Adlumia, 219 Amanita Muscoria

Adlumia, 219 Amanita Muscoria

Index Acetone, 119 Alkaloid, convulsant (cont'd) Acetylcholine (ACh), 36, 74-78, 81-83, 86- tubocurarine, 232-233 90, 117-119, 129, 130, 133-138, Alkaloid, natural, 101-105 144,157,158,163,282 Amanita muscoria, 192 antagonism to curare, 122 toxin,192 binding, 174 Amine alkaloids interaction with d-tubocurarine, 125-126 BOL-148, 251, 253, 255,256,259-261 release, 134-136, 159, 161 ergometrine, 251, 253, 258, 260, 261, structuralformula, 118 276,278 as a transmitter, 158 LSD-25, 251, 254-262, 268-284 Acetylcholinesterase, 107, 121, 159 lysergic acid, 250, 251, 268, 278 Acetyldihydrolysergamine, 253 methylergometrine, 251, 253, 261, 276 Acetyl-j3-methylcholine, 82, 87, 89, 160, methysergide, 251, 254, 259-262, 272, 161, 164 275,276,280,285 ACh, see Acetylcholine Amine, aromatic, 105-107 AChE, see Acetylcholinesterase structural formula, 106 Actomyosin, 80 Amine, biogenic, 7-35 Adenine nucleotide, 37-39 metabolism, 15-19 Adenosine monophosphate (AMP) release, 19-23 cyclic, 266, 267, 275 and reserpine, 7-35 dibutyryl, 266 retention, 19-23 Adenosinetriphosphate (ATP), 37-39 synthesis, 15-19 Adenyl cyclase, 267, 275 uptake, 19-23 Adlumia, 219 Amino acid Adlurnine, 220 basic, 189-191 Agarin, see Muscimol L-a,y- Diaminobutyric acid, 189-190 Agene, see Nitrogen chloride ~-N-methyl-L-a,~-diaminopropionic acid, Agroclavine, 250, 278 191 (-a,~-) Alkaloid, convulsant, 207-248 heterocyclic, 192-195 arecoline, 233-235 neurotoxic, 179-205 benzylpenicillin, 230-232 sulfur-containing, 195-197 biscuculline, 193, 215, 219-223 Amino acid alkaloids, 252 coniine, 233-235 ,),-Arninobutyric acid (GAB A), 36, 137, 195, cunaniol, 235 212,214,217,220-222,225-229, picrotoxinin, 222-230 232, 233 pilocarpine, 233-235 structural formula, 192 strychnine, 137, 208-218 ,),-Aminobutyric acid aminotransferase, 194 297 298 Index 4-Amino-3-hydroxyisoxazoline, see Cyclo­ Belladonna, 157 serine Benadryl, 143 et-Amino-et-(3-hydroxy-5-isoxazolyl)acetic Benzodiazepine, 286 acid, see Ibotenic acid Benzoquinolizine, 26 5-Aminomenthyl-3-hydroxyisoxazole, see Benzpenicillin, 230-232 Muscimol structural formula, 231 Amitriptyline, 29 Betel nut palm, see Areca cathecu AMP, see Adenosine mono phosphate Bicucine, 223 Amphetamine, 23, 24 structural formula, 218 Ampicillin, 231 Bicucine methyl ester, 218, 219, 223 structural formula, 231 Biscuculline, 193, 215, 219-223 AMPT, see et-Methyl-p-tyrosine and -y-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) Anectine, 108 antagonism, 222 Angiotensin, 77 chemistry, 219-220 Anticholinesterase, 133, 167 neuropharmacology, 220-223 Antidepressant, tricyclic, 29 structural formula, 218 Aplysia, 132, 164 Biscuculline diol, 219 Apo-fj-erythroidine, 138 structural formula, 18 Apomorphine, 275 Biscuculline methiodide, 221 Areca cathecu, 234 Biscuculline methochloride, 223 Arecoline, 233-235 structural formula, 18 structural formula, 234 Bis-quaternary compounds, 140-141 Arrow poison bis-carbaminoyl series, 141 curare as, 99-100 polymethylene series, 140-141 Ascaris, 131 Blockade, ganglionic Asclepias syriaca, 63 by nicotine, 77 Astacus armotus, 222 Blood pressure, 255 ATP, see Adenosinetriphospha te BOL, see D-2-Bromolysergic acid diethyl- Atropa belladonna, 157 amide Atropine, 75, 77, 81, 82, 87, 89, 138,143, Botulinum toxin, 75, 159, 160, 163 157-178,233,257,258 Brachioma, 131 action, 158-166 Bradykinin, 76, 77, 261, 262 at a distance, 162 Bretylium, 29, 163 intracellular, 164 structural formula, 27 postsynaptic, 158-159 2-Bromo-et-ergokryptine, 274, 278, 279 presynaptic, 159-163 and breast cancer, 280 binding, 164-165, 172 D-2-Bromolysergic acid diethylamide history, 157 (BOL), 251, 253, 255, 256, poisoning by, 167 259-261, 272-276 as a research tool, 168-175 Brucine, 209 tachyphylaxis, 165-166 action, 215-216 toxicology, 165-167 structural formula, 208 transport, 164-165 et-Bungarotoxin, 110, 121, 175 Atya, 131 Burn-Rand hypothesis, 11 Autoradiography, 144 of curare, 120-122 Caffeine, 40, 80 Baboon, see Papio papio Calabash alkaloids Barlow's model, 141 curarine, 121 Behavior and LSD, 269 toxiferine, 121 Index 299 Calcium, 124 Codeine, 210-211, 216-217 pump, 24 structural formula, 209 storage, 24 Congo red Cambarus cillrkii, 222 and curare, 125 Caprinus atramentarius, 195 Coniine, 233-235 Carbachol, 78, 120, 121 structural formula, 234 Carbamate poisoning, 167 Convulsion, 180, 183, 185,186 Carbamylcholine, 82, 86, 160 C.O.P. Carotid structural formula, 210 body, 83 Coriaria japonica, 225 sinus, 83 Coriaria myrtifolia, 225 Catecholamine, 33, 254, 255 Coriamyrtin, 225, 230 depletion by reserpine, 14-15 structural formula, 224 and ergot, 260-261 Corlumine, 218, 220,223 and hyperglycemia, 265-266 Cortex, cerebral, 276 inhibition by reserpine, 32-33 Corydalis sewerzowi, 219,220 metabolism, 10 Crayfish, 130, 225 see Astacus, Cambarus precursor, 27-28 Cunaniol, 235 release, spontaneous, 22 structural formula, 234 storage, 11 Curare, 80, 99-156 synthesis, 19 acceptor, nonspecific, 113-114 Catechol-o-methyltransferase, 12 acetylcholine release, 134-136 Central nervous system (CNS), 41-42, action, mechanism of, 138-139 83-90 site of, 138-139 and curare, 137-138 Waser's model, 139-140 and ergot, 267-282 adsorption, 113 and nicotine, 83-90 antagonism and acetylcholine, 122 peripheral, see Peripheral nervous system as arrow poison, 99-100 and reserpine, 41-42 Boehm's classification, 101-102 Chemoreceptor calabash curare, 103 of carotid body, 83 and central nervous system, 137-138 Chick pea, 181 chemistry, 101-110 Chinese restaurant syndrome, 189 distrib.ution in body, 113 Chlorisondamine, 33, 38 elimination, 114-115 p-Chlorophenylalanine(PCPA), 270 excretion, 114-115 Chlorpromazine, 163 and histamine release, 112 Choline, 86 history, 100-10 1 Choline phenylether, 90 in motor axon terminals, 133-134 Chondodendron tomentosum, 101,232 as muscle relaxant, 100 alkaloids from, 102-103 in muscle, skeletal, 122-128 Onanserine, 276 natural, 101-105 Qaviceps purpurea, 249 pharmacodynamics, 113-115 Clavine alkaloids pharmacology, 111-112 agroclavine, 250 pot curare, 102 elymoclavine, 250 receptor, cholinergic, 115-122, 130- ergolene, 250 134,136-145 Qibadium sylvestre, 235 postsynaptic, 129-130 CNS, see Central nervous system sources, 101-105 Cobrotoxin, 110 synthetic, 105-11 0 Cocaine, 29 terminology, 10 1 structural formula, 27 toxicity, 111-112 300 Index Curare-like agents, depolarizing, 126-127 Dihydroergostine, 259, 260 Curarine, 101-103, 121 Dihydroergotamine, 77, 254-267 structural formula, 104 Dihydroergotoxine, 256, 276 Cyanoamino acid, 191-192 Dihydro-/3-erythoidine, 76, 78, 89,90,104, /3-aminopropioni trile, 191-192 137,138,233 /3-cyano-L-alanine, 191-192 Diisopropylfluorophosphate(DPF), 121 Cycas circinalis, 191 3,4-Dihydroxymandelic acid, 10, 12 Cycloserine, 194 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine(L-DOP A), 10, structural formula, 192 16,27,270 Cystathionine, 196 1,1-Dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium, 78, 90 L-Cysteic acid, 196 Dimethyl-d-tubocurarine, 121, 138 L-Cysteine, 196 Diphenydramine, 143 structural formula, 195 DMPP, see Dimethylpiperazinium L-Cysteine sulfinic acid, 196 L-DOPA, see 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine Dopamine, 8-10, 27, 253, 270, 274-275, 277,282 DAB, see L-a,),-Diaminobutyric acid cerebral, 168 Dale's effect, 158 Dopamine-/3-hydroxylase, 9, 16, 18, 19, Decamethonium, 77, 80, 107,120,126- 33 128, 144, 145, 173 dTC, see d-Tubocurarine Decarboxylase, L-aromatic amino acid, 8 Duboisia hopwoodii, 63, 71 Delphinium crassifolium, 105 alkaloids from, 105 Demylation of spinal cord, 191 Eclipta alba, 63 Dendrobine, 225, 229 Edrophonium chloride, 124 structural formula, 224 Electrophorus, 129 Dendrobium nobile, 225 Electroplate, 129 Denervation supersensitivity, 73 Electroplax, 171, 174 2-DeoxY-D-glucose, 168 Elymoclavine, 250, 278 Depolarization, 76, 77,127 Emesis blockade, 73 and ergot, 276-277 by nicotine, 80 End-plate potential, 123 Desensitization, 117 e.p.p., see End-plate potential of receptor site, 127 Ephedrine, 75 Desmethylimipramine, 29 Epinephrine, 10, 31, 33, 163, 254, 260, structural formula, 27 261,263,265 DEP, see Diisopropylfluorophosphate uptake, 21 Diaboline, 216 Equisetum, 63 structural formula, 208 Ergocornine, 252,274, 277-280 L«,),-Diaminobutyric acid (DAB), Ergocristine, 252 189-190 Ergoethylergotamine, 263 structural formula, 190 Ergokryptine, 252, 255, 278 L-a,/3-Diaminopropionic acid, 182 Ergolene, 250 in Vicia baikalsensis, 183 Ergometrine, 251, 253, 258, 260, Dibenamine 261,276, 278 binding site, 174 Ergonine, 252 structural formula, 173 Ergoptine, 252 Dicentra cucullaria, 219,220 Ergosine, 252, 255 Dichloroisoprenaline, 265 Ergostine, 252, 259 Digena simplex, 194 Ergot alkaloids, 249-296 Dihydroergocornine, 255-258, 260 chemistry, 250-252 Index 301 Ergot alkaloids (cont'd) L-Glutamic acid (cont'd) pharmacology, 252-282 structural formula, 180 central nervous system, 267-282 toxicity, 186-187 peripheral actions, 253-267 Glutamic acid decarboxylase, 194 on blood pressure, 255-256 Glutamine synthetase, 197 on cardiovascular system, 255-263 Glycine, 208, 228, 229 on intestines, 254-255 and strychnine, 208, 212-215 on nerves, 256-258 Gonadotropin on uterus, 253-254 and ergot, 280-281 poisoning, 282-286 secretion, 280-281 acute, 282-284 "Goosestep" gait of cattle, 191 chronic, 284-285 Guanidine, 124 convulsive, 285 Guanidium, 163 fibrotic, 285 gangrenous, 284 Ergotamine, 252, 255, 256, 259, 261, Harmine, 4, 8 262,264,266,278,281 structural formula, 34 Ergovaline,252 Heart Erythrina, 139 and ergot, 255-263 alkaloids,from, 104, 138 Helix aspersa, 132, 222 Erythro-a-amino-a-(3-oxo-5-isoxazolidinyl)­ Hemicholinium, 160 acetic acid, 194 Hemlock, 234 ,6-Erythroidine,

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