Carter, Vance confer on Middle East WASHINGTON (UPI) -- President Carter in his proposed Cairo meeting of Powell said. "Our role changes from said Powell, "]t may not be impor- and Secretary of State Cyrus Vance Arabs and Israelis. one of being a point man to support- tent whether the Geneva conference Monday discussed Middle East peace At almost the same time that Is- ing others." gets under way before January." moves by Egypt and Israel. Carter's rael officially accepted Sadat's in- Chief spokesman said the United vitation to Cairo, Carter skipped an He said Carter now feels the Unit- Powell said that, contrary to some States is content with a new, low early morning staff meeting to con- ed States can move toward its goals reports from diplomatic corr-spond- profile role in the troubled area. fer with Vance. of peace in the Middle East most ents, the United States was inform- "Obviously the position of this appropriately by maintaining a lower ed last Wednesday that the Egyptian White House Press Secretary Jody country has changed somewhat" in the profile and working quietly behind leader planned to announce his Cairo Powell indicated Carter would re- light of the new diplomatic momentum the scenes to accentuate the posi- preparatory meeting in a speech Sat- spond quickly to Egyptian created by Sadat, said Powell, President tive developments and minimize the urday. He denied reports the Unit- Anwar Sadat's request that the Unit- "We are relieved of the necessity difficulties." ed States was informed only hours ed States of being the sole initiator," and Soviet Union take part "If the momentum is kept going," before Sadat' a speech. Sen. McClellan dies in sleep LITTLE ROCK, ARK. (UPI) -- Sen. John McClellan, the Democrat who had rep- resented Arkansas in the U.S. Senate The Navy's ony psho-e-baed daily since 1943, died during the night., his aides said Monday. He was 81. Vol. 32 No. 227 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Tuesday, November 29, 1977 A staff assistant to McClellan said the senator's wife found him Monday morning when she went to awaken him for breakfast. He had died in his sleep during the night. Court gives Haitian lawsuit second chance McClellan announced a week ago that he wculd not run for re-elec- WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The Supreme cuit Court of Appeals, which origin- were not considered at exclusion tion in 1978. His tern would have Court Monday instructed a lower ally found the Haitians could be de- hearings. expired in January 1979. court to decide whether a lawsuit ported. About 2,000 Haitians have reached brought by 147 Haitians who want to Florida shores in small boats since stay in this country is still alive. The administration announced ear- 1972. lier this month that their claims The National Council of Churches Soviets dissatisfied The Haitians said they would be will be heard by immigration offi- has helped them and most now have persecuted if they were sent home. cials and hundreds of others in the been authorized to seek jobs, but Since the lawsuit started the gov-- same situation will be accorded the some are still in prison, according ernment has changed its policy. The same treatment. to New York attorney Eric Lieberman, with conference case goes back to the 5th U.S. Cir- Up to that time, asylum requests who represents the 147. MOSCOW (UPI) -- A group of Soviet dissidents accused the major West- ern fucopean powers Monday of fail- ing to speak out in defense of human U.S. October trade deficit is biggest ever rigli ts at the Belgrade -onference on European security and cooperation. WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The United strike in East Coast and Gulf port first time ever that the deficit had Members of the Soviet Group to States registered a $3.1 billion docks. reached the $3 billion level. Promote Implementation of the Hel- trade deficit in October, the high- Imports from abroad totaled $12.3 October was the 17th consecutive sinki Accords said they were "satis- est in history, the government said billion in October, slightly lower month that the United States' trade fied only with definite reserva- Monday. than in September but still the ledger has been in deficit. tions" by the position taken by fifth consecutive month that imports Commerce Department economists Western participants at Belgrade. Americans exported $9.2 billion in have topped the $12 billion mark. said that for the first 10 months The group said the United States, goods to foreign nations last month, The resulting $3.1 billion deficit, of 1977, the deficit has totaled the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, the lowest since March, 1976. The the Commerce Department said, ex- $22.4 billion. The previous high Sweden and Belgium had been "suf- main reason, according to government ceeded the previous monthly high of for any one full year was $6.4 bil- ficiently consistent" in their stand analysts, was the longshoremen's $2.8 billion in June and was the lion in 1972. on human rights. But, it said, "West European powers have not yet taken any co'- sistent position, thus hampering the Iran to back 2-year crude price freeze those countries which insist upon absolute abidance by the humanitari- KUWAIT (UPI) --- Iran will back a Organization of Petrcleum Exporting Amouzegar cited various reasons an provisions of the final act" at two--year price freeze on oil, Prime Countries (OPEC). for the move, among them what he Helsinki. Minister Jamshid Amouzegar said in Earlier this month, the Shah of charged was the sale of crude by The criticism was contained in a an interview published Monday. Iran told reporters in Washington some OPEC member states at below six-page document prepared by the "Iran will not (support moves to) Iran would back moves for a price agreed OPEC prices. He did not name Soviet Helsinki group for Belgrade. increase the price of its oil in freeze when OPTC ministers meet in the ocuntries. Nobel Peace Prize winning physi- the coming two years," Amouzegar Caracas next month to determine cist Andrei Sakharov, who also sign- told the Kuwaiti daily Al Gabas. 1978 prices. Amouzegar said a price hike would ed the document, told Western con- But Amouzegar, formerly Iranian also adversely affect the balance of respondents the conference was "at The statement was the latest mod- oil minister, went further. "It is payments situation in developing an important stage of work" because erating move by t country that was not in our interest to increase oil countries and would not be advisable it must soon make a decision on hu- once a key advocate of higher crude prices during the coring years," he at a time of a soft world oil mar- man rights. prices among member states of the said. ket. Assad softens verbal attacks on President Sadat DAMASCUS (UPI) -- Syrian President ate Syria to spearhead Arab opposi- Assad's comments came in the wake Asked whether Sadat was oc longer Hafez Assad Monday softened Syria's tion to the proposed meeting in the of deep divisions among Arab nations considered among the ranks of Arab attacks on Egyptian President Anwar Libyan capital of Tripoli. concerning Sadat's recent visit to leaders, Assad said, "Sadat remains Sadat, saying Damascus and Cairo But Assad moderated his criticism Israel and his call for Israel and the President of the Arab Republic were in disagreement, but not di- further Monday. its main Arab adversaries to join of Egypt." vorced. "The expression divorce cannot re- pre--Geneva peace consultations in Diploanta saw Assad's remarks as a Meanwhile, radical Iraq effective- fer to a disagreement between two Cairo. reflection of possible pressure from ly refused to join rival Syria and Arab nations," Assad told a news con- Assad stressed Syria still took a moderate Arab allies to roll back on other Arab opponents of Sadat's re- ference. "policy of opposition and noncoope:-- Syrian criticism of Sadat to avoid cent peace initiative with Israel in "There are disagreements (between ttion with Sadat's dangerous road." an irreparable split in Arab ranks a summit Thursday in Libya, calling Syria and Egypt) on methods and per- But he rolled back on charges by that could serve only to benefit for its own hardline summit in Bagh- haps certain actions or incidents or Palestinian groups and by official Israel. dad. on relations between the two coun- Radio Damascu that Sadat had ceased Assad spoke as Syrian Foreign Min- An official Iraqi statement said tries. to be an Arab leader because of his ister Abdel Halim Khaddam flew to President Ahmed Hassan al Bakr was "But divorce between two brother individual initiatives toward peace Moscow to meet nith Kremlin leaders sending invitations to such a summit countries is something else again." with the Jewish State. antd "put forward Syria's opposition to the same parties invited to the to Sada''s initiatives toward Is- Tripoli parley -- Syria, Algeria, rael," an official source said. Libya, South Yemen and the major Pal- President Assad is scheduled to estinian guerrilla groups. Rhodesia kills black 'nationalists' lead a Syriaii team to Libya to a SALISBURY, RHODESIA (AP) -- Rhodesia Mozarbique calls the raie a hard-line Arab summit eaning Thurs- The statement said the invitations claims it has killed at least 12,000 "slaughter:" day. The meeting is designed tc would be delivered in the next few black nationalist guerrillas, based counter Sadat's viit to Israel and days and that the summit would be across the border in Mozambique. But, his limitation to all parties to the held "In the coming week." Mozambique says the number of dead is Rhodesia's white Prime Minister, Middle East car flict to talk peace It made no mention of the proposed "over 80" -- most of them women and Ian Smith, plans to talk with moder- in Cairo.
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