Pesticidesmini Catalogue P1

Pesticidesmini Catalogue P1

pesticide reference material WARNING PESTICIDES FIRE WILL CAUSE TOXIC FUMES Chiron AS Stiklestadvn. 1 N-7041 Trondheim Norway Phone No.: +47 73 87 44 90 Fax No.: +47 73 87 44 99 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Org. No.: NO 967 607 657 MVA pesticides Pesticides are chemical agents used for controlling pests such as insects, diseases or weeds. They are often classified according to their target, and terms such as herbicides, insecticides and fungi- cides are used synonymously with pesticide. Pesticides are also classified according to chemical class such as organochlorines, organophosphates, and carbonates. The most common application of these chemicals is for crop protection. Despite their protective attributes, pesticides are poten- tially toxic to humans and to other exposed creatures. The adverse effects can range from acute; irritation of the skin and eyes, and respiratory difficulties, to chronic; endocrine disruption, repro- ductive problems and cancer. There is evidence linking pesticide exposure to birth defects, foetal death and neurodevelopmental disorder. Pesticides frequently come into contact with targets beyond those intended, including other species, air, water and soil, and are therefore also an envi- ronmental concern. In particular chlorinated pesticides, which exhibit bioaccumulation and can build up to harmful levels, and persist in the body and environment for many years. For these reasons pesticides are widely regulated and maximum levels of pesticide residues in food are stipu- lated, necessitating their analytical measurement. WARNING PESTICIDES FIRE WILL CAUSE TOXIC FUMES Chiron AS Stiklestadvn. 1 N-7041 Trondheim Norway Phone No.: +47 73 87 44 90 Fax No.: +47 73 87 44 99 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Org. No.: NO 967 607 657 MVA Pesticides (Native) A Description (Synonyms) Cas No. Catalogue No. Concentration Presentation Quantity Acephate 30560-19-1 2975.4-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Acifluorfen 5059-66-6 9436.12-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Aclonifen 74070-46-5 2976.12-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Aclonifen 74070-46-5 2976.12-100-ME 100µg/mL Methanol 1mL Alachlor (Lasso) 15972-60-8 2977.14-100-IO 100µg/mL Isooctane 1mL Aldicarb 116-06-3 2978.7-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Aldicarb sulfone (Temic) 1646-88-4 2979.7-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Aldicarb sulfoxide 1646-87-3 2980.7-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Aldrin 309-00-2 2774.12-100-DC 100µg/mL Dichloromethane 1mL Allethrin 584-79-2 3309.19-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Ametryne 834-12-8 3310.9-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) 1066-51-9 8464.1-100-W 100µg/mL Water 1mL Anilazine 101-05-3 3311.9-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Atraton 1610-17-9 9438.9-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Atrazine 1912-24-9 2768.8-100-AN 100µg/mL Acetonitrile 1mL Atrazine-desethyl 6190-65-4 2772.6-100-AN 100µg/mL Acetonitrile 1mL Atrazine-desethyl-desisopropyl 3397-62-4 9315.3-50-ME 50µg/mL Methanol 1mL Atrazine-desisopropyl 1007-28-9 2773.5-100-AN 100µg/mL Acetonitrile 1mL Azinphos ethyl (Guthion ethyl) 2642-71-9 8224.12-100-AN 100µg/mL Acetonitrile 1mL Azinphos methyl (Guthion) 86-50-0 3313.10-100-AN 100µg/mL Acetonitrile 1mL Azinphos-methyl-oxon 961-22-8 3314.10-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane 1mL Azoxystrobin 131860-33-8 8661.22-10MG Neat Neat 10mg B Description (Synonyms) Cas No. Catalogue No. Concentration Presentation Quantity Benalaxyl 71626-11-4 8662.20-10MG Neat Neat 10mg Benfluralin (Balan) 1861-40-1 3315.13-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Benomyl 17804-35-2 9447.14-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Bentazone 25057-89-0 3316.10-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Benthiocarb (Thiobencarb) 28249-77-6 3317.12-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL 3322.14-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Bifenox (Modown) 42576-02-3 3322.14-100-ME 100µg/mL Methanol 1mL 3323.23-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Bifenthrin 82657-04-3 3323.23-10MG Neat Neat 10mg Bitertanol 55179-31-2 8680.20-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Bolstar (Sulpropfos) 35400-43-2 9443.12-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Boscalid 188425-85-6 9477.18-10MG Neat Neat 10mg Bromacil 314-40-9 3324.9-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Bromophos ethyl 4824-78-6 8980.10-100-AN 100µg/mL Acetonitrile 1mL Bromophos methyl 2104-96-3 8942.8-100-AN 100µg/mL Acetonitrile 1mL Bromopropylate 18181-80-1 8700.17-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Bromoxynil 1689-84-5 3325.7-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Butachlor 23184-66-9 9435.17 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL C Description (Synonyms) Cas No. Catalogue No. Concentration Presentation Quantity Cadusafos 95465-99-9 3326.10-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Captafol 2425-06-1 3327.10-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Captan 133-06-2 3328.9-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL 8471.11-50-W 50µg/mL Water 1mL Carbadox 6804-07-5 8471.11-100 Inquire Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Carbaryl (Sevin) 63-25-2 3329.12-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL 9478.9-10MG Neat Neat 10mg Carbendazim 10605-21-7 9478.9-100-AN 100µg/mL Acetonitrile 1mL 2311.12-100-AN 100µg/mL Acetonitrile 1mL Carbofuran 1563-66-2 2311.12-100-CY 100µg/mL Cyclohexane 1mL Carbofuran-3-hydroxy 16655-82-6 3331.12-100-AN 100µg/mL Acetonitrile 1mL Carbophenothion 786-19-6 8222.11-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Chloramben 133-90-4 9448.7-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL 2662.10-2K-ME 2000µg/mL Methanol 1mL Chlordane 57-74-9 2662.10-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Chlordane, cis-alpha 5103-71-9 3334.10-100-CY 100µg/mL Cyclohexane 1mL Chlordane, trans-gamma 5103-74-2 3336.10-100-CY 100µg/mL Cyclohexane 1mL 10280.10-100-MT 100µg/mL MTBE 1mL Chlordecone (Kepone) 143-50-0 10280.10-10MG Neat Neat 10mg Chlorfenson 80-33-1 3337.12-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL 3338.12-100-CY 100µg/mL Cyclohexane 1mL Chlorfenvinphos 470-90-6 3338.12-100-AN 100µg/mL Acetonitrile 1mL Chlormephos 24934-91-6 3339.5-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Chlorobenzilate (Acarben) 510-15-6 3341.16-100-CY 100µg/mL Cyclohexane 1mL 4-Chlorobenzyl mercaptan 6258-66-8 3340.7-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Chloroneb 2675-77-6 9429.8-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Chlorothalonil 1897-45-6 3342.8-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Chlorotoluron 15545-48-9 2310.10-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Chloroxuron 1982-47-4 2313.15-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Chlorpropharm 101-21-3 3343.10-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL 3344.9-100-AN 100µg/mL Acetonitrile 1mL Chlorpyrifos (Dursban, ethyl) 2921-88-2 3344.9-100-HX 100µg/mL n-Hexane 1mL 3345.7-100-AN 100µg/mL Acetonitrile 1mL Chlorpyrifos-methyl 5598-13-0 3345.7-100-HX 100µg/mL n-Hexane 1mL 3345.7-10MG Neat Neat 10mg Chlorthal-dimethyl (Dachthal, DCPP) 1861-32-1 9430.10-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Chiron AS Stiklestadvn. 1 N-7041 Trondheim Norway Phone No.: +47 73 87 44 90 Fax No.: +47 73 87 44 99 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Org. No.: NO 967 607 657 MVA C Description (Synonyms) Cas No. Catalogue No. Concentration Presentation Quantity Clofibric acid (2-(4-Chlorphenoxy)isobutyric acid) 882-09-7 9499.10-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Clomazone 81777-89-1 8664.12-10MG Neat Neat 10mg Clopyralid 1702-17-6 3346.6-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Coumaphos 56-72-4 3347.14-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Crimidine 535-89-7 3348.7-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Crufomate (Ruelene) 299-86-5 8714.12-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Cyanazine 21725-46-2 3349.9-100-AN 100µg/mL Acetonitrile 1mL Cyazofamid 120116-88-3 9482.13-10MG Neat Neat 10mg Cycloate 1134-23-2 10544.11-10-ME 10µg/mL Methanol 1mL beta-Cyfluthrin 68359-37-5 3350.22-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL lambda-Cyhalotrin 91465-08-6 10201.23-100-AN 100µg/mL Acetonitrile 1mL beta-Cypermethrin 65731-84-2 3351.22-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL 3352.22-100-CY 100µg/mL Cyclohexane 1mL 3352.22-100-ME 100µg/mL Methanol 1mL Cypermethrin, isomer mix incl. 52315-07-8 3352.22-100-AN 100µg/mL Acetonitrile 1mL 3352.22-10-10AN 10µg/mL Acetonitrile 10ml Cyproconazole 113096-99-4 2319.15-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Cyprodinil 121552-61-2 8663.14-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL D Description (Synonyms) Cas No. Catalogue No. Concentration Presentation Quantity 2,4-D 94-75-7 3353.8-100-AN 100µg/mL Acetonitrile 1mL 2,4-D methyl ester 1928-38-7 3386.9-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Dalapon 75-99-0 9445.3-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Dalapon methyl ester 17640-02-7 9450.4-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL Dapsone (4,4'-Diaminodiphenyl sulfone) 80-08-0 8499.12-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL N,N-Diethyl toluamide (DEET) 134-62 9140.12-1G Neat Neat 1g 2,4-DB 94-82-6 3354.10-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL 2,4-DB methyl ester 18625-12-2 3355.11-100 100µg/mL Cyclohexane or Acetonitrile 1mL 3357.14-100-DC 100µg/mL Dichloromethane 1mL 2,4'-DDD (TDE) (o,p'-DDD) 53-19-0 3357.14-K-ME 1000µg/mL Methanol 1mL 3356.14-100-DC 100µg/mL Dichloromethane 1mL 4,4'-DDD (TDE) (p,p'-DDD) 72-54-8 3356.14-100-CY 100µg/mL Cyclohexane 1mL 3361.14-100-DC 100µg/mL Dichloromethane 1mL 2,4'-DDE

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