T H E C A R O L I If A T 1 M E f S. C. State in 2 SATURDAY, DECfM siill 9, 1M 1 OUKMAIIf^ M. C M M f • # Tourneys Before Srason Opens ORANGEBURG, S. C.— The South Carolina State 'College Bulldogs, last year’s “Visitation Champions” in the SIAC are laU set to participate in two basketball tournamicnts before beginning their 18 game re­ gular schedule. The Colle;ges of South Caro­ lina Tournament begins at Vo- orhees Junior College in Den­ mark on Friday, December 1, and the Bulldogs will be out to repeat last year’s performance when they took the top trophy. The squad then moves to At lanta for the eight annual Georgia Invitational Tournament CROSS BURNING SANDS— Thay wa trom lait to right: ica, British West Indies; De- scheduled for December 7-9 at Th*i« tludentt at A. and T. Johnny Handarion, Sanford, Costa Lindsay, Oxford, N .C. Morehouse College. CoUaga last waek war* initiat­ Fla.; Carl Leonard. Ktniton. and James Beana, Roanoke, Other ranking teams invited ed into tha Omaga Pit Phi N. C.; Travor Salmon. Jama- Va. are Benedict College of Fratarnity via Mu Pii Chaptar. Columbia; Clark and Morris Brown Colleges of Atlanta; Dil­ lard University of New Orleans; Johnson C. Smith University of nol Florida and Jackson Expected to Florida Normal Charlotte; Prairie View A. and M. of Texas; and Southern Uni­ versity of Baton Rouge. Play Before 50,000 in Classic Posts 26-Game The Bulldogs this year are expected to be sparked by three MIAMI—Florida A. and M. est” hdlf-time show in thfe history All-Conference starters heade(J University’s unbeaten and unti- of the Orange Bowl Stadium. Cage Schedule by Lindberg Moody, senipr, *' id Rattlers considered by many Julian (CannonbaU) Adderley, ST. AUGUSTINE—The Lions from Sumter who made the lollowers of the game of foot- jazz in his role of premier alto Basketball Team of Florida second team “Little All- liall as one of the all-time great saxaphone player, and his broth­ Normal and Industrial Memori­ American” last year and finish­ j i’ldiron squads will clash with er "Nat, a coronetist of - world al College were scheduled to ed the season among the top ]iowerful Jackson State College, renown, will appear as' guest play Jhe first game of the 1961- scores in the N.OAA; William ’31 Southwest Athletic Con­ soloists during the half-time. 62 season Wednesday agains! (Bill) Morgan, stellar backcourt ference champions, in the 2fith Both of these jazz greats are the cage squad from Hampton man and playmaker; and Ernest i nnual Orange Blossom Classsic former members 'of the FAMU Junior College of Ocala. (Sonny) JacksOn, team leader in THE ARMY WAS NEVEH (from left) Joanne Woodfolk, burg; Goldie Allen, Miss First in presenting awards duriaiB liere Saturday night, December “Marching 100.” The game was set to be play­ field goal percentages. THIS — The loyaly ROfC Mias Pershing Rifles. Char- Battle - Group, Caldwell; and the aJnual Academic Achtev*' ii, in this city’s famed Orange ed on home grounds for the Coach Ed Martin has his first Yvonne Williims, Miys ROTC. ment Awards ceremoay ImW -iowl Stadium. Queens of tha Cadat Bri0a:4* loUMv^Ua: Romona Scott, Miss Hotel Space Available Lions in Heckscher Gymnasium ten players from last year and at Virginia State Collagtf ' Second Battle Group, Peters­ Emporia. The queens assisted recently on tha campus. Some 50,000 persons are ex- beginning at 8:00 p.m. accord­ was successful in landing some iXJOted to witness the “classic” For Orange Classic ing to Coach Fermon E. Martin, top freshmen including John i s the famed gridiron spectacle this year. Football Coach at Arkansas AM; 1951, and head coach since 1957 Icculty and baseball coach t o MIAMI, Fla. — Threre is still who along with Theodore F Mundy, a 6’2 and half inches las come to be known, when and N College has resigned from will return to school in Sept- the remainder o f the achdpi ftlcnty of hotel space available for Gilbson, chairman of the Col-jsuard from Schofield in Aiken. Ihe perennial national champion- t{ittt piosition as of December ember to work toward the year. Dorsons who plan to attend the lege's Athletic Committee ex- Mundy is one of the best pro­ Arkw^^.M. & N. Head fhip Rattler “11” meets the Doctorate. A successor has yet to b$ am JO 3uoi)e)3adx3 q8iij passajd spects to come out of the State l ist. ' ; iJlue and White Tigers of Jack- 29th annual Orange Blossom Spearman, a member of the Spearman will remain as a [ named, Athletic Committee expressed In years. With any luck at all, | Grid Coach Resisrns - fon, Miss., dubbed in many Classic^ December 8. This state­ A k arid N Coaching Staff since member of the Instructional I ■ J ^ ^ high expectations of the Lions the Bulldgs could go all the way Charl^ "Bo” Spearman, Heid quarters as the “Cinderella ment was made by Charles C this season. 'tional Guard is now being j Fraternity, learn”- of the year. North, chairman of the Classic o t housing committee. Coach Martin also stated that studied by federal agency m ^ immediate Sharing billing with the grid- the Florida Normal nd Industri­ Washington m preparation for | ____________ ron clubs will be the inter- Persons desiring housing can secure same by contacting North al Memorial College Oagers are Peace Corps investigations to be conducted , (lationally famous Marching Miss. White Mob Attacks Five CHRISTMAS PLAY scheduled to play twelve more ' ’'■■‘Band of Florida A. ajid M. Uni- as follows: North Travel Bureau, on the subject. 1104 N. W. 3rd Avenue, Miami. games and fourteen games off The Coljege View Nursm7 ’’ersity, which this year is Dr. Newton holds member­ Florida (tel. FRanklin 9-6779). the campus. Freedom Riders in Bus Terminal Taps NCC Prof. Scho«i'-ptipil6 will be presenM ' fCheduled to present the “great­ Other home games to be play­ ship in the American Political in 47C5rIstmas Play “The Little McCOMB, MISS—A mob of ed will include teams from the beating him as he struck the Association, Academy of Politi­ Christmas Angel” at the W. P. following institutions: South cursing whites, shouting “ICHi pavement. cal and Social^ Science, As-: Hill^Caminuoity Center M oad^ "em KiU, 'em ” set upon five The group reached safety by As Staff Member Carolina Area Trade School, Dec­ ssciation of Social Science, evening^ December' 11, USl ■ it ember 7; Voorhees College, Dec­ CORE Freedom Riders last week taking a taxi to a Negro hotei. Dr,' Isham Greogory Newton, Teachers, American Association | in the local Greyl}0und Bus ember 8: Savannah State College, Five minutes after the mob professor of political science at of University Professors, and the! 'pjje public is invited. Station. December ill; Albany. State ..Col­ violence. Chief of Police Geroge North Carolina College, has lege, ^ n jj^ rx . County "The Freedom Riders went to Guy and Patrolman Edward h&atk n«med a, staff-consultant McCbmb to test tfie city’s com 'Junior College, January 13; Smith arrived from City Hall, to the Peace Corps. Bethune Cookman College, Jan­ pliance with a Federal Court’s : less than a block from the ter- The announcement of New­ directlv)e to halt the enforce­ uary 16; Paine College, Jan­ minal. They cleared the streets ton’s appointment was made in uary 27; Morris College, Feb- ment of segregation at bus and and sidewalks with little trou­ Washington by Dr. Rogers B. uary 2; Gibbs Junior College, rail terminals. ble. Finch and confirmed in t>ur- According to Jerome Smith, February 3; Edward Waters James Farmer, National ham by NCC President Alfonso Chairman pf New Orleans College, February 13; Volusia ector of CORE^* urged Elder, Who said that Newton County Junior College, Feb- CORE, and leader of. the group, General Robert Kennedy- to take w}ll. serve on a part-time basis uary 14: and Claflin College on which included: George ,Ray- positive st^ps of action to pre­ through a special arrangement mond, Valbritint, ibora- February 16. Thomas vent mdb violence against with the College. tha Smith, and Alide Thompson Games away will be against Americans exercising their con- p J t l^CC professor it as- Savannah State College on Jan­ •grr attempt to enter the termin- stituttonal rights.----------------'—r siifned ^s a consultant to the uary 5; Paine College on January al earlier that day was unsuc­ University Division of the Peace 6- South Carolina Area Trade on cessful. The station agent report­ Corps, of which Dr. Finch, January 8; Claflin College, Jan­ ed a gas leak in the building. former assistant dean at MIT, uary 9: Voorhees College, Jan­ The group was warned when is chief. they approached the door that A&T ROTC Head r ESERVB uary 10; Morris Coljege, Jan­ niie Divtision is responsible uary 11: Albany State College, it would be dangerous to enter. for screening colleges and uni­ January 19: Edward Waters Col­ At 3:00 p.m. Smith returned to versities as possible sites for * the station with the group. An COMPASr lege, February 1; Dade County Transferred to establishing Peace Corps train­ tos elderly white man in a gray «l»» Junior College, February 6; ing units. It also coordinates the Volusia County Junior College, felt hat and work-stained clothes training programs at those in­ February 7; Gibbs Junior Col­ blocked the way and sought to Ft. Gordon, Ga. stitutions selected. BUndti W \(ik t lege, February 9- Bethune Cook­ persuade them not to enter.
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