7161 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF MARKET WEIGHTON TOWN COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON WEDNESDAY 30th NOVEMBER 2016 AT 7.00PM Market Weighton Town Councillors Councillor Botting Cary Cashin Chicken Curwen Hemmerman Johnson King Peaks Rudd Smith Stellings Townshend Clerk to the Meeting - Mrs Lesley-Jane Holt 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllrs Chicken, King and Peaks 2. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE TOWN COUNCIL Ann Marie and Philip Sellers: Came to listen mainly as have always wanted to hear what goes on and thank the Council for all they do in the town. They would like to see more information in the newsletter regarding visions for the future and building in the area. Councillors stated that all planning and building permissions could be found on the ERYC website. Mrs Andrea Nugent: Wanted Councillors help in writing to the ERYC as she had a fall over a raised drain during the repairs to tarmac on Northgate Vale. The resident had rang the ERYC and got a reference number. The doctor originally informed her that hand/arm was badly bruised but not broken and given painkillers and told to put ice on the area. After a while shooting pains were felt and x rays done – there was damage to the tissue and ulna nerve so Insurance Companies were now involved. The Mayor stated it was not for the Town Council to act upon and this was the responsibility of the ERYC. The Ward Councillor to support if necessary but it looked as if the process was going forward for compensation although the ERYC may feel contractors were responsible. 3. DECLARATIONS OF A PECUNIARY AND NON-PECUNIARY INTEREST – Members to declare any interest in items on the Agenda and the nature of those interests. The following declaration was made: Cllr Cary agenda items 8. 4. TO AGREE THE MINUTES OF THE MARKET WEIGHTON TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY 2nd NOVEMBER 2016 It was proposed by Cllr Johnson and seconded by Cllr Rudd that the previous Minutes be signed as a true and correct record. AGREED. 5. ONGOING MATTERS AND PROGRESS REPORTS – TOWN CLERK Folio 7157: Regarding traders concerns about cars that race up and down the High Street on a Friday and Saturday night. The Clerk had reported this to the police as requested. The Police asked that traders contact them direct with details each time this happens. Signed by the Chairman 7162 With regard to the dual path between Shiptonthorpe and Market Weighton; Letters had been written to Shiptonthorpe Parish Clerk and McDonalds. A reply had been received from the Clerk to state there were bins but people were just not using them but she would speak to McDonalds about these concerns. Further path repairs had been done near the Methodist Church. The lines have been completed on the newly done road area outside the Londesborough Hotel. The Facebook page was going well and over 2000 views have been made with some mainly positive comments and likes (Councillors to look at Market Weighton Town Council and choose the one with the crest as the profile picture). It was proving to be a good way of letting residents knows about events and passing information. As added information the computer and phone system now appeared to be ok after new wires were installed by KCom. The Clerk and Admin Officer were still finding some things that had not saved due to the problems but this would be corrected in time. 6. TO CONSIDER CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED BY MARKET WEIGHTON TOWN COUNCIL SINCE THE LAST REGULAR MEETING – 2nd NOVEMBER 2016 The Chairman reminded Councillors that if there was anything they wished to discuss that had not been highlighted to please mention this: ERYC 1. Minutes attached of Parish Liaison Meeting held on 27th October 2016. 2. City of Culture – Spreadsheet of Events etc for 2017 3. Galaxy Hot Chocolate Community Fund 4. Put forward a topic for scrutiny (2017/18) – Issues to report by Town Clerk: parking on grass verges, in disabled bays and outside the school. 5. Footpath Issue Holme Road to the new Health Centre 6. Pocklington Canal Information 7. ASB Six Month Statistics – Market Weighton 8. GRANTfinder Newsflash: Co-op Local Community Fund 9. Street Lining – Market Weighton. 10. East Riding Pension Fund 11. Western Parishes Liaison Group, 26th Jan 2017, Methodist Church, Shiptonthorpe 12. Planning Aid – Neighbourhood Planning Event Feedback. 13. Community Payback Request 14. Parish & Town Council Precepts - 2017/18 Tax Base Discussed. Precept Meeting to be arranged for 4th January 2017 at 7pm 15. Holme Road Roundabout – Additional Signs. Discussed by Councillors. 16. Chairman’s Awards 2017. Paperwork in the office. 17. Standards Committee (hearing) 14th December. GENERAL 1. Elloughton/Brough Town Council – Petuaria Community Awards. 13th May 2017 2. Yorkshire Water – Works on Beverley Road / Southgate Discussed 3. Community Hall Minutes from meeting held on 12th October 2016 4. HWRCC – Community Led Housing Workshop – 8th Dec 2016 Cllr Cary to attend as Sancton Chairman and MWTC. 5. ERNLLCA – Winter Resilience 6. Launch of Anti-Bullying Week – Power for Good 7. Christmas Switch On – Cadets can’t help with road closures. E-mail from Mr Torr 8. NHS – Public Consultation 9. Letter from Ian & Jackie Blackburn – Goole 10. Allotment Meeting Minutes from meeting held on 10th Nov 2016 11. HWRCC – Community Led Housing Workshop flyer 12. Public Sector Online – Duo of reports urge long term & developed housing strategy ahead of White Paper Signed by the Chairman 7163 13. Overhanging Trees onto Residents Gardens from Wildlife Sanctuary Discussed. Cemetery working committee to look into this, to include update of guidelines and Risk Assessment. 14. ERVAS - Third Sector Trends Study In Yorkshire & The Humber 15. E-Mail from Resident, Mr Cummings, Re: CCTV & Dog Fouling (includes reply from dog warden) 16. E-Mail from Judith Steer, Re: Sewerage Escape, 28 Westfield Road – Details to the flood liaison meeting on 11th January at 2pm 17. E-Mail from Marshall Waddington, Re: Xmas Light Switch On. Children’s Rides 18. Hornsea Civic Epiphany Service. 6th January 2017, United Reformed Church, Hornsea 19. CCTV Maintenance Contract – Small increase on hourly rate outside maintenance but Councillors agreed this should be paid 20. Police Newsletter for December – Councillors discussed changes within the police. TC asked to invite David Lonsdale to a meeting 7. TO DISCUSS THE HOLME ROAD CEMETERY, ISSUES REGARDING THE CEMETERY HOUSE AND PROGRESS ON THE LAND AT THE REAR OF THE CEMETERY Cllr Cary reported that everything was now being left until the Spring. Cllr Rudd stated he had been to have a look and everything looked good and thought an excellent job had been done – A good asset. The Church was delighted. Cllr Curwen asked that it be mentioned in the minutes – thank you to Cllr Cary for all his hard work. All agreed. Cllr Cary also asked about green waste – previously this waste has been burnt on the land now being used as new cemetery so would need a new location or somewhere to put waste. A Councillor did volunteer and area but it was agreed there would be too much waste at certain times of the year for this. Discussion on a shredder took place and the cemetery committee asked to look at the cost of this. Clerk to check with ERYC about green waste disposal again. 8. TO DISCUSS ANY ISSUES REGARDING THE HOLME ROAD ALLOTMENTS FROM THE ALLOTMENT REPRESENTATIVE, ALLOTMENT ASSOCIATION OR ALLOTMENT HOLDERS The representative, Cllr Cashin, said there was very little to report. A walk round had taken place and all letters and warnings sent out. There was an allotment working party on Saturday to fill in the holes in the roadway (bacon butties on offer). A Councillor mentioned a mini digger on demo to flatten one of the allotment and this also to be arranged for Saturday. 9. TO RECEIVE REPORT FROM SUB-COMMITTEE/WORKING GROUP RE THE CURRENT MOWER EXPENSES AND CAPABILITY WITH A VIEW TO POSSIBLY REPLACING IF NECESSARY Cllr Cary reported that MW Mowers were still awaiting a machine that could be used as a demo. Possibly December but more likely to be January. 10. TO DISCUSS COMMUTED SUMS FUNDING FOR EQUIPMENT/REFURBISHMENT IN THE WAR MEMORIAL PLAYING FIELDS No further development to report at this time. 11. TO DISCUSS THE POSSIBILITY OF AN EXTENSION OF THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AND ANY NECESSARY EQUIPMENT The Mayor produced a report from the Buildings Project Committee: The committee asked that the following be carried out as soon as possible:- Obtain two further quotes from builders for the removal of the wall and re-siting of the hot water tank in the upstairs rooms to enable their use as a council chamber. Obtain at least two firm quotes for stair lift to be fitted to existing staircase to comply with disability access legislation. Signed by the Chairman 7164 Contact suitable companies to obtain a full survey of the roof structure both inside and out with a view to necessary repairs and obtain at least two quotes for same. This follows from survey and photographs carried out by the Handyman Contact at least two damp proofing companies, or suitable builders, to advise and quote for necessary measures for north wall to prevent further damage to structure by water ingress. Obtain at least two quotes for removal of the concrete path along the north wall, re-laying of necessary drainage and/or French drain and re-siting of the water tap over the existing gulley. The majority of the path is currently lower than the gulley so does not drain adequately.
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