Volume 13 Number 1 www.dmna.ny.gov Serving the New York Army and Air National Guard, Naval Militia, New York Guard and Families FROM THE LEADERSHIP Army and Air NCOs can Learn from Each Other t’s been just over a year since The New York Air National ecuted our civil support mission. I I became your adjutant gen- Guard will also strive to upgrade New York State Military Forces eral and I’m happy to be able to facilities. responded when high waters in report that the New York Army At Gabreski Air National Guard Lake Ontario threatened homes and and Air National Guard — along Base for example, we hope to soon businesses. Our New York Naval with the New York Naval Militia replace a 60 year old building hous- Militia and New York Guard forces and New York Guard — are mov- ing the security forces and commu- played key roles in this flood control ing forward. nications squadron with a new state mission and I am grateful for their The New York Army National of the art facility which will feature a professional contributions to this Guard has had success in recruiting new base fitness center. governor-mandated effort. and retaining Soldiers. Our New Beyond buildings, we’ve seen a In November in Herkimer York Air National Guard has been great improvement in equipment County, Soldiers and Airmen did finding quality Airmen as well. for our force. great work following the Halloween As the adjutant general, my big- I am happy to report the 174th storm that hit the region and caused picture priorities for our force are Attack Wing is flying the latest ver- massive flooding. Maj. Gen. Raymond Shields straightforward: recruit and retain sion of the MQ-9 remotely piloted It is amazing what our Soldiers quality people, upgrade our facili- aircraft, while artillery crews of the and Airmen have accomplished. from the 109th Airlift Wing visited ties, give our Soldiers and Airmen 1st Battalion, 258th Field Artil- Speaking with our fellow citizens Brazil to meet with their counter- great equipment and ensure they lery are now equipped with the who suffered property loss and parts who fly to Brazil’s Antarctica know their basic military tasks. M-777A2 155 millimeter towed those whose homes were destroyed, base. We entertained the chief of In the past year, we moved troops howitzer. These are state of the art they were all upbeat and appreci- operations of the Brazilian army back into the Harlem Armory after weapons systems which make our ated the help and support of our here in New York for a week and we a four-year, $80 million renovation Soldiers and Airmen more effective. National Guard. sent Soldiers to the Brazilian Jungle to bring this historic armory into In the 27th Infantry Brigade The men and women assigned to Warfare School and their Explosive the 21st century and opened a new Combat Team the 152nd Brigade conducting the Citizens Prepared- Ordnance Disposal Course. consolidated maintenance facility at Engineer Battalion, 1st Battalion, ness Corps training on behalf of the This latest partnership is an op- Camp Smith. 69th Infantry and the 2nd Battal- governor have been quietly working portunity to advance the interests of We are also constantly conduct- ion, 108th Infantry all fielded the to help our fellow New Yorkers the United States in South America ing smaller projects on all of our new M-153 Common Remotely prepare for the next storm or power by partnering with the largest South buildings. Operated Weapon Station – or outage. American military, while also I, and other leaders, will push CROWS—which makes their ve- Since 2014 the team has taught offering our Soldiers and Airmen hard for the money to upgrade our hicles more lethal. the course to 191,812 New Yorkers. fantastic training opportunities. older armories. These are historic I made it one of my priorities They have distributed 79,587 basic We continue to offer unique and and beautiful buildings, but they going forward to re-equip the 109th preparedness kits to families which innovative training opportunities were designed for an industrial Airlift Wing — our Scotia-based attended certain training events. to our Soldiers and Airmen. The age Army at the dawn of the 20th LC-130 unit which flies to the South Since 2003 New York has had a 104th Military Police Battalion, century and we are an information Pole and Greenland — with the lat- State Partnership with the South for example, deploy to Poland in age Army in the 21st century. est version of the LC-130 on skies. African National Defence Force. We the spring of 2020 for an Overseas We are working to get the funds The LC-130 “Skibirds” the wing sent Airmen and Soldiers to South Training Deployment in May, while necessary to turn both the Jamaica flies are the largest ski-equipped Africa for events and training and the 204th Engineers will go to Ger- Armory in Queens and Lexington aircraft in the world. This gives our they have sent people here to New many in June. Avenue Armory in Manhattan into Air National Guard an absolutely York. This fall we sent members The 109th Airlift Wing will be buildings that Soldiers can be proud unique capability which is more to participate in the South African teaming up with the 197th Fires of and want to drill in. important than ever. We will work military skills competition. Brigade from the New Hampshire to recapitalize the 109th with LC- Our military-to-military relation- Army National Guard for an exer- 130Js, the ski-equipped version of ship is important to the United cise in Alaska in May. the latest C-130 model. States Africa Command and U.S. We are ok providing forces to Our 173rd Cyber Protection diplomatic relationships with South theater commanders. The 42nd Team, a computer network security Africa. Infantry Division Headquarters will force the New York Army National With the urging of U.S. Southern deploy in 2020 to Central Com- Guard stood up along with elements Command we became one of the mand area of responsibility. Our from the New Jersey Army National few states with two partnerships, Soldiers will play key roles in deter- Guard, was the first in the country inking a deal with Brazil in March. ring aggression in the region from to be validated for their mission. Since then, we have conducted ISIS and other bad actors. We know We have also successfully ex- a number of exchanges. Airmen Commentary Continued, Page 8 Volume 13, Number 1 This Issue’s Highlights: Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, Commander in Chief Faces of the Force Maj. Gen. Raymond Shields, The Adjutant General Eric Durr, Director of Public Affairs 4 New York Welcomes First Female Armor Officer in 101st Cavalry Col. Richard Goldenberg, Public Affairs Officer 5 VA Social Worker Becomes Army Guard's Newest Lieutenant Capt. Jean Kratzer, Command Information Officer 6 State Department Recognizes Excellence in New York Soldier Ryan Campbell, Guard Times Staff 7 2-108th Infantry Soldier Graduates Brazilian Jungle Operations Course About Guard Times Around the State The Guard Times is published quarterly using federal funds authorized under provisions of AR 360-1 and 8 Col. Maureen Murphy Completes 35-year Career with Air Guard AFI 35-101 by the New York State Division of Mili- 9 Military Forces Honor Guard Grants Old Soldier's Final Request tary and Naval Affairs and the New York Army and 10 Young and Old Mark National Guard Birthday in December Air National Guard Public Affairs Office. 11 WWII Veteran of 258th Field Artillery Recognized by France Views which appear in this publication are not neces- The Joint Force sarily those of the Department of Defense, the Army, the Air Force or the National Guard Bureau. 12 CST Proves their Skills in Certification Exercise 13 Soldiers, Airmen Compete in South Africa Military Skills Competition The Guard Times has a circulation of 17,000 and is 14 Homeland Response Force Validates for CBRN Response distributed free to members of the New York State 15 Guard Responds to Herkimer Flooding Military Forces and employees of the Division of 16 New York Welcomes Brazilian Armed Forces Ops Officer for State Partnership Military and Naval Affairs. Army National Guard Submissions Articles, photos and letters are welcome. Please pro- 18 Final Preparations, Family Sendoff for 42nd Infantry Division Headquarters vide article submissions via email saved in Microsoft 20 69th Infantry Soldier is Best in 27th Brigade Word or rich text format (rtf) along with high resolu- 21 Rainbow HQ Staff Learn from History for Upcoming Deployment tion digital (jpg) photos. Submission deadlines are 22 Soldiers Train for New Combat Fitness Test January 15 (winter issue), April 15 (spring issue), July 15 (summer issue), and October 15 (fall issue). Send 23 Army Guard Names Newest State Surgeon your submissions to: 24 Medics Train for Lifesaving Skills with Medevac Crews 25 42nd Division Bloodied in Battle 75 years ago Guard Times DMNA-MNPA Air National Guard 330 Old Niskayuna Road Latham, New York 12110-3514 26 Skibirds Return to South Pole for Summer Season OFFICE (518) 786-4581 FAX (518) 786-4649 27 Guard Firefighters Travel to South Africa for Training or [email protected] 28 139th Aeromed Airmen Home from Deployment 29 Logistics Squadron Airmen Crate & Ship LC-130 Skis Complimentary or Back Issues of the Guard Times are available. Contact us at the address above or visit us New York Guard and Naval Militia on the web for current news, photos or to download prior issues at www.dmna.ny.gov 30 Guard Volunteers Lend Support to Operation Turkey Drop 31 New Skipper for NY Naval Militia New York Army National Guard Sgt.
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