Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86550-0 - Cultural Law: International, Comparative, and Indigenous James A. R. Nafziger, Robert Kirkwood Paterson and Alison Dundes Renteln Index More information Index Page numbers for principal cases are in italic type. A. v. F´ed´eration Internationale des Luttes Associ´ees, Africa 816–822 customary law in, 167–168 AAA (American Arbitration Association), 762, 788 language rights in, 931–938 AAM. See American Association of Museums looting in, 255 AAMD. See Association of Art Museum Directors manuscript preservation in, 273 AAMD Revises Guidelines for Acquisition of religious rights in, 860–861 Antiquities – Again (Flescher), 419–421 African Americans, 881, 972–978 Abandoned Movable Property Law (Cyprus), African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, 889 528–529 Age certifications, Olympic, 798 Abandoned Shipwreck Act of 1987, 279–280, 317, Agreement Concerning the Imposition of Import 343 Restrictions on Categories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, Archaeological Material Representing the 617 Pre-Classical, Classical and Imperial Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Roman Periods of Italy (U.S.–Italy), Protection Act of 1984 (Australia), 381–384 469–471 Agreement Concerning the Shipwrecked Vessel Abouloff v. Oppenheimer (1882), 237–238 R.M.S. Titanic, 343 Abramson, Harold, 49 Ahayu:da (wooden figures of twin gods), 430 Academy of Certified Archivists, 223 The Aims of the 1970 UNESCO Convention on the Accent discrimination, 963–972, 978 Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Accommodation, right to public, 784–787 Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Acidic paper, 271 Ownership of Cultural Property and Action “Acquisition of Archaeological Materials and Being Taken by UNESCO to Assist in Its Ancient Art” (AAMD), 419 Implementation (Clement), 406–410 Act for the Protection of the Traditional Intellectual Ainslie, Patricia, 715 Creations of Indigenous Peoples of 2007 Air New Zealand, 626–627 (Taiwan), 668–671 Akinnaso, Niyi, 931 ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990), Akiyama v. U.S. Judo, Inc. (2002), 787–793 784–787 Albania, linguistic rights in, 922–923 Adaawk (oral history), 653–657 Albanian schools case. See Minority Schools in Adams,R.E.W.,247 Albania Adat (animistic system of beliefs), 869–871 Alberta First Nation, 285 Administration and Probate Act 1969 (Australia), Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 714 663 Aleem v. Aleem (2008), 79–85,86 Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 446 Alexander VI (Pope), 859 ADR. See Alternative dispute resolution Algonquin First Nation, 473 Advertising Age on network advertising, 690 All Blacks rugby team, 640 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, 274 ALR. See Art Loss Register Afghanistan, cultural heritage in, 206, 294–296, Alternative dispute resolution (ADR), 603–613 356–357, 611–612 advantages of, 604–610 Afo-A-Kom statue, 403 animistic, 869–871 981 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86550-0 - Cultural Law: International, Comparative, and Indigenous James A. R. Nafziger, Robert Kirkwood Paterson and Alison Dundes Renteln Index More information 982 Index Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) (cont.) L’Ange Gardien treasures, 537–542 consensual processes for, 49–52 Anglican Church, 860 Principles for Cooperation in the Mutual Ang v. Proctor & Gamble (1991), 966–967 Protection and Transfer of Cultural Animal cruelty, 70–71 Material, 610–611, 613 Animal sacrifices, religious uses of, 43–48 religion and, 859, 910–913 Animal smuggling, 54–56, 74–75 Altmann, Austria v. (2004), 574–585, 598 Animism, 869–871 Altmann, Maria, 599, 605 Anthropology and anthropologists Amateur Sports Act of 1978, 762, 774, 776–780, 783, as actors in cultural heritage law, 221 787–788 culture defined in, 125–131 Amato, Christopher A., 456 contemporary defense of concept, 129–131 American Anthropological Association, 221 early definitions, 125–126 American Arbitration Association (AAA), 762, 788 later definitions, 126–127 American Association for State and Local History, postmodern theory and cultural studies, 222 127–129 American Association of Museums (AAM) religion defined by, 844 ethics code of, 221, 418, 424, 724, 735 Anti-doping. See Doping in sports Holocaust claims and, 373 Antique Tribal Art Dealers Association, 209 museums, definition of, 676 Antiquities, ownership of, 500–508 American Bar Association, 959 Antiquities Act of 1906, 274 American Camping Association, 93 Anti-Semitism, 1–7 American Ceramic Society, 209 Antons, Christoph, 616 American Civil Liberties Union, 955 APA (Administrative Procedure Act), 446 American Commission on Human Rights, 176–177 APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation), 32 American Convention on Human Rights, 176–178, Apoxyomenos bronze, 677 180–197, 888–889, 948 Appellate review in Islamic law, 867–868 American Council for Cultural Policy, 209 Aqudas Chasidei Chabad v. Russian Fed’n (2006), American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of 599 Man, 888 Arab League Educational, Scientific and Cultural American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978, Organization, 294 280 Arbitration, 10–11, 607–608, 814–829 American Indian Ritual Object Repatriation Archaeological Heritage Protection Act 1991, Foundation, 691–692 proposed (Canada), 285–286 American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Archaeological Institute of America, 221, 419 Artistic Works, 735 Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 American Jurisprudence, 154 (ARPA) American Legion, 959 archaeological resources, federal control of, American Museum of Natural History, 428, 441, 681 274 American (National) Association of Dealers in archaeological value under, 476 Ancient, Oriental & Primitive Art, 483 Kennewick Man and, 443, 446, 454 American Peace Society, 857 private land, application to, 274–279 American Protective Association, 958 seizure and forfeiture of cultural materials under, Americans for the Arts, 686 481 American Sign Language, 963 Archaeology and archaeologists American Society of Composers, Authors and as actors in cultural heritage law, 221 Publishers, 92–93 archaeological value, 475–477 American Society of Contemporary Artists, 222 resources, threats to, 252–258, 280 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Archaeology magazine, 251 784–787 Architecture, threats to, 269–270 America’s Cup, 797–798 Archives and archivists, 208, 222–223, 271–273 America’s First Pastime (Pauketat), 744–746 Arctic peoples, language of, 918 Ami peoples, 625–626 Are Religious Experiences Just a Side Effect of Brain Anahuacalli Museum, 219 Chemistry? (Vedantam), 845–846 Ancient Monuments Society, 222 Arewa, Olufunmilayo B., 620, 627 Anderson, Jerry L., 743 Aristotle, 90 Ando, Tadao, 270 Arizona, repatriation of cultural heritage law, Andrews, Bradford L., 71 457–458 And the Winner Is . (Wolfe), 861–862 Arla Foods (Danish dairy company), 837 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86550-0 - Cultural Law: International, Comparative, and Indigenous James A. R. Nafziger, Robert Kirkwood Paterson and Alison Dundes Renteln Index More information Index 983 Armed conflicts and protection of cultural material, Auction houses, art, 208–220. See also Christie’s; 345–357. See also Wars Sotheby’s customary humanitarian law, 351–352 Augury (ritual magic-religious beliefs), 869–870 Geneva Convention IV of 1949 and Protocol I, Austin, John, 137 348–349 Australia Hague Convention of 1954, 349–351 human remains protection in, 469–471 Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907, 347–348 indigenous groups, repatriation to, 425–426 ICTY, ICC, and Afghanistan and Iraq crises, intangible cultural heritage protection in, 352–356 657–668 Armenia, definition of religion in, 842 traditional knowledge in, 616–617 ARPA. See Archaeological Resources Protection Act UNESCO Convention (1970), 425 of 1979 Australian National Gallery, 658–659 Art Antiquity and Law (journal), 251 Australian Olympic Committee, 799 Art as Politics in the Third Reich (Petropoulos), 699 Autocephalous Greek-Orthodox Church of Cyprus Art Conservation: Problems Encountered in an and the Republic of Cyprus v. Goldberg Unregulated Industry (Botha), 728 (1990), 209–215, 216, 515–516, 525–535, Art Dealers Association of America, 209, 374, 536, 553, 554–557 545 Axtell, Roger E., 132 Art galleries, 208, 220–221. See also specific galleries Art historians, 208, 222–223, 224 Bacon, Francis, 136 Article 38 of Statute of the ICJ, 148, 150–151 Bahaism, 857 Artistic rights, threats to, 258–269 Bair Family Trust, In re (2008), 711–713 Artists in cultural heritage law, 208, 222 Bakr, Abu, 857 Art Loss Register (ALR) Balfour, Henry, 688–689 art theft and, 209, 227 Ballantyne, Davidson and McIntyre v. Canada Holocaust claims and, 366–367, 369–370, 373, (1989), 945, 948–949, 950 374, 376 Ballard, Robert, 338 IFAR and, 558 Bangkok Declaration, 33 Rosenberg family and, 513–514 Bangladesh, marriage customs and, 78–79 UNESCO and, 408 Banishment, punishment of, 172–173 Art Museums and the Ritual of Citizenship Bantu Language Act (South Africa), 936 (Duncan), 683–685 Barcelona Olympics, 763 The Art Newspaper, 251 Barnes Foundation, 708–710 The Art of Primitive Peoples (Hooper), 689 Barnes Foundation, Re the (1996), 724 The Art of War (Sun Tzu), 18 Barotse people, 169–172 TheArtsofContest(Parlett), 740–742 Barr, Franklin J., 244 Art thieves, 226–241 Baseball, 747, 756 Art Workers Guild, 222 Basic Law (FRG), 140–141 Asad, Talal, 848 Basmati rice, 623–624, 625 Ashmolean Museum, 414 Bass, George F., 418 Asian Cup,
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