on Page 11 Four in a row =====~ Baseball e.>ctends win streak with :i 13- 12 w in at UC Sanu Barbiira Numbers Free speech Book grants forum honors return; students $12,SOOleft I • lll fl lf l Mou • Proofof Staff W riter enrollment and severe quake A $15,000 gr ant was damage required. awarded Wednesday to CSUN'sdepartmentofjournal- ism by 1bc Freedom Forum. a . , KATYA A1tTA• Virginia-based. nonpanisanor- Staff Writer ganization dedicated to uphold- ing Rrst Amendment rights. The $25 .IXXl emergency 1bcForum also sponsored a book grants cul due to lack of panel of professional journal- funds have hccn rcinstalcd. ists who visited CSUN and of- CSUN Associaled Studcnts fered advice to students about dispersed$ I 2.5<Xl to 1.12 Si u· cultivating stories in the wake dcnls <luting the ftrs1 three of a narural disaster. Felix Gutierrez. the vice days of school before running out of money Gutierrez called " We thought 1he students journalism "the were in dcfini!c and immedi· a1e need for the grants Ibe· great equalizer ... ca use of the earthquake! . "Journalists get to Thursday's rainstorm wreaked havoc for those who were on C8fr4JUS. therefore we arc putting in all meet people like . we can to help them." said the vice president." Rodney Lazar. AS vice presi- Notjust back... WETTER! dent. Lazar said the emergency president and executive direc- I t IA TYI Aa ra1 ers from the rain," he said. on campus. book granLs, which are eli. S1udent Nina Mohajeri. "llesides tearing down and tor of 1bc Freedom Forum Pa- Staff Wri ter gible on! y to s1udcnts affec1ed cific Coast Center, said the Fo- who has a class on the Music l rehuildingJ lhe ca mpus. we're work.ing overtime seal - by the quake. have heen do- rum wanted to "recognize and TI1ursday morning's rain I.awn. said it's awkward to ing!hehuildings. so that nolh· nated hy other CSU Associ- reinforce what journalists have did not help earthquake· walk on hoards !hat cover mud ing gels ruined," Briggs said. a1ed Students Associations. done here to keep the free press rattled CSUN. lcaving it full and puddles to get to class. Thc rainposcd no threat to The eligibility criteria for alive." of mud and leaking trailers. Joann Skowronski. a Cam· I .ori lluchanan. a senior his- Gutierrez. the panel's mod- Students i n trailers com- pus information tent worker. lhe students will be proof of who sat on plastic sheets and tory mai or. erator, presented the DailySwr· plained of rain leaks during enrollment in at least sh units wood hoards. said the 1ent is Dressed in a raincoat and dial with the grant, sayi ng. class. according to llrantley for Spring '94, and also proof holding up fairly well. snowhoa1s. lluchanan said. "Freedom Forum is more than Haigh. project manager of the sludcnt su ffcred severe ·money. It is people who come J.A. Jones emergency facil· "The information papers "It's nol a prohlem if you're dressed for it. .. damage during 1he quake. together to work together and ity coordinalion. "As of this feel humid,hu1mostly the cold M arcus Hissong. acting di- Grants are for $50 for stu- bring people together." morning. we were notified weather is what is affc.:ting rector of campus police. said dents with six to 11 units. and Gutierrez called journalism that trailers 228. 254. 250 lhc peo ple si l ting i n the there were no safety prob- $ IOO for 1hose wilh 12 units ''thegreatequalizer," but added, and 256, located on lhc Mu· boolhs," Skowronski said. "It only works if you use ii." sic Lawn, were leaking ... 'Tm jusl happy to still have lems. or more. " Journalists get to meet Haigh said. my job here on campus. " "The ground was slippery. The grants will be dispersed people like the vice president." " We have sent set-up The huildings damaged hy but people used their better Monday at 8 a.m. i n the Uni - the quake have been scaled judgment andreasonable cau- he said. crews to fix and palch roofs versily Student Union Finan- and any other ceiling 1iles with plastic accordi ng IO llill tion where they walked." he cial Aid Office on a flrstcome· thal need tn protec1 the1rail· llriggs. a carpenlcr who works said. See FORUM , page 9 ftrsl·scrvc Oasis_ Here'i licking ar you kid Reyes, CSUN honored at Humphrey Yogart Cafe yogurt chain. "We were ver y ., •••••• l.11 pleased to have him and so Suff W r iter sadden<Xl t.y his loss." The local yogurt shop Shesel said she is tryi ng 10 where CSUN earthquake vie· contact Reye>' family 10 in· tim Jai me Reyes was cm· vile lhem 10 the event. ployed will be giving away "We wan110 meet his fam- free yogurt Saturday. Feh. i ly and give 1hem our condo· 26. knees," she said. "We wan1 Reyes. who was killed al them to know we cared abou 1 the Northridge Meadows him." apartment complex. worked The Yllgurt store is not nnly at Humphrey Yogan Cafe for offering the free yngurt in only two weeks. honor of their deceased cm· " He was a hard worker," ployee. bul also as a gcs1ure 10 said Paula Shcscl. owner of the Los Angeles region of the See YOGURT, page 3 Anna Popovsky, assistant manager. at the Hufr4Jhrey Yogart Cafe on Nordhott Street 2 NEWS/Friday, February 18, 1994 DAJLY SUNDIAL N Race-targeted financial aid approved The Clinton administration is pre- paring to tell colleges and universities that they may emphasize scholarships for minorities in aneffon to correct past discrimination and promote diversity on U.S. campuses. In a reversal of a Bush administra- tion policy, the Depanment of Educa- homelessness. tion will allow race-targeted financial Homelessness ..Homelessness has become a struc- aid. according to a person who anended tural problem in America: Chronic. con- CAMPUS a briefing held Wednesday by the de- declared larger tinuous. large scale. complex," said Henry panment for interest groups. problem nationally G. Cisneros. secretary of Housing and The poLicy will allow colleges and Urban Development. CALENDAR universities to rely on informal find- The draftof a plan to end homelessness ings of discrintination to jJJstify the ordered last spring by President Clinton Basinger bares all Campus Calendar will scholarships. the participant said. says the problem is ..far larger than com- be resuming next If the scholarships are used to pro- monly thought.'- The New York Times for the animals mote diversity, the participant said. the reponed Thursday. Actress Kim Basinger is trying to save week. Briefs are a schools must be able to show they have Theadrninistralionplancallsforsµ:nd- some skins by baring hcr own. public service of the looked at less-burdensome allernatives ing large, unspecified amounts of money A nude Basinger is pidured in an anti- Sund~/ before deciding to offer the targeted on housing. mental health and tax credit fur poster bearing the wor<!s. ..Beauty Is Daily for the aid. programs. The Times reponed. Not About Wearing Someone Else's events of campus- Soon after taking office, Education Ifthe president embraces the repon. it Coat." Secretary Richard Riley confirmed his would represent the first Lime the govern- The poster was unveiled Monday at a oriented, non-profit suppon for minority scholarships. ment has said homelessness is a major private vegetarian diO!lt!r. organizations. Please In a lener to colleges and universi- problem that demands large-scale action The actreSS and hcr husband. ador ties, hesaid, "I believe race-based schol- from the federal government. Alec Baldwin. have helped raise $50.(XJO submit briefs in per- arships can be a valuable tool for pro- Republican adnti nistrat.ions said only for anti-fur activists. according to the son at the Sundial viding equal opponunity and for en- about 600,000 Americans were home- Washing1on-based People for the Ethical hancing a diverse educational environ- less on any given night. and that the Treatment of Animals. office, In the Book- ment for the benefit of all students.·· majority of the homeless suffered from The poster. which PETA plans to dis- store Complex across Several lawsuits have contended that drug or alcohol problems. or mental ill- play in Europe. is the third in a series that race-based scholarships violate the ant.i- ness. so far has featured models Christy from Burged<lng, or discrirnination provisions of the 1964 A CLinton Administration repon ar- lllrlington and Naomi Campbell. also in call Civil Rights Act and deplete scholar- gues that poverty. racism and past budget their own skins. ship funds available for white students. cuts have helped push many families into Briefs provided by Associated Press (818) 885-3138. favorite restaurant 11 you have a misun- Sagittarlue (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) - Ifs H derstanding in romance. dig tor !he facts time to start paying more anention to 0 Don't believe gossip: it"s most likely off your significant olher. You 'll lea rn base. something you d idn' t realize you' d R missed, while you wer e speeding along 0 Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) - II you can life' s path. Also. don't gamble for a remember to listen, you'll be more sue · wt'lile. You'll just be throwing your s cessful. Figure out where a recent innova- money away. c tion needs to be adjusted and put in the correction. This 1s also a good day to go Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - Shop- 0 overyour health·care and insurance plans.
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