Cd'A .: . - gE"I:;:!."':Vow,,@J.;„',.- human - .,:-,:;;;.:: .': .: Since M!rriott rights:::: ..:;:;::::.:::—::,::.:;:,:'' --' '::,' -'',-- . ''. -;;-,',:,;:'.: took over, there have march,:,::: ':;::",.':::. ', been pay cuts, posi- endorsed tion cuts and Moscow human rights numerous student anti- corn laints. grouP suPPorts APril /Issociated Students —. University of Idaho P racism march. —Karlene Cameron Senate Idaho gives Zinser a red-carpet reception rejects Hundreds flock to meet the Ul's new SBA $115,000 woman funding By ANGELA CURTIS Managing Editor By VIVIANE GILBERT Staff Writer onths of press leaks, M scandalous organiza- he Student Bar Association tional charts and a much- will receive $5,000 less than criticized presidential search they requested from the ASUI were forgotten Thursday. Senate, as a result of the ASUI fis- Elisabeth Zinser came to cal year 1990 budget approved town. Wednesday night. Hundreds of celebrants The SBA, a law student organi- flocked to the University of zation, will receive $3,100 next Idaho Thursday to welcome year —the same amount they the woman many of them had were allotted this year. But this personally invited to accept the year the group requested $8,100 presidency here. Zinser said from the Senate. she had received cards, notes Mike Gotch, senate finance and telegrams encouraging her chairman, said additional funds to become the university's 14th were not given to SBA because president. the association funded some "I feel all have truly HEARTY HANDSHAKE. On her way to a Thursday afternoon reception held in her honor, groups the senate felt were "inap- you fund." embraced me," Zinser said. President-Designate Elisabeth Zinser is greeted in the SUB by members of the Moscow Chamber of propriate to The SBA funds about a dozen "All I can say is it beats being Commerce, Zinser accepted the Idaho Board of Education's job offer Tuesday. She replaces retiring burned in effigy." UI President Richard Gibb July 1. (TiM oar.ouisT PHoTo) groups, including the Board of Women' Last spring, Zinser was Student Advocates, the Environmental burned in effigy by students at percent more than retiring UI "Tiny" Grant reiterated Although Zinser has been Law Caucus, the the all-deaf university where President Richard Gibb's Zinser's status as a national touted as a role model for Law Society and the Minority she served as president for five $81,000 —drew questions leader in education. young women, she said she Law Student Association. Gotch days. Gallaudet University stu- from reporters and community "Dr. Elisabeth Zinser is one hopes to be a role model for did not specify which groups the dents wanted a hearing- members. of the premiere administrators young men as well. But gender senate considered inappropriate. to the bill were two impaired president. Zinser called the Idaho in the United States today- shouldn't be an issue, she said. Attached which stated Thursday, Zinser traveled to Board of Education's salary and as far as Idaho is con- "I'm very conscious of the stipulations, one of Moscow to meet students, decision "courageous," cerned, she is the premiere fact that I'm a woman," Zinser the senate's intention to no lon- fund faculty, staff and community adding, "IYs a reflection more administrator," Grant said. said. "I'm very unconscious ger directly colleges and/or members for the first time since on the university than on me, Zinser had expressed con- that iYs relevant at all. Once their student organizations after 'iscal 1990,The rider accepting the UI presidency this isa decision to indicate this cern earlier that the UI presi- you get to know a person you year ~ond SBA's in Tuesday. is the flagship land grant insti- dent should serve as a leader look beyond the stereotypes." recognized the request "I have never been happier tution in the state." Faculty and for higher education in the Other issues Zinser particular. Sen. Craig McCurry called the in my life than the moment I staff salaries should increase state. That concern included an addressed included removing rider an "advance warning" to decided I wanted to make my comparably, she said. organizational governance the university's censure by the the SBA. home here," Zinser told the However, salary was not the chart which placed board American Association of Uni- "It's know this is SUB Ballroom crowd which factor in Zinser's Executive Director Rayburn versity Profesors, promoting to let them a primary situation," said. attended an afternoon recep- acceptance of the UI presiden- Barton in a chancellor-type the UI in in ternati onal sticky McCurry McCurry also said that this tion in her honor. cy, she said. position over university academia and attracting local doesn't bind In a morning press confer- "It's no secret I'e been a presidents. minorities to math and the budget necessarily next senate make similar ence, Zinser fielded questions candidate at other institu- Said Barton: "You remember sciences. the to from reporters representing tions," Zinser said. "Twice I'e spring semesters for being "As we look into the interna- rules. other area newspapers and TV and been offered significantly more burned if effigy —I remember tional, we shouldn't overlook In Wednesday night radio stations. Zinser's than I'm getting here." them for organizational senate business, Patty McCray Please see ZINSER 6> was to fill the senate $115,000 annual salary —40 Board President Charles charts." page approved seat vacated by Charlene John son. Faculty Council approves Scientific Misconduct Policy allegations of misconduct and clause. cern that the phrase would allow expand a working relationship ARGONAUT COPYRIGHT 1989 sanctions against violators. The The council also amended a the inquiry board to violate with the Idaho Nuclear Engineer- By ANGELA CURTIS National Science Foundation and phrase in the policy allowing a researchers'rivacy. ing Laboratory and would run Managing Editor the National Institute of Health misconduct inquiry board to Despite reservations, the coun- cooperatively with Idaho State rofessors and graduate stu- require such policies for consid- cil passed the draft. University. dents accused of falsifying eration of research grant awards. "The policy has some flaws, ~ Discussed Elisabeth Zinser's research won't be defended at Scientific misconduct is CC~ but it's urgent we get something Tuesday acceptance of the UI university expense, the UI Facul- defined in the policy as falsifica- I he policy has passed," said Dean of Agricul- presidency. ty Council decided this week. tion or plagiarism in conducting some flaws, but it' ture Larry Branen. Academic Vice President Tho- The council Tuesday changed or reporting research. urgent we some- Said Professor of Art Nelson mas Bell said Zinser asked him to Scientific chairman of the get "I her wording in a proposed Dennis Dolny, passed." Curtis: agree with the intent, convey thanks and best Misconduct Policy that may have University Research Council told thing but this is a very loose document wishes to the faculty. the university to Council members that opinion." "Ialmost required pay Faculty —Larry Branen m my want to open a bottle legal fees for violators. the research council included the Dean of Agriculture The entire faculty will vote to of champagne and forget the rest A clause the council deleted legal counsel clause to reflect a pass or reject the policy draft in of the meeting," council Chair- from the policy read, "The uni- "concern that everyone was May. If passed, the proposal will man Peter Haggart said. versity will provide legal counsel receiving due process." require defendants to provide be considered the Idaho Board of Zinser's $115@00annual salary and assistance to all parties However, law professor James "necessary documen ts" for Education in June. represents a positive move for involved." Macdonald said wording of the review, changing the phrase to In other business, the council: higher education in Idaho, Hag- The draft allows for appoint- clause suggested the university read "relevant research ~ Approved a proposal for a gart said. Current UI President ment of a committee on scientific would pay for documents." Ph.D. program in nulcear engi- Richard Gibb earns about defendants'awyers. misconduct, investigations into The council deleted the Professors had expressed con- neering. The program would $81,400. FRIDAY ~ ARGONAUT Edited by PAUL ALLFE News Desk ~ MARCH 10, 1989 208/885-7715 ~ TONORROVPS NEIt8 I Group endorses Cd'A anti-racism march The Coeur d'Alene-based Nations leader Rev. Richard But- SEND RESUMES ELECTRONICALLY. College Job- By MIKE LEWIS group organizmg the human ler, Anderson said the group will Net, a division of National Employment Network, is an on-line Staff Writer rights march, Citizens for Non- march "not to force a confronta- employment communications network that provides electronic he Moscow Task Fo'rce on violent Action Against Racism, tion but to extend to those inside resumes of college seniors to prospective employers throughout Human Rights voted Tues- held a meeting at the UI's Wal- this (Aryan Nations) complex a the country. For more information and an application for this day to endorse a March for lace Complex Saturday to discuss hand of friendship." free service, send a self-addressed business size envelope to Col- Human Rights which will take the seven-mile march. The march "Ithink we should, as citizens, lege JobNet, P.O. Box 4980(NR), East Providence, RI 02916. place in Coeur d'Alene and coin- will begin at the Coeur d'Alene speak out together and let our cide with a march by the white Rosauers and proceed along the government officials know that we don't want this kind of thing I TODAY ~ supremacist Skinhead group. bike path, ending near Hayden Alan Rose, chairman of the Lake.
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