Index A African body politic and purge elite Abbe Diamacoune, 114 domination, xxiii Abduction of girl-children, 155 African indigenous associational life, Abidjan Accord (November 30, 1996), xix 320 Africa-led International Support Abubakar, Abdusalami, 57, 198, 225 Mission to Mali (AFISMA), 312, Abuja Accord (August 1995), 195, 202 313 Abuja Accord (August 1996), 195 African organizations, 311 Abuja II Accord (effect in 1997), 196 African Union (AU), xxv, 2, 13, 17, Abusive-aggressive policing, 86 25, 35, 40, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 61, Access to education, xxvi, 17, 93, 94, 62, 65, 70, 71, 73, 131, 163, 165, 265 166, 192, 220, 225, 258, 267, Access to formal education, 89 311, 313 Accords (Foundiougne I, February African Union’s principle of non- 2005; Foundiougne II, December, indifference, 299 2005), 129 African Women’s Committee for Peace 2003 Accra Agreement, 198 and Development, the, 164 Accra Clarification (December 1994), African youth, 83, 92, 103 195 African Youth Charter, 95 Addictive substances, 88 Ag Bamoussa, 309 Affirmative action, 125 Agenda for Development (1994), 322 Afolabi, Babatunde, xvii, xviii, 21, 22 Agenda for Peace, 7, 234, 322 AFRC-RUF Coalition Government, Ag Mbarek Kay, 309 315 Ag Mohamed Najem, 309 © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2020 337 O. Akiba (ed.), Preventive Diplomacy, Security, and Human Rights in West Africa, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-25354-7 338 INDEX Agre, Bernard, Cardinal (late), 232 Aristotle, xxi, xxvii Agricultural land-use, 137 Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL), 177, Ahmed Al Faqi Mahdi (Islamist 185, 186, 190, 191, 195, 196, fundamentalist), 9 209 Air Mano, 154 Armed Forces Revolutionary Council Akiba, Okon, xviii (AFRC), 163, 315 AkoNai,Ronke,xxi, 25 Armenians, 272 Akosombo Accord (September 1994), Army usurpation, xvii the, 195 Article 33 of the UN Charter, 294 Alao, Charles Abiodun, xxi, 25 Article 58 of the revised 1993 Albanians, 272, 276–278, 289 ECOWAS Treaty, 47 Al-Basir, Omar, 10 Articulate and pass legislation Alcohol and illegal drugs, 88 outlawing, 282 Algerian Peace Pact (May 4, 2006), Arusha Peace Process, 266, 268 320 Ascendant social status for religious Algiers Peace Agreement (February 16, leaders, 215 2015), the, 320 Association of Traditional Priests, 231, Alienation, 15, 78, 83, 85, 86, 102, 233 171, 175 Association Régionale des Femmes pour All-Liberia National Conference, 189, la Paix (ARFP), 133 191 Atlantic trade, 110 Al-Qaeda, xvi Atrocities of war, xxi Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb Attributes of mediation, 181 (AQIM), 240, 310, 314, 321, 328 Authority of the ECOWAS Heads of Ambivalence of the sacred, xxi State and Government, The, 49 Americo-Liberian advantaged elite, 24 Avoidance of war, 255 Amilcar Cabral of Guinea Bissau, 113 Azar, Edward, 4 Amnesty International, 9, 158 Anarchism, 176 B Animus, xxi Bad governance, 14, 52, 53, 79, 84, Annan, Kofi, 7, 28, 33, 37, 258, 296, 314 298, 323, 324, 330, 334 Bad government, xix, 46, 50, 79, 220, Annual Round-Table, 233 294, 296, 321 An outcast prone, xxi Badji, Sidy, 114 Ansar Dine, 9, 309, 310, 321 Bainouk, 137 Anti-corruption bulletins, 229 Balanta, 137 Antidotes to conflict, 46, 262 Bamako Ceasefire (November 1990), Anti-ICC chorus, 12 191 Antique port city of Zanzibar, 267 Banditry, 112 Anti-secularist, 239 Bangura, Zainab, 163 Arab Spring, 309 Banjul II, September 1999, 127 Arbitration, xv, 15, 182, 295 Banjul III, November 1999, 127 INDEX 339 Banjul Joint Statement (December Bratten, Michael, 223 1990), 191 Brigandage, 112 Banjul Plan of Action, 56 British Amphibious Ready Group, The, Banjul Process, 127 317 Bargaining failures, 178 British commandos, 228 Bargaining theory, 115 British paratroopers, 157 Barrows, Adama, 12, 120 British Special ‘Paratroop’ Forces, 318 Basilica of Our Lady of Peace at Bryant, Gyude (Chairman of Liberia), Yamoussoukro, 229 153, 198 Bayelsa State government’s Capacity Bulgarians, 272 Acquisition Program (CAP), 90 Bunche, Ralph (ONUC field director), Beardsley, Kyle, 179 304 Belgian colonial rule, 300 Bureaucratic corruption, 5, 16, 49, 52, Belgian law, 305 282, 283, 314 Belgian paratroopers, 300 Burundi, 11, 265, 266, 272, 287, 328 Berchovitch, Jacob, 180 Berlin Conference (1884), 136 C Biagui, Jean-Marie Francois, 114, 129, Cacheu, 114, 115 147 Cadre Casamancais, 122 Biological determinism, 4 Cahill, Kevin, 3, 30 Bissauan Casamancais, 137 Calabar city of Nigeria, 158 Blair, Tony (British Prime Minister), Camara, Dadis (Captain), 62, 63 202, 314, 316, 317 Camaraderie (esprit de corps), 112 Blind revenge, 269 Campaign for Good Governance Boigny, Houphouet, 191, 192, 199, (CGG), 166 229 Canada, 217, 268 Boko Haram, 15, 24, 218, 235, 239, Canalization of cultures and the people, 240 109 Boko Haram militants in Nigeria, The, Capital city of Ziguinchor, 136 314 Capital intensity, 124 Boley, George, 196 Carnevale, Peter, 179 Booh-Booh, Jacques-Roger (Cameroo- Carrot and stick, 178, 183 nian General), 269 Casamancais, xviii, 23, 108, 111, 114, Border police control and customs 117, 121, 122, 125, 126, 128, police procedures, 282 136, 138, 139, 146 Bornu, 239, 240 Casamancais belief systems, 124 Bosnia-Herzegovina, 272, 273 Casamancais Exceptionalism, 137 Botswana, 16, 19 Casamancais regionalists, 121 Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, 7, 32, 258, Casamancais youths, 109, 139 259, 261, 275, 285, 296, 298, Casamance, xviii, 108–116, 118–139 322, 333 Casamance conflict, 109–111, 113, Brahimi Report, 299, 323 120, 129, 131, 137, 149, 151 340 INDEX Casamance region, 20, 107, 110, 123, Colonial anger, 126 127–129, 134–137, 145 Colonial policy of discrimination, 126 Catholic Cardinal Yago, 231 Colonial rule, 107 Cattle-owning (Tutsi), 264 Comite Regional de Solidarite Celestial reward, 215 des Femmes pour la Paix en Center for International Crime Casamance (USOFORAL- Prevention (CICP), 281 meaning hand-in-hand in Jola), Central African Republic, 314 134 Central Mosque in Kano, 237 Committees for the Defense of the Cesar Atoute Badiate, 118 Revolution (CDR), 268 Chambas, Mohamed Ibn, 19 Common ECOWAS currency, 51 Child soldiers, 82, 96, 155 Common market, 153 Christian Association of Nigeria Community of Sahel-Saharan States, (CAN), the, 242 The (CEN-SAD), 62 Christian Charismatic and Pentecostal Community of Sant’Egidio, 130 rallies, 216 Community practices, xix Christian organizations, 217 Community virtue, xix Christian Women’s Initiative, 161 Compaore, Blaise, 57, 63, 159 ‘Christmas Coup’, 231 Comparative analyses of human Church World Service (CWS), 226 security, 257 Chutzpah, xxi Compromise, 180 Citizenship, xxiii Compulsory education, 22 Civil and human rights, 94 Conakry Accord (October 23, 1997), Civil/Political Rights (CPR), 14 320 Civil service jobs, 90 Concerned Christian Community of Civil society, 90 Liberia (CCCL), 226 Civil war in Liberia (1989), 155 Conciliation, xv Clausewitzean conventional under- Conde, Alhassane, 63 standings of war, 177 Conditions for peace, 255 Clientelistic patronage networks, 186 Confidence building, 280 Climate change, 7 Conflict and Peace: Article 17, 95 Cluster of war-induced traumas, 111 Conflict-elimination equation, 220 Coercive power, 179 Conflict prevention, 280 Co-factor of conflict, 7 Conflict-prone face of religion, 219 Cold War, the, 293 Conflict-prone Northern Nigerian city Collective grievance, 121 of Kano, 217 Collective of Religious Confessions for Conflict risks, 65 National Reconciliation and Peace, Conflict transformation, 5, 7 The, 233 1960 Congo Crisis, 296, 318 Collective responsibility to protect Congo Crisis, the, 258 (RP2), 2 Congolese National Army, the, 299 Colonel Joseph-Desire Mobutu, 306 Congo province of Kasai, the, 299 INDEX 341 Congo Republic, 300 Dallaire, Romeo (UN Forces Com- Conseil of National Islamique de Côte mander), 258, 268–270, 272, d’Ivoire, 230 285, 287 Context-specific knowledge, 178 December Massacre, 228, 239 Continental Early Warning System Deep grievances, 86 (CEWS), 65 Defense and Security Commission, 49 Controversial and unusual election, Delta State Government, 91 157 Demagogues, xv 2005 Convention on Small Arms and Demobilization-Disarmament- Light Weapons, 50 Reintegration (DDR), 89, Cooperative security, xvi 262 Cordier, Andrew (UN’s American field Democratic education, xvii representative), 304 Democratic equality, xix Côte d’Ivoire, 228 Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cotonou Accord (June 1993), 193 219 Council of Congolese University Stu- Democratic rights and freedom, 108 dents (College des Commissaire), Demographic shift, xviii the, 306 Denmark, 217 Council of Indigenous Akan Religious Dense social networks, 87 Priests, 233 Deputy President William Ruto, 12 Council of the Wise, 21, 46, 49 De-sacralize, xix Council on Foreign Relations, 79 De Souza, Marcel A. (ECOWAS Countervailing militarized structures, Commission leader), 19 87 Destruction of the sacred forest, 124 Covert communication surveillance, 16 Destructive weapons of war, 2 Credibility leverage, 178 Diamond rich areas of Sierra Leone, Creole language, 136 156 Crime prevention, 281, 282 Diatta, Kamougue, 116 Criminal entrepreneurship, 82 Diouf, Abdou, 110, 116, 122, 126–129 Criminal gangs, 82 Diplomacy, 175 Criminalizing drug-trafficking, 282 Diplomatic leverage, 177 Criminal organizations, 82 Disarmament, Demobilization and Crisis of youth, 82 Reintegration (DDR), 164, 226 Croatia, 272, 273 Disarming of landmines, 133 Cross-border problems, 109 Discriminatory policies, 109 CSI refused to join the Forum, 231 Disenfranchised youth, 80 Cultural ornamentation, 134 Disenfranchisement, 78 Cultural, political preferences, 178 Disgruntled
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