NEW YORK UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Silver School of Social Work | 2012-2013 N E W Y O R K U N I V E R S I T Y B U L L E T I N 2012 - 2013 8 Silver School of Social Work ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE 60TH SESSION EHRENKRANZ CENTER ONE WASHINGTON SQUARE NORTH NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10003-6654 TABLE OF CONTENTS Silver School of Social Work . 2 Administration . 4 Faculty . 5 An Introduction to New York University . 7 Master of Social Work Program . 11 Field Instruction in Social Service Agencies . 27 Bachelor of Science Program . 33 Doctor of Philosophy Program . 47 General Information for All Programs . 53 Student Activities/School and University Services . 58 Community Service . 60 University Administration/Board of Trustees . 61 Calendar . 63 Washington Square Map . 64 New York University Centers Map . 66 Travel Directions . 67 Index . 69 Notice: The policies, requirements, course offerings, schedules, activities, tuition, fees, and calendar of the school and its departments and programs set forth in this bulletin are subject to change without notice at any time at the sole discretion of the administration. Such changes may be of any nature, including, but not limited to, the elimination of the school or college, programs, classes, or activities; the relocation of or modification of the content of any of the foregoing; and the cancellation of scheduled classes or other academic activities. Payment of tuition or attendance at any classes shall constitute a student’s acceptance of the administration’s rights as set forth in the above paragraph. 8 Silver School of Social Work and social work orientations—spanning contem- he Silver School of Social Work porary psychodynamic, psychological, and social- provides a rich environment for the ed- theory perspectives and related research. Members ucation of professional social workers, of the faculty assist local social-service, mental- offering undergraduate, master’s, and T health, and health-care agencies in program plan- doctoral degrees. Through its Office of Global and ning and evaluation through consultation and Lifelong Learning, the School also serves as a ma- research. Scholarly work by the School’s faculty jor postgraduate training center where hundreds spans a wide range of questions, problems, and of area social workers deepen their professional populations, including trauma, poverty reduc- knowledge and skills and earn continuing educa- tion, pubic health interventions, the conceptual tion units each year. The School is a key source and philosophical foundations of clinical practice, of scholarly research and publications directed at assessment of social work education, and needs of improving the practice of social work, evaluating vulnerable populations. Faculty members are also social service and mental-health programs, and called on to help shape nationwide programs in developing new alternatives for meeting the needs social services, education, and mental health. of underserved populations. The School’s B.S. Flexible Professional Education. A and M.S.W. programs are fully accredited by the hallmark of the Silver School is its continuing Council on Social Work Education. effort to make high-quality professional train- Direct Practice and Research Excellence. ing accessible. The School has developed flexible The Silver School is one of the leading centers approaches to professional education without of professional training in direct social work compromising its rigorous training. In response practice. Graduates at all levels acquire the core to differing student needs and circumstances, knowledge and skills necessary to work directly four options are available for full-time students with individuals, families, groups, and communi- in the School’s M.S.W. program: the traditional ties. Concurrent practical experience with clients two-year program; a 16-month accelerated in agency settings—closely supervised in a sup- program; an advanced standing option; and a portive environment—is an integral component part-time, 32-month program for graduates of of professional social work education. The School accredited undergraduate social work programs. draws on the extraordinary diversity of service The M.S.W. program also recognizes the educa- agencies in the New York City metropolitan area tional and career needs of individuals who have and the tristate region for its student field-learn- family and work responsibilities by offering them ing placements. Carefully selected field instruc- the opportunity to receive a full professional tors are on-site in the more than 600 agencies in education over a longer period of time through which students are placed. The School also offers the Extended M.S.W. Program and the Extended global social work practice with opportunities to One-Year Residence Program (OYR). M.S.W. study abroad and an emerging emphasis on policy students also have the option of pursuing a dual practice for students with community and policy NYU degree program in law (with the School of interests. All programs have a strong social justice Law); public administration (with the Robert F. commitment. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service); child Faculty members have extensive professional development (with Sarah Lawrence College); or experience and excellent teaching skills. They public health (with the NYU Master’s Program bring to the School a wide range of knowledge in Global Public Health). The B.S. program offers SILVER SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK 2 undergraduates the opportunity to Square row houses that have been authorized by the New York State combine a fine liberal arts education transformed into a single modern Education Department to offer a with the development of basic social facility for social work education. Ph.D. degree. work skills. The Ph.D. program The School’s nurturing atmosphere The 19th-century structures the offers experienced professionals allows students to develop profes- School calls home are located di- the opportunity to pursue further sionally in a supportive and comfort- rectly on historic Washington Square professional training and research. able environment—while having the Park in Greenwich Village and have The School offers programs total resources of a major university a distinguished history in New York at four locations. All programs are (and a major city) at their disposal. City, housing a succession of mayors, available at New York University’s Diversity. Diversity along several artists, poets, architects, and writers. Washington Square campus. Part- dimensions characterizes the Silver The American artist Edward Hopper and full-time master’s programs are School: the background and experi- lived and worked at Number Three offered at our branch campuses in ence of its faculty; the age, race/ from 1939 to 1965. Portions of Rockland County at St. Thomas ethnicity, and interests of its student his studio are preserved to this day. Aquinas College and in Bronx- body; the extraordinary range of its Renovation to create offices and ville, Westchester County, at Sarah field-placement opportunities; and classrooms preserved much of the Lawrence College, and foundation its emphasis on developing services interior architecture and detail of the master’s-level courses are given at the for many different underserved pop- original 19th-century homes. College of Staten Island. ulations. The School promotes so- In October 2007, the School of Continuing Education. cioeconomic diversity in its student Social Work was named the Silver Dedicated to excellence in workforce body through an active recruiting School of Social Work at NYU, in development and the promotion of strategy. Through research, timely recognition of NYU alumni Con- advanced clinical expertise, profes- conferences, and the development stance and Martin Silver’s generous sional leadership, and organizational of specialized training programs, the support of social work education. effectiveness, the Silver School’s School actively pursues improve- Their gift to the School, valued at Office of Global and Lifelong ments in direct-practice approaches $50 million, is the largest private Learning offers certificate programs, and in social and mental-health ser- donation to a school of social work workshops, a lecture series, online vices for many different populations. in the United States. The gift has readings, and continuing profession- Current initiatives are directed at been used to: al education. The courses have been services for people with co-occurring • support the Constance Mc- approved for continuing education mental illness and substance abuse Catherin-Silver Fellowship, units (CEUs). and children in foster care, work which provides financial aid to To learn about noncredit-based with homeless populations with M.S.W. students in need who are certificate programs and additional mental illness, immigrant children dedicated to helping minority continuing education programs, visit and adults in need of mental-health populations; www .nyu .edu/socialwork/ care, social work supports in the • establish the McSilver Profes- continuing .education. school system, palliative and end- sorship in the Study of Poverty Intimate School Atmosphere. of-life care, adolescents at risk for (“McSilver” is a combination of This is in many respects an intimate HIV/AIDS, and growth of naturally Constance Silver’s married name school—in its educational philoso- occurring retirement communities. and her maiden name, McCath- phy, program structure, and physical History. Established as part erin); and setting. Faculty
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