April 14, 2008

April 14, 2008

April 14, 2008 Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 Sub ect! "ocal #adio $atters %Doc&et ''(25) Dear Federal Communications Commission! "ocal radio has all but disappeared *rom the dial in recent decades+ "ow -o,er F$ stations bring communit. /oices bac& to the airwa/es+ 0 strongly urge you to prioriti1e local programming on "-F$ stations o/er satellite(*ed translators across the countr.+ 0 encourage the Commission to establish rules that *airly promote local ownership and programming o/er repeated signals *rom *araway stations+ Than& you+ #ichard 3ewman -an Welland 244 -elham #d 81 3+ $ain Amherst, $A 01002 Florence, $A 01042 rich5 tagyerit.com panmorigan5 gmail+com 6evin Canterbury 9raeme Sephton 240 -leasant Street 42> Wendell #d 240 -leasant Street Shutesbury, $A 010;2 7arre, $A 01005 graeme@ *oiac+org b,ana&5 charter+net Douglas 7uc&ley 8+ 9+ "is 50 Cardinal "ane -leasant St Westfield, $A 01085 :asthampton, $A 0102; lonelybull5 /eri1on+net revel/ideo5 gmail+com "aura $itchell Daniel #omeo "iechtensteinstrasse 2>@1A 1; 7roo&side 9len Aienna, 010'0 <untington, $a, $A 01050 lauradmitchell5 hotmail+com andben5 ecoisp+com 3ancy S+ "o/ejoy 8im =ieger 425 $ountain #oad 18 "o,er <ampen #d -+B+ 7oC 158 $onson, $A 0105; Wilbraham, $A 010'5 1ieger25 spea&eas.+net lo/ejo.5 croc&er+com $ary 9elezunas 9,en 7lodgett >5 9reen Street ; 3ash <ill -lace $onson, $A 0105; Williamsburg, $A 010'4 mar.?gel5 yahoo+com netg,enb5 yahoo+com Andy 7er&/ist 6enneth For*ia 15 7right A/enue 114 South St. 3orthampton, $A 01040 Williamsburg, $A 010'4 ber&/ist@ comcast.net &*or*ia5 stcc+edu #a*al Dobro,ols&i 8ohn 9ur/itch 41 Williams St. -+B+7+ 4455 Apt. 2" Spring*ield, $A 01101 3orthampton, $A 01040 dr a,n5 yahoo+com creekgrom5 hotmail+com Steve 7urton 2risha 2er,illiger 22 <emloc& <ill #oad >88 <art #oad 9reat 7arrington, $A 012>0 Con,ay, $A 01>41 burtonsd5 erols+com innerscapes5 yahoo+com 8ulian Cohen 8ohn Cevasco 1'4 $ain St 5'4 $illers Falls #d+,-+B+7oC ;8 Apt 8 3orth*ield, $A 01>40 "ee, $A 012>8 ohncevasco5 comcast.net icoachu@ msn+com 7ob Schilling William 9alli 1A Duncan Dri/e 14 -ar&er St. South Deer*ield, $A 01>;> 3+Adams, $A 0124; b+schilling5 comcast.net con*edd5 intergate.com "ewis Star&ey 7enno Friedman West St. 120 6ellogg #oad Wendell, $A 01>;' Shef*ield, $A 0125; dllstar&ey@ ,ildblue+net benno25 /eri1on+net #achel -erron #oslyn 7roch 9ardner, $A 01440 822 3orth <oosac #oad support.the+pandas5 gmail+com Williamsto,n, $A 0124; ro11iebroch5 yahoo+com William -uishys 2> Devils :lbo, #d Da/id Strong 7roo&*ield, $A 01504 58> 7 "eyden #d thro,ingcha&ras5 hotmail+com 9reen*ield, $A 01>01 el.1iada/id5 yahoo+com Carl 3ordstrom 2' Carroll <ill #oad Ainey =o1a& Charlton, $A 0150; 24 Fran&lin Street carlonordstrom5 hotmail+com 9reen*ield, $A 01>01 two1o1a&s5 hotmail+com $isty -erez 185 -adre #d+ #ebecca 2ippens 3ew 7raintree, $A 015>1 48 Aan 3uys #d mistyp4pc5 yahoo+com Colrain, $A 01>40 rebecca?tippens5 yahoo+com 2homas $artin Da/e 6arasic 222 :ast #d+ 2 7onnievale Dri/e West 7roo&*ield, $A 01585 7ed*ord, $A 01;>0 hydro4;85 msn+com da/e_&arasic5 comcast.net Darren 9ri**is Deanna Stillings 12> #andall St. >58 :ast Street Worcester, $A 01404 Carlisle, $A 01;41 darren+gri**is5 gmail+com grammyd015 comcast.net #ichard Shea Alexander $atheson 2 #exhame #oad 5> <ubbard St. Worcester, $A 01404 Concord, $A 01;42 d+shea5 /eri1on+net mrmanthegreat@ gmail+com :/elyn Sil/er 8ames Francis 80 7arrry #oad 150 #ange #d Worcester, $A 0140' Concord, $A 01;42 ejbs5 aol+com im*rancis125 uno+com 6eith Steward 8eanne #uggles ;0 Fen,ic& St 424 $ain St Framingham, $A 01;01 Concord, $A 01;42 *reepress5 &eithsteward+com rugbug1>5 aol+com Andrew 7org -eter Fabris >52 Arlington St. 41A South St. Acton, $A 01;20 $arlboro, $A 01;52 in*o5 hi(beamentertainment.com p+a+*abris5 /eri1on+net $aryanne Allard #ichard 8 -erson 48 D uaboag #d+ 1; Shado,broo& "ane E' Acton, $A 01;20 $il*ord, $A 01;5; hm+allard5 /eri1on+net rperson15 hotmail+com :ric Sohl $arcia <utchinson ;1 2homas St 88 9oulding Street West Ashland, $A 01;21 Sherborn, $A 01;;0 ericsohl5 yahoo+com mghutchinson5 gmail+com "eila 9ill Carole -lourde 4' 7oston #d 'C ;0 Cedar Street Southborough, $A 01;;2 Amesbury, $A 01'1> lgill5 otter/isions+com ,itching'green5 yahoo+com Scott "ittlefield #ic& $yers 4> :liot Dr 54 $ain St Sto,, $A 01;;5 Amesbury, $A 01'1> littlefieldscott@ hotmail+com erosmyers5 netzero+net 7ruce #andall Christopher $aioli 218 7road,ay >1 :lliott St. Apt. 2A <a/erhill, $A 018>2 7everly, $A 01'15 melismata5 hotmail+com cmaioli5 hotmail+com 7ruce -ieroni Da/id 6ellogg 8>> Wellman A/e 3orth Chelms*ord $a -o 7 BC 14; 3orth Chelms*ord, $A 0184> $arblehead, $A 01'45 bpieroni5 detma+org cd&845 hotmail+com 9eorge 7arrett $aureen $ccarthy -+B+ 7oC 404 >2 South Street 3orth #eading, $A 01844 $arblehead, $A 01'45 gbgbarrett@ yahoo+com mscribe95 yahoo+com 8oan Sado,s&i 8osh 7rac&ett 11 Wilton Dr+ 1; #o,e A/enue Wilmington, $A 0188; #oc&port, $A 01'44 ms&ats5 aol+com osh?brac&ett@ post.har/ard+edu Sheila Anderson -aul 9aristo 45 Aictory #d+ 24 23d A/e "ynn, $A 01'02 3ew Yor&, 3Y 0200> sheila1'4'5 /eri1on+net pgaristo5 hotmail+com $att $iller "eigh CoC 5> -ine <ill #oad 0 #ubin Ct S,ampscott, $A 01'0; Apt D10 matt.da/id+miller5 gmail+com Canton, $A 02021 leighpatric&5 /eri1on+net $ichael Corthell Da/id #oy 41 Crestview Dri/e 5 "a&e Shore 2err+ E1 $illis, $A 02054 7righton, $A 021>5 mcorthell5 bentley.edu mrcleandr5 hotmail+com Will 7euscher Deborah #ei** 114 $argery "ane 48 "a&e Shore #d Westwood, $A 020'0 7righton, $A 021>5 ,ill5 beuscher+net dbrei**5 yahoo+com $ar orie Wyandt 8ames Frierson 150 Stani*ord Street, Apt+ 525 ;A "othian #d 7oston, $A 02114 7righton, $A 021>5 b,yandt@ comcast.net rundrummer5 gmail+com -hyllis $iller <adassah Fleishon 42; $arlborough St. E4 > Chauncy Street 7oston, $A 02115 Apt 14 eanmiller45 hotmail+com Cambridge, $A 021>8 hardouf5 /eri1on+net 8onathan #alton >8> $a/eric& Street 6areem 2alhouni Apt. 1 > Concord A/e. :ast 7oston, $A 02128 Cambridge, $A 021>8 onralton5 gmail+com &omyt@ yahoo+com 8oel -arry $ichael Scha**er ; Sunnyside St 1' Ware Street 8amaica -lain, $A 021>0 Cambridge, $A 021>8 *amiliaparr.5 comcast.net michaelscha**er15 comcast.net 8ohn <ess -aul :1ust 1' #osecli** Street ;0 Wendell Street $a, $A 021>1 Cambridge, $A 021>8 ohn+hess5 umb+edu ezust@ mcs+suf*ol&+edu 2homas 9omperts #ob Chal*en 10 Weeks A/e 25 9rant St. 2 #oslindale, $A 021>1 Cambridge, $A 021>8 gomp50405 aol+com robchal*en5 hotmail+com Aic&y Steinitz Abby Yano, 105 2ro,bridge St. 15 Carter 2errace Cambridge, $A 021>8 Somer/ille, $A 0214> /ic&.+steinitz5 umb+edu abbyyano,5 hotmail+com 7en amin -hillips Andrei Smarandoiu 4 Ashburton -lace 21 Cedar Street Cambridge, $A 021>' Somer/ille, $A 0214> bphillips5 sa/echildren+t drusca;05 yahoo+com 7onnie Faith(Smith $ichael $a**ie 2'0A Washington Street 4; A/on Street Cambridge, $A 021>' Somer/ille, $A 0214> ,hiteo,l15 comcast+net org15 ma**ie.org 8oanna Aherlihy $elissa Warren 410 3or*ol& St. 28' Fulton Street Cambridge, $A 021>' $ed*ord, $A 02155 oanna?herlih.5 yahoo+com ,arrenbolles5 yahoo+com 8ohn Ahearn :lise "aurion 8;2 $assachusetts A/e >4; Water Street E2 Apt. 40; D uincy, $A 0214' Cambridge, $A 021>' elise24'5 gmail+com aeagle@ hotmail+com :mma 7runo Shannon CoC 1458 <ancoc& St E200 124; Cambridge Street E 2 D uincy, $A 0214' Cambridge, $A 021>' ebruno5 bostoncapital+com shannon+coC5 gmail+com $ichael #iley 6athy 8ohnson 20 Canton #d >0 Cambridgepar& Dri/e Apt. 11>> D uincy, $A 021;1 Cambridge, $A 02140 mtriley@ statestreet.com &harmony4;5 aol+com 8ane #eed "auren 9ibbs 55 $aple Street > 3ewport #oad E1 $ilton, $A 02184 Cambridge, $A 02140 anereed555 msn+com lauren&+gibbs5 ,orldnet+att.net #ussell 7an&s :mily $claughlin 8; 2hacher St 124 Amory St. Apt. E2 $ilton, $A 02184 7roo&line, $A 02444 mban&s25545 /eri1on+net moby1>d5 hotmail+com Da&ota #ose $arilyn 7ernstein 405 7road St. E8 1'0 7abcoc& Street Weymouth, $A 0218' 7roo&line, $A 02444 &otapun&5 yahoo+com mbernste@ bidmc+har/ard+edu Abram 2ros&y 8onathan 9oli o/ 2>2 7ay State #oad E>05 44> 7oylston Street 7oston, $A 02215 3ewton, $A 0245' atros&.5 bu.edu ayco*spades5 gmail+com $ichael Amado Forrest -adgett 2> -rince St. E110> 45 #angeley #d -lymouth, $A 02>40 West 3ewton, $A 02445 spo&en,arrior5 /eri1on+net *lpadgett@ gmail+com 2heodore Curtin $ar& 7erg ' "ittle -ond #d+ $ar& 7erg -lymouth, $A 02>40 104 $t. Auburn St. tacurtin5 1'4'+usna+com Waterto,n, $A 024;2 berg5 la,+har/ard+edu $ar& 7leier > Sheila #d :laine 9randoit "exington, $A 02420 >82 $assachusetts A/enue mbleier5 rcn+com Arlington, $A 024;4 egrandoit@ hotmail+com $ary Foris 4;> Concord -hyllis <artley "exington, $A 02421 2; Bld 7arnstable #d mn*otis5 rcn+com :ast Falmouth, $A 025>4 phyllishartley@ mac+com Debbie 8ones(Steele 1128 7eacon Street 2anis Fletcher 7roo&line, $A 02444 42 Wild <arbor #d d onessteele@ gmail+com 3orth Falmouth, $A 02554 tanis*letcher5 /eri1on+net 8ean Smith $aureen FoC 11 Antonelli Circle E114 15 8ewel A/e.

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