Thinking of trading-in or part-exchanging your old car? Gateway Peugeot can help you out with that with our instant car valuation tool. Just enter your vehicle registration and mileage to find out instantly what your car is worth. We also buy any make of car, so visit us at www.gateway-peugeot.com to use the valuation tool or call us today on 01270 587711 to take your next step towards your new car. Crewe Gates Industrial Estate, Gateway, Crewe, CW1 6YY Mon - Fri: 08:30 - 18:30 | Sat: 09:00 - 17:00 | Sun: 11:00 - 17:00 108 FOR YOUR HEART 3 YEARS INSURANCE FOR YOUR HEAD PEUGEOTPEUGEOT 108108 ACTIVEACTIVE JustJust AddAdd Fuel®Fuel® coverscovers allall keykey drivingdriving expensesexpenses forfor threethree years,years, includingincluding insurance,insurance, withwith oneone fixedfixed monthlymonthly payment.payment. AndAnd it’sit’s nownow availableavailable onon thethe PeugeotPeugeot 108108 Active,Active, whichwhich offersoffers youyou a 7”7” colourcolour touchscreen,touchscreen, Bluetooth®,Bluetooth®, DABDAB digitaldigital radioradio andand manualmanual airair conditioning.conditioning. WantWant toto knowknow more?more? JustJust getget inin touch.touch. GATEWAYGATATEWAWAYAY PEUGEOTPEUGEOT CREWECREWE$ !16*914$ **$* *$!$ !16*914 ** * * ! ""!%#"$##!!$$999 :16*914$.)*9* .( 78 $!%#" ##!! 999 :16*914$.)*9* .( 78 OfficialOfficial FuelFuel ConsumptionConsumption inin MPGMPG (l/100km)(l/100km) andand COCO2 emissionsemissions (g/km)(g/km) forfor thethe 108108 RangeRange are:are: UrbanUrban 52.352.3 – 56.556.5 (5.4(5.4 – 5.0),5.0), ExtraExtra UrbanUrban 74.374.3 – 78.578.5 (3.8(3.8 – 3.6),3.6), CombinedCombined 65.765.7 – 68.968.9 (4.3(4.3 – 4.1)4.1) andand COCO2 9999 – 9595 (g/km).(g/km). MPGMPG figuresfigures areare achievedachieved underunder officialofficial EUEU testtest conditions,conditions, intendedintended asas a guideguide forfor comparativecomparative purposespurposes only,only, andand maymay notnot reflectreflect actualactual on-the-roadon-the-road drivingdriving conditions.conditions. TermsTerms andand conditionsconditions apply,apply, participatingparticipating dealersdealers onlyonly oror visitvisit ppeugeot.co.ukeugeot.co.uk GGatewayateway MMotorotor CCoo LLtdtd iiss aactingcting aass a ccreditredit bbrokerroker andand isis nnotot a llender.ender. ^^RepresentativeRepresentative 44.9%.9% AAPRPR ooverver 37 mmonths.onths. TToo ffinanceinance yyourour ppurchaseurchase wewe willwill onlyonly introduceintroduce youyou toto PeugeotPeugeot FinancialFinancial Services,Services, thethe exclusiveexclusive providerprovider ofof JustJust AddAdd Fuel®.Fuel®. A guaranteeguarantee maymay bebe required.required. FinanceFinance providedprovided byby andand wwrittenritten qquotationsuotations aavailablevailable ffromrom PPSASA FFinanceinance UUKK LLtdtd tt/a/a PPeugeoteugeot FFinancialinancial SServices,ervices, QQuadrantuadrant HHouse,ouse, PPrincessrincess WWay,ay, RRedhill,edhill, RRH1H1 11QA.QA. ++TheThe ffirstirst yyearear RoadRoad FundFund LicenceLicence (RFL)(RFL) isis includedincluded inin thethe onon thethe roadroad price.price. TheThe DealerDealer willwill provideprovide customerscustomers withwith a chequecheque equivalentequivalent toto twicetwice thethe currentcurrent RFLRFL cost.cost. ThThee ccustomerustomer mmustust aapplypply fforor yyearsears 2 & 3 RRFL.FL. JJustust AAdddd FFuel®uel® iiss ssubjectubject ttoo sstatus.*Minimumtatus.*Minimum aagege 118,8, mmaximumaximum aagege 775.5. DDriversrivers aarere rrequiredequired ttoo iinstallnstall thethe TelematicsTelematics BoxBox & consentconsent toto DataDaata capturecapture & transmissiontransmission toto qualifyqualify forfor insuranceinsurance. AllAll driversdrivers mustmust holdhold a fullfull UKUK licencelicence & meetmeet eligibilityeligibility criteriacriteria inincludingcluding llimitsimits oonn ddrivingriving cconvictionsonvictions & cclaims.laims. InInsurancesurance ssubjectubject ttoo ccancellationancellation iiff yyouou rreceiveeceive ffourour wwarningsarnings fforor ppooroor ddriving.riving. EExcessesxcesses aapply.pply. 3 yearsyears motormotor insuranceinsurance isis providedprovided andand underwrittenunderwritten byby U K InsuranceInsurance LimitedLimited whichwhich isis authorisedauthorised byby thethe PrudentialPrudential RegulationRegulation AuthorityAuthority andand regulatedregulated byby tthehe FFinancialinancial CConductonduct AAuthorityuthority aandnd tthehe PPrudentialrudential RRegulationegulation AAuthority.uthority. PPaymentsayments wwillill vvaryary aaccordingccording ttoo aage,ge, postpost ccodeode aandnd aannualnnual mileage.mileage. CCustomerustomer depositdeposit maymay bebe required.required. TheThe costscosts ofof insurance,insurance, servicingservicing andand RoadsideRoadside AssistanceAssistance areare includedincluded withinwithin thethe monthlymonthly costcost ofof JustJust AddAdd Fuel®Fuel® PassportPassport butbut areare pprovidedrovided oonn a mmonthlyonthly ppay-as-you-goay-as-you-go bbasisasis aandnd ccanan bbee ccancelledancelled atat aanyny ttimeime wwithoutithout ppenaltyenalty oorr aaffectingffecting tthehe rremainderemainder ooff tthehe JJustust AddAdd FFuel®uel® PPassportassport contract.contract. ExcessExcess mileagemileage chargescharges maymay apply.apply. RoutineRoutine servicingservicing includedincluded only.only. ExcludesExcludes wearwear parts.parts. AllAll offersoffers availableavailable onon qualifyingqualifying vehiclesvehicles orderedordered andand rregisteredegistered bbetweenetween 001/11/151/11/15 aandnd 331/12/151/12/15 oorr uuntilntil ssuchuch ttimeime aass ttheyhey mmayay bbee wwithdrawnithdrawn bbyy PPeugeoteugeot aatt iitsts ccompleteomplete ddiscretion.iscretion. CCallsalls mmaybeaybe rrecordedecorded fforor trainingtraining purposes.purposes. CallsCalls chargedcharged atat locallocal rate.rate. AllAll informationinformation correctcorrect atat timetime ofof goinggoing toto press.press. VisitVisit peugeot.co.ukpeugeot.co.uk forfor fullfull productproduct details.details. PRICESPRICES APPROVEDA BYBY YOUYOOU PEUGEOTEUGEOT APPROVEDAPPROVED UUSEDSED CARSCARS 107 QUALITYQUALITY APPROVED BYBY USUS !"# %"!%$!%$&'()*$! "$('' *$ $&' $*)$ )$!#"$ '*$%"!%$!%$&'(()* ! " ('' *$ $&' *)) )$!#"$ '* (''(''$($ ( £5,995 108 !" %"!$$&'()*$! "$() *$)&$($' *))$ *$%"!$$&'(()*$! )* ! 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