SEIA NEWSLETTER On the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism _______________________________________________________________________________________ Number 185: February 28, 2011 Washington, DC The Resignations of the Heads of the Pope John Paul II, whom I shall have ers who come on history’s stage, make a Maronite and Ukrainian Greek the joy of beatifying on 1 May, called you to difference, and then fade away without Catholic Churches become a member of the College of Car- much fanfare. On March 5, 2011 the dinals on 26 November 1994, in order to Church will honor him for his service as integrate you into deeper communion with Bishop and Patriarch, but, in fact, there are LETTER FROM POPE BENEDICT the universal Church. My venerable Prede- no words to express the gratitude that is due XVI TO HIS BEATITUDE CARDINAL cessor’s arrival in Beirut in 1997, to sign to him. ANASRALLAH PIERRE SFEIR ON THE the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation A Patriarch Sfeir has stood before world OCCASION OF HIS RESIGNATION FROM THE New Hope for Lebanon, once again empha- leaders and powerful interests and proc- OFFICE OF PATRIARCH OF ANTIOCH OF THE sized the bond your country has always had laimed the truth with a disarming love and a MARONITES was made public on February with the Successor of Peter. peaceful spirit that is truly beautiful to be- 26. The full text follows. When I convoked the Extraordinary hold. He is deep down a monk, a simple The year dedicated to the 1,600th an- Synod for the Middle East in September son of Saint Maron. He has spent almost his niversary of St Maron’s death is drawing to 2009, I appointed you President Delegate entire life in the monastery of Bkerke. He a close; a time of grace has been granted to ad honorem in order to stress the value of lives soberly, eats sparingly, maintains a the Maronite Church during this exception- the ecclesial service you have carried out in balance of prayer and work, and attends al Jubilee. It is also the crowning point of Christ’s name. attentively to all that his burden of office your service for the greater glory of God A few days ago, at the end of the Jubi- asks of him. I have seen him get off a plane and for the good of all his faithful. lee, I blessed the statue of St Maron at St from South Africa to New York and after a In his immense love God fashioned Peter’s Basilica and I was able to greet you, 17 hour flight endure a full day of meetings you and impressed upon you an indelible together with the President of the Lebanese with United Nations officials, Lebanese trace of himself, choosing you in particular Republic and numerous bishops and faith- embassy officials and guests, and then lead to serve him. Your free and enthusiastic ful. an evening Lenten prayer service at our response, after the example of the Mother You have chosen to resign from your Cathedral. of God: “let it be to me according to your office as Patriarch of Antioch of the Maro- The Patriarch is a free man who wants word” (Lk 1:38) corresponded to this mys- nites on this very special occasion. I now others to live in freedom. In this way he terious choice. accept your free and magnanimous deci- imitates the free man, Saint Maron, who by Last year you were able to celebrate sion, which is the expression of a great living in the truth of Christ, became the the 60th anniversary of your ordination to humility and deep detachment. I am sure inspiration for a Church as well as a nation. the priesthood: proof of your fidelity and that you will always accompany the Maro- Our Patriarch’s recent pastoral letter on love for Jesus Christ, the Sovereign Priest. nite Church with your prayers, your wise Saint Maron is a treasure chest of inspira- Next July you will have another opportunity advice and your sacrifices. tion for anyone who loves the Maronites, to raise your thanksgiving to the Blessed I ask Almighty God, through the inter- loves Lebanon, and loves that true spiritual Trinity for having served in the episcopate cession of St Maron and of Our Lady of freedom that enables us to love God and for 50 years. Lebanon, to fill you with his blessings. I our fellow man. For almost 25 years you collaborated warmly impart the Apostolic Blessing to With the Maronite Bishops at his side with your two predecessors in the See of you, as well as to the bishops, priests, con- in 2000, Patriarch Sfeir asked the govern- Antioch before being selected by the Synod secrated people and all the faithful of the ment to the east of Lebanon to withdraw on 19 April 1986 to succeed them: an im- Maronite Church and to the beloved Leba- their troops and military personnel from portant event which today places you on the nese Nation. Lebanon and to do so as a friend. He had threshold of your silver jubilee in this of- From the Vatican, 26 February 2011. also called upon the government to the fice. BENEDICTUS P P. XVI south of Lebanon to leave southern Leba- You began your noble ministry as Pa- -- Vatican website non, to honor the dignity and territorial triarch of Antioch of the Maronites during sovereignty of Lebanon. He stood before the nightmare of the war that bathed Leba- ISHOP GREGORY JOHN MANSOUR American Presidents (Bishop Shaheen and non in blood for too long. You have led this OF THE EPARCHY OF SAINT MARON I had the joy to witness this twice) and Church with an ardent desire for peace in BOF BROOKLYN OFFERED THIS urged them to do all they could to resolve your country and have travelled the world PERSONAL REFLECTION ON THE MINISTRY the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which con- in order to comfort your people who were OF PATRIARCH NASRALLAH SFEIR : tinues to cause tragic consequences to the obliged to emigrate. Peace has returned at Maronite Patriarch, Nasrallah Peter entire region. We are still waiting, hoping. last, fragile as always but ever timely. Cardinal Sfeir, is one of those unique lead- He has stood before his own beloved Leba- nese citizens - Sunni, Shiite, Druze and second audio trilogy titled "Society" which has been convoked on the basis of the Christians - and asked that all parties dis- will include audio books: "Society and norms of canon 128, paragraph 3 of the arm and respect Lebanon’s special mission Government," "Society and Business,” "So- Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches . as a refuge for minorities and a pluralistic ciety and Law.” Members of the Synod of Bishops are to society. Some ignore him and some ridicule "According to canon law, the new remain in the place of the Synod until the him. This is his present lot of suffering, for Administrator of the UGCC will be Archbi- elections are confirmed on behalf of the the sake of a Lebanon he believes in and shop of Lviv, Most Rev. Ihor (Voznyak), Holy Father and until a new Head of the loves. Nonetheless, by the grace of God, he until a new Head of the Church is elected. UGCC is officially .proclaimed. suffers well, as throughout history Maronite Within the next two months the Synod of "Today the Synod of Bishops is made Patriarchs before him have suffered well Bishops will meet to elect a new Head of up of 50 bishops from Ukraine as well as and triumphed. the Church. His Beatitude will maintain all from abroad, says Secretary of the Synod of Patriarch Sfeir has two life passions: titles and honors due to his office ,” said the Bishops Most Rev. Bohdan (Dziurakh). the Maronite Church and Lebanon. Each Secretary of the Synod of Bishops, Bishop The Synod is the legislative body of the has become for him a treasure worth living of the Curia, Most Rev. Bohdan (Dzi- Church, consisting exclusively of bishops. and dying for. History will look kindly upon urakh). It determines the internal and external poli- him, as it did other historical figures such His Beatitude became the Head of the cy of the Church, takes care of building up as Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gand- Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church ten years church structures, and makes decisions on hi who both espoused a non-violent, strong ago after the death of his predecessor My- pastoral, ecumenical and educational is- yet loving, militancy, like that of our roslav Ivan (Lubachivskyi). He was the first sues. The Synod of Bishops of the Ukrai- Lord’s, that has confounded the powerful head of the Church to be elected by a spe- nian Greek Catholic Church is usually held with an innate logic of love and a simple cial Synod of Bishops following the emer- once a year," the curial bishop explained. – goodness that has produced amazing spiri- gence of the Church from the underground Press Release, Ukrainian Greek Catholic tual fruits without measure. and the independence of Ukraine. During Church, Feb. 18. Your Eminence and Beatitude, Father the time of his leadership of the Church, and Head of the Maronite Church through- the seat of the Head of the UGCC was re- The Eastern Orthodox Churches out the world, Patriarch and Cardinal Na- turned to Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, from srallah Peter Cardinal Sfeir, thank you for St. George’s Cathedral in Lviv. The Pa- CUMENICAL PATRIARCH BARTHOL - your visionary leadership and your love for triarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of OMEW ON FEBRUARY 17 RECEIVED the Church you serve and the country you Christ and the Patriarchal Center of the ETHE NEW US AMBASSADOR TO love.
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