Stapleton & Cleasby Parish Council Minutes – 2015/16 20 May 2015 – AGM 20 May 2015 1 July 2015 12 August 2015 7 October 2015 4 November 2015 16 December 2015 27 January 2016 9 March 2016 20 April 2016 MINUTES OF STAPLETON & CLEASBY PARISH COUNCIL AGM HELD IN STALETON & CLEASBY VILLAGE HALL ON WEDNESDAY 20TH MAY 2015 AT 7PM. Present: J Blueman, P Crack, C Vigors C Glass C Mitchell, Dist. Cllr C Dawson. K Proudfoot (Clerk) MOP’s J Dodds, I McTrusty. Apologies: County Cllr Heseltine Before the meeting commenced all Councillors signed their declaration of office in front of the Clerk. 1. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN- John Blueman was elected Chair- proposed by C Mitchell seconded by all other Cllrs. 2. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIR- Cllr Mitchell proposed Cllr Glass, Cllr Smith prosed Cllr Vigors. A brief discussion was held & Cllr Vigors withdrew & Cllr Glass accepts & motion carried. 3. DECLARATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE TO BE SIGNED BY NEW CHAIR & ALL CLLRS- Done 4. TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM: CHAIR-See attachment FINANCIAL REPORT- Summary of accounts agreed & proposed by Cllr Smith & seconded by Cllr Vigors. See attachment COUNTY COUNCILLOR HESELTINE- this was read out by the Chair & will be circulated in next circulation file.-See attachment DISTRICT CLLR DAWSON- see attachment 5. TO FIX DATES FOR PC MEETINGS-Wednesday 1st July @7.30PM Wednesday 12TH August @ 7.30pm Wednesday 23rd September @7.30pm Wednesday 4th November @7.30pm. 6. CLOSE OF MEETING. Meeting closed @7.15pm. Minutes approved by Chair………………............Date………… Clerk…………………………. 1 | Page MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF STAPLETON AND CLEASBY PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON WEDNESDAY 20th MAY 2015 IN STAPLETON &CLEASBY VILLAGE HALL. See AGM minutes. 1 Apologies.- County Cllr M Heseltine 2 To meet & discuss any candidates for councillor vacancies. - 2 candidates, Joe Dodds from Cleasby, & Ian McTrusty from Stapleton attended the meeting & gave a short speech re what they felt they could contribute to the PC. Cllr Smith explained she had been approached by another candidate from Cleasby who was unable to attend the meeting, this was discussed & the Chair explained that he and the Clerk would look into the legality of the situation as there had been some confusion. 3 Declaration of Interest by councillors on any of the agenda items below.- None 4 Minutes of the ordinary meeting of the PC held on Wed 8th April 2015 were agreed & signed as a true record – Proposed by C Glass & seconded by C Vigors. 5 Clerks Report- Matters Arising from previous minutes. 5.1 To discuss feedback re defibrillator. - The Clerk explained that she had spoken with Jane Ritchie re the problems as hall is listed & she explained that there were no problems as we had a year to sort permission etc. out. Cllr Glass explained that the hall committee had suggested placing it on the adjacent wall to the village hall as that part not listed. It was agreed that Cllr Glass would liaise with Mr Carter. 5.2 To note situation re goal posts Stapleton VG.-This was again discussed as very difficult situation & the Chair had spoken with the grass cutters who had had to remove the goal three times in order to cut the grass. It was agreed that the Chair visit the resident concerned and the decision be deferred to the next meeting. 5.3 To note response re potholes. - Filled. 5.4 To note if street lights outside Cllr Mitchells property are back on.-Lights still not on Clerk to contact RDC /NYCC again. 5.5 To note situation re finding 2 new Cllrs.- See above 5.6 To note if sign up Wild Duck Lane has been repaired. - Not yet repaired. 5.7 To note if any feedback re Strawgate Grove shrubbery to report.-Clerk had had telephone conversation with resident who said he’d spoken with G Hudson & that he’d misplaced the deeds. 5.8 Dist. Cllr Dawson interjected that this was not the case but that things were in the hands of RDC’s legal team. The Chair had spoken with residents re the shrubbery once it became property of PC & asked if the community would be willing to form a committee to discuss how they would like to see area- they’d agreed to taking the trees out & landscaping the area with rocks & low maintenance planting which they would be prepared to do. 9 | Page 5.9 To note response from Highways re speeding &horse warning signage.-the clerk read out Highways response to the request which was in the negative. This was discussed further & agreed that Chair would order 3 signs to be erected on landowners land. 5. To Consider following planning applications. 5.1 Full planning permission for proposed detached garage, boundary fence, and access and roof window to front of dwelling. Rose cottage, the green Stapleton- Granted. 5.2 Outline application for erection of detached dwelling at Fitzharding House, The Green Cleasby-Circulated & mat obs made re not wanting another access made into wall. 5.3 Millers Cottage Cleasby- Circulated, clerk requested extension and also site visit- date to be discussed for first week in June. This was discussed & the dates agreed were Tues 2nd June, Wed 4th June or Friday 5th June. Clerk to email dates to Ian Nesbitt. 5.4 Ref: 14/00976/FULL- Application for conversion of barn to a training facility Stapleton Manor, Stapleton-No mat obs made. 6. To consider financial matters. 6.1 Balance-£3864.82 bus acc £1342.39 Small project funding Cleasby - £625.66 best kept village monies inc. Stapleton £0. Capital £450- noted. 6.2 To approve accounting statements 2014/15. - Approved & signed 6.3 To approve the annual governance statement.-Approved & signed. 6.4 To approve the asset register 2015.-Approved & signed. 6.5 To approve risk assessment management for 2015- Approved & signed 6.6 To agree & ratify invoice for audit-Carol Dawson-£30- Agreed & ratified. 6.7 To agree & ratify invoice for grass cutting - £230.40-Agreed & ratified 6.8 To agree & ratify invoice for Wyche Elm - £32.99- Agreed & ratified. 6.9 To note receipt of precept (1) -£2000-Noted 7. Cleasby Matters 7.1 Cllr Smith asked that a record of thanks be made to the Clerk for collecting and transporting the Wyche Elm to Cleasby. 7.2 Manor Cottage planning application was raised as after our objections nothing more has been heard, Clerk had contact planning previously re the above but had received no response.-Clerk to contact planning again. 8. Stapleton Matters. 8.1 Stapleton n/b- this is again in poor repair- Chair to have a look at it. 8.2 Complaints have been received from resident re parking on village green- Cllr Glass to have a word with offenders. 8.4 The Chair asked Dist. Cllr Dawson why Highways had spent money on re- surfacing the old Stapleton road when money is short-Dist. Cllr Dawson to make enquiries. 8.5 The question of the crash barrier repairs on Stapleton bank was again raised- Cllr Glass to take a look. 9. Correspondence. 9.1NYCC Old Bank Stapleton carriageway resurfacing works- Circulated by email. 10 | Page 9.2 Monthly Crime Statistics-Circulated. 9.3 Country Air-circulated 9.4 Clerks Direct- circulated 9.5 Letter of thanks from Mr Carter was read out by the Chair. 9.6 Richmondshire Area Committee meeting Wed 27th May at 10am- noted. 10 Other Matters 10.1 To discuss need for website due to new transparency code.-Circulated. This was discussed & Clerk to look further into it. 10.2 Bank mandate signatories – signatures needed from existing signatories to complete. Cllr Glass to take into bank. st 11. To note the date & time of next meeting – Wednesday 1 July @ 7.30pm. Meeting closed at 8.25pm. Minutes approved by Chair……………………………..Date…………………… Clerk…………………… 11 | Page MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF STAPLETON AND CLEASBY PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON WEDNESDAY 1st JULY 2015 IN STAPLETON &CLEASBY VILLAGE HALL @ 7.30PM. Present: J Blueman, C Glass, I Mc Trusty, C Mitchell, J Dodds, J Smith, C Vigors, District Cllr C Dawson, County Cllr M Heseltine, K Proudfoot (Clerk). MOP’s: Mr & Mrs Whitehouse 3 Strawgate Grove, Mr & Mrs Dresser 5 Strawgate Grove, Mr & Mrs Hall 2 Strawgate Grove, Isabel Rooney 9 Strawgate Grove. The Chair invites the MOP’s to speak but they decline as they have sent in 2 letters voicing their concerns and have nothing to add to that. 1 Apologies. - P Crack. 2 Declaration of Interest by councillors on any of the agenda items below.- None. 3 Minutes of the AGM & ordinary meeting of the PC held on Wed 20th May 2015 to be agreed & signed as a true record. –Before the minutes of the last ordinary meeting of the PC are agreed & signed the Chair explained that the above residents disputed the accuracy of the minutes – amendment states that RDC were not sure as to ownership of shrubbery & District Cllr Dawson stated that RDC was still trying to investigate ownership. Mr Dresser spoke and the Chair explained that the public were only allowed to interject at the Chairs discretion which he allowed; re item 5.8 the Chair explained there was a misunderstanding between words that had been used in minutes re speaking to residents and if and when it becomes the property of the PC a full consultation will be carried out with all the residents of Strawgate Grove. The minutes are amended and the minutes were proposed by Cllr J Smith & seconded by Cllr C Vigors and they also proposed and seconded the minutes of the Annual meeting of the PC held on 20th May 2015.
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