Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00336-1 - The Cambridge History of: American Poetry Edited by Alfred Bendixen and Stephen Burt Index More information Index “A” (Zukofsky), 736–37 , 742–43 Asian American poetry as, 987–88 “ABC” (Justice), 809–11 “benefi t” readings, 1137–138 abolitionism. See also slavery multilingual poetry and, 1133–134 in African American poetry, 293–95 , 324 Adam, Helen, 823–24 in Longfellow’s poetry, 241–42 , 249–52 Adams, Charles Follen, 468 in mid-nineteenth-century poetry, Adams, Charles Frances, 468 290–95 Adams, John, 140 , 148–49 in Whittier’s poetry, 261–67 Adams, L é onie, 645 , 1012–1013 in women’s poetry, 185–86 , 290–95 Adcock, Betty, 811–13 , 814 Abraham Lincoln: An Horatian Ode “Address to James Oglethorpe, An” (Stoddard), 405 (Kirkpatrick), 122–23 Abrams, M. H., 1003–1004 , 1098 “Address to Miss Phillis Wheatley, academic verse Ethiopian Poetess, Who Came literary canon and, 2 from Africa at Eight Year of Age, southern poetry and infl uence of, 795–96 and Soon Became Acquainted with Academy for Negro Youth (Baltimore), the Gospel of Jesus Christ, An” 293–95 (Hammon), 138–39 “Academy in Peril: William Carlos “Adieu to Norman, Bonjour to Joan and Williams Meets the MLA, The” Jean-Paul” (O’Hara), 858–60 (Bernstein), 571–72 Admirable Crichton, The (Barrie), Academy of American Poets, 856–64 , 790–91 1135–136 Admonitions (Spicer), 836–37 Bishop’s fellowship from, 775 Adoff , Arnold, 1118 prize to Moss by, 1032 “Adonais” (Shelley), 88–90 Acadians, poetry about, 37–38 , 241–42 , Adorno, Theodor, 863 , 1042–1043 252–54 , 264–65 Adulateur, The (Warren), 134–35 Accent (television show), 1113–115 Adventure (Bryher), 613–14 “Accountability” (Dunbar), 394 Adventures of Daniel Boone, The (Bryan), Ackerman, Diane, 932–33 157–58 Á coma people, in Spanish epic Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Twain), poetry, 49–50 183–86 Active Anthology (Pound), 679 funeral elegy ridiculed in, 102–04 activist poetry. See also politics, poetry and ; racism in, 450–52 social movements women’s poetry ridiculed in, 456–57 1197 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00336-1 - The Cambridge History of: American Poetry Edited by Alfred Bendixen and Stephen Burt Index More information Index Advertisements for the Experienced Planters of Lanier’s exclusion of, 386–89 New-England (Smith), 111–12 “African Elegy, An” (Duncan), 877–78 “Advice to a Raven in Russia” (Barlow), African poetry 156–57 Hughes and, 712 , 713 , 719–20 Advice to the Privileged Orders of Europe Mackey’s poetry and, 1070–1071 (Barlow), 156–57 Mullen’s poetry and, 1071–1073 “Aeneas at Washington” (Tate), 798–99 Wright’s poetry and, 1061–1063 Aeneid (Virgil), 47 , 49–50 , 155–56 African Treasury (Hughes), 719–20 African American poetry. See also race and Afrika Singt (Hughes), 709 racism ; slavery ; specifi c poets Afro-Latino poetry, 975–76 abolitionism and, 307–08 “After Apple-Picking” (Frost), 524 , 534 absence in colonial South of, 109–10 “After Dark” (Rich), 883 Beat Movement and, 831–33 “After-Dinner Poem, An” (Holmes), 270–71 Black Arts Movement and, 701 “after kent state” (Clifton), 1065–1066 Brooks’s infl uence in, 1049–1050 After Lorca (Spicer), 834–38 Cave Canem retreat for, 1153 After Strange Gods (Eliot), 555–56 children’s poetry, 438–42 , 1118 “After the Supper and Talk” (Whitman), in Civil War, 318–19 354–55 contemporary poetics in, 1048–1073 “After the Teacups” (Warren), 799–800 Crisis magazine and, 508–11 “After Twenty Years” (Taylor), 815 cultural legacy of, 468 After We Lost Our Way (Mura), 987 current trends in, 6–7 “Afterword for the American Reader” dialect poetry, 462–64 , 703 (Davie), 940–44 early modernist poetry, 506–07 “Afterword: On ‘Confessional’ Poetry” elegies for Lincoln and, 316–18 (Bidart), 1016–1017 freeborn poets, 293–95 “Again, dawn” (Eigner), 695–96 in Harlem Renaissance, 636 , 645 , 701–23 “Again for Hephaistos, the Last Time” historical background, 1048–1049 (Auden), 908–09 Hughes’s legacy in, 701–23 Agee, James, 731–32 in literary canon, 2 Age of Auden, 4–6 Moss and, 1031–1038 , 1045 Age of Lowell, 4–6 in newspapers and magazines, 300 Ages, The (Bryant), 172–73 , 174–75 nonblack poetry and, 8 , 712 Agrarians, 800–01 , 817 racialized collectives of, 701 Ag ü eros, Jack, 968–69 in Reconstruction era, 390–94 Ai, 1033 , 1048–1049 by slaves, 136–39 , 292–93 Aiiieeeee! anthology, 979–83 , 986–87 social movements and, 290–95 Aiken, Conrad, 562–63 southern poetry by, 795–96 , 814–18 Ainslee’s Magazine , 420–21 in twentieth century, 4–6 Aion magazine, 988 Wheatley’s infl uence on, 136–39 Akers, Elizabeth, 1105–106 women poets in, 136–39 , 293–95 , 636 , 645 , “Alabanza: In Praise of the Local 100” 1049–1050 , 1056–1057 (Espada), 970–71 African Americans. See also race and Alamo and Other Verses (Gray), 468 racism ; slavery Alarc ó n, Francisco X., 964–65 , 1131 , 1136 , as Civil War soldiers, 315 , 396 , 503–04 1138–139 Dunbar on music of, 398–400 Albany Evening Journal , 192–94 1198 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00336-1 - The Cambridge History of: American Poetry Edited by Alfred Bendixen and Stephen Burt Index More information Index Alberti, Rafael, 809–11 , 1052 America Is in the Heart (Bulosan), 985 “Alchemist, The” (Bogan), 642–43 American Academy of Arts and Letters, Alcott, Bronson, 183–86 , 270–71 484–85 Alcott, Louisa May, 372–73 “American Aloe on Exhibition, The” Alden, John, 98–101 (Melville), 417–18 Aldington, Richard, 672 An American Anthology 1787–1900 (Stedman), Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 404–10 406–08 , 498 anti-immigration poetry of, 414 A Maze Me: Poems for Girls (Nye), 1118 dialect poetry scorned by, 409–10 American Copyright League, 274–75 Alexander, Elizabeth, 438–42 , 1048–1049 , American Federationist magazine, 482 1066–1067 American Federation of Labor, 481 Alexander, Meena, 998–99 American Hybrid (St. John and Swensen), Alfred A. Knopf publishers. See Knopf 1021–1023 (Alfred A.) publishers American Independence (Freneau), 143–44 Algar í n, Miguel, 967–68 American Indian Poetry (Cronyn), 32–33 Ali, Agha Shahid, 992 Americanisms (DeVere), 431–34 Ali, Kazim, 999 American Letters & Commentary journal, Alice in Wonderland (Carroll), 798–99 1035–1036 All Aboard (internment camp publication), American Literary Anthology (Plimpton), 878 985–86 American Magazine , 116 , 123–25 , 508–11 Allen, Donald, 571–72 , 824 , 829 , 844–45 , American Poems (Smith), 139–42 870–71 , 1108–109 , 1145 “American Portrait: Old Style” (Warren), Allen, Hervey, 223 806–07 Allen, Paula Gunn, 38–39 American pragmatism, 803–06 Allerton, Ellen P., 448–49 American Revolution Allman, John, 933 Freneau as poet of, 143–44 Allston, Washington, 163–66 , 178 poetic circle in era of, 133–42 “All the Dead Dears” (Plath), 1008–1009 poetry in time of, 3–4 , 129–49 All the King’s Men (Warren), 801–02 , 803–06 “American Scholar, The” (Emerson), 270 , Almagro, Diego de, 47–51 1097–1098 “Alnwick Castle” (Halleck), 169–71 American Sign Language (ASL), 9 Alsop, George, 113–14 American Writers Against the Vietnam Altieri, Charles, 542–56 , 880–81 , 989–90 , War, 886 1027–1028 America’s First Hamlet (Overmyer), 176 Alurista (Alberto Baltazar Urista Heredia), Ames, William, 96 , 99–100 961–62 , 966 , 1123–124 , 1133–134 Amherst Academy, 362–64 Alvarez, Al, 1006–1007 Amirthanayagam, Indran, 992 Alvarez, Julia, 975–76 Ammons, A. R., 6 , 536–37 , 894 , 895 , 1154–155 “Amaranth and Moly” (Clampitt), science and poetry of, 917–27 1083–1085 “Am/Trak” (Baraka), 1064–1065 America (Martin), 133 , 143–44 Analysis of Innoculation (Kirkpatrick), 122–23 “America” (Simpson), 307–08 anaphoric phrasing, in Romantic “America” (Whitman), 330–31 poetry, 225 “America, Heroica” (Loy), 598–99 “Anarchiad, The” (Humphreys), 147 “America * A Miracle” (Loy), 584 , 598–99 Anderson, Jon, 938–39 America Delivered (Tucker), 146 Anderson, Karen Leona, 933 1199 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00336-1 - The Cambridge History of: American Poetry Edited by Alfred Bendixen and Stephen Burt Index More information Index Anderson, Margaret, 508–11 , 605–06 Apess, William, 34–35 Andre (Dunlap), 186 Apex of the M magazine, 1153 Andrews, Bruce, 865–66 , 1028–1030 “Aphorisms on Futurism” (Loy), 584 , Andrew the Lion Farmer (Hall), 1107–108 587–89 And the Stars Were Shining (Ashbery), 861 apocalyptic imagery, Poe’s use of, 217–18 , “Andy-Diana DNA Letter” (Weiman), 223 , 225 , 232–33 928–29 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 844–46 , 1108–109 “Angel and the Nightingale, The” (Allston), Apologia (Sepulveda), 45–47 163–65 “Apology of Genius” (Loy), 592–93 , 596 Angel in the House (Patmore), 361–62 Apparatus (Cha), 995–96 Angelou, Maya, 8 , 1136 “Appeal for Suff ering Genius, The” (Bryan), “Angelus, The” (Markham), 483 157–58 “Anglo-Mongrels and the Rose” (Loy), 584 , “Appeal to the American People, An” 587–89 , 593–97 (Harper), 390–94 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle , 635 Appleton, Nathanael, 96–98 Anglo-Saxon poetry, southern poets’ Appleton Readers, 1105 reverence for, 387–88 “April” (Field), 465–68 “Annabel Lee” (Poe), 183 , 188 , 232–33 , 234–36 April Galleons (Ashbery), 861 Annie Allen (Brooks), 716 “Arachne” (Cooke), 416–17 Annotated Cat, The (Nel), 1110 Aragon, Louis, 712 another time in fragments (Eigner), 695–96 “Arapaho Verse” (Whiteshirt), 27–28 Antaeus journal, 1146 , 1153 , 1157–159 Ararat (Gl ü ck), 1019–1020 antebellum literary culture Ara vos Prec (Eliot), 547–48 children’s poetry in, 425–26 Archambeau,
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