![Meðunarodno Saksofonisticˇko Natjecanje International Saxophone Competition Zagreb, 23](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
MEÐUNARODNO SAKSOFONISTICˇKO NATJECANJE INTERNATIONAL SAXOPHONE COMPETITION ZAGREB, 23. - 28. 4. 2017. MUZIČKA AKADEMIJA ZAGREB 2. 2. MEĐUNARODNO SAKSOFONISTIČKO NATJECANJE JOSIP NOCHTA ZAGREB, 23. 4. – 28 4. 2017. Muzička akademija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 2nd INTERNATIONAL SAXOPHONE COMPETITION JOSIP NOCHTA ZAGREB, 23-28 APRIL 2017 University of Zagreb Academy of Music 2. međunarodno saksofonističko natjecanje Josip Nochta održava se pod pokroviteljstvom Milana Bandića gradonačelnika grada Zagreba 2nd International Saxophone Competition Josip Nochta is held under the patronage of Milan Bandić Mayor of the City of Zagreb Održavanje 2. međunarodnog saksofonističkog natjecanja Josip Nochta omogućuje 2nd International Saxophone Competition Josip Nochta supported by Gradsko poglavarstvo Grada Zagreba Zagreb City Government Posebnu zahvalnost za suradnju i pomoć zaslužuju Our special thanks for the collaboration and help goes to Ministarstvo kulture RH Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia Gradski ured za obrazovanje, kulturu i sport Zagreb City Office for Education, Culture and Sport Dr. Eugene Rousseau Zagrebačka filharmonija The Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra Kvartet Sebastian The Sebastian String Quartet Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba Zagreb Tourist Board Adolphesax.com, la web del saxofón kao i sponzori i donatori nagrada navedeni u katalogu as well as the sponsors and donators of the awards listed in the catalogue Umjetnički ravnatelj natjecanja / Artistic Director of the Competition Dragan Sremec Počasni odbor natjecanja / Honorary Board of the Competition Milan Bandić, predsjednik/president, Dalibor Cikojević, Mladen Janjanin, Saša Nestorović, Marina Novak, Dragan Sremec Produkcija i organizacija / Production and Organization Muzička akademija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu University of Zagreb Academy of Music 4 Poštovani sudionici natjecanja, dragi gosti, Dear participants of the competition, dear 2014. godine, na devedesetu obljetnicu In 2014, on the ninetieth anniversary of 5 guests, rođenja profesora Josipa Nochte, prvog the birth of Professor Josip Nochta, the Grad Zagreb po drugi put ugošćuje Među- profesora saksofona na Muzičkoj akade- first professor of saxophone at the Music narodno saksofonističko natjecanje Josip The City of Zagreb hosts for the second miji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i jednog od naj- Academy in Zagreb and one of the great- Nochta. Zagrebačka saksofonistička ško- time the International Saxophone Compe- većih promicatelja klasičnog saksofona u est promoters of classical saxophone in la poznata je po svojoj izvrsnosti, a iz nje tition Josip Nochta. The Zagreb saxophone ovom djelu Europe, a istodobno na dvje- this part of Europe, as well as the bicen- je proizašlo i ovo natjecanje nazvano po school is known for its excellence, which stotu obljetnicu rođenja Adolphea Saxa, tennial anniversary of the birth of Adol- prvome profesoru i predavaču na zagre- birthed this competition, named after the genijalnog graditelja glazbenih instrume- phe Sax, a brilliant builder of musical in- bačkoj Muzičkoj akademiji te utemeljitelju first professor and lecturer at the Zagreb nata, pokrenuto je u Zagrebu Međunarod- struments, the International Saxophone saksofonističke klase. Nakon uspješnoga Academy of Music and the founder of the no saksofonističko natjecanje Josip Noch- Competition Josip Nochta was launched prvog natjecanja, ove godine je broj pri- saxophonist class. After the successful first ta. Cilj ovog natjecanja je internacionalna in Zagreb. The aim of this competition is javljenih još i veći, što nas iznimno veseli edition of the competition, the number of promocija mladih talenata kao i hrvatskih the international promotion of young tal- jer dokazuje postojanje interesa za ovaj applicants is even greater this year, which kompozicija napisanih za saksofon. ented musicians and Croatian composi- plemeniti instrument te se nadamo da će is an encouraging fact that proves the Već prvo natjecanje, zahvaljujući velikom tions written for the saxophone. i mladi hrvatski glazbenici pokazati svoju existence of interest for this noble instru- interesu, ostvarilo je punu međunarodnu The first competition - thanks to wide natjecateljsku spremnost u punome sjaju. ment. We hope that the young Croatian afirmaciju što je potvrđeno i ove godine public interest - already achieved full in- Ove godine nastupe u finalnoj etapi pra- musicians will also show their competitive prijavama više od šezdeset natjecatelja iz ternational recognition, which was con- ti Orkestar Zagrebačke filharmonije pod readiness in all its glory. 19 zemalja. firmed this year through the applications ravnanjem maestra Tomislava Fačinija, a This year, the performances in the final Zahvaljujem mojim dugogodišnjim prija- from more than 60 participants from 19 posebno raduje što je ovogodišnju orga- stage of the competition are followed by teljima, kolegama i velikim umjetnicima, countries. nizaciju i realizaciju natjecanja preuzela the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra con- čije je djelovanje značajno doprinijelo ra- I would like to thank my long-time friends, Muzička akademija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu ducted by the maestro Tomislav Fačini. We zvoju saksofona, što su se odazvali pozivu colleagues and great artists, whose work te da se natjecanje održava u novoj zgradi are especially pleased that this year’s or- za sudjelovanje u radu žirija, a posebno za- significantly contributed to the develop- Muzičke akademije. ganization and realization of the competi- hvaljujem sponzorima bez kojih ne bismo ment of the saxophone as an instrument, Zahvaljujem članovima stručnoga ocjenji- tion is under the direction of the Academy mogli ostvariti ovaj zahtjevni projekt. for responding to the invitation to partici- vačkog suda pred kojima je iznimno teška of Music, University of Zagreb and that it is Svim natjecateljima želim puno uspjeha i pate in the work of the jury. Special thanks zadaća s obzirom na to da je broj prijavlje- held in the Academy’s new building. ugodan boravak u Zagrebu. also goes to the sponsors, without whom nih kandidata velik. I would like to thank the members of the jury, this ambitious project could not have Isto tako, želim zahvaliti hrvatskim skla- who are faced with an extremely challenging Dragan Sremec been realized. dateljima i glazbenicima koji svojim su- task due to the large number of applicants. Umjetnički ravnatelj natjecanja I wish a lot of success and a pleasant stay djelovanjem daju podršku natjecateljima I would also like to thank the Croatian com- in Zagreb to all the competitors. i doprinose promociji hrvatske glazbene posers and musicians who, through their kulture u zemlji i inozemstvu. participation, show support to the candi- Dragan Sremec Želim vam puno natjecateljskog uspjeha i dates and contribute to the promotion of Artistic Director of the Competition ugodan boravak u našem Gradu! Croatian music both at home and abroad. I wish you a lot of success at the competi- Milan Bandić tion and a pleasant stay in our city! Gradonačelnik grada Zagreba Predsjednik Počasnog odbora Natjecanja Milan Bandić The Mayor of the City of Zagreb President of the Competition Honorary Board 6 Josip Nochta rodom iz Antunovca kod Josip Nochta was born in Antunovac near 7 Bjelovara (1924.), pohađao je Srednju Bjelovar in 1924. He attended secondary glazbenu školu u Zagrebu, a klarinet je di- music school in Zagreb and graduated plomirao na Akademiji za glasbo u Ljublja- from the clarinet program of the Academy ni gdje je 1972. kod Mihe Gunzeka završio of Music in Ljubljana. In 1972, he complet- i specijalizaciju. Po povratku u Zagreb po- ed the specialization program under Miha staje solist Opernog orkestra HNK, 1957. Gunzek at the same institution. After re- godine prvi klarinetist Simfonijskog or- turning to Zagreb, he became the soloist kestra RTV Zagreb, a 1960. dobiva mjesto of the Croatian National Theatre Opera Or- solista orkestra Zagrebačke filharmonije. chestra, the first clarinetist of the Zagreb Nochta se rano ogledao i na koncertnom Radio Television Symphony Orchestra in podiju kao solist i komorni glazbenik pa je 1957, and the soloist of the Zagreb Phil- postigao zapažene uspjehe kod kuće i u harmonic Orchestra in 1960. Nochta also inozemstvu. Kritičari su isticali profinjenu developed a soloist and chamber music muzikalnost, virtuozno svladavanje instru- career, achieving great success both lo- menta i tehničku dovršenost njegova svi- cally and internationally. Critics praised ranja. Od 1973. godine član je Zagrebač- his sophisticated musical talent, virtuoso kog duhačkog kvinteta s kojim je ostvario playing and perfected technique. In 1973, više od 900 javnih nastupa, snimio nekoli- he became a member of the Zagreb Wind ko nosača zvuka i brojne trajne snimke za Quintet, performing with the ensemble potrebe HRT-e. Vidno mjesto u njegovom more than 900 times and recording sever- repertoaru zauzimali su domaći skladatelji al albums, as well as numerous recordings pa je zahvaljujući njemu u drugoj polovici for the purposes of the Croatian Radio dvadesetog stoljeća hrvatska literatura za Television. He included Croatian compos- klarinet obogaćena vrijednim djelima. ers in his repertoire and greatly contribut- Već 1957. godine Josip Nochta odlučuje ed to the enrichment of the Croatian clari- svoje znanje i umjetničko iskustvo pre- net literature during the second half of the nijeti mlađim naraštajima i postaje prvi 20th century. profesor klarineta na Muzičkoj akademiji u In 1957, Josip Nochta decided to pass on Zagrebu. No njegov entuzijazam
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