War Office Weekly Casualty List PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. Weekly List No. 36.] TUESDAY, APRIL 9th, 1918. This number contains the six Daily Lists from that dated March 28th (No. 5528) to that dated April 6th (No. 5533)- These Daiiy Joists nave not been moaitied since their original compilation (on the dates named) to cover other casualties to the soldier reported later. Such later casualties will be found in a later list in this or a subsequent number. In the lists of Warrant Officers, Non-commissioned Officers and Men, the town shown against each Soldier’s name is the home of his next-of-kin, except where followed by the abbreviation “ Enlt.” when it is his place of enlistment. Daily List of March 28th (No. 5528) in Fifteen Parts. PART I. PART II. OFFICERS (Contd.). PART VII. OFFICERS (Contd.). OFFICERS MISSING. OVERSEAS MILITARY FORCES OF CANADA. Francis, Sec. Lt. W. G., R.F.C. ROYAL NAVAL DIVISION. Fessenden, Lt. C. V., Cent.Ont. Pitblado, Lt. C. B., Que.Regt. Regt. Thorn, Lt. J. C., B.C.Regt. WOUNDED. Previously rejiorTed wounded, now re-ported not wounded. McCuaig, Maj. D. R., D.S.O., Appleton, Act. Lt. W. H., McEwan, Surgeon T. D., M.B., Joyce, Lt. V., M.C., Dorset.R., attd. M.G.C. Que.Regt. R.N.V.R. R.N.V.R. Birch, Sub.-Lt. H. C., R.N.V.R. Potts, Act. Lt. W., R.N.V.R. Diamond, Sub.-Lt. A. L., Valentine, Sub.-Lt. A. McK., PART III. R.N.V.R. R.N.V.R Hill, Sub.-Lt. N. F., R.N.V.R. Winn, Sub.-Lt. A. V.. R.N.V.R. OFFICERS. Kellow, Sub.-Lt. E. P., R.N.V.R. NURSING SERVICE. ROYAL NAVAL DIVISION. KILLED. Ranks for the Royal Naval Division Able Seamen in Royal Andrews, Sister E., A.R.R.C., T.F.N.S. ; Naval Volunteer Reserve, and Privat n Royal Marines and Royal Marine Light Infantry, except ere otherwise shown. WOUNDED. Maxey, Sister K., T.F.N.S. PART IV. WOUNDED. OFFICERS. ROYAL NAVAL VOLUNTEER RESERVE.—Baird CZ/^oo D. Gibson, Lt. H. O. S., Lond.R. AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE. (Dundee); Batterby LZ/4285 H. (Wells, Norfolk); Berry LZ/4651 W. D. (Clapham Junction, S.W.); Bew R/3959 A. (Pontypridd); KILLED. Billing LZ/3964 W. (Willesden, N.W.); Binnie CZ/2972 R. C. (Fal- iously reported missing, believed killed, kirk); Craig R/2099 A. (Dundee); Campbell CZ/5780 W. (Mother- KILLED. Clemenger, Lt. W. P., Aus .Inf. Webber, Capt. H., Aust.Inf. well); Donald CZ/1745 L.Sea. A. (Stonehaven); Duffy KW/162 A.B.(H.G.) O. (Sligo); Evans TZ/8317 J. (Hetton-Ie-Hole); Foster Da\ es. Sec. Lt. H. H., S.Wales Bord. Previously reported missing, now reported TZ/1023 W. S. (Backworth); Gibson TZ/1295 P.Off. R. S. (New- KILLED. biggin-by-Sea); Gibson TZ/1304 A.B.(H.G.) W. R. (Newbiggin- Previously reported missing, now reported Blackley, Lt. T. A., Aust.Inf. by-Sea); Green CZ/3860 W. (Paisley); Hammond R/2384 E. H. KILLED. (West Green, N.); High TZ/4412 T. H. (Seaton Delaval); Hill KP/231 R. (Chesterfield); Holbrook R/476 R. S. A. (Bristol); Jack- Barbour, Sec. Lt. H. D., R.F.C. Marshall, Sec. Lt. L., R.F.C. WOUNDED. son TZ/6489 J. W. (Sheffield); John.stone CZ/i498 R. (Belfast); Bradley, Sec .Lt. G. P., R.F.C. Powell, Sec. Lt. E. W„ R.F.C. Bate, Lt. J. H., Aust.Eng. Hendley, Lt. P., M.C.,Aust.Arty. Joyce KX/103 T. (Tyne flock); Keighley TZ/8242 F. (Keighley); Casswell, Ca.pt. E. D. S., Rif. Smith, Sec. Lt. W. S„ W.Yorks. Byrne, Lt. J. S., Aust.Inf. Hornby, Capt. L. L., Aust.Ii\f. Kennedy TZ/274 W. H. (Leigh); Kitchen R/1093 E. (Birming- Brig., attd. R.F.C. R., attd. R.F.C. Forward, Lt. E J., Aust.Inf. McConnell, Lt. S., Aust.Eng. ham); Laird CZ/4725 J. B. (Clydebank); Long R/1065 F. W. Gloster, Lt. F. B„ A.S.C., attd. Stockhausen, Lt. I. L., Brit.W. Gower, Lt. H. R., Austlnf. Meek, Lt. D. V., Aust.Inf. (Minehead); Longhorn R/5747 H. (Middlesbrough); McGill R/2247 R.F.C. Indies R., attd. R.F.C. Green, Lt. C. F., Aust.Inf. Warneminde, Lt. C. J., Aust.Inf. Howard, Sec. Lt. E. D., K.O. WUkin, Sec. Lt. W. W., North’d Halford, Lt. S., Aust.Eng. Wilson, Lt. W. G., Aust.Inf. (R.Lanc.R.) ; Morland TZ/7S12 W. V. (Dudley, Nth-land); Packe R/6si t\. JC. (Northampton); Mullen R/3S28 A.B.(H.G.) C. A. T. (Guis- DIED OF WOUNDS. borough); Newell LZ/2193 W. (Sevenoaks); Pointer R/S362 W. (Tibshelf); Rayner MZ/isoS J. W. (Denton, Manchester); Rees R/4214 E. (Mountain Ash); Reynard MZ/1S2.5 J. (Manchester); ~ ' ' n KW/331A. (Mexborough); Robinson R/37S4 T. (Wig—' • PART V. I T? /T • Q a rl ? n orfon 1^7.1 Anrr DIED. OFFICERS. Duflin, Capt. C. F., Gen. List., McLure, Sec. D.. K.R. (Shouldham); Smith R/i2So H. W, (Acocks Green); . New Armies. Rif.C. RHODESIA OVERSEAS CONTINGENT. F. C. (Exeter); Stamp TZ/8058 C. (Immingham); Swam TZ/6S30 Fripp, Sec. Lt. J., Royal Fus. Skelton, Capt. Buffs (E. J. W. (Sheffield); Talbot TZ/4163 P-Off. H. M. (Scotstoun West); Hodgson, Capt. C. A. G., Yeo- Kent R.). DIED. Thain KX/89 L.S.(H.G.) G. E. (Ashington); Thompson R/37S9 Veraguth, Sec. Lt. G. F., R.F.A. MacQueen, Capt. J., Rhodesia R. W. (Liverpool); Tregarthen R/1421 G. (Newlyn); Turner TZ/528 Jones, Lt. C. D., D. of Well.R. Young, Capt. E. T., Lab.Corps. T. J. (Byker); Watford KP/410 P. (Rotherham); Watson R/S7J8 E E. (Bury St. Edmunds); Westmoreland R/4802 J. H. (Hull); WOUNDED. Whetter BZ/456 T. (Gorran); Wilsher Rls^gg B. (Caterham Valley); PART VI. Wilson R/5353 H. J. (Manchester); Wokes R/2042 E. (Gilberdyke); Allen, Sec. Lt. S. W„ W. Martin, Sec , K.O.Sco. Wright LZ/1530 A.B.(H.G.) R. G. (Ipswich); Young BZ/1403 V. G. Yorks.R. „ Bord. OFFICERS. (Weston-super-Mare); Young TZ/1254 A. M. (Ashington). Allman-Marchant, Sec. Lt. L., May, Sec. Lt. H. M., Ches.R., . SOUTH AFRICAN MILITARY FORCES. ROYAL MARINE LIGHT INFANTRY.—Able Ply/2388(S) T. R.Ir.Fus. attd. Midd’x R. (Stratford-on-Avon); Bolt Ch/24 i(S) H. W. (Princetown); Burns Arnold, Capt. H. C., R.G.A. Metford, Lt. C. K. S„ R.F.A., 3 attd. R.F.C. KILLED. Ch/2329(8) J. (Newbiggin-by-Sea); Carter Po/i7S3(S) M (Welwyn); Bakewell, Sec. Lt. F. W., Donaldson Ply/93<S) J. (Everton); Hamilton Po/2347(8) J. W. T Worc.R. Mosley, Sec. Lt. E. B., C.Gds. Robb, Sec. Lt. D. B., South Afr.Inf. Norton, Sec. Lt. H. S., Royal (Andover); Knight Po/19761 G. (Attercliffe); Rogers Ply/2i93(S) Bateson, Sec. Lt. L. H., Lab. R. (Bristol); Wilkinson Piy/327(S) L.-Sjt. A. (Liverpool). Fus. Previously reported wounded and missing, now ref Bond^Sec. Lt. W. T., R F.A. Parker, Sec. Lt. A. J., Ches.R., KlfcLED. ROYAL MARINES.—Beardsmore Deal/323«(S)L (Bentley); Briggs, Sec. Lt. T. F., R.F.A., attd. Hereford.R. Beardsworth Deal/4i4o(S) A. (Bolton); Briggs Deal/3925(S) H. attd. T.M.Bty. Parsons, Capt. C. S., Essex R., Williams, Sec. Lt. D. A., South Afr.Inf. (Shaw, Oldham); Ogden Deal/355i(S) H iFailsworth); Sykes Brooks, Sec. Lt. E. W-. R- attd. M.G.C. Deal/4238(8) E. (Colne); Ward DeaI/30S7(S) Sjt. R. (Blackburn). Berks.R. Phillips, Capt. F. E. L., MISSING. Campbell, Brig.-Gen. H. M., R.A.M.C. uiney, Capt. E. C., South Afr.Inf. Previously reported wounded, now reported not wounded. C.B., C.M.G. Prosser, Capt. A. E., Worc.R. ROYAL NAVAL VOLUNTEER RESERVE.—Wallis R/654 W. Casey, Sec. Lt. G. H., M.C, Robertson, Lt.-Col. R. T. C., Sco.Rif., attd. R.Scots. D.S.O. R.A.M.C. H. (Helston). Smart, Sec. Lt. R. S., K.O. PART VII. Crane. Sec. Lt. L. F. (Yorks.L.L), attd. T.M.Bty. Dakin, Sec. Lt. H. Lab. Starkie, Capt J. K., R.Ir.Rif. OFFICERS. Corps. Stringer, Sec. Lt. C. B., R.F.C. Delaney, Lt. J. P., R.Ir.Regt Thompson, Sec. Lt. A. D. F., Gendre-Chardoux, Capt. J.,‘ R.F.A., attd. T.M.Bty. A.S.C. Titley, Sec. Lt. J., R.Berks.R. Howe, Capt. G. R., Buffs (E. Graham, Bt.-Maj. F. R. W., Toy, Sec. Lt. S. F., M.G.C. All e • PRIVATES except xvhere otherwise shown M.C., R.Ir.Rif. Warner, Sec. Lt. S. A., Essex R. Kent R.). Greene, Sec. Lt. H., R.F.C. Watson, Sec. Lt. A. H., R.G.A. Fus. Llewellin, Capt. M. C., Mon.R. KILLED. Gunn, Sec. Lt. W E., Welsh R. White, Sec. Lt. H. J-. H., Baten Sec. Lt. W., K.O. Tones. Lt. R. E„ Mon.R. Hampson, Capt. J., Lab.Corps Devon.R. (Yorks.L.T..). Lowe, Capt. T. G., Mon.R. ROYAL GARRISON ARTILLERY—Moore 130492 Gnr. E. (Sec. Lt., Hussars). Whitehouse, Capt. C. E. L., S. Blackett, Capt. G. E., Durh.L.I. Murphy, Capt. D. G. C., Mon.R. (Euston Road, N.W.). Horobin, Sec. Lt. A. C.. Lan. Staff.R. Cayley, Lt. Sir K.
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