Index Symbols -, enzymatic 243 -, hormonal 49 -,oestrogen 54, 57 1,3-dichlorisocyanuric acid 38 acute 17 a-ethinyloestradiol (EE2) 49-63 -, ECso/chronic NOEC (AlC) ratio 197-198 -, toxicity 62 -, fish test 138 17ß-oestradiol (E2) 49-50,52-63 -, toxicity test 72 17 ß-oestradiol-3-glucuronide 53 adaptation 32, 58, 91 l-octanol 149 additive, feed 44, 47, 91, 106, 143 2,4,6-trichloroanisol 120 Adriatic sea 25 2,4,6-trichlorophenol 119-120 adsorbable organic halogen compounds (AOX) 2-chloro-4-nitrophenol 44 6,29,36-39,119-120 2-chloro-4-nitrophenyl-ß 44 -, in urine 37 2-hydroxybenzylalcohol 44 -, biodegradability 29 4-chlorophenol 44 -, emission, hospital 29 4-nitrophenyl-phosphate 46 adsorption 29, 52, 56, 58, 61, 67, 87-88, 136, 207, 5,5' -dithio-bis-2-nitrobenzoic acid 46 21 4,216 5-chloro-2-methyl-4-thiazol-3 45 adult 110,115,221-222,227 5-fluorouracil 30 advanced oxidation processes (AOP) 87-88 8-hydroxychinoline 45 aeration 29, 226 agar A -, media 53 -, plate 53 absorption 111 agriculture 131-132,145,155 AC see activated carbon AIDS 43 AlC see acute EC50/chronic NOEC (AlC) ratio air 53,93-94,97,106-107,163 acarbose 176,208,223 alendronate 176,193 Acartia tonsa 73, 184 -, sodium 194 accumulation 47 alendronic acid 209, 224 -, capability 47 algae 5,13,70,72,115,175,190-192,196-198,205, -, long term 62 210-212 acetaminophen 186,206 -, blue-green 179,197 acetate 24, 46 -, Microcystis aeruginosa 72,186 acetone 54-55 -, EC so 176- 190,197,210-212 acetonitrile 25 -, green 72,176,178-179,182-183,194-197,201 acetylcysteine 166,168 -, growth inhibition 134 acetylsalicylic acid 82,132,166,168-170 -, test 13 acidity 241 -, micro- 70, 72 acriflavine 176 -, population 72 Act on Pharmaceuticals 124 -, toxicity test 72 activated carbon (AC) alkalines 46-47 -, adsorption 87 alkylbenzenesulfonate (LAS) 32-33 -, powdered 226 allergy 243 active allyl thiourea (ATU) 55 -, principles 20 alum 119 -,substances 1-5,20-21,23-24,31-32,38,239 -, coagulation 119 activity aluminium sulfate 226 -, biological 69, 131, 213 amalgam 35 248 Index -, dental 35 -, analysis 43 -, separator 35 antidepressant 176-177,182-183,185-186,191, -, remobilisation of mercury 35 193, 195-196 ambroxol 166 antidiabetie 176, 184 America 125, 127, 241 antihypertensive 25,193,179,183-188,195 Ames test 47, 119 anti-infective 176,183-185,193,195-196 AMG see Arzneimittelgesetz antimalarial 177, 179-180, 187-188 amiloride 21 antimicrobial 6,31, 67, 70-74, 143, 172, 231, 233, aminoglycosides 144-146, 152-154 242-243 aminosidine 176, 208, 224 -, environmental impact 231 -, sulfate 176 -, growth promoter 143, 172 amitriptyline 24,166,176-177,206-208,212,215, -, recalcitrant 6 223 antimycotie 1 ammonia 33, 71 antineoplastie 2-3, 25, 81, 180, 184, 186, 189, 206, ammonium 32, 46 222,226,240,243 -, heptamolybdate 46 antiparasitie 130-131,133,137,172 -, sulfate 46 antiphlogistie 82-83 amobarbital 177 antipsychotie 188-191, 196 amopyroquin dihydrochloride 177 antirheumatie 2, 83, 179-180, 184 amoxicillin 21,25,144-146,154,166 antiserum 53 amphetamine sulfate 177 antitumour 30 amphibian anti-ulcerative 25,180,182,185 -, embryotoxicity test 15 antiviral 181, 190 ampieillin 144-146 AOBr 38 amyloride 20 AOCl38 analgesie 2,6,12,178,182-183,185-186,190,205 AOI 38 -, NSAID 12-13 AOP see advanced oxidation processes analyser 43-47 AOX see adsorbable organie halogen compounds -, automatie 43-45, 47 application 1, 3-4, 30, 35, 81-83, 87-88, 97, 106, -, runoff 43 110,115, 123, 130-131, 143, 147, 150, 155, 198, androsterone 166 204, 210, 227, 239 animal 4,19,31-32,67-68,77-78,81,91,106, aprotinin 178 110, 114, 124, 126, 131, 139, 143, 145, 147-148, aquaculture 1,4,31-32,67-68,70,72-73,125, 150, 152-153, 155-156, 160-161, 164, 169, 171, 131-132, 134, 241 231-234, 243 aqueduct 119 -, breeding methods 31 aquifer 88 -, domestie 139 Arrhenius-Equation 161 -, farming 91 Artemia -, fattening methods 31 -, cyst hatching rate 72 -, field going 152,154 -, salina 176-180,182-183,186-190 -, grazing 145,147-148,156,164,171 -, test 193 -, husbandry 77,156, 160, 234 Arzneimittelgesetz (AMG) 124 -, slurry 68 aspirin 23,132, 168, 178, 205-208, 212-213, 223 anthelmintie 25,164, 171-172 atenolol 21, 25 antianginal 25,179,185,187,190,193 atropine 193,209,224 antiasthmatie 12, 25, 182, 188 -, sulfate 178,193 antibacterial 25,30, 67-71, 176, 178-179, 181-186, ATU see allyl thiourea 188-189, 191, 195-196 Austria 1, 4, 50 antibiotie 1-2,6,12-14,20,29,30-32,67-74,77, availability 106-107, 161, 169, 205 79,81-83,91,121,128,131,137,143-145,147-150, azithromycin 178, 209, 224 152-153,155-156,162,164,169,171-172,222, 231,232- 234,239-244 B -,agents 6,30-32,239 -, ß-lactam 30,143,145,153 ß-blocker 25,82,91 -, occurence in environment 67 ß-gluconidase 214 -, groundwater 68 ß-glucuronidase 211 -, sewage and surface water 32 ß-lactam -, soil 70, 73 -, antibiotie 30,143-146,152-154 -, concentration 150,153 -, evolution 231 -, surface water 32 ß-lactamases 231 -, veterinary 137, 143, 150, 152, 155, 156, 169 Bacillus licheniformis 78 antibody 43 bacitracin 23, 77-78, 166, 178 Index 249 -,A 78 -, contrast media 29 -, BI 78 -, disinfectant 29 -, B2 78 -, pharmaceutical 29 -,B378 -, QAC 32 -, desamido- 78 bio degradation 1, 4, 29, 32, 35, 38, 52, 55-57, bacteria 4-6, 29-33, 35, 50, 55-56, 61, 68-69, 60-62,67,69-70,83,88, u8, 133, 138, 204, 71-73,121,138,143,172,211,214,234,240, 206-207, 210, 216, 242 242-243 -, rate 56 -, acetogenic 73 -, test 83 -, activity 214 biodiversity 242-243 -, community 71-72,172,234 biofilm 31, 84-85 -, soil 234 -, reactor 84-85 -, structure 172 bioluminescence 71 -, consortia 6 -, inhibition test 71 -, denitrifying 33 biomarker UO, 197, 2U -, fermenting 73 biomass 85 -, gram negative 33 biomonitoring 135 -, gram positive 32 biotransformation 2U, 215 -, growth 68, 143 bird 233 -, infection 14 birth 232 -, nitrifying 72 bisoprolol 82 -, pathogenic 6 Bithynia tentaculata 195, 201 -, growing number 6 bivalve 197 -, photo- 44-45 bladder snail 201 -, resistant 6, 29, 32, 240, 243 bleaching 6, u8 -, respiration 55 -,agent 6 -, sulfate reducing 73 bleomycin 22,166,170, 222, 228,227 -, toxicity 6,35 blood 43, 133 babermycin 23 -, group 43 bank filtration 32, 83, 86 BüD see biochemical oxygen demand BCF see bioconcentration factor body 49-50,78,148,153,164,214,216 beef 150,152-153,155 Borneff's series 112 -, cattle 150,152-153,155 Brachydanio rerio 73,180,184, 186, 188, 201 beer 241 Brachionus calyciflorus 177-180,183,185-190 Belgium 52-55 breeding benzalkonium chloride 32-33 -, pig 31 -, dose! efficiency curve 33 -, poultry 31 benzo(a)pyrene 112,114-117 brilliant blue 45 benzo(ghi)perylene 112-113, 117 broiler 162, 169 benzo(b )fluoranthene 113, 117 bromhexine 166 benzo(k)fluoranthene 112-113, 117 bromine 45-46 benzylpenicillin 144-146 -, cresol green 45 Berlin 74, 81 bromocyclen 137 beta blocker 13, 82, 91 broncholyticum 128 betaxolol 82 brook trout 201 bezafibrate 13,22,25,81-83,87,166,170 brown trout 73 bicalutamide 178-179,194,209,224 budesonide 179,194,209,224 bile acid deconjugation test 233 buffer 45,47,55,155 bilirubin 45 bull 161 bioaccumulation 44, 93, 133, 136, 138, 214-217, 241 by-product UR-120 bioactivity 85 -, chlorination 119-120 bioassay 110, U7, 197, 2U, 213 -, multiple species uo c biochemical oxygen demand (BüD) 53,59, u8 biocide 2,127,159,162,170,239 14C see carbon bioconcentration 217 caffeine 166,168-169,179 bioconcentration factor (BCF) u6-U7,215 calcium 31, 46, 70, 210 -, fish 135 -, chloride 46 biodegradability 6, 12, 20,30-31, 33, 44, 46-48, calve 31, 143 54, 58, 70, 83, 242 canal 54 -,aerobic 54,58,70 cancer 52, U4, 120, 132, 227, 240 -,AüX 29 -, breast 52 250 Index -, endometrium 52 chlormadinonacetate 166 -, ovarian 52 chloroform 120 -, rate 227 chlorophenol 6, 118-119 -, risk 120, 227 chloroquine 208,215,233 captopril 21, 25 -, phosphate 179-180 carbamazepine 15 chlortetracycline 144-146,145-155,161,166 -,oestrogenie activity 15 cholesterol 45 -, toxicity 15 chromatography 119 carbon 55-56, 58, 60-61, 87, 101, 118, 149, 16), 226, 243 -, gas-phase 119 _, 14C 242 chromogen 44,47-48 -, cycling 243 cigarettes 241 -, dioxide (C02) 53 cimetidine 180, 208, 223 -, dissolved organie (DOC) 61, 84-85, 119 ciprofloxacin 31 -, organie 55, 60-61, 101, 118, 149, 163 cisapride 180,194,209,224 -, total organie (TOC) 55,119-120 cis-platinum 30 carboplatinum 30, 33 cladribine 180 carcinogen 112 clam 193 carcinogenesis 118 clarification 44, 118, 120, 241 carcinogenie 6, 46, 52, 112, 227 classification 2, 46, 50, 92, 135, 215 -, compounds 227 clay 78,161 carcinogenicity, genotoxic 222 -, minerals 161 carrier 36, 88 cleaning 30, 32, 35, 38, 46, 162, 170, 241 carvedilol 179,193,209,224 -, agents 35, 46 cattle 31,147,150,152-153,155,160-161,164,171 clenbuterol 166 -, dung 164 climate 234 CDP see cumulative-distribution functions clofibrate 12-13, 22,24-25,81, 129, 166,170, 180, cefprozil 179 194, 197, 208, 212, 214, 222-223, 227-228 ceftazidime 21, 25, 32 -, ethyl 81 ceftibuten 179, 209, 224 clofibrie acid 11-12, 22, 81-85, 87-88, 129, 166, ceftiofur 23 169-170,180,212,214,222,225 ceftriaxone 21, 25 clorine 45 cell 14,47,52,61-62,129,134 Closed Bottle test (OECD 301D) 84 -, fish 14 cloxacillin 146 -, growth inhibition test, chronie 129 coagulation 119, 226 -, killer-, natural activity 15 COD see chemical oxygen demand -, proliferation 52 coenzyme 47 Center for Drug Evaluation and Research codeine 24 (CDER) 196-197 coffee 168 cephalosporine 2, 25, 30 colloid 88 cetirizine 179, 209, 224 colon 164 channe! 34, 83 colonisation 232 channel catfish 201 -, mierobial 232 cheese 241 Committee for Pharmaceutieal Medicinal chemieal oxygen demand 118 Products (CPMP) 124,204 chemicals, industrial 125,131,143,175,197-198 Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products chemotaxonomy 243 (CVMP) 68,124-125,136-137,159-160 chieken 78 community 15,32,52,56,60-61,71-73,86,106, childhood 52 110, 172, 231, 234 children 114 -, aquatie 32 Chironomus riparius 134 -, bacterial 71-72,172,234 chlamydial anomaly 231 -, soil 234 chloramine T 37, 179 -, bentiIie 106 chloramphenieol 82, 179, 209, 213, 224 -, mierobial 52, 56, 61, 71, 73, 86, 231 Chlorella spp.
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