AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY New and Recently Published Heads or Tails: An Introduction to Limit For Classroom Heads ot Tails Theorems in Probability Use An JntroduHwn to LlmH Th("ore~ru. Emmanuel Lesigne, Universite Fran~ois Rabelais, Tours, France in ProhahiHt) Some of the most remarkable results in probability are those that are related to limit theorems. In this book, the author explains limit theorems in terms of a game of tossing a coin. This approach makes analyzing results much clearer and helps to cultivate intuition about probability. It is suitable for anyone who would like to learn more about mathematical probability. Student Mathematical Library, Volume 28; 2005; approximately 160 pages; Softcover; ISBN 0-8218-3714-1 ; List $29;AII AMS members $23; Order code STMU28 The Wild World of 4-Manifolds Alexandru Scorpan, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Dimension four is unlike any other dimension; it is large enough to have room for wild things to happen, but too small to have room to undo them. This book offers a panorama of the topology of simply-connected smooth manifolds of dimension four. The excellent choice of material, over 250 illustrations, and historical notes make this a "must-read" for anyone interested in topology. 2005; approximately 600 pages; Hardcover; ISBN 0-8218-3749-4; List $69;AII AMS members $55; Order code FOURMAN And don't miss these other important titles. .. Conformally Invariant Processes in the Plane ~ Conlonnally Invariant Gregory F. Lawler, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Proceases In the Plane Suitable for graduate students and research mathematicians interested in random processes and their applications in theoretical physics, this volume introduces conformally invariant processes that appear as scaling limits. ~ryF.I.owlor Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Volume 114; 2005; 242 pages; Hardcover; ISBN 0-8218-3677-3; List $59; . :• -- All AMS members $47; Order code SURV/114 Graphs and Patterns in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics Mikhail Lyubich, Stony Brook University, NY, and University of Toronto, ON, Canada, and Leon Takhtajan, Stony Brook University, NY, Editors -, This comprehensive proceedings volume will help researchers and graduate students in mathematics and theoretical physics who encounter graphs in their research to overcome conceptual barriers. · Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, Volume 73; 2005; 418 pages; Hardcover; ISBN 0-8218-3666-8; List $89;AII AMS members $71 ; Order code PSPUM/73 -· For many more publications of interest, ~ -2·~~ I !! ~] L'l visit the AMS Bookstore I ::= AMS BOOKSTORE www.ams.org/bookstore AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SoCIETY 05105 N Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems http:// AI MSciences.org ISSN 1078-0947 (print); ISSN 1553-5231 (electronic) :•:• Editorial Board :•:• I n t r o d u c t i o n Editor in Chief : Published by the American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Discrete Shouchuan Hu and Continuous Dynamical Systems is one of the world's leading mathematical journals. Of the more than 600 mathematics journals Board of Editors: published worldwide, only about 150 reach the level of Lluis Alseda impact required to be included in the rankings of the Institute for Antonio Ambrosetti Scientific Information. Among these, DCDS is ranked at 7, with an Peter Bates Jerry Bona impact factor of 1.504. The electronic journal is available for Jean Bourgain subscription. Subscription information and the online access at Alberto Bressan http://aimSciences.org. Giuseppe Buttazzo :•:• 0 t h e r l o u r n a I s fro m A I M S Alexandre Chorin Amadeu Delshams Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B Mike Field ISSN 1531-3492 (print); ISSN 1553-524X (electronic) Anatole Katok A journal of mathematical modeling, analysis, and computations Yuri Kifer Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis Irena Lasiecka ISSN 1534-0392 (print); ISSN 1553-5258 (electronic) Tatsien Li Yanyan Li Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering Fanghua Lin ISSN 1547-1063 (print); ISSN 1551-0018 (electronic) Carlangelo Liverani Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization , Mikhail Lyubich ISSN 1547-5816 (print); ISSN 1553-166X (electronic) Hiroshi Matano Jean Mawhin :•:• A I M S Boo k S e r i e s Konstantin Mischaikow AlMS Book Series on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Wei-Ming Ni Mitsuharu Otani Jerry L. Bona, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou Yacine Chitour, Universite Paris-Sud, France Ricardo Perez-Marco Messoud Efendiev, University of Stuttgart, Germany Peter Polacik Editors Hans G. Othmer, University of Minnesota, USA Mark Pollicott Jeff Webb, University of Glasgow, UK Walter Strauss Jianhong Wu (Editor in Chief), York University, Canada Roger Temam Kok Lay Teo Sebastian van Strien :•:• U p co m i n g Eve n t Marcelo Viana The 6th AIMS international conference on Hans-Otto Walther Glenn F. Webb Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations Lan Wen and Applications, to be held in Poitiers, Jianhong Wu Zhihong Jeff Xi a France, June 25-28, 2006 Eiji Yanagida Keep updated at http://aimSciences.org Jean C. Yoccoz American Institute of '*'A I M S '*' Mathematical Sciences NEW f6 NOTEWORTHY from Birkhiiuser Studies in lie Theory The Unity of Mathematics Complex Numbers from A. Joseph Festschrift In Honor of the Ninetieth Birthday of I.M. A to ••• Z JOSEPH BERNSTEIN, Tel Aviv University, Israel; VLADIMIR Gelfand TITU ANDREESCU, University of Texas, Dallas, USA; DORIN HINICH, University of Haifa, Israel; ANNA MELNIKOV, PAVEL ETINGOF, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ANDRICA, "Babes-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania University of Haifa, Israel (Eds.) Cambridge, MA; VLADIMIR S RETAKH, Rutgers University, Complex Numbers from A to ... Z is an introduction to this Dedicated to Anthony Joseph in honor of his 60th birth­ Piscataway, NJ; and l.M. SINGER, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA {Eds.} fascinating subject, with a particular emphasis on key day, this volume contains two articles reviewing different concepts and elementary results concerning these aspects of Joseph's impact on the theory of representa­ Atribute to the vision and legacy of Israel Gelfand, the numbers. The reader learns how complex numbers can tions of Lie algebras and seventeen original contributions invited papers in this volume reflect the unity of be used to solve algebraic equations and to understand from leading specialists in the field. The book contains mathematics as a whole, with particular emphasis on the geometric interpretation of complex numbers and new results on different aspects of Lie theory, including the many connections among the fields of geometry, the operations involving them. Lie superalgebras, quantum groups, crystal bases, physics, and representation theory. Written by leading representations of reductive groups in finite characteris­ mathematicians, the text is broadly divided into two The theoretical parts of the book are augmented with rich tic, and the geometric Langlands program. sections: the first is devoted to developments at the exercises and problems at various levels of difficulty. A special feature of the book is the last chapter, a selection Contributors: J Alev, A. Beilinson, A Braverman, I. Cherednik, J intersection of geometry and physics, and the second to Dixmier, F. Dumas, P. Etingoff, D. Farkas, D. Gaitsgory, F. lvorra, D. representation theory and algebraic geometry. of outstanding Olympiad and other important mathemati­ cal contest problems solved by employing methods Joseph, M Kashiwara, D. Kazhdan, A. Kirillov, B. Kostant, S. Contributors: M Atiyah, A. Bei/inson, J Bernstein, A Cannes, P. Kumar, G. Letzter, T. Levasseur, G. Lusztig, L Makar-Limanov, W Deligne, R. Dijkgraaf, D. Gaitsgory, M Gromov, F. Hirzebruch, M presented in the text. McGovern, M Nazarov, K-H. Neeb, L Rybnikov, A. Sergeev, V. Hopkins, D. Kazhdan, F. Kirwan, M Kontsevich, B. Kostant, G. The target audience includes undergraduates, high school Schechtman, T. Stafford, Ya. Varshavsky, N. Wallach, I. Waschkies. Lusztig, D. McDuff, H. Nakajima, S. Novikov, P. Sarnak, A. students, instructors, mathematical contestants (such as 2005/APPROX. 400 PP./HARDCOVER/ISBN O-B176-4342-7 j$99.95 (TENT.) Schwartz, I. Singer, R. Taylor, C. Vafa, A. Vershik, E. Witten. those training for Olympiads or theW L. Putnam PROGRESS IN MATHEMATICS 2005/APPROX. 464 PP., 20 ILLUS./HARDCOVER/ Mathematical Competition) and their coaches. The work ISBN 0-8176-4076-2/$89.95 (TENT.) may serve as an engaging supplemental undergraduate Stucles in Memory of lssai Schur PROGRESS IN MATHEMATICS text for an introductory course on complex numbers or ANTHONY JOSEPH, ANNA MELNIKOV, and, RUDOLF number theory. RENTSCHLER, all, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, Fractal Geometry and 2005/344 PP., 821llUS./SOFTCOVER/ISBN 0-8176-4326-5/$49.95 France (Eds.) Number Theory This volume is dedicated to the memory of lssai Schur. It Complex Dimensions of Fractal Strings Time-Fre~uency and features an extended biography of Schur-written in and Zeros of Zeta Functions Time-Scale Methods collaboration with some of his former students-as well Second Edition as survey articles covering many areas inspired by Adaptive Decompositions, Uncertainty Schur's work, as well as more recent developments MICHELL. LAPIDUS, University of California, Riverside, CA Principles, and Sampling involving crystal and canonical bases, Heeke algebras, and and MACHIEL VAN FRANKENHUYSEN, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ Jeffrey A Hogan, University ofArkansa s, Fayetteville,
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