Rail Buildings Infrastructure Transport & Environment Project Title Hunsley Primary School Report Title Transport Statement Document Reference: 5217/018/R02 Prepared For JLL Date May 2018 Delta House 175 -177 Borough High Street London SE1 1HR T +44 (0)207 939 9916 F +44 (0)207 939 9909 E [email protected] W www.robertwest.co.uk Consulting Engineers Registered office: 147A High Street, Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, EN8 7AP Registered in Cardiff No: 2901674 Robert West Consulting Limited (trading as Robert West) is a subsidiary of Robert West Group Limited Rail Buildings Infrastructure Transport & Environment Rev Comments Date Author Checked Approved - Issued for comments 03.05.18 LB DH DH Distribution list Rev Purpose of issue Ravinder Bains, Senior Planning Consultant, JLL - For review Hunsley Primary School 5217/018/R02 Transport Statement Page i Rail Buildings Infrastructure Transport & Environment CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2 2.0 POLICY CONTEXT 4 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS AND ACCESSIBILITY 8 4.0 LOCAL HIGHWAY NETWORK 13 5.0 EXISTING USE 18 6.0 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS 21 7.0 TRIP GENERATION 24 8.0 TRANSPORT IMPACTS AND MITIGATION 28 9.0 CONCLUSIONS 31 APPENDICES APPENDIX A – EXISTING SITE APPENDIX B – PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPENDIX C – PUBLIC TRANSPORT ACCESSIBILITY MAP APPENDIX D – PIA DATA APPENDIX E – 2017 PUPIL AND STAFF SURVEYS APPENDIX F – 2017 VIDEO SURVEY ANALYSIS Hunsley Primary School 5217/018/R02 Transport Statement Page 1 Rail Buildings Infrastructure Transport & Environment 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Robert West Consulting were appointed by Jones Lang LaSelle (JLL), on behalf of the Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) in April 2018 to provide transport planning and highways advice in relation to the proposed additional temporary accommodation for Hunsley Primary School, in Melton, HU14 3HS, within East Riding of Yorkshire (ERY). Existing use 1.2 At present, Hunsley Primary School is an operational three form entry (3FE), 90 place primary school aged between four and 11, supported by 11 FTE staff members. The school opened in 2015 in temporary accommodation, located within a former youth centre, situated to the east of South Hunsley Secondary School and Sixth Form. 1.3 An existing site and location plan is included in Appendix A. Planning history 1.4 It is understood that East Riding of Yorkshire Council procured a contractor to undertake infrastructure works for a masterplan development, on the land to the east of Skillings Lane, Brough, comprising of a number of different use-class developments including a primary school (D1) in association with planning ref: 11/04104/STOUTE. The primary school site and associated works can be delivered once the infrastructure works for the wider site are complete. 1.5 In 2015, the ESFA submitted a planning application (ref: 15/00351/PLF) for consent to change the use of the former youth centre (Sui Generis) at East Dale Road to be used as a temporary free school (D1), Hunsley Primary School. In February 2015, a Transport Statement was prepared by Vectos Transport Planning Specialists and was submitted as a part of an application to convert the existing youth club building into a temporary primary school, whilst construction was undertaken for the permanent site on the land to the east of Skillings Lane. 1.6 Delays in the construction of the permeant school site necessitated the expansion of the existing temporary accommodation on the temporary primary school site. In December 2016, JLL, on behalf of the Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) appointed Robert West Consulting Ltd to provide transport planning advice in relation to the proposed additional temporary accommodation at Hunsley Primary School, East Dale Road, HU14 3HS. Proposed development 1.7 Construction of the permanent primary school site (ref:11/04104/STOUTE) has been delayed further and as a consequence of the delays, the permanent site will not be complete and operation for September 2018 as previously planned. Hunsley Primary School 5217/018/R02 Transport Statement Page 2 Rail Buildings Infrastructure Transport & Environment 1.8 The proposal seeks to facilitate the expansion of the temporary on-site accommodation by providing an additional temporary modular teaching block for an eight-week period, to accommodate the planned pupil intake of 120 pupils and 13 FTE staff for September 2018/2019 academic year. 1.9 There is no additional car parking provision proposed as a part of this application and the proposed temporary development plan is included in Appendix B. Scope of work 1.10 This Transport Statement (TS) considers the likely transportation implications of providing an additional temporary teaching block at Hunsley Primary School and has been undertaken in accordance with guidelines set out by the government and relevant local guidelines. 1.11 A School Travel Plan (STP) has been submitted with the 2017 planning application. Report structure 1.12 Following this introduction, the remainder of this TS report is structured as follows: i. Relevant transport planning policy at national, regional and local levels are reviewed in Section 2.0. ii. A review of the existing condition of the site and the wider area, including accessibility by non-car modes are outlined in Section 3.0. iii. A review of the local highway network and road conditions in the surrounding area, including analysis of local accident data, is described in Section 4.0. iv. A review of the existing site in terms of access, parking, servicing/delivery arrangements is presented in Section 5.0. v. The temporary accommodation proposal subject of the planning application is described in Section 6.0. vi. The existing mode of travel and the travel demand projected to be generated as a result of the development is identified in Section 7.0. vii. Identification of the projected trip distribution is presented in Section 8.0. viii. The transport and highways related impacts of the development and the mitigation strategy for the temporary accommodation proposals are outlined in Section 9.0. ix. This report is concluded in Section 10.0. Hunsley Primary School 5217/018/R02 Transport Statement Page 3 Rail Buildings Infrastructure Transport & Environment 2.0 POLICY CONTEXT 2.1 This section considers the relevant transport and planning policy as follows: i. National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (2012). ii. East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Local Plan (ERYC) (2012 - 2029). iii. ERYC, Third Local Transport Plan Strategy (2011). NPPF (2012) 2.2 The NPPF was published by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) in 2012. The NPPF replaces and consolidates a number of Planning Policy Guidance notes (PPGs), Planning Policy Statements (PPSs), Minerals Planning Guidance notes (MPGs), Circulars and Letters to Chief Planning Officers. 2.3 The aim of the NPPF is to make the planning system less complex and more accessible, to protect the environment and to promote sustainable growth. ‘At the heart of the National Planning Policy Framework is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, which should be seen as a golden thread running through both plan-making and decision taking’. 2.4 The NPPF has a set of 12 core planning principles that underpin both plan-making and decision- taking. This includes a principle that should: ‘actively manage the patterns of growth to make the fullest possible use of public transport, walking and cycling, and focus significant development in locations which are or can be made sustainable’. 2.5 Section 4 of the NPPF, covering paragraphs 29 through 41, sets out the government’s guidance on promoting sustainable transport. It recognises that the smarter use of technologies can reduce the need to travel. 2.6 Paragraph 32 states that developments that generate a significant amount of movement should be supported by a Transport Statement or Transport Assessment and should take into account whether: ‘the opportunities for sustainable transport modes have been taken up depending on the nature and location of the site, to reduce the need for major transport infrastructure; Safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved for all people; Hunsley Primary School 5217/018/R02 Transport Statement Page 4 Rail Buildings Infrastructure Transport & Environment Improvements can be undertaken within the transport network that cost effectively limit the significant impacts of the development. Development should only be prevented or refused on transport grounds where residual cumulative impacts of development are severe.’ 2.7 Paragraph 35 states that, where practical, developments should be located and designed to: ‘accommodate the efficient delivery of goods and supplies; give priority to pedestrian and cycle movements, and have access to high quality public transport facilities; create safe and secure layouts which minimise conflicts between traffic and cyclists or pedestrians, avoiding street clutter and where appropriate establishing home zones; incorporate facilities for charging plug-in and other ultra-low emission vehicles; consider the needs of people with disabilities by all modes of transport.’ 2.8 It is recognised that a key tool to delivering sustainable travel, and the principles set out in the NPPF, will be the implementation of Travel Plans. Paragraph 36 states: ‘All developments which generate significant amounts of movements should be required to provide a Travel Plan.’ 2.9 The NPPF does not provide guidance on vehicle or cycle parking; however, it does provide guidance on what local authorities should take into account when setting their local parking standards. This includes: ‘the accessibility of the development; the type, mix and use of development; the availability of and opportunities for public transport; local car ownership levels; an overall need to reduce the use of high-emission vehicles.’ Hunsley Primary School 5217/018/R02 Transport Statement Page 5 Rail Buildings Infrastructure Transport & Environment East Riding of Yorkshire – Local Plan 2012 – 2029 (strategy document) 2.10 The Local Plan was adopted in April 2016 and is devised of the following: a Strategy Document, a Site Allocation Document and Bridlington Town Centre Area Action Plan (AAP).
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