• MONDAYS· BLACK & WHITE CHARITIES, INC. HAPPY HOUR ALL DAY/ALL NIGHT PRESENTS: • TUESDAYS· H[ 50c DRAFT/$1.50 WELL VODKA ALL DAY/ALL NIGHT lill • WEDNESDAYS • $1.50 WELL/SPECIAL ON CALL LIQUOR ALL DAY/ALL NIGHT ~ 1(1~~ • THURSDAYS • HAPPY HOUR OPEN-CLOSE PLlJS nNE l:nLnH ~~l~~~~~l~HUG UST G TULSA B·o-K SUMMIT TOWER ~~.~?~"~~ ~.~ """""""~.~.~.~ S 125 DONATION • S 200 PER COUPLE • S 720 TABLE OF 8 EVERY DAY SPECIALS RESfRVATIDNS REQUESTED BY AND ACCEPTED THROUGH AUGUST 1 $1 FROZEN MARGARITAS • 75¢ DRAFT ~~~~IH~~llHUG UST 7 $1.25 SCHNAPPS - -- -- . I UL~A tAIRIiROUND PAVILION BEER BLAST um uun tc ~1~~I~n tt..d.. wkii;e;. -td. f- ·~d h $2 FIRST CUP • 25¢ REFILLS ~d~. hoC-~·. hoC-~ ccot OUJwd • folk- who ~ • ~ tOo MON-SAT 7AM-2AM SUNDAY NOON-2AM BAU TICKETS 825 • 820 WHEN PURCHASm IN ADVANCE SPECiAl RAilS & Ictll't!OOmWS IT THlIDAMS MARKHOTB.·1·800·444·IDAM TICKET PURCHASE & INFO Member Member VISA and Mastercard Accepted Dallas Bar Owners 918·~81·1314 Tavern Association PO. DOX14001' TUlSA.OX 741~9 Guild of Texas II II II II I II I II I: I :I. I I II II II II MIS S I II N 4020 MAPLE AVENUE • DALLAS • (214)522-4814 MR. TEXAS Friday. July 2J. 199J L IO:JO pm L VOLUME 19, NUMBER 18 JULY 9 - JULY 15, 1993 14 MOVIES Claire ofthe Moon Reviewed by Jeff Mackey Starring ••• 18 WHAT A WORLD Gay Pride: You Should Have Been There by Nancy Ford 26 COVER FEATURE ErnieCanfield of Houston photos by Scott Tilley David Pace 35 CURRENT EVENTS Mr Texas All American 1993 A I 43 LETTERSTO THE EDITOR Whitney Paige 49 BACKSTAGE Amanda McBroom Returns to Dallas ThisSunday 51 VIEWPOINT Combating Homophobia in Ourselves and Others by Hugh Callaway Miss Gay Texas 1993 Mg 55 SNAPSHOTS San Antonio Gay Pride Picnic E.J. White 57 STARSCOPE A Break in Planetary Movements Provides Time for Reassessment Mr Gay All American 1993 63 TRIVIA E 67 SPORTS HT. Tournament Results 68 TEXAS NEWS GHHA Votes to Make Way for New Local Agency Emcees ••. 73 TEXAS TEA Hot Summer Happenings Around the State Patti Le Plae Safe R9 82 CLASSIFIED 90 OBITUARIES Miss Gay Metroplex 1993 93 GUIDE Texas Business/Club Directory John Michael Gordon TWT (This Week In Texos)is published by Texos Weekly Times Newspoper Co ..at 3300 Reagan Streetin Dallas, Texes 75219 ad 811Westheimer Mr. Gay All American 1992 In Houston. Texas 77006. <:::l$::linionsexpressed by cdlrnnists ore not necessaily those of TWT or at Its staff. Publlcatlonof the name or photograph I 4 of any person or organization In articles or advertising In TWT is not to be construed as any Indication at the sexual orientation of sold person or organization. SLiJscriptlon rates: $69 per year, $40 per half year. Back Issues available at $2 each, Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1993 by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co. AU rights reserved. Partial or corrolete reproduction of any advertisement. news, Special Guests .•• ( article or feature, copy or photograph frcm TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. Christopher Graham THIS VVEEKIN TEXAS MAGAZINE Mr. Gay Gulf Coast All American 1993 Texas'Leadlng Gay 8<Lesbian Publication Since 1975. Weekly Circulation: 20,000 i PUBLISHER I A DALLAS OFFICE ALAN GelLMAN HOUSTON OFFICE 3300 Reagan Street Lindsy Love EDITOR 811Westheimer. Suite 106 Dallas, Texas 75219 RICHARD HEBERT Houston. Texas 77006 Miss Gay Texas 1980 Dallas Fax (214)520- TWIT COMPTROLLER Houston Fax (713)527-TWIT (214) 521-0622 STEVEMILES (713) 527-9111 N ARTDIRECTORRichard Bong • GRAPHIC ARTISTSSteve Pardue. Chris Patterson ASSISTANTEDITORBob Dineen • SPORTSEDITORBobby Miller • DISTRIBUTIONClifford Plummer CONTRIBUTINGWRITERSHugh Callaway. Nancy Ford. Lydia Godfrey, PhilJohnson. Jeff Mackey. Dan Medina STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERSMike Beck. Groham. Rex Martin, Shawn Northcutt NATIONAL SALESglRECTOR • Steve Miles. (214) 521-0622 • FAX 52C>TWIT Advertising rates are available on request from the salesperson In your nearest City. Auslln - Rex Martin (512) 442-2332 • Dallas/Fort Worth - Steve Miles (214) 521-0622 Houston/Galveston - Steve Nally (713) 527-9111 • San Antonio - Paul Briner (210) 614-1343 CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING. Dallas Bob Dineen • Houston Brian Keever TWT© 1993 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company SHANERUFFPRESIDENT. / CEO / DIRECTOR fOR (ONTESTANT INFORMAnON (ALL (214) 44J-0449 ROYKLAUS/ CO-DIRECTOR 4015 MAPLE AVE. • DALLAS • (114) 5n-WIVE UPTOWN- - - DOWNTOWN- - 3200 BLOCK OF TRAVISAT ELGIN - HOUSTON MAXIMOM STREHGTH STRESS RELIEF. (713)528-6917 I -------., THURSDAY, JULY IS IITALENT NIGHT FINALSII $300 Cash To Winner with Special Guest RECORDING ARTIST SHIRLEY MURDOCK Performing Her Hit ••AS WE LAyl~ and many more! SATURDAYS 75t Well Drinks with No Cover till 10PM 'SUNDAYS "Something Jazz" -live Jazz Band till 10PM ·-~------MONDAYS , "Clubbers Night" - with D.J. Tony Powell FRIDAY RETROMA"IAI 50 CE"T DRAFT s1.75 Well & longnecks till Midnight & HAPPY HOaR PRICES ALL DAY & ALL "IGHTI LIVE MUSIC EVERY WEDNESDAY 3913 Cedar Springs· Dallas· 214.380.3808 FRIDAY Lone Star Male Revue 6pm - 2am SATURDAY R.S.I.C.S.S. MONDAY & TUESDAY Boy Toy Dancers Car Wash lOam - 4pm Strip, Strut and Tantalize Lone Star Male Revue lOpm - 2am 5pm -lam SUNDAY IT'S NOT LIKE ANYPLACE Eight Ball Tourney 5pm WEDNESDAY Male Strip Contest lO:30pm Ribeye Steaks with Baked Potato and Salad Bar 5pm - Bpm THURSDAY ELSE. Lone Star Male Revue 7pm - llpm Classy Lady Video Concert 9pm REVIEWED BV JEFF MACKEV EVERY FRIDAY ... The Number One Party in Houston. Ii'Houston's Biggest After Office Party "Hors d'oeuvres served by Carol 4pm until 7pm Nicole Conn wrote, produced and directed Claire of the Moon, about two women who meet at a writers' retreat. ilce Cold Double Well Drinks in a Tall Glass until lOpm fJRegular Happy Hour Ct4.~e Prices untillOpm ~ced Down/Ice Cold Df 'lae Longneck Beer Bar riSeven Gorgeous Male Dancers from all over Texas dance MtJtJH for Your Viewing Pleasure trudes on her fastidiously chaste world, riTwo Giant Video Walls j ust a couple of months after Hollywood Noel bristles. She spends a lot of time dur- J "discovered" lesbians (in a small way) ing the film doing t-his-:-You see, Noel is a in the mainstream film Three of Hearts, a woman with some hangups. As her neu- small independent film about lesbians (in roses chafe against Claire's attitude, it's a big way) has found its way into local hate at first sight. @ theaters. If this timing doesn't seem re- You see where this is headed, don't 01= markable to you, name the last major re- you? lease to prominently feature lesbian char- But before we can get going, we must acters (Basic Instinct doesn't count). fi rst meet the other women at the retreat, J Since, unlike its bigger-budgeted prede- led by Maggie, a dyed-in-the-flannel dyke. ~ cessor, Nicole Conn's Claire of the Moon These others form an assortment of car- £ icatu res: the housewife-as-part-time is an independent effort, directed by a B woman and featuring a mostly female cast, author, the flaming Southern romance one reasonably expects Claire to be more queen, the New Age space cadet, etc. f honest and compelling, right? Serving primarily as (sometimes needed) Well .... comic relief, these other women are neg- The Claire of the title is a writerof some ligible in terms of the plot, played over- sort. The film begins with a flashback to broadly and without much grounding in an earlier heterosexual encounter in which reality. (For instance, the Southern belle Claire (Trisha Todd) packs up her Jaguar addresses individuals as "y'all"). and heads off to a seaside writers' retreat, Meanwhile, back at Cabin Four, things constantly lighting her brown-and-gold are heating up between our heroines. NEVER A COVER cigarettes and looking pensive. She spends Claire balks at Noel's "shrink" tactics. a lot of time during the film doing this. You Noel decides that Claire is a "cheap, see, Claire is a woman with an attitude. If garden-variety slut" for sleeping with men FRIDAY, JULY 16TH the exotic cigarettes don't clue you in to from the bar in town. The remainder of the Madonna's Back up Singer from Her Blond Ambition Tour this, her grand entrance into Cabin Four film proceeds much in the following man- at the retreat makes this clear. ner: Noel and Claire talk as Claire smokes DONNA DE LORY Enter Noel (Karen Trumbo), author, sex decoratively, Noel talks to Maggie about MCA Recording Artist Video and CD Giveaway therapist and mildly butch lesbian. When her problems, the writers talk about sex- CDs given away hourly from lOpm until 2am Claire, assigned as her cabinmate, in- ual semantics, Claire and Noel talk pro- An Endless Music Promotion PAGE 14 TWT JULY 9 - JULY 15 1993 ~ r vocatively over drinks. Note the common i SUPER SUNDAY SHOW thread. These women talk. At length. On .• No Cover till 12 • 25ft Draft a wide variety of subjects. Admittedly, ~ some of the dialogue is clever, but not all, :) and much of the material is, at best, Ill""T! J tangential to the story. After a while, it SATURDAY, JULY 10TH ! becomes all parry and no thrust. The gen- eral feel is that of mildly interesting din- Theme: JUNGLE PARTY featuring ner party conversation. But I'm not sure I'd J shell out six bucks to attend such a din- ~ ner party. 2 UNLIMITED •LIVE « Claire of the Moon basically boils down "Tribal Dance," "Get Ready For This," to one hundred minutes of foreplay. I "Twilight Zone" and more ... with special guest wanted to really like this film, but even its politics left me cold.
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