LIBRARY Jrigham Young University tt:: 196535 THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI PART VIII HUNT ^ 1 PA EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND GRAECO-ROMAN BRANCH THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI PART VIII EDITED WITH TRANSLATIONS AND NOTES BY ARTHUR S. HUNT, D.Litt. HON. PH.D. KOENIGSBERG ; HON. LITT.D. DUBLIN ; HON. lUR.D. GRAZ LECTURER IN PAPYROLOGY IN THE UNI\'ERSITY OF OXFORD, AND FELLOW OF QUEEN'S COLLEGE CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ROYAL BAVARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES WITH SEVEN PLATES '' ; i.l• ''\\\ 196535 '-'0-/0;U' LONDON SOLD AT The Offices of the EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND, 37 Great Russell St., W.C. AND 527 Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., Dryden House, Gerrard St., W. BERNARD QUARITCH, 11 Grafton St., New Bond St., W. ASHER & CO., 13 Bedford St., Covent Garden, W.C, and 56 Unter den Linden, Berlin AND HENRY FROWDE, Amen Corner, E.G., and 29-35 West 32ND Street, New York, U.S.A. 191 All rights reserved OXFORD HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY PREFACE in The delay, for which I must beg the indulgence of subscribers, the publication of this volume, is chiefly due to the lengthy pre- liminaries which were necessary for the production of two of the new fragments of classical texts, the Meliambi of Cercidas (1O82) and the are an anonymous Satyric drama (1083). Those papyri, with 1091-2, derived from the second of the large literary finds made in 1906 which was at once (cf. the Archaeological Report for that year, p. 12), more extensive, more scattered, and in worse condition than the first. thirty thousand Before any text from it could be dealt with, some task which pieces of various sizes had to be flattened and examined, a occupied several weeks of last year. Possibly some further small bulk of the find, at fragments may yet be identified ; but the great copying and that any rate, has now been prepared for sorting and ; probable serious additions will be made is a contingency not sufficiently to justify a further postponement. In editing the new classical fragments (1082-7) I have once more von enjoyed the great advantage of the assistance of Professor U. especially Wilamowitz-Mollendorff, to whom I am deeply indebted, again kind with regard to 1082 and 1086. Professor U. Wilcken was section enough to look through the proof-sheets of the non-literary Occasional and to contribute a number of valuable comments. with suggestions received from other friends are recorded in connexion Proof-reader of the texts concerned. To all my helpers, including the the University Press, I here return hearty thanks. Another instalment of Oxyrhynchus papyri is designed for the next volume, which I hope to issue early in 191 2. ARTHUR S. HUNT. Queen's College, Oxford, May, 1911. CONTENTS PAGE Preface List of Plates viii Table of Papyri ix Note on the Method of Publication and List of Abbreviations . xiii TEXTS I. Theological Fragments (1073-1081) I IL New Classical Texts (1082-1089) 20 in. Extant Classical Authors (1090-1099) 121 IV. Documents of the Roman and Byzantine Periods : [a) Official (1100-1108) .... 164 {) Declarations to Officials (1109-1116) 180 (/) Petitions (1117-1121) .... 200 (d) Contracts (1122-1134) .... 214 (e) Taxation (1135-1138) .... (/) Orders (1139-1142) .... 238 {g) Accounts (1143-1147) .... 242 () Oracular Questions, Amulets, &c. (1148-1152) 249 {{) Private Correspondence (1153-1165) 254 INDICES New Literary Texts: (a) 1082 (Cercidas) . 271 {) Other Texts 275 II. Emperors 283 III. Consuls, Eras, Indictions 285 IV. Months and Days 286 V. Personal Names 287 CONTENTS VIU PAGE VI. Geographical . • 294 VII. Religion VIII. Official and Military Titles 297 IX. Weights, Measures, Coins 298 X. Taxes Latin Words 298 XI. General Index of Greek and 313 XII. Index of Passages Discussed LIST OF PLATES recto I. 1074 recto, 1075, 1077, 1080 II. 1082 Frs. 3, 4 • III. 1083 Fr. i, 1084 at the end. IV. 1087 y V. 1090, 1092 Col. ix, 1100 . VI. 1073 verso, 1097 recto, 1098 verso VII. 1114 . TABLE OF PAPYRI A.D. PAGE 1073. Old Latin Version of Genesis v-vi 4th cent. i 1074. Exodus xxxi, xxxii 3rd cent. ... 4 1075. Exodus xl . 3rd cent. ... 5 1076. New Recension of Tobit ii 6th cent. ... 6 1077. Amulet : St. iv Matthew 6th cent. .10 1078. Epistle to the Hebrews ix . 4th cent. .11 1079. Revelation i Late 3rd or 4th cent. 13 1080. Revelation iii, iv 4th cent. 14 1081. Gnostic Gospel Early 4th cent. 16 1082. Cercidas, Meliambi 2nd cent. .20 1083. Satyric Drama . 2nd cent. ... 60 1084. Hellanicus, Atlantis i Early 2nd cent. 71 1085. Pancrates, Hadrian and AntinoUs • 2nd cent. • 73 1086. Scholia on Iliad ii ist cent. B.C. 77 1087. Scholia on Iliad vii Late ist cent. b. c. 100 1088. Medical Receipts Early ist cent. .110 1089. An Alexandrian Chronicle . 3rd cent. .115 1090. Hesiod, Opera . Late ist cent. .121 1091. Bacchylides, Dithyrambs 2nd cent. .123 1092. Herodotus ii . Late 2nd cent. .127 1093. Demosthenes, Contra Boeotum 2nd cent. -135 1094. Demosthenes, Be Falsa Legatione 5th cent. .145 1095. [Isocrates,] Ad Demonicum . 4th cent. -147 1096. Isocrates, Panegyricus and Be Pace 4th cent. .151 1097. Cicero, Be Imp. Cn. Pompei and In Verrem . i 5th cent. -153 1098. Vergil, Aeneid ii 4th or 5th cent. -158 1099. Greek Paraphrase of Vergil, Aeneid 5th cent. .160 1100. Edict of a Praefect 206 .... 164 1101. Edict of a Praefect . 367-70 . 166 1102. Report of Legal Proceedings About 146 . 169 1103. Proceedings of the Senate . 360 .... 172 TABLE OF PAPYRI A. D. PAGE 1104. Application for Payment 306 . 173 1105. Notice to the Agoranomus 81-96 . 176 lioe. Letter to Paulus . 6th cent. 177 1107. Letter of Eudaemon . 5th or 6th cent 179 1108. List of Officials . Late 6th or 7ih cent 179 1109. Selection of Boys {) 1 60-1 180 1110. Census-return 188 182 1111. Census-returns . 203 184 1112. Purchase of Acacia-trees 188 187 1113. Return of Unirrigated Land 203 189 1114. Declaration of Inheritance 237 192 1115. Reply to a Strategus . 284 196 1116. Nomination to an Office 363 198. 1117. Petition to a Praefect . About 178 200 1118. Petition to an Archidicastes Late ist or early 2nd cent. 202 1119. Petition to a Strategus, &c. 254 203 1120. Petition Early 3rd cent. 210 1121. Petition to a Beneficiarius 295 . 211 1122. Engagement of Services 407 . 214 1123. Devolution of Domain-land 158-9 . 215 1124. Lease of Land . 26 217 1125. Lease of Land and Loan 2nd cent. 218 1126. Lease of Land . 5 th cent. 220 1127. Lease of a Pigeon-house 183 . 221 1128. Lease of a Dining-room 173 • 223 1129. Lease of Dining-rooms 449 • 224 1130. Loan of Money . 484 . 225 1131. Promissory Note 5th cent. 228 1132. Repayment of a Loan . About 162 229 1133. Receipt 396 . 231 1134. Official Receipt for Rents 421 233 1135. Receipt for Anabolicum 3rd cent. 235 1136. Receipt for Anabolicum. 420 236 1137. Receipt for Dues on Land 562-3 236 1138. Receipt for Money-taxes 5th or 6th cent 237 1139. Order from a Logistes 4th cent. 238 1140. Order for Vegetable-seed 293 • 239 1141. Order for Wine . 3rd cent. 240 1142. Order for Purchases . Late 3rd cent. 240 1143. Temple-account About I 242 TABLE OF PAPYRI XI A.D. 1144. Temple-account 1145. Account of a Sitologus 1146. Account of Payments . 1147. Account of Arrears 1148. Question to the Oracle 1149. Question to the Oracle 1150. Christian Prayer 1151. Christian Amulet 1152. Christian Amulet 1153. Letter of Apollonius 1154. Letter of Theon . 1155. Letter of Theonas 1156. Letter of Anubion 1157. Letter of Pathermouthi 1158. Letter of Lucius . 1159. Letter to a Wife . 1160. Letter of Trophimus 1161. Christian Letter . 1162. Letter of Leon . 1163. Letter of Heraclammon 1164. Letter of Theodosius 1165. Letter of Victor . — ; NOTE ON THE METHOD OF PUBLICATION AND LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS The general method followed in this volume is the same as that in Parts I-VII. Of the new literary texts, 1082-3 and 1086-7 are printed in a dual form, a literal transcript being accompanied by a reconstruction in modern style; 1088-9 are given in modern form only. In the others, and in the fragments of extant authors, the originals are reproduced except for division of words, capital initials in proper names, expansion of abbreviations, and supplements of lacunae. Additions or corrections by the same hand as the body of the text are in small thin type, those by a different hand in thick type. Non-literary documents are given in modern form with accentua- resolved additions tion and punctuation. Abbreviations and symbols are ; and corrections are usually incorporated in the text and their occurrence is recorded in the critical apparatus, where also faults of orthography, &c., are corrected if they seemed likely to give rise to any difficulty. Iota adscript has been printed when so written, otherwise iota subscript is employed. Square lacuna, round brackets ) the resolution of a symbol or brackets [ ] indicate a ( in the original, braces abbreviation, angular brackets < ) a mistaken omission letters, double square brackets a deletion in the { } a superfluous letter or [[ ]] original. Dots placed within brackets represent the approximate number of or otherwise letters lost or deleted ; dots outside brackets indicate mutilated illegible letters. Letters with dots underneath them are to be considered doubtful. Heavy Arabic numerals refer to the texts of the Oxyrhynchus papyri in this volume and in Parts I-VII, ordinary numerals to lines, small Roman numerals to columns. The abbreviations used in referring to papyrological publications are practically those adopted in the Archiv fiir Papyvusforschung, viz.
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