植物研究雑誌 J. J. Jpn. Bo t. 72: 72: 19-35 (1997) On the Fern Genus Pyrrosia Mirbel (Polypodiaceae) in in Asia and Adjacent Oceania (1) Kung-Hsia SHINO a and Kunio IWATSUKl b aHerbarium ,Institute of Botany ,Academia Sinica ,20 Nanxincun , Xiangshan ,Be 討ing 100093 , CHINA; bpaculty bpaculty of Science ,Rikkyo University , 3-34-1 Nishi-ikebukuro , Toshima-ku , Tokyo 171 ,JAPAN (Received (Received on June 19 , 1996) The fem genus Pyrrosia Mirbel is revised and enumerated for all the Asian species , as as well as some species from neighbouring regions ,an with artificial key to all the species recognized. recognized. Sixty-four species are distinguished in a rather splitted conception for further biosystematic biosystematic analysis. Three species ,Pyrrosia ensata ,P. shennongensis ,andP .f uoh αiensis are are new to science from China. Introduction Introduction distinguished by comparing various features Based on a comprehensive classical mono- of Asian species obtained in herbarium speci- graph by Giesenhagen (1 901) ,a poly- mens as well as in the fields. There are a few podiaceous podiaceous fem genus Pyrrosia has been ob- species of Pyrrosia distributed in Australia , served served in various ways including by the fem- N ew Zealand ,and Africa ,though they are lovers lovers who cultivate the plants of this genus as either excluded from this enumeration or only a hobby. A recent revision by Hovenkamp briefly mentioned , as we have less information (1 986) resulted in a global monograph ,al- on them in their native fields concemed. though species concept in this work is too wide The generaDrymoglossum andSaxiglossum to to understand the structure of every species were first recognized by Presl (1 836) and native native to Asia. When Ching (1935) revised the followed by Ching (1 965) and others in sepa- genus genus Pyrrosia ,Asian species are enumerated rating them from Pyrrosia. Both the genera in in more or less splitting concep t. On the first have their sori elongate and linear either along step step of systematic treatise when we have still leaf margin or on lower surface of laminae insufficient insufficient information on genetic structure between midrib and leaf margin. Although of of each species concemed ,we may better have both of the two genera are revised and included more careful observation on variation in every in the genus Pyrrosia by Ravensberg and character character to distinguish it in splitting species Hennipman (1 986) , they seem to be direct off- concep t. And , in the case of the genus Pyrrosia shoots of Pyrrosia and are excluded from this we have more information obtained by grow- enumeration. As it is not difficult to discrimi- ing ing the plants in cultivation including those nate Drymoglossum piloselloides and contributed contributed by non-professional fem growers. Saxiglossum angustissimum from Pyrrosia in Including Including these informations , our agreement definition , recognizing them as distinct gen- is is to enumerate the species in Asia carefully era ,no further comments will be given here. -19 ー 20 植物研究雑誌第72 巻第l号 平成9年2月 Genetic Genetic identity will not be discussed here in focus to the specimens collected in Taiwan. details ,and exclude these two 'genera' from 1 watsuki examined some in various herbaria this this enumeration rather conventionally. throughout the world and studied the speci- Based chiefly on the spore omamentation , mens in some Chinese herbaria when he vis- the the senior author recognized two subgenera in ited China several times. Detailed field obser- this this genus (Shing 1983). Tryon and Lugardon vations were made by Shing in China and by (1990) (1990) described five types of spore omamen- 1 watsuki in various localities in East and South- tation tation in the genus Pyrrosia. Even with their east Asia. Based on these studies sixty-four contribution contribution in this feature particular ,we rec- species of Pyrrosia in a strict sense are here ognize ognize that the two species , P. angustat αand tentatively recognized in Asia and adjacent P. P. samarensis ,have ribbed spore surface in Oceania. An artificial key to all the species contrast contrast to the other species of Pyrrosia hav- recognized is prepared. ing ing tubercular or verrucose surface with perine In this pu 叩ose , the synonymic lists of the as as was observed by the senior author (Shing species in the following enumeration are in 1984). 1984). simpler form , mostly referring the literatures As to the key characters to distinguish the like Giesenhagen (1901) ラ Ching (1 935) ,and taxa ,we observed as much features as possible Hovenkamp (1 986). Chinese as well as Japa- and take up such characters found in rhizome , nese names are given in the species where they frond frond form and size ,venation ,and induments , are available. especially especially the stellate hairs found everywhere The herbarium studies have been carried on the plants. The structure of the rays of out in herbaria various and mostly in AAU ,B , stellate stellate hairs as well as the number of layers BKF ,BO ,GH ,INS ,K ,KYO ,KUN ,MAK , are are the reliable specific characters in many 孔lI CH ,NY ,P ,PE ,PYU ,SING ,TI ,and US. cases. cases. In the species with two layers of stellate We are thankful to the directors and curators of hairs hairs on the lower surface of laminae , the all the herbaria who gave us various facilities stellate stellate hairs of the bottom layer have wooly and helps in studying the materials including rays rays while those of the superficial layer are some on loan to PE (Shing) and TI (Iwatsuki). distinguished distinguished into three types of rays: lanceo- We owed various funds in carrying this coop- late late with length less than three times of width , erative study ,and this paper is completed subulate-Ianceolate subulate-Ianceolate with length more than five mostly by the financial aids from Overseas to to nine times of width ,and aciculate with Research Grant (02041026) from Ministry of needle-like needle-like structure. Structure of rhizome Education , Science and Culture ,Japan , to K. I., scales scales is another reliable feature , though it is including an aid for senior author's visit to sometimes sometimes difficult to observe on the her- Japan. barium barium specimens as they are often caducous. Most of the specimens in Chinese herbaria References to General Section Ching R. C. 1935. On the genus Pyrrosia Mirbel from the were carefully and intensively examined by mainland of Asia inc I. Japan and Formosa. Bul I. Chin. Bo t. Shing ,who also visited the United States dur- Soc. 1: 36-72. ing ing 1981-83 and made fruitful herbarium stud- 一一一一一 1965. Some new nomen cI atural combination offerns. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 10: 301-304. ies ies in herbaria various there focusing the stud- Giesenhagen K. 1901. Die Farngattung Niphoholus. Verlag von ies ies in Pyrrosia. Shing visited J apan in 1991 Gustav Fischer ,Jena. and had a time to discuss on the genus Pyrrosia Hovenkamp P. H. 1984. Some new name and species in Py/ ・ros /G (Polypodiaceae). (Polypodiaceae). Blumea 30: 207ι208. with with 1watsuki , examining most of the Pyrrosia 一一一一一一 1986. A monograph ofthe fern genus Pyrrosia. Leiden specimens specimens kept in Japanese herbaria with a Bo t. Se r. 9: 1-280. February February 1997 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo l. 72 No. 1 21 Presl Presl K. B. 1836. Tentamen Pteridographiae. Pragae. 6(b) Sori small ,multiseriate between midrib Ravensberg Ravensberg w. J. and Hennipman E. 1986. The Pyrrosia and leaf margin ...・ H ・...・ H ・....・ H ・-…・・(1 0) species species formerly referred toDrymoglossum andSaxiglossum (Filicales ,Polypodiaceae). Leiden Bo t. Se r. 9: 281-310. 10(a) Rhizome scales ciliate …...・ H ・..….. (1 1) Shing Shing K.-H. 1983. A reclassification of the fern genus Pyrrosia. II(a) Plants 5-12cm tall; texture thick ,upper Amer. Fern J. 73: 73-78. surface of laminae plane , with thin 一一一一一 1993. Some new species of pteridophytes from Hengduan Mts. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 31: 571. induments ...・ H ・H ・H ・..… 5. P. adnascens Tryon A. F. and Lugardon B. 1990. Spores ofthe Pteridophyta. 11 (b) Plants smaller ,2-7 cm tall; texture thin , Springer-Verlag ,New York. upper surface of laminae calcareously puncticulate , with thick induments. ・… Key to the Species ..5a. ..5a. P. adn α scens f. calcicola (a) 1(a) Sori small ,a 町 anged in several rows 1 O(b) Rhizome scales entire .……...・ H ・-…(1 2) between midrib and leaf margin , or 12(a) 12(a) Sterile laminae broadly lanceolate with larger larger and arranged in a single row caudate caudate apex; lateral veins distinct …・・ between midrib and leaf margin; spores …・・ 6. P. ensata ve 町 ucose ,tuberculate , or granulate on 12(b) 12(b) Sterile laminae lanceolate with shortly surface surface pattern (Subgen. Pyrrosia) ・…・ acute acute apex; lateral veins indistinct …. ・・ H ・H ・H ・H ・.......(2) ・H ・H ・.7. P. rupestris 2(a) 2(a) Lower surface oflaminae covered with 5(b) 5(b) Fronds monomorphic or subdimorphic stellate stellate hairs in one layer (Sec t. Pyrrosia) …(1 3) …… H ・H ・...・.., (3) 13( 13( a) Laminae strap-shaped or linear-lanceo- 3(a) 3(a) Rays of stellate hairs on laminae under- late late …… H ・H ・....・ H ・...・ H ・....・ H ・...・ H ・..…(1 4) neath neath monomorphic ....・ H ・...・ H ・...・ H ・. (4) 14(a) 14(a) Rhizome scales large , broadly ovate , 4(a) 4(a) Rays of stellate hairs lanceolate , with entire; entire; laminae strap-shaped ,up to 60 ratio ratio of width and length of rays 1:3( --4) cm long …H ・H ・-… H ・H ・-… 8. P. longifolia (Se r. Pyrrosia) …H ・H ・.....・ H ・..,・ H ・...・... (5) 14(b) 14(b) Rhizome scales linear-lanceolate ,cili- 5(a) 5(a) Fronds distinctly dimorphic ...・ H ・-… (6) ate; ate; laminae about 15 cm long ・…・(1 5) 6(a) 6(a) Sori large ,a 汀 anged in 1-2 rows be- 15(a) 15(a) lnduments thin ,subglabrescent ,green- tween midrib and leaf margin ...・ H ・.(7) ish ish on both sides ...・ H ・....・ H ・...・ H ・-…(1 6) 7(a) 7(a) Sori superficial in a single row; scales 16(a) 16(a) Fronds typically monomorphic , about ciliate ciliate ..,・ H ・....・ H ・H ・H ・.....・ H ・....・ H ・H ・H ・.(8) 1.
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