Mycol Progress (2010) 9:17–25 DOI 10.1007/s11557-009-0613-5 ORIGINAL ARTICLE New species and new Chinese records of Bionectriaceae (Hypocreales, Ascomycota) Jing Luo & Wen-Ying Zhuang Received: 7 May 2009 /Accepted: 7 August 2009 /Published online: 27 August 2009 # German Mycological Society and Springer 2009 Abstract Collections of bionectriaceous fungi from differ- soil, and dung, and are widely distributed. In the past, most ent areas of China were examined, in which 3 new species of them were assigned to the genus Nectria including about were encountered. Bionectria intermedia is characterized 1,000 names (http://www.indexfungorum.org/Names/ by smooth perithecia, 2-layered perithecial wall, cylindrical Names.asp). Based on morphological and molecular stud- to clavate asci with an apical ring, ascospore striations ies, Rossman et al. (1999) revised the concept of Nectria- composed of separate warts, and dimorphic conidiophores. ceae and established the family Bionectriaceae typified by Hydropisphaera yunnanensis has hairy ascomata which are Bionectria Speg. The latter comprises species showing a cupulate when dry, clavate asci with a simple apex, and diverse range of phenotypic characters. Both perithecial and spinulose and very narrow ascospores fusiform and cleistothecial species were classified in the Bionectriaceae. constricted at septum. Nectriopsis apiosporae possesses Their ascomata are white, yellow, orange to brown, and do laterally pinched perithecia when dry, 1-layered perithecial not change color in KOH and lactic acid. They are wall, rough perithecial surface, clavate asci with a simple superficial or immersed in the substratum and their ascomatal apex, spinulose ascospores with 3 septa, and on Apiospora walls are 1- to 3-layered. Their asci are cylindrical to clavate sp. Four species, Bionectria epichloë, B. kowhaii, B. with or without apical ring. Ascospores of these fungi are subquaternata and Hydropisphaera suffulta, are reported non- to multi-septate with smooth, spinulose, warted to as new to China. striate surface. A total of 271 species belonging to 33 teleomorphic genera are accepted in the family, including 28 Keywords Bionectria . Clonostachys . Hydropisphaera . perithecial genera and 5 cleistothecial ones (Rossman et al. Morphology. Nectriopsis . Taxonomy 1999; Schroers et al. 1999; Rossman 2000;Etayo2002; Döbbeler 2004). Connected with these teleomorphs, Acremonium Link, Clonostachys Corda, Didymostilbe Introduction Henn., Gliocladium-like, Gracilistilbella Seifert, Kutilakesa Subram., Myrothecium-like, Rhopalocladium Schroers, Nectrioid fungi are important as decomposers of plant Stilbella-like and Verticillium-like are recorded as their debris, pathogens of plants, insects, and human beings, anamorphs (Rossman 2000). biological control agents, and producers of enzymes, Nectriopsis uredinophila (Syd.) W.Y. Zhuang & X.M. mycotoxins, and food (Rossman 1996). As parasitic or Zhang (as Calonectria uredinophila), the first record of the saprobic organisms, they occur on plants, animals, lichens, bionectriaceous fungi from China, was described by Sydow (1929). Succeeded by Teng’s studies on the group in China, 5 species belonging to 3 genera were added up to the 1960s : J. Luo W.-Y. Zhuang (*) (Teng 1934, 1935, 1936, 1963). After a long break, 2 Key Laboratory of Systematic Mycology and Lichenology species in 2 genera were discovered from Taiwan (Wang et Laboratory, Institute of Microbiology, al. 1999), and 10 species in 6 genera were further found Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, People’s Republic of China from Hong Kong (Fröhlich and Hyde 2000; Lu et al. 2000). e-mail: [email protected] Upon publication of their monographic treatments of three 18 Mycol Progress (2010) 9:17–25 families in the Hypocreales by Rossman et al. (1999), it has One of the newly discovered teleomorphs was con- become possible to re-evaluate the taxonomic problems of firmed by molecular sequencing. DNA was extracted the group in China. The related specimens on deposit in the from mycelium grown on PDA for 1–2weeks(Wang Mycological Herbarium, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese and Zhuang 2004). Sequences of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 of Academy of Sciences (HMAS), were re-examined, newly the nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) and the partial β- collected materials were studied, and our knowledge of tubulin gene were amplified and sequenced according to Bionectriaceae from China has been updated since 2000. protocols (Schroers et al. 2008). The sequences were Living cultures have been obtained, which makes it aligned with those of related species from GenBank possible to explore the teleomorph–anamorph connec- (Table 1), and the alignment was adjusted where necessary tions, as well as to aid taxonomy of the group by DNA by ClustalX V.1.8 (Thompson et al. 1997) and BioEdit sequence data. A total of 35 species belonging to 11 V.7.0.5 (H all 1999). A phylogenetic tree was calculated genera, including Bionectria, Halonectria E.B.G. Jones, with MEGA 4 (Tamura et al. 2007) by using the neighbor- Hydropisphaera Dumort, Ijuhya Starbäck, Kallichroma joining method and adopting Kimura 2 as nucleotide Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Nectriopsis Maire, Ochronec- substitution model. Hydropisphaera erubescens and Iju- tria Rossman & Samuels, Protocreopsis Y. Doi, Roume- hya paraparilis were chosen as outgroup. Branch support gueriella Speg., Selinia P. Karst., and Stilbocrea Pat., have was tested by using a bootstrap analysis on 1,000 been reported up to the present (Wang et al. 1999; resampled datasets. Fröhlich and Hyde 2000;Luetal.2000;Zhuang2000; Zhuang and Zhang 2002; Zhang and Zhuang 2003a, b, c; Taylor and Hyde 2003; Nong and Zhuang 2005;Luoand Results Zhuang 2007;Zhuangetal.2007). Bionectriaceous fungi have been found in 12 provinces and regions of tropical, New species subtropical and temperate areas of China. Bionectria byssicola (Berk. & Broome) Schroers & Samuels and Bionectria intermedia J. Luo & W.Y. Zhuang, sp. nov. Bionectria ochroleuca (Schwein.) Schroers & Samuels are (Figs. 1a, 2a–k, 3a and 4) common species. In our recent examinations of the bionectriaceous Holotype China, Hubei, Shennongjia, on rotten twig, X.M. collections from Beijing, Guangdong, Hubei, Fujian, and Zhang and Y.Z. Wang, Z135, 15.9.2003, HMAS 183127, Yunnan provinces, 3 new species, Bionectria intermedia, ex type culture HMAS 173256. Hydropisphaera yunnanensis, and Nectriopsis apiosporae, are described; and 4 new Chinese records belonging to Etymology The specific epithet refers to its correlated Bionectria and Hydropisphaera are reported. anamorph. Peritheciis globosis vel subglobosis, papillatis, 275–330µm Materials and methods diam.; ascis cylindricis vel clavatis, 8-sporis, 65–87×5–8µm; ascosporis ellipsoideis, uniseptatis, 12–18.6×3–4.6µm. The taxonomic concepts and methods used by Rossman et al. (1999) and Schroers (2001) are adopted. Characters of Ascomata on well-developed stroma, perithecial, gregarious anamorphs, including features of colonies, conidiophores up to 30 in a group, superficial, globose to subglobose, and conidia,, are recorded from cultures on potato dextrose 300–360µm high, 275–330µm diam., collapsing laterally agar (PDA; Gams et al. 1998) and corn meal agar (CMD; or apically when dry, pale yellow to pale orange when fresh Gams et al. 1998) media in 7–21 days, and color names of and yellowish when dry, not changing color in 3% KOH or colonies follow Ridgway’s nomenclature (Ridgway 1912). in lactic acid, surface smooth. Ascomatal wall 30–44µm Water was used as mounting fluid for microscopic thick, of two layers; outer layer 17–30µm thick, cells examinations and measurements, and photographs were angular, 8–22×5.5–16.5µm, cell wall 0.5–1µm thick; inner taken from water or cotton blue (Stevens 1981) mounts. layer 8–18µm thick, cells flattened, 8–18×2.5–6.5µm, cell Except for noted numbers, continuous measurements of wall 0.5–1µm thick. Asci cylindrical to clavate, 8-spored, each structure are based on 30 units. The specimens with an apical ring, 65–87×5–8(−9.5) µm (n=50). Asco- examined are deposited in the Mycological Herbarium, spores ellipsoid, uniseptate, not constricted at septum, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences hyaline, with striations composed of warts, 1–2-seriate, (HMAS), and cultures are kept in the Key Laboratory of (11−)12–18.6×3–4.6µm (n=50). Systematic Mycology and Lichenology, Institute of Micro- biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Anamorph Clonostachys intermedia Schroers. Mycol Progress (2010) 9:17–25 19 Table 1 Materials used in phylogenetic study Species ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 β-tubulin Collection no. GenBank no. Collection no. GenBank. no. Bionectria apocyni (Peck) Schroers & Samuels CBS 130.87 AF210688 CBS 189.61 AF358168 B. aureofulvella Schroers & Samuels CBS 195.93 AF358226 CBS 195.93 AF358181 B. grammicospora (Ferd. & Winge) Schroers & Samuels CBS 209.93 AF210678 CBS 209.93 AF358206 B. grammicosporopsis (Samuels) Schroers & Samuels CBS 115.67 AF210679 CBS 115.67 AF358204 B. levigata Schroers CBS 948.97 AF210680 CBS 948.97 AF358196 B. lucifer (Samuels) Schroers & Samuels CBS 100008 AF210683 CBS 100008 AF358208 B. pseudostriata Schroers CBS 119.87 AF358251 CBS 119.87 AF358183 B. rossmaniae Schroers CBS 210.93 AF358227 CBS 210.93 AF358213 B. samuelsii Schroers CBS 699.97 AF358236 CBS 699.97 AF358190 B. solani (Reinke & Berthold) Schroers CBS 101926 AF358230 CBS 101926 AF358179 B. sporodochialis Schroers CBS 101921 AF210685 CBS 101921 AF358149 B. intermedia J. Luo & W.Y. Zhuang HMAS 183127 FJ949573
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