Cambridge University Press 0521852684 - U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis Richard Breitman, Norman J. W. Goda, Timothy Naftali and Robert Wolfe Index More information Index 1939 Neutrality Act. See Neutrality Act of American Jewish Committee, 45 1939 American Jewish Congress, 26, 45 1948 Displaced Persons Act. See Displaced American War Refugee Board, 55 Persons Act Angleton, James, 152, 327, 339 Arajs, Viktor, 95 Abramson, Alexander, 296 Ardeatine Caves massacre, 319, 328-29, 448 Abwehr, 7, 93-103, 107, 123, 138, 378, “Ardent,” code name of Herbert Katzki, 63 387, 446-47 Argentina, 457 opposition to Nazis in, 94, 99-101 Adolf Eichmann in; Josef Mengele in; Martin Acheson, Dean, 427 Bormann allegedly in. See under South America Adenauer, Konrad, 394, 395-98, 405, 455 Army Counterintelligence Corps, United See AFHQ (Allied Forces Headquarters) 326, 328 States. CIC “Artist,” code name, 125 Agh, László, 228, 231-37, 258n43, 453, 455 Artuković, Andrija, 207, 210, 228, 230-31, Agudas Israel, 6 257n17 Aktion Reinhard, 451 Aschner, Leopold, 130 al-Assad, Hafez, 457 ATIS (Allied Translator and Interpreter Albert, Ludwig, 401-2, 405 Section), 448 Alden, S. S., 45 Augsburg, Emil, 382-84, 389, 401, 449, 453 Aldrich, Winthrop W., 188 alias Dr. Alberti, 389, 401 Alexander, Harold, 326-27 Auner, Kurt, 382, 394 Alexander, Robert, 45-47 Auschwitz, 456 Alexander, Stella, 206 bombing of, 444 Allied Declaration of December 17, 1942, Austrian Resistance Movement. See O-5 41n52, 43n86, 45 Avdzej, John, 228-30, 256n11 Allied Forces Headquarters (AFHQ), 326, 328 Allied Translator and Interpreter Section Badoglio, Pietro, 77, 318 (ATIS), 466 Baer, Th omas, 4 Almansi, Dante, 79, 83 Baldiveso, Angel, 428 “Alperg,” code name of Wilhelm Höttl, 269 Balkans Alpine Redoubt, 267-68, 272, 448 intelligence network, “Dogwood,” al-Qaeda, 444 49; “General Agency 13” and Gehlen Altemeyer, Werner, 96-97 Organization, 382 Altmann, Klaus, alias. See Barbie, Klaus Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) Alvarez del Castillo, J. M., 14 and Nazi executions, 24 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521852684 - U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis Richard Breitman, Norman J. W. Goda, Timothy Naftali and Robert Wolfe Index More information 482 U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis bank accounts, of Jews, blocked, 174, 194n6 German Secret Service), 5, 7, 376, 377, 384, banks, and Rückwanderer Mark Scheme 402, 405-6 Chase National Bank, 173, 176-93; Boehrsch, Herbert, 382 Chemical Bank and Trust, 177; J. Henry Boker, John R., Jr., 379-80 Schroder Banking Corporation, 175-76, Bolivia, 457 181; New York Overseas Corporation, Klaus Barbie in. See under South America 174-78, 181, 184; Robert C. Mayer & Bolschwing, Otto Albrecht von, 341, 343-54, Co., 175, 183, 186 344fi g, 365, 382, 384, 394, 399, 452, 454-55 Banzer Suárez, Hugo, 427 Borchers, Hans, 183 Barbie, Klaus, 3, 211, 426-32, 436-37, 449, 457 Bormann, Martin, 419-26, 432, 436 alias Klaus Altmann, 427-28; in Bolivia, Borodajkewycz, Tarias von, 277 426-30; Klaus Barbie and the United States Bossard, Samuel, 386, 387-89, 391 Government (1983), 430 Bradley, Omar, 392 Barcza, Marguerite, 297, 307 Brand-Grosz Mission. See Brand Mission Basett, F. (Captain), 101 Brand, Haynal, 54, 62 Th e Battle for Rome, 77, 79 Brand, Joel, 54, 55, 446 Bauer, Yehuda, 54 Brand mission, 54-57, 447-48 Baun, Hermann, 380-81, 383, 387, 389 Brazil, 458 BDC (Berlin Documents Center), 339, 350 Josef Mengele in. See under South America Becher, Kurt, 57, 130, 448 Britain Beetz, Hildegard, 272 extermination reports and, 445; Kopkow Belzec extermination camp, 450-51 and, 449 “Bendall and Verschoyle” aliases, 215-16 British intelligence, 114, 132, 298, 423 Ben-Veniste, Richard, 4 Anthony Blunt as Soviet spy, 13; “Bendall Berg, Willi, 306 Berle, Adolf, 20 and Verschoyle” aliases, and Pavelić Berlin Document Center (BDC), 339, 350, (Ustaša), 215-16; H. Montgomery Hyde, 452 13; Horst Kopkow, 145-46; MI-5, 13, Bermuda Conference, 45-47 100, 101, 294-95, 299, 303, 423; MI-6, “unconditional surrender” appeal, 47 13, 34-36, 423; MI-14, 36; reports on Bernadotte, Folke, 111-13, 448 concentration camps, 32, 33-34, 36-37; Berry, James, 274 Ultra (German Enigma cipher machine), Best, Werner, 140-41 378-79 BfV (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, Bruce, David, 19, 20 Federal Offi ce for the Protection of the Brunner, Alois, 138, 159-64, 456-57 Constitution), 303, 308, 395 Brunner, Kurt Heinrich, 132 Biddle, Francis, 189, 192 Bruns, Walter, 95, 96-100 Bismarck, Otto von, 397 Bucharest pogrom, 453 BKA (Federal Criminal Police Service), 356-57 Budak, Mile, 208, 210 Blaschke, Rudolf, 123 Bügelsack, George, 75-76 Bloom, Sol, 46-47 Bund, the, 5 Blowback, 328 Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz. See BfV Blunda, George F., 215 Bundesnachrichtensdienst. See BND Blunt, Anthony, 13 Burger, Adolf, 122 BND (Bundesnachrichtensdienst; West Cahill, John D., 192 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521852684 - U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis Richard Breitman, Norman J. W. Goda, Timothy Naftali and Robert Wolfe Index More information Index 483 “Camelia,” code name of Helmuth James von Corps), 7, 61, 102, 153, 211-12, 228, 251-52, Moltke, 52 378, 381, 390, 426 Canaris, Constantin, 94-95 Augsburg and, 449; Adolf Eichmann, 338, Canaris, Wilhelm, 94-96, 99-100, 107 346, 348-49, 352, 360, 363; Károly Ney, Carstenn, Friedrich, 400 275; Klaus Barbie, 426-27, 457; Ludwig Casey, William J., 429-30, 433-34 Albert, 401-2; Hass and, 454; Höfl e and, memoir, 11-12 450-52; misjudgments of, 449-52, 454-55; “Cassia,” code name, Franz Messner, 52 Red Orchestra, 293, 299-303; Wilhelm Catholic Church Höttl, 265, 271-83, 285; Roeder and, 449; “Th e Catholic Episcopate in Croatia,” 207- Vatican and, 456 8; in Croatia, 204-10, 213-20 CIG (Central Intelligence Group), 296, 326, Central Intelligence Agency. See CIA 328-29, 347, 385, 386-88, 453 Central Intelligence Group. See CIG Hoyt S. Vandenberg, director, 385-86, 388 “Cereus,” code name of Archibald Coleman, Cimperman, J. A., 423 50, 53 cipher machine, Enigma. See Ultra Chase National Bank, 173, 176-93, 446 Claire, Daniel, 434-35 Ernest H. Kuhlman, 176; FBI Clark, Th omas C., 425 investigation of, 183-93; Joseph C. Clemens, Hans, 405 Rovensky, 176, 179 code names Chemical Bank and Trust, 177 “Alperg” (Wilhelm Höttl), 269 Chile, 457 “Ardent” (Herbert Katzki), 63 Walter Rauff in. See under South America “Artist” (British informant), 125 Churchill, Winston, 83-84, 468 “Dogwood” (Alfred Schwarz), 49-53 CI (CIA Counter-Intelligence), 152, 338 “Camelia” (Helmuth James von Moltke), 52 “Th e Hunt for ‘Gestapo Mueller,’” 152 “Cassia” (Franz Messner), 52 CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 5, 7, 228- “Cereus” (Archibald Coleman), 50, 53 30, 127, 340-41, 364-65 “Culprit” (ex-Abwehr informant), 102 Klaus Barbie and, 457; Adolf Eichmann, “Dora” (Alexander Rado), 295 337-40; Aleksandras Lileikis, 363-64; “Dottore Fabiano” (Krunoslav Erich Rajakowitsch, 359-63; Eugen Draganović), 217 Dollmann, 317-18, 326-28, 330; Gehlen “Dynamo” (Krunoslav Draganović), 217 Organization, 155, 265, 274, 276, 278-85, “Fidelio” (Walter Huppenkothen), 299-302 375-77, 382-83, 385, 388-402, 404-6, “Fire Tongs” (Gehlen’s Red Orchestra 453; and the Gestapo, 138, 146, 148-49, investigation), 303 151-52, 155-56, 160-61; Leopold von “Flush” (Friedrich Schwend), 126 Mildenstein, 342; misjudgments of, “Franco” (Bruno Francazi), 217 452-57; and Nazi collaborators, 231, 238, “General Agency 13” (SD Balkan 240-41, 246, 249, 252-55; Otto Albrecht network), 382 von Bolschwing, 341, 343, 347-54, “Gerbera” (Teddy Kollek), 58 382, 452; Pullach Operations Base and, 452; “Iris” (Fritz Laufer), 53, 55 Red Orchestra, 296-97, 299, 306-9; Th eodor “Java” (ex-Abwehr informant), 102 Saevecke, 354-59; Skorzeny and, 449; “Kantar” (Jewish Agency), 63 Ustaša, 211-16, 218-20; Wilhelm Höttl, “Lucy” (Rudolf Roessler), 295 265, 274, 276, 278-85 “Montgomery” (Austrian net), 274-78 CIC (United States Army Counterintelligence “Mount Vernon,” (Austrian net), 274-78 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521852684 - U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis Richard Breitman, Norman J. W. Goda, Timothy Naftali and Robert Wolfe Index More information 484 U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis code names (continued ) anti-Communists in U.S., 227-28, 243; “Operation Bernhard,” 121, 125-26, 132, 285 Communistic Attempts to Gain Control over “Operation Reinhard,” 86 American Church Organizations (1952), “Operation Sunrise,” 85 241; Communist Party of Germany “Operation Wool,” 109 (KPD), 301, 390 “Ossie” (Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing), 346 Communists, 453, 455 “Othello” (Manfred Roeder), 298-302 concentration camps, 31-34, 36-37, 64-65, 81, “Rusty” (Gehlen Organization), 381-86, 390 113, 451, 467 “Sascha” (Alexander Abramson), 296 Allies’ knowledge of, 445; of Jasenovać “Sissy” (Rachel Duebendorfer), 295-96 and the Ustaša, 204, 206, 211, 230; “Stock” (Josef W. Rüdiger), 51-52 labor for counterfeit currency, 121-23, “T-4” (“euthanasia” program) 75-76 125-26; Operation Bernhard and, 447; “Taylor” (Christian Schneider), 295 Schellenberg and, 447; Swiss-made “Trillium” Andre Gyorgi (aka Bandi barracks deal, 127-32 Grosz), 53 Conroy, E. E., 192 See “Usage” (Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing), Coordinator of Information. COI Copeland, Miles, 404 352 Correa, Mathias, 189 “Utility” (Reinhard Gehlen), 395 Coughlin, Charles, 183, 186 “Wanda,” 31, 37 counterfeit currency (British and U.S.) “Wendig” (Friedrich Schwend), 125 concentration camp labor, 121-23, 125-36, “West-Wind” (Harster operation), 108 447; RHSA forgery operation, 125. See “Wolf’s Lair” aka Wolfsschanze (Hitler’s fi eld also Operation Bernhard headquarters), 320-23 Counterintelligence Corps. See CIC “Zigzag,” 102 Counter-Intelligence War Room, 94,113, 148-49 “Zipper” (Gehlen Organization), 282, 284, Critchfi eld, James, 349-50, 376, 393, 395-402, 392, 394-401, 405 403fi g, 405, 452 COI (Coordinator of Information), 11, 14, 25 Croatia, 203-20, 455 Oral Intelligence Unit, 21; predecessor to Andrija Artuković, 230-31; mixed marriage OSS, 20-21; Secret intelligence branch, 19 controversy, 209-10.
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