, UEA’s review Esperanto, ke la redaktoro neniel sugestis, ing – in this case by the presi- March 2003.) dent of the Italian Cultural ke oni forigu nian revuon La Brita Esperantisto. Imagu tian Association ARCI, Luciana ✑ Castellina. She nevertheless herezajˆon! promised to discuss the possi- Mi intencis arangˆ i, ke via With this issue bulteno havu oficialan ‘ISSN’- bility of arranging an official of Update session on Esperanto within numeron ekde la nuna numero, the next World Social Forum. you will find a copy of EAB’s sed la cirkonstancoj spitis. La new full-colour leaflet presejo/distribuejo sukcesis Public ready to understand detailing the range of perdi cˆiujn kromekzemplerojn, correspondence courses Perhaps we will never find a provizante la Oficejon de EAB currently on offer. We have sole per embaraso! public more ready to under- a network of experienced stand our ideas, nor in such Memoru, ke via kontribuo tutors ready to help and cˆiam estos bonvena. numbers, than in this Forum. encourage, so please take a We should plan our participa- little time to browse through Geoffrey Sutton tion in similar events. In my the leaflet and consider which opinion, we need more politi- courses you might like to Material for the next issue of cally conscious Esperantists take! Aslo consider our Update should be with the editor ideally no later than 1 September / taking part, more profession- residential courses (see further information on pages Materialo por la venonta numero ˆ ally produced information, 6 and 7). de Gisdate atingu la redaktoron more copies of the Prague ideale plej laste la 1-an de septembro. Update / Gˆisdate is a quarterly organ of the Esperanto ❏ EAB also publishes the review La Brita Esperantisto, Association of Britain / estas kvaronjara organo de wholly in Esperanto, and the English-language internet Esperanto-Asocio de Britio, Esperanto House / Esperanto- bulletin EAB NetNews / EAB eldonas ankau˘ la revuon La Domo, StationRoad, Barlaston, Stoke-on-Trent ST12 9DE. Brita Esperantisto, tute en Esperanto, kaj interrete la Tel. 0845 230 1887 or +44 (0)1782 372141 anglalingvan bultenon EAB NetNews. Fax / fakso: +44 (0)1782 372229 ✰ E-mail / ret-adreso: [email protected] ❏ EAB is a registered charity (No. 272676) and an Website / ttt-pagˆ o: www.esperanto-gb.org affiliated national association of the Universal Esperanto ❏ Membership of EAB costs £25 a year (£20 concession); Association, which has official relations with the United supporter £10 / Membrigˆi en EAB kostas £25 jare (£20 Nations and Unesco / EAB estas legˆe registrita bonfara rabatite); subtenanto pagas £10. asocio kaj aligˆ inta landa asocio de Universala Esperanto- ✰ Asocio (Nieuwe Binnenweg 176, NL-3015 Rotterdam, ❏ Material for Update should be sent by Nederlando. Tel. 00 31 10 436 1044; fax / fakso: 00 31 436 e-mail, computer disk or hard copy to the editor / 1751; e-mail / rete: [email protected]; www.uea.org), kiu havas Materialon por Gˆisdate oni sendu rete, diske au˘ papere al oficialajn rilatojn kun Unuigˆ intaj Nacioj kaj Unesko. la redaktoro: Geoffrey Sutton, 7 Clover Road, Aylsham, ✰ Norwich NR11 6JW; e-mail / retposˆ te: gsutton@ ❏ The views expressed in Update are not necessarily macunlimited.net. Material may be in Esperanto, English, those of the Management Committee of EAB / Welsh or Gaelic / Materialo rajtas esti en la lingvoj La opinioj esprimitaj en Gˆisdate ne nepre estas tiuj de la internacia, angla, kimra au˘ gaela. estraro de EAB. 2 • Update EL LA ESTRARO FROM THE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE The April and May meetings he April meeting of the learning aids, etc. and regu- This is being followed up. TManagement Committee larly integrate information on The Free Postal Course had took place in London. A meet- Esperanto into the site. been reviewed, and its presen- ing also took place immediately tation and co-ordination will be following the Annual General Regional development improved. Meeting (AGM) at the British A post to deal with this impor- The Beginners’ Course parts Esperanto Congress in Glas- tant area was discussed briefly. 1 and 2 – based on the story gow. (For the AGM report, see It is on the agenda for the Gerda Malaperis! – are ready, page 5). and part 3 is nearing comple- tion. The committee decided Publicity that the course will be sold at Helen Fantom reported that the subsidised price of £10 for there had been a positive and each part or £27 for all three, successful meeting of the including inland postage and Publicity Subcommittee. Full packing. Orders from abroad The European Esperanto- will cost £30 plus p. & p. Some Union (EEU) had received a revamp packs have already been sold to donation from Japan of 1,000 students who have finished the euros for each affiliated na- Free Postal Course. tional association to spend on of EAB’s The Urso-Kurso, for chil- an approved advertisement. A dren, has now been transferred proposal for approval by the website on to CD, and the parents’ Committee is being worked on. introductory booklet has been The Director of Develop- revised and updated. ment presented the job specifi- The new leaflet on available cations for the post of Informa- Management Committee’s correspondence courses was tion Officer.
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