ProDOS File Converter For Apple SpeedScripfSpeedScript LehLeh-Wen-Wen YouYau This program speeds uplip conversions the 55.SS.CONVERT CONVERT routine fforor File f1Jl 1513150 DATA 19197,253,208,6,165,257,253,2138,6,165,25 belweenbetween ASCIIASCII ltextexl files and files Converter to ususe.e. ThThenen type in Pro­Pro 0,197,252,24121,31,1770,197,252,240,31, 177 f'i(9 1613160 DATA 250,2131,60,208,6,169250,201,60,208,6,169 compatible with the SpeedScript 3.0 gram 2, the complete new version compatible wilh Ihe 5peed5cript 3.0 gram 2, the complete new version ,13,145,2513,208,4,13,145,250,208,4 word processor, wwhichhich was publishedpllblished ooff the FFileile Converter. OJD3 1713170 DATA 4141,127,145,250,24,16, 127,145,25121,24,16 in theIh e JuneJun e 1985 issue of COMPUTE! of If yoyouu already have the old File old 5,250,105,1,133,2505t2513,113~,1,133,2513 2fIt 1813180 DATA 165,251165,251,105,0,133,25, 105,121,133,25 and is also available in book form Converter on disk, you can save and is also available in book form Converter on disk, you can save 1,2138,213,96,224,1211,20B,213,96,224,0 ((SpeedScript:5peed5cript: The Word Processor sosomeme ttypingyping by mmodifyingodifying it rathratherer D6Di 1913190 DATA 208,251,1613,208,251,160,0,165,25 12J, 165, 25 for Apple PersonalPersonal ComputersComputers,, than eenteringntering PrProgramogram 2. Just ffolol­ 1,197,253,21218,6,1651,197,253,208,6,165 6Jit 212113200 DATA 2513,197,252,2413,237,250,197,252,240,237, COMPUTE! Books). The new converter low these steps: COMPUTE! Books). Th e new converler low these steps: 177,2513,2131,13,208,6177,250,201,13,20B,6 program works on all Apple lIliee and 1. Type in and save Program 11,, ththenen DB 221013 DATA 169,613,145, 169,60,145,250,208,42513 ,2138,4 ,,9,128,145,250,249,128,145,2513,24 HeIIc compulerscomputers wilhwith ProDOS. run it to create the disk file named run it to create the disk file named 7B 22121220 DATA 165,2513,1135,1,133,25165,250,105,1,133,25 55.CONVERT.SS.CONVERT. 13,165,251,1135,13,1330,165,251,105,0,133 At 230 DATA 251,208,213 22.. Delete lines 150 through 118080 A4 2313 DATA 251,21218,213 from the old FFileil olde Converter. ApplApplee SpeedScriplSpeedScript 3.0 (COMPUTE!,(compute!, Program 22:: SpeedScrlptSpeedScript File June 1985) is such a powerful word 3. Delete lines 240 through 260 June 1985) is such a powerful word 3. Delete lines 240 through 260 Converter For ProDOS processor that manmanyy people,people, in­in from the old File ConverterConverter.. E7 1 PRINT 1 CHRSCHR*(4);"BLOAD (4) ; "BLOAD 55.SS.CON CON cluding myself, rely on it heavily 4. Add the following three lines to 4. Add the following three lines to VERT for their word processing needs. I for their word processing needs. I the Converter: 4A 1013 HOME use the ProDOS version because it 525! 2320 OSDt = CHR$CHR* (4(4)) use the ProD05 version because it 1 PRINT CHR$(4)CHR$(4);"BLOAD;"BLOAD 25 41340 PRINT "DO YOU WANT TTO:O:"" handlhandleses larger documents tthanhan the SS.CONVERT" 55.CONVERT" A6 51350 PRINT"PRINT " (1) MAMAKEKE A SPEBPEEDSCEDSC DOS 3.3 veversion.rsion. Written entireentirelyly 150 CACALLLL 768,8768,8192,1-1,1192,L-l,1 RIPT FILE INTO A TEXT in machine language, SpeedScriplSpeedScript is 240 CALL 7768,8192,L-l,068,8192,L-l,0 FILE" AE 612160 PRINT"PRINT " (C2>2) MAKE A TEXT FI efficient and fast. 5. Save the modified Converter on 5. Save the modified Converter on LE INTO A SPEEOSCRIPTSPEEDSCRIPT However, the same cannot be However, the same cannot be thethe same didisksk as the 55.SS.CONVERT CONVERT FILE" said for the "SpeedScript File Con said for the "SpeedScripl File Con­ file.file. 67 70 GET AS:A»:A A :== VAL (A')<A») verter" program,program, which lets you 47 81380 IF A < > >1 AND A < > >2 THE When you run the modified N 70 convert ASCII text files into Speed­Speed- When you run the modified N 70 Converter, it BLOADs the mamachinechine 6545 9390 ON A GOTO 1121121,2121121100,200 SScriptcripl files and vice versa. It's writ­writ 53 1013100 PRPRINT I NT "ENTER SPEEOSCRSPEEDSCRIPT I PT language routine from diskdisk.. It ten in Applesoft BASIC and takes FILE NAME":NAME"! INPUT "":";A*: ";A' woworksrks just the same as the old File old B~89 110 PRINT "ENTER TEXT FILE NA quite a ffewew minutminutes a es to coconvertnvert doc­doc Converter in all ototherher respects.respects. ME TO CREATE": INPUT ":";; uments ooff any substantial ssize.ize. For­For 8$B* tunateltunately,y, it's nnotot difficult to speed ]E7E 12121120 PRINT OS;DS;"BLOAD "BLOAD ";A.;",AS";A*;",A$ up the SpeedScript File Converter For Ininstructionsstructions oonn enteenteringring these lilistings,stings. 2000" up the Sp eedScripl File Converter ppleaselease rreferefer to ""COMPUTEI'sCOMPUTEI's GuGuideide to TTypingyping AA<4 125 L = PEEK (48859) + PEEK ( with the help of a short machine In Programs" in thisthis iissuessue of COMPUTECOMPUTE!.I. 488613)48860) * 256 + 8192S192 languagelanguage routine. ThThee modified File 2818 15121150 CALL 768,8192,L 768,8192,L - 1,1 Converter completes its job within completes Program 1: Speed-Up C'C9 19121190 PRINT D';"CREATED*;"CREATE ";"jB»;",TB';",T Routine Generator For TXT" seconds, no matter how larglargee a doc­doc Routine Generator For FF55 195 PRINT OS;D*;"BSAVE "BSAVE "";B*;",A»;B';",AS ument is. File Converter 201313,E";L2000,E";L - l;",TTXT"1;",TTXT" To see for yyourself,ourself, type in and BlB3 196 END SA8A 101121 FDRFOR I = 768 TO I1 + 145:145: RE 6D4D 21313200 PRINT "ENTER TEXT FILE NA FILE save Program 1 at ththee eendnd of thisthis AD A: POKE I,A: NEXT ME"ME":: INPUT ":";B' ":";B* article. When you run this program,program, 9H4 20 PRPRINTINT CHRSCHR* (4)(4);"BSAVE j "BSAVE SS.C .614 2102113 INPUT INPUT"ENTER SPEEOSCRIPTSPEEDSCRIPT "ENTER it writwriteses the machinmachinee languaglanguagee rou­ ONVERT,AONVERT,A*300,L*92"S3"", LS 92" FILE NAME TO NAMECREATE :"; HEE 30 END END A*A$ tintinee to disk to under ththee filfilenameename 31 101Z1100 DATA 332,2,18183,3 ,0,201,440,201, 44,,2020B,8, 252212125 220 PRINT CHRtCHR* (4);"BLOAO<4>;"BLC)AD ";B 55.SS.CONVERT. CONVERT. (Because Program 1 3,32,190,222,32 S;",A.2000,TTXT"»;",AS2000,TTXT" creates a file named 55.CONVERTSS.CONVERT,, FB 11121110 DATA 11213,221,103,221,32,82,231,1632,82,231 , 16 93 23l?1230 L = PEEK PEEK (48859) + PEEK ( 5,80,133,25121,165,815,80,133,250,165,81 488613)48860) •S 2~6256 + 81920192 you must not use this name for Pro you must not use this name for Pro­ If3F 1213120 DATA 133,251,32,190,222,3133,251, 32, 1913, 222, 3 17 240 CALL 768,8192,L76B,8192,L - 1,131,0 gram 1 ititselfself when yoyouu save it to 2,1133,221,32,82,2312,103,221,32,82,231 U!A 245 IF PEEK (1)(I) ::= 141 THEN PO disk.) You dondon't't nneedeed to run Pro­ ProIfIF 11303 13 DATA 165,813,133,252,165,8165,80,133,252,165,8 KE 1,61211,60 1,133,253,32,1913,2221,133,253,32,190,222 4A1A 295275 PRINT OS;D*5 "BSAVE ";AS;11;A»i",A8 ",AB gram 1 every time you want to use gram 1 every time you want to use fA»A 1412'140 DATA 32,248,23121,224,1,2121832,248,230,224, 1.20B 192,E";L - 1 File Converter, just once to write ,46,1612',13,165,251,46,160,0,165,251 B4 296 END @© June 1986 COMPUTEI 110101 HOTWARE: Software BesBestt SellersSellers SySystemsstems HOTWARE: e i ~ ThThisll I.aItLost E ~ E Month Mo Monthnth TilleTide Publisher Remartc:Remarks. !a. § "8 <C <C :I Entertalnment 8 I 11., l.l. utllmaUltima IV O~ginOrigin Systems, Fantasy gamegam© Inc. • • • 2,2. GalGatoo Spectrum Submarine ssimulationimulation • • • • Holobyte • • • 3, HardHardballball Accolade Baseball game • • 4,4. BardBard's's TTaleale Electronic Arts FantasyFantasy/role-playingjrels-playlng game • • 55., FlFlightlghl SSimulatorimulalor Microsoft AiAircraftrcraft ssimulationimulation • Education 11., 22., MalhMath 81aBlasterlslerl DavidsoDavidsonn Introductory mothmath programprogram,. • • • ages 0.126-12 • 2,2. 1,1. rTypingyplng ruloTutorr 11/III Simon & Schuster TypIngTyping Instructioninstruction program • • • • 3,3. 44. NeNeww IImprovedmp roved Scarborough Typing Ininstructionstruction progprogramram • • • MaMasterTypeslerrype • • 4,4. 33., MuMusicsIc CConstructionons/ruction Set EElectroniclectronic Arts Music composition program • •: • 5,5. HomeHomeworkwork HHelper:elper: MMathath SpSpinnakerinnaker Math tutorial, high school • • • • ~Word'd PProblemsroblems level Home Management l.1. l.1. PrlnlPrint Shop 6r0derbundBraderbund Do-it-yourselfDo-it-yourseif print shop • • • 22., 2,2. The NeNewsroomwsroom SpnngbaardSpringboard Do-it-yourself newspaper • • •: 33., 55., SWSwlftaxlflax Tlmewoo<sTimeworks Tax preparation program • • • 44., 44., PrlnPrintl Shop GraphGraphicsics Br0derbundBroderbund 100 additionaadditionall graphgraphicsics • Library • • • 5,5. PaperbackPop enback WrllerWriter DIDigital g Ital Solutions Word pprocessing rocessin 9 Pprogram fa 9 rom • CopyrlghfCopyright 1986 by BIllboardBillboard PublicationsPublications,, Inc. CompiledComplied by the Billboard R&6orchResearch DeportmentDepartment and rsprlntedreprinted by perrnInIon.permission. Data 0$as Ofof 33/29/86/29/86 (entertalrvnent)(entertainment) and 4A/5/86/ 5/ 86 (education and home management). GREAT PRODUCTS FOR YOUR COMMODORE promenade CC1T" 1, . CAPTURECAPTURE™'· The Eprom Programmer. Thoughtfully designeddesigned,, Take control of your ''6464 or ''128"128·Apple with this easy to use carefully constructed, the promenatfepromenade el'"C1'" is respected cartridgecartridge.
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