'l' ( F" No. - SIA/1 ia\!11771202{l STATE LEVEL ENVIRONJITENT IiVIPACT ASSUSSMENT AUT}IORITY, BIHAR 2"'i F!.ior. L3eiirc,l llir;irr'a Siraslri iragiir P:rlna - 800 021 E.-:nlii:- seirebii;rr rJ r::i::ij ,:i :;: .-sci aa. nr s, bri4-r gniai i co rn I'eiephone No.:- 06i2 - 22ii!li5 Dateti:-oUl"9l%eD ' To', Vecl Interprises, Prop. :-Vecl {nterprises, Ad tl-D -2 143, Secto r-LLDA C olo ny Ka n p r"r r fLo a d, I-ucknoly (Uttar Pradesh), Pin:- 226412, Mob. No.:-7991138165. Sutr: Proposed Sand Mining Project on Sor ftiver i'it i"l.shtfls Sr-iu l0 Balu Ghat, Mauza:- Amiyalvar, Village:- Auriyalvirr, P.O.:- Arniyalvar, F.S.:- Nasriganj, Anctral:- Nasriganj, Tehsil:-Bikramgaj, District:- Rohtas, Stnte;- Bihar; rvith -l proprlscil prutluc{iun Area uf 69 Ha) - erms of ildeiereii*e regarding" Ref: L Online Application - SIA/Brw"'MIN/5 186712020" 2. Your application dated 26-06-2020 (hard copy subrnission). 3" Minutes of the SEAC meetins held on 03-08-2020 ancl 04-08- 2020. r f\ 4. Minutes of the SEIAA meetins held on 0l-07-2020 and 08- 0i-2020. Sir/Madam, This has reference to vour online proposal submitted in the State Level Envircnment lmpact Assessment Authority to prescribe the Terms of Reference (ToR) for undertaking detailed EIA study for the pLrrpose of obtaining Environmental Clearance in accordance,uvith the provisions of the EIA Notification, 2006. For this purpose, ),ou have submitted online information in the prescribed format (Form - I) along r,vith a Pre-feasibilit)' Repofi. The details of the nronr>sal as described in the applicatior.. are as fbliou,s: Icl.rroo./\.tr\r./<roa,-t'\n1l I ('tJ Online Proposai , J l.ar Dl\, -\ 11. \,'-r | I i LVLW i i i. i l{o. i i 2. i File No.: i SIAi l(a),'1a i7712020 Sand Mining Project on Son River at Rolrtas Son l0 Bal u Ghat, lVlauza:-Amiyawar, 3. Village:- Amiyar,var P.O.:- Amiyawar, P.S.:-Bikramganj, Anchal :-Nasriganj, Tehsil:-Dehri District:- Rohtas. State:- Bihar 4 Catcgon' of the Prorrosal: Mining of Minerals. 5. l(a) ru'lining of Minerals. 6. Name of River Son River 1 Area of the Proiect 69 Ha 8. Pronosed Production TPA 9. Bulk Densitv 2.0 Open Cast Semi-mechanizeo method (as per Bihar Mineral 10. vlethod of Minins Concession prevention of Illegal Mining. Transporlation & Storage Rule - 2019). l1 No of workins days/vear 240 davs Domestic Water : 1.41 KLD Dirst Suppression : 5.0 KLD tz. lVatcr clcmand Grccn Bclt Dcvclopmcnt : 1.73 KLD Total Water Requirement : 8.14 KLD 13. Man Power 141 ( t In this regard, under the provisions of the EtrA Notification, 2005 as amended from tinae to tinre Sustainable Sand Management Guidelines 2015 and Enforcement & Monitoring Guidelines for the sand mining-2020 the ToR for the purpose of- preparing Environment Impact Assessment report and Environment Management Plan for obtaining prior Environmental Clearance is preseribed as follows:- 1. Year-wise production details sinee 1994 should be given, clearly stating the highest production achieved in any one yearpriorto 1994"It may also be categorically informed whether there had been any increase in production after the ELA Notification 1994 carne into foree, w.r.t. the highest produetion achieved prior to 1994. 2. A copy of the document in support of the fact that the Proponent is the rightful lessee of the mine should be given. a All doeuments including approved mine plan, EIA and Fublie Hearing should be eompatible with one another in terms of, the mine lease area, production levels, waste generation and its management, mining teehnology etc. and should be in the name of the lessee" 4" All corner coordinates of thc mine lease area, superimposed on a High-Resolution Imagery / toposheet, topographie sheet, geomorphology and geology of the area should be provided. Sueh an Imagery of the proposed area should elearly show the land use and other ecological features ofthe study area (core and buffer zone). 5. Information should be provided in Survey of India Toposheet in l:50,000 seale indicating geological map of the area, geornorphology of land forms of the area, existing minerals and rnining history of the area, important water bodies, streams and rivers and soil charaeteristics" 6. Details about the land proposed for mining aetivities shor.lld be given with information as to whether mining sonfomrs to the land use poiiey of the State; land diversion for mining should have approval from State land use board or the eoncerned authority. t" It should be clearly stated whether the proponent Cornpany has a well laid down Environment Folicy approved by its Board of Direetors? If so, it rnay be spelt out in the ELA R.eport with description of the preseribed operating process/procedures to bring into focus any infringement / deviation / violation of the environmental or forest norms I eonditions? The liierarehical system or administrative order of,the Company to deal with the environmental issues and for ensuring eomplianee with the EC conditions may also be given. Thc system of reporting of non-eompliances / violations of environmental norrns to the Board of Directors of the Company and/or shareholders or stakeholders at large, may also be detailed in the EIA Report. 8. The study area will eomprise of l0 km zone around the mine lease from lease peripheny and the data contained in the EIA. 9" tand use of the str.ldy area delineating forest area, agricultural land, grazing land, wildlife sanctuary, national park, migratory routes of fauna, water bodies, human settlements and other ecologieal features should be indicated. Land use plan of the mine lease area should be prepared to encompass preoperational, operationai and post operational phases and submitted. Impact, if any, of change of land use should be given. 10. A Certificate from the Competent duthority in the State Forest Departrnent should be provided, aonfirming the involvement of forest land, if any, in the project area. In the evcnt of any contrary claim by the Froject Proponent regarding the status of forests, the site may be inspeeted by the State Forest Department along with the Regional Office of the Ministry to aseertain the status of forests, based on which, the Certificate in this regard as mentioned above be issued" ln all sueh cases, it would be desirable for representative of the Statc Forest Department to assist the Expert Appraisal Committees" 11" Status of forestry elcarancc for the broken up area and virgin forestland involved in the Project inoluding deposition of net present value (NPV) and eompensatory afforestation (CA) should be indicated. A eopy of the forestry elearance should also be f'urnished. t2 Irnplcmcntation statr"ls of, recognition of forest rights undcr thc Schcdirlcd Trihes nnd other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Reeognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 should be indicuted. 13. The vegetation in the RF / PF areas in the study area, with necessary details, should be given. 14. ,4 study shall be got done to aseertain the irnpact of the Mining Project on wildlife of the study area and details fumished. Innpact of the projeet on the wildlife in the surrounding and any other protected area and accordingly, detailed mitigative measures required, should be worked out with oost implications and submitted. ' eirf'lGfh y; r)'[ l' ...it n, . Y. 't' ( 15. Location of National Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves, Wildlife Corridors, Ramsar site Tiger / Elephant Reserves / (existing as well as proposed), if any, within l0 krn of the mine lease should be elearly indicated, supported by a location map duly authenticated by Chief Wildlife Warden. Necessary elearanee, as may be applieabie to sueh pro.jects due to proximity of thc ecologically sensitive areas as mentioned above, should be obtained from thc Standing Committee of National Board of Wildlife and eopy furnished. 16. A detailed biological study of the study area [eore zone and buffer zonc (10 km radius of the periphery of the mine lease)] shall be earried out. Details of flora and fauna, endangered, endemic and Rare Endairgered and Threatened (RET) Speeies duly authentieated, separately for core and buffer zone should be furnished based on such prirnary field survey, clearly indicatingthe Schedule of the faunapresent. In ease of any scheduled - I fauna found in the study area, the necessary plan along with budgetary provisions for their conservation should be prepared in eonsultation with State Forest and Wildlife Department and details furnished. Necessary alloeation of funds for implementing the same should be made as part of the project eost. 17. Proximity to Areas declared as 'Critieally Polluted' or the Frojeet areas attraeting court restrietions for mining operations, should also be indicated and where so required, clearanee eertifications from the preseribed Authorities, such as the SFCB or State Mining Dept. Should be secured and furnished to the effect that the proposed mining aetivities eould be considered. 18. R&R Plan / compensation details for the Project ,{ffeeted Feople (PAP) should be furnished. While preparing the R&R Plan, the relevant StateAdational Rehabilitation & Resettlement Folicy should be kept in view" In respect of SCs /STs and other weaker sections of the society in the study area, a need based sample survcy, family-lvise, should be undertaken to assess their requirements, and action programrnes prepared and submitted aecordingly, integrating the sectoral programmes of line departments of the State Govemment. It may be elearly brought out whether the village(s) located in the mine lease area will be shifted or not. T'he issues relating to shifting of village(s) including their R&R and socio-eeonornic aspects should be discussed in the Report.
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