Version 5.0 ENISA CONTACTS ENISA - Who - is - Who Directory on NIS - Edition 2010 TP-80-09-724-EN-C Visiting address: European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) Science and Technology Park of Greece (ITE) Vassilika Vouton GR-70013 Heraklion, Greece Postal address: European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) PO Box 1309 GR-71001 Heraklion, Greece Tel. (30) 28 10 39 12 80 Fax (30) 28 10 39 14 10 http://www.enisa.europa.eu Who-is-Who Directory on Network and Information Security E d i t i o n 2 0 1 0 Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union Freephone number (*): 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 (*) Certain mobile telephone operators do not allow access to 00 800 numbers or these calls may be billed. A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server (http://europa.eu) Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication. ISBN-13 978-92-9204-020-8 European Communities, 2010 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Designed by Polyplano Printed in Greece PRINTED ON WHITE CHLORINE-FREE PAPER V e r s i o n 5.0 Who-is-Who Directory on Network and Information Security E d i t i o n 2 0 1 0 LEGAL NOTICE This publication is a deliverable under ENISA’s 2009 Work Programme. Unless stated otherwise, this publication represents the views and interpretations of the authors and editors. It should not be construed as an action of ENISA or ENISA bodies, unless adopted under Regulation (EC) No 460/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council that has been amended by Regulation (EC) No 1007/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council. This publication may be updated from time to time. Third party sources are quoted as appropriate. ENISA is not responsible for the content of the external sources including external websites referenced in this publication. This publication is intended for information purposes only. Neither ENISA nor any person acting on its behalf is responsible for the use that might be made of the information it contains. ENISA cannot warrant that all information is up to date, correct or complete. ENISA welcomes correction requests which will be taken into account in a future edition. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of ENISA, or as expressly permitted by law or under terms agreed with the appropriate rights organisations. Source must be acknowledged at all times. Enquiries for reproduction can be sent to the contact address quoted in this publication. © European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA), 2009-2010. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS >>004 Legal Notice >>321 EEA Member States >>007 Preface >>322 Iceland >>330 Liechtenstein >>008 European Time Zone >>334 Norway >>011 EU Member States >>343 EFTA Member State >>012 Austria >>344 Switzerland >>024 Belgium >>036 Bulgaria >>357 EU Institutions and Bodies >>044 Cyprus >>056 Czech Republic >>377 International Organisations >>064 Denmark >>072 Estonia >>385 Other Pan-European >>082 Finland Stakeholder Organisations >>098 France >>108 Germany >>415 Updates, Comments, >>144 Greece Corrections and Suggestions >>154 Hungary >>164 Ireland >>415 ENISA Contacts >>174 Italy >>188 Latvia >>196 Lithuania >>204 Luxembourg >>212 Malta >>218 Netherlands (The) >>236 Poland >>246 Portugal >>254 Romania >>260 Slovakia >>268 Slovenia >>280 Spain >>292 Sweden >>300 United Kingdom 5 Cut-off date of data gathering for this Directory: 15 September 2009 6 PREFACE Dear reader, Welcome to the fifth, extended and updated edition of ENISA’s Who-is-Who Directory on Network and Information Security. As with previous editions, this directory serves as the ‘yellow pages’ of Network and Information Security (NIS) in Europe. As such, it is a useful tool for those working closely with NIS issues in Europe. Comprising information on NIS stakeholders (such as national and European authorities and NIS organisations) and contacts, websites and areas of responsibility or activity, I am confident that it will serve well our common mission to enhance NIS security levels in Europe. This latest 2010 edition has been expanded and includes more contact information and data of EU Member States and European Institutions. All Member States of the EU, EEA as well as EFTA, have provided their most relevant contacts in NIS. Moreover,this edition provides you with more contacts of industry organisations and academia active in the field of NIS. It also contains a section with contacts of both other Pan-European Organisations and International Organisations working in this area. I would like to thank all contributors for their hard work and fruitful cooperation with ENISA. The 2010 edition of the Who-is-Who Directory on Network and Information Security is further evidence of the excellent collaborative work between ENISA and the network of national liaison officers (NLOs), who provided ENISA with the relevant data in previous years and with updates for this edition. It also successfully implements one of ENISA’s publications foreseen in the Agency’s 2009 Work Programme. Please bear in mind that this is a ‘living’ document. It should be continuously revised in order to remain valuable for all those interested in NIS: your input is therefore needed and most welcome. Please send suggestions for updates and contributions to [email protected],inclosecooperationwiththeNLOs. Dr.Udo Helmbrecht Executive Director ENISA, October 2009 7 European Time Zone Map Map retrieved from the publication “Travelling in Europe”, European Commission, 2007, and adapted also to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Iceland page 322 >>012 Austria >>024 Belgium >>036 Bulgaria >>044 Cyprus >>056 Czech Republic >>064 Denmark >>072 Estonia >>082 Finland >>098 France >>108 Germany >>144 Greece >>154 Hungary >>164 Ireland >>174 Italy Ireland >>188 Latvia page 164 >>196 Lithuania >>204 Luxembourg United Kingdo page 300 >>212 Malta >>218 Netherlands (The) >>236 Poland >>246 Portugal >>254 Romania >>260 Slovakia >>268 Slovenia >>280 Spain >>292 Sweden >>300 United Kingdom >>322 Iceland Portugal >>330 Liechtenstein page 246 >>334 Norway Spain page 280 >>344 Switzerland 8 UTC+1 UTC+2 Number indicates standard time Finland page 82 Norway page 334 Sweden Estonia page 292 page 72 Latvia page 188 Denmark Lithuania page 64 page 196 om Netherlands (The) page 218 Germany Poland Belgium page 236 page 24 page 108 Luxembourg Czech Republic page 204 page 56 France Slovakia page 260 page 98 Austria Switzerland page 12 Hungary page 344 page 154 Liechtenstein Slovenia Romania page 330 page 268 page 254 Italy Bulgaria page174 page 36 Greece page 144 Cyprus Malta page 44 page 212 9 10 11 Time Zone: Standard Time = UTC + 1; Summer Time = UTC + 2 12 National authorities in network and information security AT >>014 Federal ICT Strategy >>014 Austrian Data Protection Commission BE >>014 Informationssicherheitskommission BG (Information Security Commission, Federal Chancellery) CY >>015 BVT (Federal Ministry of the Interior, Federal Agency for State Protection and Counter Terrorism) >>015 Federal Chancellery, Dep. Media Affairs/ Information Society CZ >>016 TKK (Telekom-Control-Kommission Rundfunk & Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH) DK >>016 A-SIT EE FI Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) FR >>017 ACOnet-CERT DE >>017 CERT.AT >>017 GovCERT GR HU Industry organisations active in network and information security IE >>018 WKÖ (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich) IT >>018 it-safe.at LV >>018 IT-Security Experts >>019 ICT Austria LT >>019 Sicher-im-Netz.at LU MT Academic organisations active in network and information security NL >>020 Austrian Research Centers PL >>020 Graz University of Technology PT >>020 University Klagenfurt >>021 University Linz RO >>021 Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences SK >>021 Vienna University of Technology SI ES Other bodies and organisations active in network and information security SE >>022 IISA (Initiative Information Security Austria) UK >>022 SIC (Stiftung Secure Information and Communication Technologies) >>022 Secure Business Austria IS >>022 saferinternet.at LI >>023 Verein für Konsumenteninformation NO CH 13 AUSTRIA National authorities in network and information security AT Federal ICT Strategy Contact information and website: BE BG Federal Chancellery E-mail: [email protected] CY Ballhausplatz 2 A-1010 Wien CZ DK http://www.digital.austria.gv.at EE Area of responsibility: ICT and e-Government strategies. FI FR Austrian Data Protection Commission DE Contact information and website: GR HU Geschäftsstelle der Tel.(43-1)531152525 Datenschutzkommission Fax(43-1)531152690 IE Ballhausplatz 1 E-mail:[email protected] IT A-1014 Wien LV LT http://www.dsk.gv.at LU Area of responsibility: Supervisory authority on data protection. MT NL Informationssicherheitskommission PL (Information Security Commission, Federal Chancellery) PT Contact information and website: RO Federal Chancellery Tel.(43-1)531152594 SK Dep. Information Security Office Fax(43-1)531152615 SI Ballhausplatz 2 E-mail:[email protected] ES A-1014 Wien SE http://www.bka.gv.at UK IS Area of responsibility: National security authority. LI NO CH 14 AUSTRIA BVT AT (Federal Ministry of the Interior,Federal Agency for State Protection and Counter Terrorism) Contact information and website: BE BG Federal Agency for State Protection and Tel.(43-1)531264302 CounterTerrorism Department 3 Fax(43-1)531264342 CY Personal Protection and Physical Security E-mail:[email protected] CZ DK http://www.bmi.gv.at/cms/bmi_verfassungsschutz EE Area of responsibility: Procedure for security clearance and facility security clearance (FSC). FI FR Federal Chancellery, Dep. Media Affairs/ Information Society DE Contact information and website: GR Ballhausplatz 2 Tel.(43-1)531152843 HU A-1014 Wien Fax(43-1)531152692 IE E-mail:[email protected] IT LV http://www.bka.gv.at/informationsgeselschaft LT Area of responsibility: ’Safer Internet Plus’ programme.
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