A v s n g * OrUf ClrcnlBtlM Far tha Meath ef Oetokar, 1969 The Weather Forecast of C. S. Weather Bxioaa A meatlnf of Division No. 1, A. ★ O. H.,. will ba held in 8 t J*^**'* Plays Feature Role Manchester 6,285 Clondy and oon tinned cold to­ About Town haii tomorrow morning at 11 night and Tuesday with or o'clock. Date Book CLOSING Member ef the AadR I k r a lS MOW la the toterter. rate For the Seaaon STOP WINTER Bareaa of drcalotteae £mnm^ Harmmn Gorena of 14 Victoria Tonight load b u enllated In the United Miss Minnie Fox. Mias Minnie r Manchester— A City of Village Charm Stetw Itesfular Army and haa been Clulow and Mrs. James Maguire Nov. 18—Informal dance by Ma- Sunday, November 19th •ant to the Ooaat ArtUIcy at Fort have returned from Oxford, Conn., aonlc Social club at Maaonlc Tem­ (Claeeiaed-4|dvertiaUig on Page IS) after spending the past week at ple. The DISCOMFORTS VOL. LIX., NO. 43 MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 19.39 ( FOURTEEN P.YGES) PRICE THREE CENTlI Oockctt, Texas. »• the home of Mrs. Thomas Bryne, Also, Legion Cabaret Dance at " --------e- *t8pots’’ Zanlunjo. of the Oak daughter o f .Mrs, Maguire. Rainbow, In Bolton. HALE HOUSE straetATiU and Dr. George Schrcl- Also, Father and Son banquet Gla.stonbiiry, Conn. \ bar of WllUmantlc. who have been A meeting of the commission­ at Emanuel Lutheran church sjion- Caech Flag Flies at Half Mast aored by Brotherhood. Increased Bail duck hunting in North Carolina ers o f the .South M anchester Fire Will Re-Open Four Men Killed, fo r the past two weeks are retum- District will be held early next Nest Week On Or About May 1, 194« Mines Now Biggest Inf home today. From cards re- week at which time they will an­ Nov. 21 - Lecture, "Romance is Asked to Halt celred. they report bairKinR so nounce app>ilntlve officers. Chief Where You Find It." A, H. Black- many ducks that arrancementa .arc ■Albert Koy la not an elected oiTI- liigton. liollinter street achool, being made to l;avc them shipped tc r .if Ih e’dlslrli t, he is np|Milnted. kkliieatlonal club. f « . ^ i«« ia ii V Companion Hurt; Mexico Flight by express. The same 1.' true of .Iiimea O Me- j Nov. 22 Animal meeting and ( aw. Sr., superintendent of tire | dinner of Chaniln'r of Commerce Menace to Vessels alarms. Both will l>e rename.]. All members of the Beethoven at Masonic Temple. M A S O N 'S Assistant District Attor­ Glee club are reminde 1 to meet at Nov. 23 -Thanksgiving tea and SERVICK STATION Train Hits Auto the Emanuel I.utheran ehuich l i- Christm as mile by Salvation Arm y Formerly ney Testifies of Fear morrow at .'•..'10 (''tleMk to lea\e fot ron ii N<‘H’ (iroiipK Women’s l-cngue, Nov. 24 - "Voii Can t Take It PorlerfieM Tire Works New I»ndon where i roinetl ■■Mil CUT Bodies of Victims Are | Meal at Country Oub Kuhn Intendetl to be presenteil at tlv .Nfl tho<li~t W ith Y ou," Sock and Hiinkln pro­ «8 SPUUt E STREET Near British Coasi church at 7 3o o d o c k duction at iilgh achool hall. Strewn Along Railroad Costly to New York Man Flee from Country. Also, "The -Lost down," an op- ESSO GjtSOLINE |>erella by the Junior (,7iolr o f St. FUEL BILLS Right o f Way at New ^ Darien, Nov. 20.—OP)—It Anna Bell . aylfr, .la ighter of 1st IJrat. E. Oaraventa AND MOTOR OIL Bulletin! > Burglars Take 4 Turkeys T Temporarily Supplaiitl Mr and Mrs, Clayton lavl'.r ..f 71 I The IS-.I.’i Club Is the name Mary's Kpiseopal church. was a costly meal that Trovers Soviet Press I Miss IIh/ j-I Itriggs Nov, 2.3- Glbbona Assembly teal Britain Grade Cross­ Smith of New York city ste New York. Nov. tS.—ilT]— From I'antry as Chief Loot | A w l Place. ielebnit.-.l h.’r t.iit'. eh.k.H. n by the memhers o f a new Second l-lciit. Ermano f^araven- Fritz Kuhn, the Gernisn- Submarines as Pertt tiDf birthday vest.•!.lay with a ).arty and card parly at Y. M. C A, I Save Up To 25^c U M O 3O9& Sunday afternoon at the Wee ('.Tiler .hurih group. The name In. son o f Mr. and Mrs. John Gara- HOW? ing; Survivor Given Araeriran Biuid leader whose ! Philadelphia, Nov. 20.—(F -~ ! atten.leil b.v ten nl In r In.-inla Sh.- I .M i s s Marel I'rlggs, UW Walnut fXMnlng Events |venta of .'’>0 .Spring street was ad­ On Tires and Itatteries Burn Country Club. Shipping; Nine Sink-^ ile-ignates the age limits for niern- ■trial on larceny charges pro­ Urg es Youth i Burglars who entered a home I received numeious >;ins refresh­ islreel, has ,T feature role In Nov. 2fl - Annual Tlianksgivlng vanced In rank to 1st i.leiitenant Good Chance to Live. Smith reported to police that I "B hi hi loi H i .r n t h e .Mark rwaln someone broke Into hla auto­ duced testimony that he tele­ to the Wyncote section had : ings Reported Di • ments were serveV an l a |ierlod of liership. The Club Is ma.Ie up of Kve "Turkey, G<H»se and Pig" so- In the United .States . Army Air , . By “ Window Conditioning’’ graphed “love and kls(*es" to a games was enjov. .1 perorations . hur. h members who are out of .Miis.pieis s.-eojid prrsliietlon of the eial and dance at Cheney hall, aus­ Cor|ia Ihls week. New Britain. Nov. 20.-00 — mobile while he was dining and their eye on Thanksgiving, j Week*End in Noi ltl.'l!l-40 season The [ilay. un.ler your home— insulating your practicallyeliminatedandhealth- took a 83,000 mink coat and woman he aided financially, Oppose War j They took four turkeys from ‘ were In blue and yellow. high s. lii~il. too ohl for the CY P pices of Hose Company No. 1. Lt. Gnraventa is s graduate of (Four WPA emphjyef, bound for | was Joined today la the oourt- the ilii.'itlon of .Ml.ss Kllr.iils’th S ,M F. I). M I. T. and l.s a pa.st president of windows with double-glazed ful humidity can be maintained! two nuitcaaes. the pantry. I Sea; 177 Persons Dead^ Chill. ImiI who fi'cl that they are hoose by his wife, Elsa. It I Klrnhall, will he [irodin e.l at Ih"' Dei I Hospital Auxiliary (Jiiiseppl Garahnldl .Society of this sash or storm windows. Reliable without the nuisance of foggy" ' work, were killed and a companion . loo >..uuK to join older groups. I'p I Av.ry M.-morml, Iieieniber 6, 7, aeriouely Injured a few minutes w aa her first appearance In the Re<l Star Assorts Stu­ Or Missing; NeuI dance at Hotel-Bond In llartfonl. town. He Is employed as a proj­ FILM S teste prove that the wall of cap­ windowsand excessive moisture criminal courts building since lo the pri sent the Club has 'J,> • K anil t*th iiee, 6 Caledonian .Market at ect engineer In the Hamilton Pro­ after 8 o'clock this morning when memhers .Miss Driggs, pnimlnlent In local DEVELOPED AND tive air formed between the two that drips down and damages Kuhn went on trial two weeks dents of Amerioa, Brit­ Lose 5 Ships, BriUdii 4| Range Oil l.Vnter church. peller Company. East Hartford. a pasaenger train atruck and ut­ ago. On Thursday night. Hoadley thi alrii als, will also have charge PRINTED panes of glass is ONE OP THE woodwork finishes, draperies terly demolished their automobile Irate Woman Hard Storms 100 Gall«n> or Mttre Wills of the ,'tlate W elfare D epaii- I of the warilrobe for "Bnehelor ain, France and India London, Nov. 20.—(JPt MlnoS ( MOST EFFECTIVE TYPES and rugs. at a railroad crossing here. New York. Nov. 20—(F)— An nient gave an Informal talk fo l­ i Born " Mias Drigga, who Joinr'l 21-HOUR SERVICE The bodies of the victims—Ron­ Strongly Against War. leaat temporarily supplanted lowing the ilrvollonal and business the .Masquers In .September, haa OF i n s u l a t i o n . You can enjoy the comforts and assistant district attorney called Film Deposit Box At ald Loomis, William Frazier Rich­ Kills Attorney Keep German marines *a tha leading ssa : gal- merling. lie told of the .leparl- been In two stu.llo Jilays pr.sliiei'd Put in storm sash NOW. 'They economies of “ Window Condi­ by the defense today at the trial mrnls wiirk. (|imllllcalIons for Ihls li.v the .Masquers, and Is a meinlwr Store Entrance ard McNamara and Jeremiah Moscow, Nov. 20.-*(/0)—The off th* Brittoh coast today type of work anil Illustrated with of the orgaidzHtlons executive are inexpensive and easy to in­ tioning" at surprisingly low cost. Lynch—were strewn along the of Fritz Kuhn testified that the newapeper Red Star, organ of the floating explosives addsd still railroad right-of-way for a dis­ Upon Street Troops Busy his own exfierlenees. After Mr eoinmltlee. stall... reduce fuel bills up to 30^ And. if you wish, financing can bail was raised from 86.000 to Soviet Russian Army, urged the ther to the war’s greatest ws ' Wills talk, refreshments were "Bachelor Horn" Ian liny's de­ tance of approximately 100 yards.
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