DUO~ART MUSIC -, r ,, ~ ~ p- . RICHARD WAGNER F rom the P ortra it Paint ed by Sir Hubert Herkomer in 1877 JANUARY, 1928 New Music for the Duo-Art Reproducing Piano January 1928 Classical and Salon Pieces Title Composer Played by Alnar.)'lIis . S eger . Ge ne vieve P itot B)' the Seashore , , , . .. 4' Arcusk)1 H elen \V. \Vilmington uCnllirhoc"-Air d e Hanet, No. Chaminade . Robert Armbru st er Contradance, No.1 ... Bee thouen-Seiss , Phillip Gordo n Grande Valse d e Concert, Op , 41 .. Gloeunou Princess de Broglie Serenade du Pierrot, Op. 22, No.2} Ignaz Friedman 1IIa"lu;8 et 1Ila"luise, Op. 22, No.4 Friedman Spriug Night Schumann -Lisst Shura Ch erkassky Operatic Music "La Boheme" Sel ecUon8 Act III . • • Puccini Maurice J ac qu et "'l'annhsutier," Exc erl)ts Act I (Purt 2 ) . • Wa gn er Ralph Leopold Popular Ballads and Songs (With Words) California Lullaby • Seiger • . · Henri Bergman Illy Blue H eaven , Donaldson . Ro bert Armbruster Song Accompaniments Since You " 'cnt Awny ,Iohnson , · Henri Bergma n '.rruclc 'Vinds . ,Keel , Robert Armbruster Special Educational R olls I~isten ~r s' ~[usic Guide­ nun No.1, Uh.)'thm Seymour Mrs. H ar ri et Seymour Uoll No. 2, l\[eJod y . S eym our Mrs, H ar r iet Seymour noll No. :J, C h o r ds 5e)111Iour Mrs. Harriet S eymour Uoll No. 4, ~IlI 8i cal l.'crms Seymour Mrs. H arriet Seymo ur Spe cial Duo -A rt Record-Rolls By tho Senshore, Op , 17 . Sm eta na . , . .M arta MiJ in owski Gil-;"lIc (No.3 of " S ix I ..ittlc Pieces") Bach·MacDo w ell Mrs. \V. J. Morrison 1.",,,1 of Dawn Kuhn , Henri Her gman l\Iinuetto Brinkman Joseph B rinkma n Popular Dance and Song Hits J)(~ar, on a Ni ,;'ht l~iI,e This-Il'ox 'I'rot . • Conrad Pauline Alp ert "Fh'e O'.,)ocl< Girl" IIledley (Ins t rnme ntal)- ! i'OX 'l' ro t. Ruby . F red Rich I Ain't Got Noboll)'-I~ ox Trot Williams. , . · . Ru be Bloo m I Ca ll You SUl:'ar-F ox 'I'ro t . , Barter & Bowles Cons tance Merinl: Illy H eart SloolI Still- F ox T rot ( Iir om ...i. Co n necticut Yanl, ee"), . Rodgers, . Fred Ric h Bomebodv I,iell Ahout :l1e-'Yaltz Eml er Constance Mering 1.'he Song I s Endcd-\\'altz . .. Be rlin , Pauli ne Alpert 'I'here IIlu st Be So mcb od s- Else- F ox Trot . Pink hard Alan Moran U p in the C1oulls-F ox 'I' rot (F' ro m " Five O' clock Gi r l" ) . ,, , , Ruby What'II You I>o ?-Fox Trot. Cohn o o ~~ DUO~ART MUSIC Published by THE AEOLIAN COMPANY AEOLIAN HALL • NEW YORK VOLUME 14 JANUARY, 1928 NUMBER 4 AudioGraphic Music An Epoch-Marking Invention for the Cultivation of the Understanding and Appreciation ofth e World's Best Music is this New Departure in Record.. Rolls for the Duo-Art Piano IT H OUT ted ious preparat ion or con­ about the composrtion, interprecation of its W scious effort, the understanding of fine meaning, together with historical and bio­ music, the appreciation of fine music and the graphical comment about the composer and hill inevitably ensuing love of fine music, is now specific work. within the reach of everyone. This may be conveniently read by the indi­ vidual listener without stopping the music. The new AUDIOGRAPHIC Music for the Furthermore, the idea is made additionally Duo-Art Reproducing Piano, now available serviceable for public use, and particularly for after years of careful preparation, makes it educational institutions, by combin ing it with possible for everyone to know good music and a projector and a screen upon which the com­ enjoy it to the utmost. ments are thrown so that they can be followed AUDIOGRAPHIC Music represents an en­ by an audi ence or a student body . tirely new and revolutionary development in The production of AUDIOGRAPHIC music. Music Rolls has been a great undertaking. For These rolls present music, even the most many months the world's for emost pianists difficult and involved classical compositions , in and the greatest critics and musical authorities a manner so intensely interestin g and so sim­ in America and Europe have been collaborat­ ple that anyone, even the most unmusical, can ing to create th em. N ever before in the his­ understand and enjoy it. tory of music has any movement received such The underlying idea of AUDIOGRAPHIC universal support and approval from leading Music is to bring to the listener's mind simul­ musicians and musical edu cators. taneously with the actual hearing of the music, AUDIOGRAPHIC Music Rolls, primarily such comment as will illuminate its hidden designed for and adapted to the use of the beauty and meaning, enabling the hearer to layman, have been found so full of interest grasp the full significance of the composition. and so valuable in imparting an accurate To this end, the AUDIOGRAPHIC Music knowled ge of the great musical classics that Roll as it unwinds in a Duo-Art Piano both even - before the first announcement of their reproduces the playing of some distinguished publication was made they were in use in pianist and discloses to the listener's eyes a many of the great universities and schools running comment of printed information throughout Am erica and Europe. ...-( Page Three )-•.. Aeolian Hall School forMusic Research to Open INTEREST is the key-note of all modern pany for the advancement of music; for the education. With interest firmly established, development of individual talent through attention is easily held and concentration in' shorter, more interesting and more effective duced. Undoubtedly the reason for the great procedure in elementary piano teaching, and number of piano students "falling by the way' to give to the public the results of seven years side," . before even an elementary degree of of research-teaching on the part of the Fac­ playing ability has been developed, has been ulty of the School. lack of interest and boredom at the long hours OPENING OF THE SCHOOL of mechanical drudgery required under the To parents who are interested in having old procedure, with no visible progress to jus' their children's study of the piano made inter' tify it. esting, fruitful and productive of definite re­ The Aeolian Hall School for Music Re­ suits in the development of well, rounded search now offers to elementary piano students musicianship as well as playing and reading courses of study based on the modern peda­ ability; to adults who wish to start or renew gogical principles underlying general educa­ the study of the piano without going through tion in our finest schools today. Through the the drudgery of the ABC's of the usual ele­ medium of the Visuola-the remarkable new mentary piano procedure; to teachers of piano scientific visual aid-the elementary piano stu' who wish Normal Courses in Modern Ele­ dent is immediately led into the spirit of music. mentary Piano Pedagogy as expressed with the In his very first lesson he gets musical experi­ Visuola, the Aeolian Hall School for Music ences which, with the Visuola, are for the first Research will open its doors on January 3rd. time pianistic. REGISTRATION In his very first lesson with the Visuola the Only a limited number of pupils can be ac­ student learns an interesting composition. His cepted. Early application, therefore, is advised. enthusiasm is aroused and he soon becomes eager for new and more difficult fields to ex' COURSES OFFERED plore. The playing ability thus developed Courses are offered for children of prc' creates, in turn, keyboard familiarity, facility school and kindergarten age, who now may be and fluency, after which musical notation is led immediately into Music, by means of the more easily understood. Visuola. The interest and enthusiasm aroused by the Courses for children of school age aim to accomplishments of the first lesson are main' give a well-rounded musical development. tained, for each succeeding lesson is a definite Courses for children of Junior and Senior step forward in the student's pianistic and High School age are especially designed for musical development. He is thrilled by the young people who desire music as a social ac­ visible progress he is making as 'he is led fur' complishment but whose activities are so nu­ ther and further into the heart of music, and merous that only a short time each day is he loves and enjoys it. Under this new pro' available for study. Unlike the other courses cedure, results become' visibl~ from the first offered, this course frankly stresses playing lesson and the pleasure obtained from the ability. playing of "real music" is commensurate with Courses offered to adults are planned to the study involved. meet individual needs and wishes. To teachers ENDOWMENT of piano are offered courses in Modern Ele­ The Aeolian Hall School for Music Re­ mentary Piano Pedagogy, as expressed by the search has been endowed by the Aeolian Com' Visuola. •_-( Page F OUT )-••. liil!!! ! 'ii' !I' ! ,i i i ~. 'II'ii"II ' II"'" ' 11' 1 I " " I""""'" "" '"""""'""'"<'"""""'""'" ~ / The Aeolian Hall School for Music Research ~ ~ I h I'. r-i c s t G.d.\i tl.t\cc d eq ui p m ent .. h :U "1. o ~. j ;: '..L$ ~ ~: : '; d J~:J:~ : n~~~~f~ : t m o ~ l' h ( r~ ~on ~ ~ ; b ut c 'rhe above views of the A eolian Hall School for Music R esearch, on the ten th fl oor of th e beautiful ne w A eolian H all, at Fift h A v enu e and 54th St reet, N ew TorI;.
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